Wikipedia:Requested articles

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 11:01, 10 April 2003. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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If you're not sure what an article should be named, just enter a very brief description, or link to a related article for ideas, or look at naming conventions.

For more article ideas, see What Google Likes. See also complete list of encyclopedia topics and the most basic encyclopedia article topics. Also see Current events for requested newsworthy topics—even brief entries for those are very helpful.


Rinograda -- How to give a dog a bath whale shark , great whales , blue shark , nurse sharks , bull shark, tiger shark, oceanic white tipped shark, silky shark, gray reef shark, skates, Mastadon

Chemical substances:

Computing / Internet:

3DNow! -- John the Ripper -- Root kit -- Wireless gateway (Do not forget to link to IEEE 802.11 article!!!) -- Acapedia

Countries, Geography, Culture:

Chao Phraya Valley -- Chugach Mountains -- Copper Country (region in Upper Peninsula of Michigan) -- Torch Bay (bay of Portage Lake)--


Joseph Cornell -- Maxfield Parrish -- George Rickey --

Phallic symbol -- James Macpherson -- Emile Cioran --

Countries and Peoples: Mapuche

Economics: induced innovation

Education: New Jersey Institute of Technology

Government / Politics / Social Issues:

Harkat-ul Mujahedeen one of more than a dozen militant groups that have fought Indian troops since 1989 in Kashmir -- Civil Disorder -- computerized postage -- computer vended postage -- dissident -- Populism -- Postal Service -- postal stationery -- fancy cancels -- mailstream -- poverty pimp -- Psychiatric Inmates' Liberation Front (see])-- race baiting -- racial hatred -- racially-motivated crime -- SEATO -- Scottish Freedom Movements -- Scottish National Liberation Army -- Sectarian violence -- Separatism -- Hong Kong Basic Law -- Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23 -- Welsh Freedom Movements


historic fires (London 1212, Moscow 1752, etc.) -- Society of the Cincinnati EDSA Revolution -- Iran hostage crisis (surely we can do better than this)


JNOV / Judgment non obstante veredicto -- Vacated judgment -- Forensic DNA/STR multiplex systems/Constitutional right of access to DNA testing -- Racketeering --


Literature / Authors / Books:

Water Margin (Chinese play) -- James Macpherson -- Carlos Fuentes -- Les Champs Magnetiques -- echo poem -- The Least You Should Know About English (by Teresa Fester Glazier) (numerous editions and formats) -- LIBERATION BY OPPRESSION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SLAVERY AND PSYCHIATRY by Dr. Thomas Szasz -- Nadja (by Andre Breton) -- Prolegomena to a Third Surrealist Manifesto or Not (by Andre Breton) -- Race Traitor: journal of the new abolitionism -- Russian Literature -- Surrealist Subversions (edited by Ron Sakolsky) -- Zen and the Brain -- English writing style -- A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer -- It strikes me that we should have articles on other Encyclopedias. -- Milan Papyrus (see e.g. ny times article


CW complex -- Fresnel integral -- function operation -- homotopy group -- hyper-elliptic curve -- p-adic analysis -- propositional logic (currently a redirect to truth table) -- vector bundle --

Overall, in the Mathematics pages, I expected to see more proofs. Currently, it is just a list of definitions. Perhaps these should be on separate pages?

As a mathematician, I must confess that I do not know what was meant by "function operation", appearing above. Could the person who added it to the list please explain what was meant?

"function operator" is a Computer Science term.


Medicine basic topics -- On-Line Medical Dictionary -- Alien Hand Syndrome -- Ativan -- Bezoar -- Lobster hand -- Orthodontics -- Rayid -- Retainer (orthodontic device) -- breast pump -- weaning -- wet-nurse

See Wikipedia:What You Need To Know About Cancer booklets for a list of desired articles about various sorts of cancer, and links to NIH public domain booklet texts for creating them.

Military / War:

Battle of Bemis Heights -- Battle of Kosovo Polje -- Bazooka -- Biopreparat (Soviet biological weapons program) -- DEFCON -- EMERGCON -- FPCON -- LERTCON -- military police -- peacekeeping -- Pine Gap -- Swiss Mercenaries --

Movies / Television / Recreation:

L'Age D'Or National Lampoon's Last Resort --

Music and art:

Acid jazz -- Arfé -- Alchemigram -- Ballets Russes -- Lil Bow Bow -- Leningrad Cowboys -- Marsalis, Brandon -- Marsalis, Wynton (trumpet player b. 1962; see -- mimeogram -- Mosfilm -- Monette, David G. (brass instrument designer; see; designed trumpet for Wynton Marsalis) -- modernisme (i.e. the Antoni Gaudi variety) -- Wolfe Tones -- A Nation Once Again -- Thongchai McIntyre poster -- prehensilhouette

Mythology / Folklore:

People (real, mythological, and fictional)

Adamski, George (Claimed to have traveled with an UFO) -- Ahn Choong-Kun -- Bates, Martin van Buren (big man) -- Baudrillard, Jean -- Bellmer, Hans -- Benjamin, Walter -- Blood, Benjamin Paul -- Boyer, Carl Benjamin -- Buonarroti, Philippe -- Cochrane, Archie -- Cohn-Bendit, Daniel (anarchist student leader in May 1968 riots in France; now German Green MEP) -- Dossena, Alcio (Italian art faker) -- Ducournet, Guy -- Dudeney, Henry -- Einstein, Izzy (Prohibition agent) -- Elbe, Lili (transsexual) -- Finnbogadóttir, Vigdis (ex-president of Iceland -- Garon, Paul -- Gatti, Enrico (Italian small-time terrorist) -- Greene, Bob (humorist) -- Groiset, Gerald -- Gyory, Victor -- Hallstein, Walter -- Henderson, William W. -- Princess Herange (1883-1952) Maori leader -- Heuvelmans, Bernard (cryptozoologist) -- Hevelius, Johannes -- Hillerman, Tony -- Iamblichus -- Kiley, Bob -- Lafontaine -- Lee, Stagger -- Lotito, Michel (ms. Magne Tout) -- Luria, Alexander (Russian neurologist) The mind of a Mnemonist -- Lyotard, Jean-François -- Maddox, Conroy -- Mansholt, Sicco L. -- Mansour, Joyce -- Maskelyne, Jasper (magician) -- Masson, Andre -- McGuire, Barry -- Michnik, Adam -- Mills, Wilburg Daigh (US congressman) -- Monet, Jean -- More, Hannah -- Munck, Kaj -- Nation, Carry (saloon smasher) -- Nilo, Humberto -- Onoda Hiroo -- Ortoli, Francois-Xavier -- Paalen, Wolfgang -- Parent, Mimi -- Petiot, Pierre -- Pike, Ernie -- Padre Pio -- Platino, Mark -- Pletschke, Ernest F. -- Prosch, Harry (philosopher) -- Radulovich, Milo -- Rivers, Joan -- Rivers, Melissa -- Röhl, Klaus Rainer -- Rosemont, Franklin -- Rosemont, Penelope -- Salt, Henry (social reformer and writer) -- Santer, Jacques -- Schuman, Robert (French Foreign Minister in 1950s) -- Sheldon, Ransom -- Smith, W. Eugene -- Sommerlath, Silvia -- Spare, Austin Osman (painter) --- Smith, Cyril Stanley -- Steinem, Gloria --- Spira, Henry -- Robert Stirling (Rev., in 1816 "inventor of a form of air-engine", according to l'EB 1911) -- Sugihara Chuine ("Japan?s Schindler") --- Swider, Nik -- Thorn, Gaston Edmont -- Unthan, Carl Herman, violinist without hands (1848-?) -- Zazie (Evi Moechel) -- Pierre Charles L'Enfant -- Zhivkov, Todor --


religious philosophy --


bullying -- theory of information metabolism -- projective techniques -- Rogerian psychotherapy

Professions, Trades, Jobs: (one of these headers need integrating into hierarchy) -- arborist -- memoir collaborator --

Religion: --

Church of Jesus Christ Elvis -- Lawsonian religion -- Native American Church -- Old Believers --

Science: --

Arthroscopic surgery -- Experimental Archeology -- Gestalt effect -- molecular clock-- George Pake / Pake Doublet -- Underground coal gasification --

Sports: --

Portage Lake Pioneers --

Technology: --

Parabolic reflector/Parabolic antenna/Satellite dish

Wedding and marriage-related items:

marriage counseling -- history of marriage -- marriage throughout the world or marriage--anthropological aspects (or something like that. What should we call an article that compares the different views and cultural aspects of marriage through the world and history? Maybe marriage customs -- legal aspects of marriage -- wedding dress --


Ancient Astronauts -- Chaos Magic -- Christic Institute -- The Exquisite Corpse's Wang Dang Doodle (include information on Ted Joans) -- fashion sense -- Jersey Devil -- Lawsonomy -- Lewittown -- lumitalos -- mental hygiene -- playground -- Praline -- Premier cigarette -- Sirocco -- Surrealist Group in Stockholm -- The Surrealist Movement in the United States -- Tie -- time ahead items -- Udmurt -- White Bicycle of Amsterdam -- Tariq Ali--

See also Wikipedia:Requested pictures

Deemed complete-ish