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Aidan of Dalriada: Difference between revisions

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#REDIRECT [[Áedán mac Gabráin]]
AIDAN (d. 606), king of the Scottish kingdom of Dalriada,

was the son of Gabran, king of Dalriada, and became king after

the death of his kinsman King Conall, when he was crowned at

Iona by St Columba. He refused to allow his kingdom to remain

in dependence on the Irish Dairiada, but coming into collision

with his southern neighbours he led a large force against

AEthelfrith, king of the Northumbrians, and was defeated

at a place called Daegsanstane, probablv in Liddesdale.


Initial text from 1911 encyclopedia -- Please update as needed

Latest revision as of 08:53, 11 May 2006