Category:Subject:Constructed languages

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Constructed languages
Books in this subject area deal with constructed languages: languages whose phonology, grammar, and/or vocabulary have been consciously devised by an individual or group, instead of having evolved naturally. There are many possible reasons to create a constructed language: to ease human communication; to bring fiction or an associated constructed world to life; for linguistic experimentation; for artistic creation; and for language games.

Pages in category "Subject:Constructed languages"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Ithkuil
  2. Pozdrav, Džonatane!
  3. Hai, Jon!
  4. Salut Jonathan!
  5. Òla, Ionatà!
  6. Salut, Jonathan!
  7. Salute, Jonathan! (Novlingue)
  8. Saluto, Jonathan! (Ido)
  9. Sesan Jon!
  10. Salam, Jonathan!
  1. Slovio
  2. High Icelandic
  3. Conlang
  4. D'ni
  5. Salut Jonathan!
  6. Hai, Jon!
  7. Hallo, Jonathan!
  8. Pozdrav, Džonatane!
  9. Holo, Jonathan!
  10. Bune Ğonatan!

The following page is in this category, out of 51 total.

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