Sheikh Hasina

Prime Minister of Bangladesh (1996–2001, since 2009)

Sheikh Hasina Wazed (born 28 September 1947) is the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh, in office since January 2009. She previously served as Prime Minister from 1996 to 2001, and she has led the Bangladesh Awami League since 1981.

Sheikh Hasina in London 2011


  • "Like East Timor, they will carve out a Christian country taking parts of Bangladesh [Chattogram] and Myanmar with a base in the Bay of Bengal." Sheikh Hasina, the Awami League president, said in a meeting on Thursday, reported The Daily Star. It was the 14-party alliance's first meeting with the Awami League president after polls. "The offer came from a white man," Sheikh Hasina said without revealing any details. "It may appear that it is aimed at only one country, but it is not. I know where else they intend to go," she said that there will be more trouble but she is not worried about it. "If I allowed a certain country to build an airbase in Bangladesh, then I would have had no problem."
  • Since my last tenure we have been trying to find the root causes of poverty and how we could reduce it. We wanted to ensure food security so we put all our force into producing more food and also the distribution system so that food should first reach to the poorest of the poor. Then we tried to create job opportunities for them in the rural areas.
  • What do you want, that I should start crying, ‘Oh, crisis, we have a crisis!’ Do you want that?
    • When a journalist asked whether she believed the election had thrust the country deeper into political instability. [2] (January 15, 2014)
  • I am urging the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) leader to stop these bomb and grenade attacks, these acts of sabotage, and killings, of arson and damage to property.
  • The path you are following will not bring any benefit for the people. Instead you will lose public faith and confidence.
  • We want to come out of the vicious circle of unhealthy politics.
    • In a televised speech to the nation on the first anniversary of the parliamentary elections. [3] (January 05, 2015)
  • Maintaining decency, we could go anywhere and do all of our works -- Islam gives that liberty and scope to women ...women have to create their own fate and work out their own future.
    • Hasina said on a function at Osmani Memorial Auditorium. The Ministry of Children and Women Affairs organised the function on the occasion of Begum Rokeya Day, (9 December 2015).[4]
  • [The fundamentalist groups] are trying, no doubt about it, and there are some people trying to encourage them, but we have controlled the situation.
    • In an interview of The Guardian (16 September 2015)[5] (21 September 2015).
  • My job is to assist the common people, I do politics for the people, not for me ... People are enjoying democracy now.
  • All the democratic institutions are working and people are satisfied and people are enjoying it. So the way you say I am dominating, I am not dominating. I am serving people.
    • In an interview in Dhaka. [6]
  • World leaders should keep their word, particularly the developed countries.
  • My priority is to establish this country as a poverty-free country, we have a long way to go – we have to do more. When I have been able to establish this country as a poverty-free country, a hunger-free country, a developed country, perhaps at that time, perhaps then I may say I am proud.
  • It was an extremely heinous act. What kind of Muslims are these people? They don't have any religion, their only religion is terrorism.
  • My objective is to fulfil the dream of Bangabandhu through building a hunger- and poverty-free Golden Bangladesh being imbued with the spirit of the War of Liberation.
  • I think that the friendship between Bangladesh and India is like a flowing river and full with generosity. This is the spirit of the people of the two neighbours. I think if our commitments are honest, we would be able to achieve many things that are beneficial to our people.
  • The BNP leader said we kept the people in the dark while signing the memoranda of understanding (MoUs). I have only one question to ask her: Whom did she consult when she signed the defence deal with China? No-one saw what was in it.
  • No people in any region would remain neglected . . . development of each and every person is important for the real and balanced development of the country.
    • During a prees conference while she was awarding scholarship among meritorious students of minor ethnic communities of the plain land at Prime Minister's Office (17 May 2017).[11]
  • As leaders and activists of Awami League, our responsibility is to fulfill the dream of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib so that every person in the country gets food, home, education, health care and prosperous life.
    • While addressing a special extended party meeting at the Gonobhaban, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh (20 May 2017).[12]
  • I want work, I want work with honesty; corruption should be stopped, corruption shouldn't take place in any way.
    • Sheikh giving tough warning in her introductory speech at the second Secretary Committee meeting against corruption.[13]
  • At such an age our sons and daughters mostly need a right guideline, their problems need to be realised and more time is needed to be spent with them.
    • Hasina suggested the parents, guardians and teachers on the occasion of receiving official results of Higher Secondary Certificate results 2017.[14]
  • It is difficult to stem one’s tears when we see the situation. People deserve to live like human beings. Why should they suffer so?
    • Hasina about Rohingya refugees plight during distributing relief materials among the refugees (12 September, 2017).[1]

Quotes about Hasina

  • It is heartening that Prime Minister of Bangladesh despite the fact that she is a woman is openly saying that she has zero tolerance for terrorism. I would like to congratulate Sheikh Hasina for her firmness to deal with the menace.
  • Noticing her efforts in the haor area, it seems to me that the premier failed to understand the reality of the flood victims.
    • Khaleda Zia, Former Prime Minister of Bangladesh and political rival in a press conference (30 April 2017).[16]
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