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'''Voyage: Inspired by Jules Verne''', previously called ''Journey to the Centre of the Moon'', is a [[IBM PC clone|PC]] game that is based loosely on the novel ''[[From the Earth to the Moon]]'' by [[Jules Verne]]. Developed by [[Kheops Studio]] and published by [[The Adventure Company]], the game was released in August 2005.
==The Investigation==
During the course of ''Voyage'', the main character Michel Ardan must piece together a mystery of which he can remember nothing, because at the time he was unconcious (read below). The investigation into the mystery closes well into the game, but it has been placed here chronologically.
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Michel Ardan is the Frenchman who decided to participate in President Barbicane's plan to send men to the moon. He is also the narrator of the story, offering insightful observations and hints relating to the foreign Selenite civilization. He is humourous and outgoing, and also acts as a mediator between Barbicane and Nicholl. Unfortunately, both of them died before Ardan could forge a strong friendship with them. Ardan has orange, 'mad-scientist' like hair, wears a purple overcoat and ludicrous pants, and is an extremely eccentric man.
==The Selenites==
The Selenites are a civilization of intelligent beings that live on the moon. They have blue skin, black eyes, transparent hemispheres (cerebral lobes) on the sides of their heads and are divided into [[castes]]. The highest caste contains the single Supreme Moon Ruler. The Selenites live in a complex dug into the mountain, and venture out rarely. Only the mentally deranged and problematic Selenites spend most of their time outside the complex. Many [[plants]] also adorn the surface of the moon outside the complex, and the Selenites utilize these plants frequently. In ancient times, the Selenites visited the [[earth]], but over time they came to dislike its inhabitants, and eventually left.
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*''The Supreme Moon Ruler''
The Supreme Moon Ruler is the most powerful figure in Selenite society. He has dominance over all Selenites, yet is revered by them due to his kindness and benevolence. Whenever the Supreme Moon Ruler blinks his frontal ommatidia, it is custom that all Selenites present light up their cerebral lobes as a sign of respect and approval. Ardan communicates with the Supreme Moon Ruler only twice, in which he is given two Selenite keys. On the first occasion, Ardan must explain why he cannot light up his cerebral lobes (because he has none), and on the second, he receives a Selenite key after doing two tasks asked of him by the Supreme Moon Ruler himself. Ardan never sees the Supreme Moon Ruler in person, only on a large screen in the dignitary's office. Also, the Supreme Moon Ruler is one of only two Selenites that speaks to Ardan in [[English language|English]].
[[Image:selenite.jpg|thumb|left|250px|A Selenite - one of the native inhabitants of the moon.]]
*''The Dignitary''
The Selenite dignitary has an office within the mountain complex. The dignitary is the first Selenite that Ardan converses with. To enable Ardan to better understand the written and spoken aspects of Selenite language, the dignitary allows him to access a reading screen to test his comprehension of lunar ideograms, and a harmonic educator to help him understand the melodious language spoken by the Selenites. The dignitary also possesses a rare Belbaab Conch shell which allows him to understand all form of life. Ardan has access to a distributor which he can use to buy goods, and can gain money by selling goods to the dignitary. The dignitary is the only Selenite apart from the Supreme Moon Ruler who speaks to Ardan in English. However, when Ardan wishes to sell goods to the dignitary, in accordance with ancient Selenite customs the price must be read in traditional Selenite tongue. A request bell is also on the dignitary's desk, which Ardan can use to gain higher level Selenite keys, which allow him access to new areas.
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There are three Selenite [[exiles]], banished from the main community because of mental aberrations and deficiencies. They are not intelligent, and live their lives on the surface of the moon, only coming inside to their stable at night. The exiles each have two different plants on either shoulder. They are extremely close to these plants, and share a special bond with them. For this reason, they spend most of their time near plants they like and eat. When approached, the exiles have a fiery temperament, not allowing anyone to pass by them. To calm them down, their favourite food must be brought to them.
==The Selenite Ages==
*''Age of Worship''