Citations:& cetera

Latin citations of & cetera

Phrase: alternative spelling of et cetera

OL 1st c. B.C.E. 1st c. C.E. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1761, Etienne Baluze, Stephani Baluzii[1], page 63:
    Aut ordinales, ut primus, ſecundus, tertius, quartus, quintus, & cetera.
    Or ordinals (ordinal numerals), such as first, second, third, forth, fifth, etc.