Nice is a photo-sharing mobile app in China from Nice App Mobile Technology Co., Ltd. (北京极赞科技有限公司 ) It is similar to Instagram, but also has a feature where users can tag images in specific locations on the image, which makes the app ideal for sharing fashion photos and tagging what brand each item is (for example, tagging a shirt, pants, shoes and belt separately).[1]

The company received a $36 million investment in C-round funding in 2014.[2]

Nice had 30 million registered users and 12 million active users as of late 2015.[1]

As of January 2024, it remained a popular app, the 6th most-downloaded in the iOS App Store for China.[3]

Official website



  1. ^ a b "10 Chinese Photo-Sharing Apps Luxury Marketers Need to Know". 4 July 2016.
  2. ^ "Tech in Asia - Connecting Asia's startup ecosystem".
  3. ^ ""Sports" Category app ranking for Apple iOS App Store, China version". App Store (in Chinese (China)). Retrieved 2 January 2024.