Page:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922).djvu/24

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Gain, 306.
  • Business.
  • Money.
  • Possession.
  • Prosperity.
  • Success.
  • Wealth.
Gambling, 306.
  • Amusements.
  • Cards.
  • Vice.
Garden, 307.
  • Agriculture.
  • Flowers.
  • Grass.
  • Nature.
  • Trees and Plants.
  • Weeds.
Gazelle, 307.
Generosity, see
  • Charity.
  • Favor.
  • Gifts.
  • Kindness.
  • Liberality.
  • Philanthropy.
Genius, 308.
  • Ability.
  • Capacity.
  • Character.
  • Intellect.
  • Mind.
  • Talents.
Gentian, 310.
Gentlemen, 310.
  • Ancestry.
  • Courtesy.
  • Foppery.
  • Man.
  • Manners.
  • Nobility.
  • Youth.
Gentleness, 311.
  • Kindness.
  • Love.
  • Manners.
  • Germany, 311.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Statesmanship.
  • War.
  • World Peace.
Ghosts, see
  • Apparitions.
Gifts, 311.
  • Borrowing,
  • Charity.
  • Favor.
  • Goodness.
  • Kindness.
  • Liberality.
  • Philanthropy.
Glory, 313.
  • Ambition.
  • Conquest.
  • Fame.
  • Heroes.
  • Honor.
  • Patriotism.
  • Praise.
  • Reputation.
  • Soldiers.
  • War.
Glow-worm, 314.
Gnat, 315.
God, 315.
  • Christ.
  • Christianity.
  • Church.
  • Gods, The.
  • Heaven.
  • Prayer.
  • Providenoe.
  • Religion.
  • Worship.
Gods, The, 321
  • Destiny.
  • Fate.
  • God.
  • Luck.
  • Worship.
Gold, 325.
  • Bribery.
  • Corruption.
  • Mammon.
  • Money.
  • Politics.
  • Possession.
  • Wealth.
Goldenrod, 326.
Goodness, 326.
  • Benefits.
  • Character.
  • Charity.
  • Favor.
  • Gifts.
  • Kindness.
  • Liberality.
  • Morality.
  • Philanthropy.
Goose, 329.
Gorse, 329.
Gossip, 329.
  • Calumny.
  • Conversation .
  • News.
  • Scandal.
  • Slander.
  • Sneer.
  • Society.
  • Speech.
  • Talk.
  • Tongue.
  • Words.
Government, 329.
  • Authority.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Law.
  • Patriotism.
  • Policy.
  • Politics.
  • Royalty.
  • Statesmanship.
Grace, 335.
  • Courtesy.
  • Gentleness.
  • Manners.
  • Graft, see
  • Bribery.
  • Corruption.
  • Gold.
  • Politics.
Grapes, 336.
Grass, 336.
Grasshopper, 336.
Gratitude, 336.
  • Thankfulness.
Grave, The, 337.
  • Death.
  • Epitaph.
  • Eternity.
  • Futurity.
  • Monuments.
  • Oblivion.
  • Undertakers.
Greatness, 340.
  • Dignity.
  • Fame.
  • Honor.
  • Nobility.
  • Power.
  • Reputation.
  • Success.
  • Talents.
Greece, 342.
Greeting, see
  • Farewell.
  • Meeting.
  • Parting.
Grief, 342.
  • Affliction.
  • Death.
  • Despair.
  • Misery.
  • Regret.
  • Sadness.
  • Sorrow.
  • Tears.
Growth, 344.
  • Evolution.
  • Experience.
  • Progress.
  • Success.
Guests, 345.
  • Drinking.
  • Eating.
  • Festivities.
  • Friends.
  • Home.
  • Hospitality.
  • Welcome.
Guilt, 345.
  • Bribery.
  • Conscience.
  • Corruption.
  • Crime.
  • Error.
  • Evil.
  • Faults.
  • Law.
  • Murder.
  • Punishment.
  • Sin.


Habit, 346.
  • Custom.
  • Fashion.
  • Manners.
Hair, 347.
  • Barber.
  • Beauty.
  • Woman.
Hand, 349.
  • Welcome.
Happiness, 350.
  • Bliss.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Delight.
  • Enjoyment.
  • Joy.
  • Luck.
  • Merriment.
  • Pleasure.
Harebell, 353.
Harvest, 353.
  • Agriculture.
  • Autumn.
  • Fruits.
  • Garden.
  • Thankfulness.
  • Thanksgiving Day.
  • Trees.
Haste, 353.
  • Impatience.
  • Time.
Hatred, 354.
  • Abhorrence.
  • Anger.
  • Enemy.
  • Envy.
  • Jealousy.
  • Wickedness.
Hatters, 355.
  • Apparel.
  • Fashion.
Hawk, 355.
Hawthorn, 356.
Health, 356.
  • Cure.