Elizabeth II: Difference between revisions

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I know we have another pic on a horse, and with presidents, but this is more relevant to the text beside it, and we ought to have one pic of her in a headscarf and jodhpurs.
Craigy144 (talk | contribs)
→‎World War II: +Bard ceremony
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{{quote|We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well.<ref name="CH" />}}
During the war, plans were drawn up to affiliate Elizabeth more closely with Wales, in order to quell the growing influence of Welsh nationalists.<ref name=BBCWales>{{citation|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/4329001.stm|title=Royal plans to beat nationalism|publisher=BBC|date=8 March 2005|accessdate=31 October 2007}}</ref> In a report to [[Home Secretary]] [[Herbert Morrison]], the constitutional expert Edward Iwi proposed appointing Elizabeth as [[Constable]] of [[Caernarfon Castle]] (a post then held by [[David Lloyd George]]); the idea was rejected by Morrison, on the grounds that it might cause conflict between north and south Wales.<ref name=BBCWales /> Morrison did, however, take forward a suggestion by civil servant Thomas Jones to make her patron of the Welsh League of Youth, ''[[Urdd Gobaith Cymru]]'', and planned to have her tour Wales as such.<ref name=BBCWales /><ref>{{citation|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/welsh/hi/newsid_4320000/newsid_4327500/4327547.stm|title=Ymdrech i atal cenedlaetholdeb|publisher=BBC|date=7 March 2005|accessdate=28 August 2009}} (in Welsh)</ref> The idea was rejected by the King, who refused to subject his young daughter to the pressures of official tours and because two leading members of ''Urdd Gobaith Cymru'' were [[conscientious objectors]].<ref name=BBCWales />
In 1945, Elizabeth began to carry out solo duties, such as reviewing a parade of Canadian airwomen.<ref name="CRHT2" /> She joined the [[Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service]], as No. 230873 Second [[Subaltern (rank)|Subaltern]] Elizabeth Windsor. She trained as a driver and mechanic, drove a military truck, and rose to the rank of Junior Commander.<ref>{{citation|url=http://www.royal.gov.uk/HMTheQueen/Publiclife/EarlyPublicLife/Earlypubliclife.aspx|title=Her Majesty the Queen: Early Public Life|publisher=Official website of the British Monarchy|accessdate=28 July 2009}}</ref>She is the last surviving head of state who served in uniform during World War II.<ref>{{citation|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/world/europe/28queen.html?ref=europe|title=Left Out of D-Day Events, Queen Elizabeth Is Fuming|journal=[[The New York Times]]|date=27 May 2009|accessdate=12 December 2009}}</ref>