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Long-term effects of alcohol: Difference between revisions

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rewrote article; hopefully it's at least moderatly cogent now. Still needs some revision, but now it reads somewhat less like 10 medical articles smushed together in Frankensteinian fashion...
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Alcohol consumption during [[pregnancy]], especially drinking heavily or during early stages of prenatal development, has been shown to cause [[fetal alcohol syndrome]]. For a small subset of the population genetically sensitive to its effects, even light consumption &ndash for some, as little as a single drink &ndash causes severe headache or nausea.
Alcohol consumption during [[pregnancy]], especially drinking heavily or during early stages of prenatal development, has been shown to cause [[fetal alcohol syndrome]]. For a small subset of the population genetically sensitive to its effects, even light consumption &ndash for some, as little as a single drink &ndash causes severe headache or nausea.

==Negative effects==
== ==
The negative effects of alcohol consumption depends on whether there is a moderate consumption or a heavy one.
The relationship between [[alcohol]] [[alcohol consumption|consumption]] and [[health]] has been the subject of formal [[scientific research]] since at least [[1926]], when Dr. [[Raymond Pearl]] published his book, ''Alcohol and Longevity'', in which he reported his finding that drinking alcohol in moderation was associated with greater longevity than either abstaining or drinking heavily.<ref>[[Raymond Pearl|Pearl, Raymond]]. Alcohol and Longevity. NY: Knopf, 1926.</ref> Since that time data have come in from all over the world. Studies have focused on both men and women, various age groups, and people of many ethnic groups. Published papers now total in the many hundreds. Much evidence is not simply correlational or time sequence in nature. Some of the many specific ways by which alcohol leads to improved cardiovascular health are now understood, often in great detail. <ref> Vliegenthart, R. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and coronary classification in a general population. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2004 (November), ''164'', 2355-2360; Koppes, L. ''et al''. Blood cholesterol levels of 32-year-old consumers better than that of nonconsumers. ''Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior'', 2000, ''66(1)'', 163-167; Albert, M.A. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and plasma concentrations iof C-reactive protien. ''Circulation'', 2003, ''107'', 433-447; Baer, D.J. ''et al''. Moderate alcohol consumption lowers rik factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women fed a controlled diet. ''American Journal of Clinical Nursing'', 2002, ''75'', 593-599; Catena, C. ''et al''. Serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations and alcohol consumption in hypertension. ''Journal of Hypertension'', 2003, ''21(2), 281-288 </ref>

===Moderate consumption===
The negative effects of a moderate consumption of alcohol are mainly [[fetal alcohol syndrome]] (FAS), but also certain forms of cancer.

{{Main|Alcohol and cancer}}
Moderate consumption does not significantly increase the risk of the most common cancers, except for [[breast cancer]].

The moderate consumption of alcohol increases the risk of several cancers, might decrease the risk of a few others, and is unrelated to the incidence of many forms of cancer – see [[Alcohol and cancer]] for details.

====Fetal alcohol syndrome====
{{Main|Fetal alcohol syndrome}}
Fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS is a disorder of permanent [[birth defect]]s that occurs in the offspring of women who drink [[alcohol]] during pregnancy. It is unknown whether amount, frequency or timing of alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes a difference in amount of damage done to the fetus. Thus, the current recommendation is not to drink at all during pregnancy.

===Heavy consumption=== <!--Linked from alcoholism-->
The physical health effects associated with alcohol consumption may include [[cirrhosis]] of the liver, [[cancer]], [[pancreatitis]], [[epilepsy]], [[polyneuropathy]], [[Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome|alcoholic dementia]], heart disease, increased chance of cancer, nutritional deficiencies, [[sexual dysfunction]], and death from many sources.

====Alcoholic liver disease====
{{Main|Alcoholic liver disease}}
* Alcohol is one cause of [[cirrhosis]] and [[hepatitis]].
* Roughly one in four people who consume more than three drinks per day during a period of 10–15 years will experience some level of [[alcoholic hepatitis]].

{{Main|Alcohol and cancer}}
The [[United States Department of Health and Human Services|U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’]] National [[Toxicology]] Program listed alcohol as a ''known [[carcinogen]]'' in 2000 .<ref>National Toxicology Program [http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/roc/eleventh/profiles/s007alco.pdf Alcoholic Beverage Consumption: Known to be a human carcinogen] First listed in the ''Ninth Report on Carcinogens'' (2000)(PDF)</ref> The [[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) reports that "Although there is no evidence that alcohol itself is a carcinogen, alcohol may act as a cocarcinogen by enhancing the carcinogenic effects of other chemicals. For example, studies indicate that alcohol enhances tobacco's ability to stimulate tumor formation in rats (Garro & Lieber). In humans, the risk for mouth, tracheal, and esophageal cancer is 35 times greater for people who both smoke and drink than for people who neither smoke nor drink (Blot ''et al''.), implying a cocarcinogenic interaction between alcohol and tobacco-related carcinogens (Garro & Lieber)."<ref name=alert21>National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa21.htm Alcohol Alert No. 21 PH 345 July 1993]</ref>

"3.6% of all cancer cases worldwide are related to alcohol drinking, resulting in 3.5% of all cancer deaths."<ref>
[http://www.oncolink.com/resources/article.cfm?c=3&s=8&ss=23&id=13383&month=08&year=2006 Burden of alcohol-related cancer substantial]</ref>

The NIAAA states that "Although epidemiologic studies have found a clear association between alcohol consumption and development of certain types of cancer, study findings are often inconsistent and may vary by country and by type of cancer."<ref name=alert21/>

Chronic heavy abuse of alcohol increases risk of certain cancers. "Considerable evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and increased risk for cancer, with an estimated 2 to 4 percent of all cancer cases thought to be caused either directly or indirectly by alcohol (Rothman)" indicates the NIAAA.<ref name=alert21/>

Drinking alcohol, especially along with smoking, increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, [[esophagus]], [[pharynx]], [[larynx]] and [[liver]], and of [[breast cancer]], according to the [[National Cancer Institute]]. Except for breast cancer, these cancers are all rare (NIAAA).

Heavy alcohol consumption is a major cause of [[pancreatitis]], in both its [[Chronic pancreatitis|chronic]] and [[Acute pancreatitis|acute]] forms.

====Hematologic diseases====
Alcoholics may have anemia from several causes:<ref name="pmid3747828">{{cite journal |author=Savage D, Lindenbaum J |title=Anemia in alcoholics |journal=Medicine (Baltimore) |volume=65 |issue=5 |pages=322-38 |year=1986 |pmid=3747828 |doi=}}</ref>
*Aggregated iron stores (chronic inflammation )
** Frequency as the sole cause of anemia - 37%
**Frequency as the contributing to anemia - 43%
*[[Megaloblastic anemia]] (presumably due to folate deficiency as only 5% had low B12 levels)
** Frequency as the sole cause of anemia - 1%
**Frequency as the contributing to anemia - 34%
**Regarding diagnosis, [[mean corpuscular volume|MCV]]>100 had [[sensitivity (tests)|sensitivity]]=66%
*Acute blood loss
** Frequency as the sole cause of anemia - 2%
**Frequency as the contributing to anemia - 25%
*Sideroblastic changes
** Frequency as the sole cause of anemia - 0%
**Frequency as the contributing to anemia - 23%
*[[Iron deficiency anemia]]
** Frequency as the sole cause of anemia - 4%
**Frequency as the contributing to anemia - 13%
**Regarding diagnosis, [[ferritin]]<100 had [[sensitivity (tests)|sensitivity]]=65%; ferritin<200 has sensitivity=80%

Alcoholics may have thrombocytopenia from direct toxic effect on megakaryocytes, or from hypersplenism.

====Neurological disease====
=====Brain development=====
Consuming large amounts of alcohol over a period of time can impair normal brain development in humans.<ref>White AM, Bae JG, Truesdale MC, Ahmad S, Wilson WA, Swartzwelder HS [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12170104&dopt=Abstract Chronic-intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence prevents normal developmental changes in sensitivity to ethanol-induced motor impairments] ''Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 2002 Jul;26(7):960-8</ref><ref>Tapert SF, Brown GG, Kindermann SS, Cheung EH, Frank LR, Brown SA [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11236838&query_hl=14&itool=pubmed_docsum fMRI measurement of brain dysfunction in alcohol-dependent young women] ''Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research'' 2001 Feb;25(2):236-45</ref> Deficits in retrieval of verbal and nonverbal information and in visuospatial functioning were evident in youths with histories of heavy drinking during early and middle adolescence.<ref>Brown SA, Tapert SF, Granholm E, Delis DC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=10698367 Neurocognitive functioning of adolescents: effects of protracted alcohol use] ''Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 2000 Feb;24(2):164-71</ref>

The other way around, abstinence from chronic heavy alcohol consumption encourages new brain cell development.<ref>American Association for the Advancement of Science [http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-11/uonc-nbc110504.php New brain cells develop during alcohol abstinence, UNC study shows]</ref>

Nearly half of chronic alcoholics may have [[myopathy]].<ref name="pmid2913506">{{cite journal |author=Urbano-Marquez A, Estruch R, Navarro-Lopez F, Grau JM, Mont L, Rubin E |title=The effects of alcoholism on skeletal and cardiac muscle |journal=N. Engl. J. Med. |volume=320 |issue=7 |pages=409-15 |year=1989 |pmid=2913506 |doi=}}</ref> Proximal muscle groups are especially affected.

25% of alcoholics may have [[peripheral neuropathy]], including [[autonomic neuropathy|autonomic]].<ref name="pmid7826275">{{cite journal |author=Monforte R, Estruch R, Valls-Solé J, Nicolás J, Villalta J, Urbano-Marquez A |title=Autonomic and peripheral neuropathies in patients with chronic alcoholism. A dose-related toxic effect of alcohol |journal=Arch. Neurol. |volume=52 |issue=1 |pages=45-51 |year=1995 |pmid=7826275 |doi=}}</ref>

==Beneficial effects==
There are many indications that a moderate consumption is beneficial.

===Mode of action===
Alcohol appears to be [[hormesis|hormetic]].<ref>{{cite news|title=Here's to Your Health|last=Roberts|first=Russell|publisher=[[St. Louis Post Dispatch]]|date=2003-01-09|url=http://www.invisibleheart.com/Iheart/PolicyHealth.html|accessdate=2007-02-02}}</ref> Medical research demonstrates that, consumed in moderation, alcohol increases [[HDL]] (“good [[cholesterol]]”), decreases [[thrombosis]] (blood clotting), reduces [[fibrinogen]] (a blood clotter), increases [[fibrinolysis]] (clot dissolving), reduces [[artery]] spasm from stress, increases coronary blood flow and increases [[insulin]] sensitivity -- all good for heart health<ref name=Mennen>Mennen LI, Balkau B, Vol S, Caces E, Eschwege E. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?CMD=Display&DB=pubmed Fibrinogen may explain in part the protective effect of moderate drinking on the risk of cardiovascular disease]. ''Arteriosclerotic and Thrombodic Vascular Biology'' 1999 Apr;19(4):887-92</ref><ref>Paassilta Marita; Kervinen, Kari; Rantala, Asko O; Savolainen, Markku J; Lilja, Mauno; Reunanen, Antti; Kesäniemi, Y Antero [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=28464 Social alcohol consumption and low Lp(a) lipoprotein concentrations in middle aged Finnish men: population based study] ''[[British Medical Journal]]'' 1998 February 14; 316(7131): 594–595</ref> (Rimm; Zhang).

===Compared to negative effects===
The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption may not be large enough or certain enough to recommend to those who do not already drink, even if not contraindicated. There is a concern that doing so might lead to symptoms of alcoholism in those who previously did not imbibe or that those who drink heavily would interpret the advice as support for [[heavy drinking]].<ref>BBC [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/377381.stm Alcohol benefits debunked]</ref><ref>Russell, Sabin [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2006/03/30/MNGMTI0B3U1.DTL UCSF points out flaw in studies tying alcohol to heart health] ''[[San Francisco Chronicle]]'' March 30, 2006</ref> There is also criticism against the research indicating beneficial effects<ref>[http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/3557.html Dr. Tim Naimi's research] at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)</ref>

===Overall longevity===
Studies support the finding that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with benefits in longevity because of reductions in coronary heart disease, stroke and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, duodenal ulcer, hepatitis A, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, metabolic syndrome, pancreatic cancer, Parkinson's Disease and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) <ref>Davidson, Dennis M [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1026830&blobtype=pdf Cardiovascular Effects of Alcohol] ''Western Journal of Medicine'' 1989 October; 151(4): 430–439</ref><ref name=Mennen/><ref>Rimm, Eric B; Williams, Paige; Fosher, Kerry; Criqui, Michael; Stampfer, Meir J [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/319/7224/1523?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=rimm&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&resourcetype=HWCIT,HWISS,HWFIG,HWDSUP,HWELTR Moderate alcohol intake and lower risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of effects on lipids and haemostatic factors] ''British Medical Journal'' 1999;319:1523-1528 (11 December)</ref><ref>Ely SW, Berne RM [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1537125&dopt=Abstract Protective effects of adenosine in myocardial ischemia] ''Circulation'', 1992 Mar;85(3):893-904 This paper appears to say nothing about alcohol</ref><ref>Facchini F, Chen YD, Reaven GM [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7907975&dopt=Abstract Light-to-moderate alcohol intake is associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity] ''Diabetes Care'' 1994 Feb;17(2):115-9</ref><ref>Thun MJ, Peto R, Lopez AD, Monaco JH, Henley SJ, Heath CW Jr, Doll R [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9392695&dopt=Abstract Alcohol consumption and mortality among middle-aged and elderly U.S. adults] ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 1997 Dec 11;337(24):1705-14</ref><ref>Langer RD, Criqui MH, Reed DM [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1537127&dopt=Abstract Lipoproteins and blood pressure as biological pathways for effect of moderate alcohol consumption on coronary heart disease] ''Circulation'' 1992 Mar;85(3):910-5</ref>(Wang & Barker)
.<ref name=Zhang1>Zhang QH, Das K, Siddiqui S, Myers AK [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10798590&dopt=Abstract Effects of acute, moderate ethanol consumption on human platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood] ''Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research'', 2000 Apr;24(4):528-34</ref> Apparent mechanisms of these benefits include the effect of alcohol on improving blood lipid profile
<ref> LaPorte, R. E., Cresanta, J. L., and Kuller, L. H. The relationship of alcohol consumption to atherosclerotic heart disease. Preventive Medicine, 1980, 9, 22-40; Moore, R. D., and Pearson, T. A. Moderate alcohol consumption and coronary artery disease. Medicine, 1986, 65, 242-267; Doll, R. One for the Heart. British Medical Journal, 1997, 315, 1664-1668; Paassilta. M., et al. Social alcohol consumption and low Lp (a) lipoprotein concentrations in middle aged Finnish men: Population based study. British Medial Journal, 1998, 316, 594-595; Thun, et al. Alcohol consumption in middle-aged and early U. S. adults. New England Journal of Medicine, 1997, 336, 1705-1714. Rimm, E., et al. Moderate alcohol intake and lower risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of effects on lipids and hemostatic factors. British Medical Journal, 1999, 319, 1523-1528 </ref> (it raises HDL or “good” cholesterol <ref> Ernst, N., et al. The association of plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with dietary intake and alcohol consumption. The Lipid Research Clinics program prevalence study. Circulation, 1980, 62 (suppl IV), 41-52; Willett, W. Hennekens, C. H., Siegel, A. J., Adner, M. M., and Castell, W. P. Alcohol consumption and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in marathon runners. New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, 303, 1159-1161; Barrett-Connor, E., and Suarez, L. A community study of alcohol and other factors associated with the distribution of high density lipoprotein cholesterol in older vs. younger men. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1982,115, 888-893; Phillips, N. R., Havel, R. J., and Kane, J. P. Serum apolipoprotein A-l levels. Relationship to lipoprotein lipid levels and selected demographic variables. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1982, 116, 302-313; Fraser, G. E., Anderson, J. T., Foster, N., Goldberg, R., Jacobs, D., and Blackburn, H. The effect of alcohol on serum high density lipoprotein (HDL). A controlled experiment. Atherosclerosis, 1983, 46, 275-283; Camargo, C. A., Williams, P. T., Vranizan, K. M., Albers, J. J., and Wood, P. D. The effect of moderate alcohol intake on serum apolipaproteins A-I and A-II: A controlled study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1985, 253, 2854-2857; Valimaki, M., Nikkila, E. A., Taskinen, M. R., and Tlikahri, R. Rapid decrease in high density lipoprotein subfraction and postheparin plasma lipase activities after cessation of chronic alcohol intake. Atherosclerosis, 1986, 59, 147-153; Doll, R. One for the heart. British Medical Journal, 1997, 315, 1664-1668; Paassilta, M., et al. Social alcohol consumption and low Lp (2) lipoprotein concentration in middle aged Finnish men: population based study. British Medical Journal, 1998, 316, 594-595 </ref> and lowers LDL or “bad” cholesterol <ref> Castelli, W. P., et al. Alcohol and blood lipids. The cooperative lipoprotein phenotyping study. The Lancet, 1977, 2, 153- 155; Paassilta, M., et al. Social alcohol consumption and low Lp (2) lipoprotein concentration in middle aged Finnish men: population based study. British Medical Journal, 1998, 316, 594-595. Langer, R., Criqui, M., and Reed, D. Lipoprotein and blood pressure as biological pathways for effects of moderate alcohol consumption on coronary heart disease. Circulation, 1992, 85(3), 910-915 </ref>). It improves blood insulin levels and activity, <ref> Facchini, F, Chen, Y., and Reaven, G. Light-to-moderate alcohol intake is associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity. Diabetes Care, 1994, 17(2); Rimmj, E., et al. Prospective study of cigarette smoking, alcohol use and the risk of diabetes in men. British Medical Journal, 1995, 310, 555-559; Bell, D. Alcohol and the NIDDM patient. Diabetes Care, 1996, 19(5), 509-513 </ref> reduces blood pressure, <ref> MacMahon. Alcohol consumption and hypertension. Hypertension, 1987, 9(2), 111-121; Dairdron, D. M. Cardiovascular effects of alcohol. Western Journal of Medicine, 1989, 151(4), 430-439 </ref> reduces coronary artery spasm in response to stress and increases coronary blood flow, <ref> Israel, Y., Orrego, H. and Carmichael, F. J. Acetate-mediated effects of ethonol. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res., 1994, Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 18(1), 144-148; Pelleg, A. and Porter, R. S. The parmacology of adenosine. Pharmacotherapy, 1990, 10(3), 157-174; Blaise, G., Noel, J., Vinay, P. Cordoso, M., Vinet, B., Boulanger, Y., Leveille, M., Prud'homme, M., and Gougoux, A. Matabolic effects of acetate on the heart. Clin. Invest. Med., 1989, 12(4), 254-261; Ely, S. J. and Berne, R. M. Protective effects of adenosine in myocardial ischemia. Circulation, 1992, 85(3), 893-900 </ref> reduces platelet aggregation, <ref> Meade, T. W., Vickers, M. V., Thompson, S. G., Stirling, Y., Haines, A. P., and Miller, G. J. Epidemiologic characteristics of platelet aggregability. British Medical Journal, 1985, 290, 428 432; Jakubowshi, J. A., Vaillancourt, R., and Deykin, D. Interaction of ethanol, prostacyclin, and aspirin in determining platelet reactivity ''in vitro''. Atherosclerosis, 1988, 8, 436-441; Meade, T. W., Imeson, J., and Sterling, Y. Effects of changes in smoking and other characteristics of clotting factors and the risk of ischemic heart disease. The Lancet, 1987, 1, 986-988; Seigneur, M., et al. Effect of the consumption of alcohol, white wine, and red wine on platelet function and serum lipids. Journal of Applied Cardiology, 1990, 5, 215-222; Renaud, S. C., Beswick, A. D. Fehily, A. M., Sharp, D. S., and Elwood, P. C. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1992, 55, 1012-1017. Zhang, Q., et al. Effects of acute, moderate alcohol consumption on human platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2000, 24, 528-534 </ref>
reduces fibrinogen (a blood clotter) <ref> Mennen, L., et al. Fibrinogen may explain in part the protective effect of moderate drinking on the risk of cardiovascular disease. Arteriosclerotic and Thrombodic Vascular Biology, 1999, 19, 887-892; Wang, Z., and Barker, T. Alcohol at moderate levels decreases fibrinogen expression ''in vivo'' and ''in vitro''. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1999, 23, 1927-1932 </ref> increases fibrinolysis (the process by which clots dissolve), <ref> Sumi, H., Hamada, H., Tsushima, H., and Mihara, H. Urokinase-like plasminogen activator increased in plasma after alcohol drinking. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 1988, 23, 33-43 </ref> Frequently, such studies qualify these findings with admonitions against heavy alcohol consumption or abuse, due to the negative health effects often associated with this behavior.

The U.S. [[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) has completed an extensive review of current scientific knowledge about the health effects of moderate alcohol consumption. It found that the lowest death rate from all causes occurs at the level of one to two drinks per day. That is, moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity.<ref>[http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/InTheNews/MedicalReports/Longevity/1088617919.html U.S. Government: Moderate Drinking Benefits Health]</ref><ref>Ellison, R. C. [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1336884 ''Does Moderate Alcohol Consumption Prolong Life?''] American Council on Science and Health, New York: 1993. (link is to review of book)</ref>

===Modern Understanding===
Research in various countries has found the all-cause mortality rates range from 16 to 28% lower among moderate drinkers than among abstainers<ref>Boffetta, P., and Garfinkel, L. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2078609&dopt=Citation Alcohol drinking and mortality among men enrolled in an American Cancer Society prospective study] ''Epidemiology'' 1990 Sep;1(5):342-8</ref><ref>Coate, D [http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/83/6/888 Moderate drinking and coronary heart disease mortality: evidence from NHANES I and the NHANES I Follow-up] ''American Journal of Public Health'' Vol 83, Issue 6 888-890</ref><ref>Fuchs CS, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Giovannucci EL, Manson JE, Kawachi I, Hunter DJ, Hankinson SE, Hennekens CH, Rosner B [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7708067&dopt=Abstract Alcohol consumption and mortality among women] ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 1995 May 11;332(19):1245-50</ref><ref>Klatsky AL, Friedman GD, Siegelaub AB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7258861&dopt=Abstract Alcohol and mortality. A ten-year Kaiser-Permanente experience] ''Annals of Internal Medicine'' 1981 Aug;95(2):139-45</ref> (Yuan).
Research in various countries has found the all-cause mortality rates range from 16 to 28% lower among moderate drinkers than among abstainers<ref>Boffetta, P., and Garfinkel, L. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2078609&dopt=Citation Alcohol drinking and mortality among men enrolled in an American Cancer Society prospective study] ''Epidemiology'' 1990 Sep;1(5):342-8</ref><ref>Coate, D [http://www.ajph.org/cgi/content/abstract/83/6/888 Moderate drinking and coronary heart disease mortality: evidence from NHANES I and the NHANES I Follow-up] ''American Journal of Public Health'' Vol 83, Issue 6 888-890</ref><ref>Fuchs CS, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Giovannucci EL, Manson JE, Kawachi I, Hunter DJ, Hankinson SE, Hennekens CH, Rosner B [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7708067&dopt=Abstract Alcohol consumption and mortality among women] ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 1995 May 11;332(19):1245-50</ref><ref>Klatsky AL, Friedman GD, Siegelaub AB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7258861&dopt=Abstract Alcohol and mortality. A ten-year Kaiser-Permanente experience] ''Annals of Internal Medicine'' 1981 Aug;95(2):139-45</ref> (Yuan).

The medical studies establishing this relationship are large (some include over 200,000 people), cross-cultural (have been conducted in countries around the world), and are sometimes long-term (the longest beginning in 1948 and continuing to this day).<ref>[http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/HealthIssues/1106591095.html Alcohol and Longevity Facts & Information]</ref>
The medical studies establishing this relationship are large (some include over 200,000 people), cross-cultural (have been conducted in countries around the world), and are sometimes long-term (the longest beginning in 1948 and continuing to this day).<ref>[http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/HealthIssues/1106591095.html Alcohol and Longevity Facts & Information]</ref>
=====Quantity Recommended=====

The U.S. [[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) has completed an extensive review of current scientific knowledge about the health effects of moderate alcohol consumption. It found that the lowest death rate from all causes occurs at the level of one to two drinks per day. That is, moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity.<ref>[http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/InTheNews/MedicalReports/Longevity/1088617919.html U.S. Government: Moderate Drinking Benefits Health]</ref><ref>Ellison, R. C. [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1336884 ''Does Moderate Alcohol Consumption Prolong Life?''] American Council on Science and Health, New York: 1993. (link is to review of book)</ref>
To test the hypothesis that the results may reflect the poor health of alcoholics who now abstain, some studies have restricted the abstainers studied to lifelong teetotalers. Others have controlled for lifestyle factors, income levels, educational levels and other factors. The results have remained the same: moderate drinkers tend to live longer than abstainers or heavy drinkers.<ref>Klatsky AL, Armstrong MA, Friedman GD [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2239729&dopt=Abstract Risk of cardiovascular mortality in alcohol drinkers, ex-drinkers and nondrinkers] ''American Journal of Cardiology'' 1990 Nov 15;66(17):1237-42</ref> Other studies contradict this view.<ref>[http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-03/uoc--isq032706.php International study questions health benefits of moderate drinking]</ref>

A 23-year [[prospective study]] of 12,000 male [[United Kingdom|British]] [[physician]]s aged 48–78, found that overall mortality was significantly lower in the group consuming an average of 2–3 "units" (British unit = 8g) per day than in the non-alcohol-drinking group ([[relative risk]] 0.81, [[confidence interval]] 0.76-0.87, P = 0.001).<ref>Doll ''et al'' [http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/34/1/199 Mortality in relation to alcohol consumption: a prospective study among male British doctors] ''International Journal of Epidemiology'' 2005;34:199-204</ref> The authors noted that the causes of death that are already known to be augmentable by alcohol accounted for only 5% of the deaths (1% liver disease, 2% cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, or oesophagus, and 2% external causes of death) and were significantly elevated only among men consuming >2 units/day.
A 23-year [[prospective study]] of 12,000 male [[United Kingdom|British]] [[physician]]s aged 48–78, found that overall mortality was significantly lower in the group consuming an average of 2–3 "units" (British unit = 8g) per day than in the non-alcohol-drinking group ([[relative risk]] 0.81, [[confidence interval]] 0.76-0.87, P = 0.001).<ref>Doll ''et al'' [http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/34/1/199 Mortality in relation to alcohol consumption: a prospective study among male British doctors] ''International Journal of Epidemiology'' 2005;34:199-204</ref> The authors noted that the causes of death that are already known to be augmentable by alcohol accounted for only 5% of the deaths (1% liver disease, 2% cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, or oesophagus, and 2% external causes of death) and were significantly elevated only among men consuming >2 units/day.
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In a 1996 [[American Heart Association]] scientific statement, Thomas A. Pearson, MD, Ph. D noted, "A large number of observational studies have consistently demonstrated a U-shaped relation between alcohol consumption and total mortality. This relation appears to hold in men and women who are middle aged or older. The lowest mortality occurs in those who consume one or two drinks per day. In teetotalers or occasional drinkers, the rates are higher than in those consuming one or two drinks per day. In persons who consume three or more drinks per day, total mortality climbs rapidly with increasing numbers of drinks per day."
In a 1996 [[American Heart Association]] scientific statement, Thomas A. Pearson, MD, Ph. D noted, "A large number of observational studies have consistently demonstrated a U-shaped relation between alcohol consumption and total mortality. This relation appears to hold in men and women who are middle aged or older. The lowest mortality occurs in those who consume one or two drinks per day. In teetotalers or occasional drinkers, the rates are higher than in those consuming one or two drinks per day. In persons who consume three or more drinks per day, total mortality climbs rapidly with increasing numbers of drinks per day."

===Cardiovascular diseases===
==Cardiovascular ==
The cardiovascular effects of consistent, moderate alcohol intake are perhaps the most studied and the most widely-accepted. The [[World Health Organization]] Technical Committee on Cardiovascular Disease asserted that the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced death from heart disease could no longer be doubted.<ref> Wilkie, S. Global overview of drinking recommendations and guidelines. ''AIM Digest'', Supplement, June 1997, ''2-4'', p. 4</ref> Consumption of [[red wine]] may be particularly favourable, since red wines contain certain [[polyphenol antioxidant]]s associated with [[cardiovascular]] health. One study determined that the potential long-term benefits of moderate alcohol consumption on cardiovascular health surpassed all other factors except the cessation of smoking.<ref name="curtis">Ellison, R. Curtis Here's to your health. ''Wine Spectator'', October 31, 1998, 34-46.</ref>
{{main|Alcohol and cardiovascular disease}}

The [[World Health Organization]] Technical Committee on Cardiovascular Disease asserted that the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced death from heart disease could no longer be doubted.<ref> Wilkie, S. Global overview of drinking recommendations and guidelines. ''AIM Digest'', Supplement, June 1997, ''2-4'', p. 4</ref> Consumption of [[red wine]] may be particularly favourable, since red wines contain certain [[polyphenol antioxidant]]s associated with [[cardiovascular]] health.
Alcohol appears to be [[hormesis|hormetic]].<ref>{{cite news|title=Here's to Your Health|last=Roberts|first=Russell|publisher=[[St. Louis Post Dispatch]]|date=2003-01-09|url=http://www.invisibleheart.com/Iheart/PolicyHealth.html|accessdate=2007-02-02}}</ref> Medical research demonstrates that, consumed in moderation, alcohol increases [[HDL]] (“good [[cholesterol]]”), decreases [[thrombosis]] (blood clotting), reduces [[fibrinogen]] (a blood clotter), increases [[fibrinolysis]] (clot dissolving), reduces [[artery]] spasm from stress, increases coronary blood flow and increases [[insulin]] sensitivity -- all good for heart health<ref name=Mennen>Mennen LI, Balkau B, Vol S, Caces E, Eschwege E. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?CMD=Display&DB=pubmed Fibrinogen may explain in part the protective effect of moderate drinking on the risk of cardiovascular disease]. ''Arteriosclerotic and Thrombodic Vascular Biology'' 1999 Apr;19(4):887-92</ref><ref>Paassilta Marita; Kervinen, Kari; Rantala, Asko O; Savolainen, Markku J; Lilja, Mauno; Reunanen, Antti; Kesäniemi, Y Antero [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=28464 Social alcohol consumption and low Lp(a) lipoprotein concentrations in middle aged Finnish men: population based study] ''[[British Medical Journal]]'' 1998 February 14; 316(7131): 594–595</ref> (Rimm; Zhang). Additionally, [[Thrombosis]] is lower among moderate drinkers than teetotalers. <ref> Lacoste, L. ''et al''. Acute and delayed antithrombotic effects of alcohol in humans. ''American Journal of Cardiology'', 2001, ''87'', 82-85; Pahor, M., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in older persons. ''Journal of the American Geriatric Society'', 1996, ''44(9)'', 1030-1037; Ridker, P., ''et al''. Moderate alcohol intake may reduce risk of thrombosis. American Medical Association press release, September 22, 1994; Ridker, P. The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis and Acute Thrombosis . In: Manson, J., ''et al''. (Eds.) ''Prevention of Myocardial Infarction''. NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. </ref>

===Cardiovascular Disease===
{{main|Alcohol and cardiovascular disease}}
====Coronary Heart Disease====
Pearson reviewed the evidence supporting the effect of alcohol consumption on [[coronary heart disease]] (CHD): "More than a dozen prospective studies have demonstrated a consistent, strong, dose-response relation between increasing alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence of CHD. The data are similar in men and women in a number of different geographic and ethnic groups. Consumption of one or two drinks per day is associated with a reduction in risk of approximately 30% to 50%. Studies of coronary narrowings defined by cardiac catheterization or autopsy show a reduction in atherosclerosis in persons who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. In general, the inverse association is independent of potential confounders, such as diet and cigarette smoking. Concerns that the association could be an artifact due to cessation of alcohol consumption in persons who already have CHD have largely been disproved."<ref>Pearson, Thomas A. "Alcohol and Heart Disease." {{cite web|title=
Pearson reviewed the evidence supporting the effect of alcohol consumption on [[coronary heart disease]] (CHD): "More than a dozen prospective studies have demonstrated a consistent, strong, dose-response relation between increasing alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence of CHD. The data are similar in men and women in a number of different geographic and ethnic groups. Consumption of one or two drinks per day is associated with a reduction in risk of approximately 30% to 50%. Studies of coronary narrowings defined by cardiac catheterization or autopsy show a reduction in atherosclerosis in persons who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. In general, the inverse association is independent of potential confounders, such as diet and cigarette smoking. Concerns that the association could be an artifact due to cessation of alcohol consumption in persons who already have CHD have largely been disproved."<ref>Pearson, Thomas A. "Alcohol and Heart Disease." {{cite web|title=
''Circulation'' 1996;94:3023-3025|url=http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/94/11/3023|accessdate=2006-1-30}}</ref>
''Circulation'' 1996;94:3023-3025|url=http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/94/11/3023|accessdate=2006-1-30}}</ref>

Another study found that when men increased their alcohol intake from very low to moderate, they significantly reduced their risk of coronary heart disease. The study monitored the health of 18,455 males for a period of seven years. <ref> Sesso, H.D., ''et al''., Seven-year changes in alcohol consumption and subsequ3nt risk of cardiovascular disease in men. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2001, ''160'', 2505-2612 </ref>
Other studies cast doubt on this hypothesis.<ref>[http://www.medpagetoday.com/tbindex.cfm?tbid=912 CDC Study Skeptical on Moderate Drinking's Heart Benefit]</ref>

====Coronary artery disease====
====Coronary ====
*[[Angina pectoris|Angina Pectoris]]. Moderate drinking has been found to reduce the risk of angina pectoris.<ref>
Moderate drinking has been found to reduce the risk of angina pectoris.<ref>
Camargo CA Jr, Stampfer MJ, Glynn RJ, Grodstein F, Gaziano JM, Manson JE, Buring JE, Hennekens CH [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9054281&dopt=Abstract Moderate alcohol consumption and risk for angina pectoris or myocardial infarction in U.S. male physicians] ''Archives of Internal Medicine'' 1997 Mar 1;126(5):372-5</ref>
Camargo CA Jr, Stampfer MJ, Glynn RJ, Grodstein F, Gaziano JM, Manson JE, Buring JE, Hennekens CH [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9054281&dopt=Abstract Moderate alcohol consumption and risk for angina pectoris or myocardial infarction in U.S. male physicians] ''Archives of Internal Medicine'' 1997 Mar 1;126(5):372-5</ref>

====Peripheral Vascular Disease====
====Peripheral Vascular Disease====
*[[Peripheral artery occlusive disease|Peripheral Artery Disease]] (Peripheral Vascular Disease – PAD). "Moderate alcohol consumption appears to decrease the risk of PAD in apparently healthy men.".<ref>Camargo Carlos A; Stampfer, Meir J; Glynn, Robert J; Gaziano, J. Michael; Manson, JoAnn E; Goldhaber, Samuel; Hennekens, Charles H [http://www.circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/95/3/577 Prospective Study of Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease in US Male Physicians] ''Circulation'' 1997;95:577-580</ref> "In this large population-based study, moderate alcohol consumption was inversely associated with peripheral arterial disease in women but not in men. Residual confounding by smoking may have influenced the results. Among nonsmokers an inverse association was found between alcohol consumption and peripheral arterial disease in both men and women."<ref>Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Hofman, Albert; Meijer, Wouter T; van Rooij, Frank J. A; Grobbee, Diederick E; Witteman, Jacqueline C. M. [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/155/4/332 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease: The Rotterdam Study] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 155, No. 4 : 332-338</ref><ref>Mingardi, R; Avogaro, A; Noventa, F; Strazzabosco, M; Stocchiero, C; Tiengo, A; Anderle, G "Alcohol intake is associated with a lower prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in non-insulin dependent diabetic women" ''Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease'' 7(4): 301– 308, 1997. (No abstract found online.)</ref>
"Moderate alcohol consumption appears to decrease the risk of PAD in apparently healthy men.".<ref>Camargo Carlos A; Stampfer, Meir J; Glynn, Robert J; Gaziano, J. Michael; Manson, JoAnn E; Goldhaber, Samuel; Hennekens, Charles H [http://www.circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/95/3/577 Prospective Study of Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease in US Male Physicians] ''Circulation'' 1997;95:577-580</ref> "In this large population-based study, moderate alcohol consumption was inversely associated with peripheral arterial disease in women but not in men. Residual confounding by smoking may have influenced the results. Among nonsmokers an inverse association was found between alcohol consumption and peripheral arterial disease in both men and women."<ref>Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn; Geleijnse, Johanna M; Hofman, Albert; Meijer, Wouter T; van Rooij, Frank J. A; Grobbee, Diederick E; Witteman, Jacqueline C. M. [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/155/4/332 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Peripheral Arterial Disease: The Rotterdam Study] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 155, No. 4 : 332-338</ref><ref>Mingardi, R; Avogaro, A; Noventa, F; Strazzabosco, M; Stocchiero, C; Tiengo, A; Anderle, G "Alcohol intake is associated with a lower prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in non-insulin dependent diabetic women" ''Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease'' 7(4): 301– 308, 1997. (No abstract found online.)</ref>
===Heart Attack and Stroke===
Drinking in moderation has been found to help those who have suffered a [[heart attack]] survive it. <ref> Gaziano, J. ''et al''. Potential mortality benefits for drinkers with previous heart attacks. ''The Lancet'', 1998, ''332'', 1882-1885; Mulkamal, K.J. ''et al''. Prior alcohol consumption and mortality following acute myocardial infarction. ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2001, ''285(15)'', 1965-1970 </ref><ref>[http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/506828/ Alcohol helps reduce damage after heart attacks]</ref> To determine if moderate drinkers have fewer heart attacks because they might lead more healthful lifestyles than do abstainers or heavy drinkers, Harvard scientists recently reported their study of only healthy men who led healthful lifestyles. For up to 16 years the doctors monitored the health of 8,867 men who didn't smoke, were of normal weight, exercised at least 30-60 minutes per day, and ate a balanced healthful diet. Among these healthy men with healthy lifestyles, those who consumed anywhere from 1/2 to two alcoholic drinks of beer, wine or liquor per day had significantly decreased risk of heart attacks. Those who averaged slightly more (one to two drinks per day) had the lowest risk.<ref> Mulkamal, K.J., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in men with healthy lifestyles. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2006 (October), ''166(19)'', 2145-2150 </ref> Other research also addresses this question.

Compared to abstaining, drinking in moderation is associated with a reduced risk of [[stroke]], whereas abusing alcohol is associated with an increased risk of stroke.<ref>Rodgers, H. et al. [http://stroke.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/strokeaha;24/10/1473 Alcohol and stroke. A case-control study of drinking habits past and present] ''Stroke'', 1993. ''24(10''), 1473-1477.</ref> A study of over 22,000 male physicians aged 40-84 years old over an average of 12 years, concluded, "Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduces the overall risk of stroke and the risk of [[ischemic stroke]] in men. The benefit is apparent with as little as one drink per week. Greater consumption, up to one drink per day, does not increase the observed benefit."<ref>Berger ''et al'' [http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/341/21/1557 Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Stroke among U.S. Male Physicians] ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 341(21):1557-1564, November 18, 1999</ref>
*[[Thrombosis]] (formation of undesirable blood clots anywhere in the body) is lower among moderate drinkers than teetotalers. <ref> Lacoste, L. ''et al''. Acute and delayed antithrombotic effects of alcohol in humans. ''American Journal of Cardiology'', 2001, ''87'', 82-85; Pahor, M., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in older persons. ''Journal of the American Geriatric Society'', 1996, ''44(9)'', 1030-1037; Ridker, P., ''et al''. Moderate alcohol intake may reduce risk of thrombosis. American Medical Association press release, September 22, 1994; Ridker, P. The Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis and Acute Thrombosis . In: Manson, J., ''et al''. (Eds.) ''Prevention of Myocardial Infarction''. NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. </ref>

In heart attack patients who are treated with alcohol, the tissues affected by low blood flow are healthier and stronger than those who receive no alcohol because of alcohol's positive effects on artery walls.<ref>[http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/506828/ Alcohol Helps Reduce Damage After Heart Attack]</ref> Similarly, drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation may help patients recover from coronary stenting. Healing appears to be promoted by the inflammation inhibiting effects of alcohol. <ref> Zairis, M.N., ''et al''. C Reactive protein, moderate alcohol consumption, and long term prognosis after successful coronary stenting: four year results from the GENERATION study. ''Heart'', 2004, ''90'', 419-424 </ref>
The cardiovascular effects of alcohol are not all beneficial, however; studies show that large-quantity consumption of alcohol can lead to alcoholic [[cardiomyopathy]], commonly known as "holiday heart syndrome." Alcoholic cardiomyopathy presents in a manner clinically identical to idiopathic [[dilated cardiomyopathy]], involving hypertrophy of the musculature of the heart that can lead to a form of [[cardiac arrythmia]]. These electrical anomales, represented on an [[EKG]], often vary in nature, but range from nominal changes of the PR, QRS, or QT intervals to paroxsysmal episodes of [[ventricular tachycardia]]. The pathophysiology of "holiday heart syndrome" has not been firmly identified, but certain hypotheses cite an increased secretion of [[epinephrine]] and [[norepinephrine]], increased sympathetic output, or a rise in the level of plasma free fatty acids as possible mechanisms.<ref> http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1024.htm </ref>

===Hematologic diseases===
The cardiovascular effects of alcohol are not all beneficial, however; studies show that large-quantity consumption of alcohol can lead to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, commonly known as "holiday heart syndrome." Alcoholic cardiomyopathy presents in a manner clinically identical to idiopathic [[dilated cardiomyopathy]], involving hypertrophy of the musculature of the heart that can lead to a form of [[cardiac arrythmia]]. These electrical anomales, represented on an [[EKG]], often vary in nature, but range from nominal changes of the PR, QRS, or QT intervals to paroxsysmal episodes of [[ventricular tachycardia]]. The pathophysiology of "holiday heart syndrome" has not been firmly identified, but certain hypotheses cite an increased secretion of [[epinephrine]] and [[norepinephrine]], increased sympathetic output, or a rise in the level of plasma free fatty acids as possible mechanisms.<ref> http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1024.htm </ref>
Alcoholics may have [[anemia]] from several causes;<ref name="pmid3747828">{{cite journal |author=Savage D, Lindenbaum J |title=Anemia in alcoholics |journal=Medicine (Baltimore) |volume=65 |issue=5 |pages=322-38 |year=1986 |pmid=3747828 |doi=}}</ref> they may also develop [[thrombocytopenia]] from direct toxic effect on [[megakaryocytes]], or from [[hypersplenism]].

==Nervous System==
To determine if moderate drinkers have fewer heart attacks because they might lead more healthful lifestyles than do abstainers or heavy drinkers, Harvard scientists recently reported their study of only healthy men who led healthful lifestyles. For up to 16 years the doctors monitored the health of 8,867 men who didn't smoke, were of normal weight, exercised at least 30-60 minutes per day, and ate a balanced healthful diet. Among these healthy men with healthy lifestyles, those who consumed anywhere from 1/2 to two alcoholic drinks of beer, wine or liquor per day had significantly decreased risk of heart attacks. Those who averaged slightly more (one to two drinks per day) had the lowest risk. This study strongly suggests that the beneficial effects of drinking alcohol in moderation comes from the alcohol itself rather than from differences in lifestyle <ref> Mulkamal, K.J., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in men with healthy lifestyles. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2006 (October), ''166(19)'', 2145-2150 </ref> Other research also addresses this question.
A [[meta-analysis]] of 35 previous studies of the effect of alcohol consumption on stroke risk found that "compared with abstainers, consumption of more than 60 g of alcohol per day (i.e., over four standard drinks -- heavy drinking) was associated with an increased relative risk of total stroke, 1.64 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-1.93); ischemic stroke, 1.69 (95% CI, 1.34-2.15); and hemorrhagic stroke, 2.18 (95% CI, 1.48-3.20), while consumption of less than 12 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of total stroke, 0.83 (95%, CI, 0.75-0.91) and ischemic stroke, 0.80 (95% CI, 0.67-0.96), and consumption of 12 to 24 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of ischemic stroke, 0.72 (95%, CI, 0.57-0.91). The meta-regression analysis revealed a significant nonlinear relationship between alcohol consumption and total and ischemic stroke and a linear relationship between alcohol consumption and hemorrhagic stroke."<ref>Reynolds ''et al'' [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/289/5/579?ijkey=fee253e510816697eebb5a8c64b917bfb678a579#TABLEJMA20035T1 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Stroke] ''JAMA'' 2003;289:579-588</ref>

These findings have been disputed; A 2003 John Hopkins study has linked moderate alcohol use to brain shrinkage and did not find any reduced risk of stroke among moderate drinkers.<ref>http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/12/031205052952.htm</ref>
*Another study found that when men increased their alcohol intake from very low to moderate, they significantly reduced their risk of coronary heart disease. The study monitored the health of 18,455 males for a period of seven years. <ref> Sesso, H.D., ''et al''., Seven-year changes in alcohol consumption and subsequ3nt risk of cardiovascular disease in men. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2001, ''160'', 2505-2612 </ref>

===Brain development===
*Drinking in moderation has also been found to help those who have suffered a heart attack survive it. <ref> Gaziano, J. ''et al''. Potential mortality benefits for drinkers with previous heart attacks. ''The Lancet'', 1998, ''332'', 1882-1885; Mulkamal, K.J. ''et al''. Prior alcohol consumption and mortality following acute myocardial infarction. ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2001, ''285(15)'', 1965-1970 </ref> [http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/506828/ Alcohol helps reduce damage after heart attacks]
Consuming large amounts of alcohol over a period of time can impair normal brain development in humans.<ref>White AM, Bae JG, Truesdale MC, Ahmad S, Wilson WA, Swartzwelder HS [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12170104&dopt=Abstract Chronic-intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence prevents normal developmental changes in sensitivity to ethanol-induced motor impairments] ''Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 2002 Jul;26(7):960-8</ref><ref>Tapert SF, Brown GG, Kindermann SS, Cheung EH, Frank LR, Brown SA [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=11236838&query_hl=14&itool=pubmed_docsum fMRI measurement of brain dysfunction in alcohol-dependent young women] ''Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research'' 2001 Feb;25(2):236-45</ref> Deficits in retrieval of verbal and nonverbal information and in visuospatial functioning were evident in youths with histories of heavy drinking during early and middle adolescence.<ref>Brown SA, Tapert SF, Granholm E, Delis DC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=10698367 Neurocognitive functioning of adolescents: effects of protracted alcohol use] ''Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 2000 Feb;24(2):164-71</ref>

The other way around, abstinence from chronic heavy alcohol consumption encourages new brain cell development.<ref>American Association for the Advancement of Science [http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-11/uonc-nbc110504.php New brain cells develop during alcohol abstinence, UNC study shows]</ref>
*Much evidence is not simply correlational or time sequence in nature. Some of the many specific ways by which alcohol leads to improved cardiovascular health are now understood, often in great detail. <ref> Vliegenthart, R. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and coronary classification in a general population. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2004 (November), ''164'', 2355-2360; Koppes, L. ''et al''. Blood cholesterol levels of 32-year-old consumers better than that of nonconsumers. ''Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior'', 2000, ''66(1)'', 163-167; Albert, M.A. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and plasma concentrations iof C-reactive protein. ''Circulation'', 2003, ''107'', 433-447; Baer, D.J. ''et al''. Moderate alcohol consumption lowers rik factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women fed a controlled diet. ''American Journal of Clinical Nursing'', 2002, ''75'', 593-599; Catena, C. ''et al''. Serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations and alcohol consumption in hypertension. ''Journal of Hypertension'', 2003, ''21(2), 281-288 </ref>

Nearly half of chronic alcoholics may have [[myopathy]].<ref name="pmid2913506">{{cite journal |author=Urbano-Marquez A, Estruch R, Navarro-Lopez F, Grau JM, Mont L, Rubin E |title=The effects of alcoholism on skeletal and cardiac muscle |journal=N. Engl. J. Med. |volume=320 |issue=7 |pages=409-15 |year=1989 |pmid=2913506 |doi=}}</ref> Proximal muscle groups are especially affected. Twenty-five percent of alcoholics may have [[peripheral neuropathy]], including [[autonomic neuropathy|autonomic]].<ref name="pmid7826275">{{cite journal |author=Monforte R, Estruch R, Valls-Solé J, Nicolás J, Villalta J, Urbano-Marquez A |title=Autonomic and peripheral neuropathies in patients with chronic alcoholism. A dose-related toxic effect of alcohol |journal=Arch. Neurol. |volume=52 |issue=1 |pages=45-51 |year=1995 |pmid=7826275 |doi=}}</ref>
Such widely different types of evidence based on different methodologies largely rule out the possibility that some factor or factors other than the alcohol itself is causing the significant reductions in fatalities found among moderate drinkers around the world.

Research has demonstrated a positive association between moderate drinking and [[cognition]] or thinking ability. A study of 6,033 British civil servants who were followed an average of 11 years found that those who consumed at least one drink in the previous week, compared with those who did not, were significantly less likely to have poor cognitive function. The beneficial effect extended to those drinking more than 240 g per week (approximately 30 drinks). Higher levels of consumption were not investigated. <ref> Britton, A., Singh-Manoux, A., Marmot, M. Alcohol consumption and cognitive function in the Whitehall II Study. American Journal of Epidemiology,2004 Aug 1;160(3):240-7. </ref> A three-year longitudinal study of several hundred men in the Netherlands found that low-to-moderate alcohol drinking was associated with a significantly lower risk for poor cognitive function than abstaining. <ref> Launer LJ, Feskens EJ, Kalmijn S, Kromhout D Smoking, drinking, and thinking. The Zutphen Elderly Study American Journal of Epidemiology 1996 Feb 1;143(3):219-27 </ref> A large prospective study that examined the effects of alcohol consumption on men 18 years later found that non-drinkers and heavy drinkers had the poorest cognitive ability. Moderate alcohol consumption was associated with the highest cognitive performance later in life.(82) <ref> Galanis, DJ; Joseph C, Masaki KH, Petrovitch H, Ross GW, White L A longitudinal study of drinking and cognitive performance in elderly Japanese American men: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study American Journal of Public Health Vol 90, Issue 8 1254-1259 </ref> A longitudinal study in France found that, among the women studied, moderate alcohol consumption was associated with higher cognitive function. Moderate drinkers were 2.5 times more likely to receive the highest cognitive ability scores than were abstainers. <ref> Dufouil, Carole; Ducimetière, Pierre; Ducimetière, Pierre Sex Differences in the Association between Alcohol Consumption and Cognitive Performance American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 146, No. 5: 405-412 </ref>
Compared to abstaining, drinking in moderation is associated with a reduced risk of [[stroke]], whereas abusing alcohol is associated with an increased risk of stroke.<ref>Rodgers, H. et al. [http://stroke.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/strokeaha;24/10/1473 Alcohol and stroke. A case-control study of drinking habits past and present] ''Stroke'', 1993. ''24(10''), 1473-1477.</ref>

A study of over 22,000 male physicians aged 40-84 years old over an average of 12 years, concluded, "Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduces the overall risk of stroke and the risk of [[ischemic stroke]] in men. The benefit is apparent with as little as one drink per week. Greater consumption, up to one drink per day, does not increase the observed benefit."<ref>Berger ''et al'' [http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/abstract/341/21/1557 Light-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Stroke among U.S. Male Physicians] ''New England Journal of Medicine'' 341(21):1557-1564, November 18, 1999</ref>

A [[meta-analysis]] of 35 previous studies of the effect of alcohol consumption on stroke risk found that "compared with abstainers, consumption of more than 60 g of alcohol per day (i.e., over four standard drinks -- heavy drinking) was associated with an increased relative risk of total stroke, 1.64 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-1.93); ischemic stroke, 1.69 (95% CI, 1.34-2.15); and hemorrhagic stroke, 2.18 (95% CI, 1.48-3.20), while consumption of less than 12 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of total stroke, 0.83 (95%, CI, 0.75-0.91) and ischemic stroke, 0.80 (95% CI, 0.67-0.96), and consumption of 12 to 24 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of ischemic stroke, 0.72 (95%, CI, 0.57-0.91). The meta-regression analysis revealed a significant nonlinear relationship between alcohol consumption and total and ischemic stroke and a linear relationship between alcohol consumption and hemorrhagic stroke."<ref>Reynolds ''et al'' [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/289/5/579?ijkey=fee253e510816697eebb5a8c64b917bfb678a579#TABLEJMA20035T1 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Stroke] ''JAMA'' 2003;289:579-588</ref>

===Gallblader pathologies===
Research has found that drinking reduces the risk of developing [[gallstones]]. Compared with alcohol abstainers, the relative risk of gallstone disease, controlling for age, sex, education, smoking, and body mass index, is 0.83 for occasional and regular moderate drinkers (< 25 ml of ethanol per day), 0.67 … for intermediate drinkers (25-50 ml per day), and 0.58 … for heavy drinkers. This inverse association was consistent across strata of age, sex, and body mass index."<ref>La Vecchia C, Decarli A, Ferraroni M, Negri E [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7986868&dopt=Abstract Alcohol drinking and prevalence of self-reported gallstone disease in the 1983 Italian National Health Survey] ''Epidemiology'' 1994 Sep;5(5):533-6</ref> Frequency of drinking also appears to be a factor. "An increase in frequency of alcohol consumption also was related to decreased risk. Combining the reports of quantity and frequency of alcohol intake, a consumption pattern that reflected frequent intake (5-7 days/week) of any given amount of alcohol was associated with a decreased risk, as compared with nondrinkers. In contrast, infrequent alcohol intake (1-2 days/week) showed no significant association with risk. … Recommendations regarding the benefit of moderate quantities of alcohol for gallstone disease should be weighed against the potential health hazards of alcohol consumption."<ref>Leitzmann MF, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Spiegelman D, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Rimm EB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=10371403 Prospective study of alcohol consumption patterns in relation to symptomatic gallstone disease in men] ''Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 1999 May;23(5):835-41</ref>

====Gallbladder disease====
Consumption of alcohol is unrelated to gallbladder disease.<ref>Sahi T, Paffenbarger RS Jr, Hsieh CC, Lee IM [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9554603&dopt=Abstract Body mass index, cigarette smoking, and other characteristics as predictors of self-reported, physician-diagnosed gallbladder disease in male college alumni] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' 1998 Apr 1;147(7):644-51</ref> However one study suggested that drinkers who take [[Vitamin C]] ([[ascorbic acid]]) might reduce their risk. "After adjustment for potential confounding variables, use of ascorbic acid supplements among drinkers was associated with a decreased prevalence of gallbladder disease … and cholecystectomy …. Use of ascorbic acid supplements among non-drinkers was not significantly associated with either prevalence of gallbladder disease or cholecystectomy. Further study is necessary to confirm our findings and, specifically, to examine the combined effects of ascorbic acid and alcohol on cholesterol metabolism."<ref>Simon JA, Grady D, Snabes MC, Fong J, Hunninghake DB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9495691&dopt=Abstract Ascorbic acid supplement use and the prevalence of gallbladder disease. Heart & Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) Research Group] ''Journal of Clinical Epidemiology'' 1998 Mar;51(3):257-65</ref>

===Neurologic disease===
Research has demonstrated a positive association between moderate drinking and cognition or thinking ability. A study of 6,033 British civil servants who were followed an average of 11 years found that those who consumed at least one drink in the previous week, compared with those who did not, were significantly less likely to have poor cognitive function. The beneficial effect extended to those drinking more than 240 g per week (approximately 30 drinks). Higher levels of consumption were not investigated. <ref> Britton, A., Singh-Manoux, A., Marmot, M. Alcohol consumption and cognitive function in the Whitehall II Study. American Journal of Epidemiology,2004 Aug 1;160(3):240-7. </ref> A three-year longitudinal study of several hundred men in the Netherlands found that low-to-moderate alcohol drinking was associated with a significantly lower risk for poor cognitive function than abstaining. <ref> Launer LJ, Feskens EJ, Kalmijn S, Kromhout D Smoking, drinking, and thinking. The Zutphen Elderly Study American Journal of Epidemiology 1996 Feb 1;143(3):219-27 </ref> A large prospective study that examined the effects of alcohol consumption on men 18 years later found that non-drinkers and heavy drinkers had the poorest cognitive ability. Moderate alcohol consumption was associated with the highest cognitive performance later in life.(82) <ref> Galanis, DJ; Joseph C, Masaki KH, Petrovitch H, Ross GW, White L A longitudinal study of drinking and cognitive performance in elderly Japanese American men: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study American Journal of Public Health Vol 90, Issue 8 1254-1259 </ref> A longitudinal study in France found that, among the women studied, moderate alcohol consumption was associated with higher cognitive function. Moderate drinkers were 2.5 times more likely to receive the highest cognitive ability scores than were abstainers. <ref> Dufouil, Carole; Ducimetière, Pierre; Ducimetière, Pierre Sex Differences in the Association between Alcohol Consumption and Cognitive Performance American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 146, No. 5: 405-412 </ref>

Two recent studies have added to the evidence that drinking in moderation is associated with better cognitive ability. Researchers in Australia studied 7,485 people age 20 to 64. They found that moderate drinkers performed better than abstainers on all, measures of cognitive ability. <ref> Rodgers, B., et al. Non-linear relationships between cognitive function and alcohol consumption in young, middle-aged and older adults: The PATH Through Life Project. Addiction, 2005, 100(9), 1280-1290; Anstey, K. J., et al. Lower cognitive test scores observed in alcohol are associated with demographic, personality, and biological factors: The PATH Through Life Project. Addiction, 2005, 100(9), 1291-1301. </ref>
Two recent studies have added to the evidence that drinking in moderation is associated with better cognitive ability. Researchers in Australia studied 7,485 people age 20 to 64. They found that moderate drinkers performed better than abstainers on all, measures of cognitive ability. <ref> Rodgers, B., et al. Non-linear relationships between cognitive function and alcohol consumption in young, middle-aged and older adults: The PATH Through Life Project. Addiction, 2005, 100(9), 1280-1290; Anstey, K. J., et al. Lower cognitive test scores observed in alcohol are associated with demographic, personality, and biological factors: The PATH Through Life Project. Addiction, 2005, 100(9), 1291-1301. </ref>

===Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease===
A 2003 John Hopkins study has linked moderate alcohol use to brain shrinkage and did not find any reduced risk of stroke among moderate drinkers.[http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/12/031205052952.htm]
Research has found moderate drinking to be associated with lower risk of [[dementia]], including [[Alzheimer’s disease]]. A study of about 6,000 people age 65 and older found that moderate drinkers had a 54% lower chance of developing dementia than did abstainers. <ref> Mulkamal, K. J. et al. Prospective study of alcohol consumption and risk of dementia in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003 (March 19), 289, 1405-1413. </ref> A study in the Netherlands of 7,983 people age 55 or older over a period averaging six years found that those who consumed one to three drinks per day had a significantly lower risk of dementia (including Alzheimer’s) than did non-drinkers. <ref> Ruitenberg, A., et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of demewntia: the Rotterdam Study. Lancet, 2002, 359(9303), 281-286. </ref> Over one thousand persons age 65 and older were studied over a period of seven years. Researchers found, that overall, light and moderate drinkers suffered less mental decline than did teetotalers. <ref> Ganguli, M., et al. Alcohol consumption and cognitive function in late life: A longitudinal community study. Neurology, 2005, 65, 1210-12-17. </ref> A study of 1,018 men and women age 65-79 whose mental health was monitored for an average of 23 years found that “drinking no alcohol, or too much, increases risk of cognitive impairment.” <ref> Antilla, Tiia, et al. Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age: a prospective population based study. British Medical Journal, 2004, 329, 538-539. </ref> In Italy researchers examined 15,807 people 65 years of age and older. Among the drinkers only 19% showed signs of mental impairment compared to 29% of the abstainers. <ref> Zuccala, G. , et al. Dose-related impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive function in advanced age: Results of a multicenter study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2001, 25, 1743-1748. </ref> In a study of 402 people at least 75 years of age who were followed almost six years found that light to moderate drinking was significantly associated with a decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease compared with non-drinkers. <ref> Huang W, Qiu C, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Alcohol consumption and incidence of dementia in a community sample aged 75 years and older. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2002, 55(10), 959-64. </ref> The results of a study of 12,480 women age 70-81 beginning in 1980 found that women who consumed alcohol moderately on a daily basis were about 20% less likely than non-drinkers to experience poor memory and decreased thinking abilities. <ref> Stampfer, M.J., et al. Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on cognitive function in women. New England Journal of Medicine, 2005, 352, 245-253. </ref> A study of 7,469 women age 65 and older found that those who consumed up to three drinks per day scored significantly better than non-drinkers on global cognitive function, including such things as concentration, memory, abstract reasoning, and language. <ref> Espeland, M., et al. Association between alcohol intake and domain-specific cognitive function in older women. Neuroepidemiology, 2006, 1(27), 1-12. </ref> A study of over 9,000 women age 70-79 over a four-year period. After adjusting for other factors that might effect mental function, the researchers found that the women who drank in moderation performed significantly on five of seven tests. They also performed significantly better on a global score that combined all seven tests <ref> Harrison, P.G. Moderate Drinking Helps Preserve Women's Brains. Reuters Health, June 15, 2001. See also Reuters, Associated Press, ABCNEWS, and HealthSCOUT of same date.</ref> A study of older women found that moderate drinkers (those who consumed up to two drinks per day) demonstrated better memory abilities than abstainers. The performance memory tests included such things as remembering a story, a route, hidden objects, future intentions and connecting random numbers and letters. In all cases, the group who drank scored better than those who did not drink. They also performed better on concentration, verbal-associative capacities and oral fluency. <ref> McDougall, Graham. Older Women’s Cognitive and Affective Response to Moderate Drinking. Paper presented at the meetings of the National Congress on the State of Science in Nursing Research. Washington, DC, October 7-8, 2004. </ref>

====[[Dementia]] and [[Alzheimer’s Disease]]====
Research has found moderate drinking to be associated with lower risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. A study of about 6,000 people age 65 and older found that moderate drinkers had a 54% lower chance of developing dementia than did abstainers. <ref> Mulkamal, K. J. et al. Prospective study of alcohol consumption and risk of dementia in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003 (March 19), 289, 1405-1413. </ref> A study in the Netherlands of 7,983 people age 55 or older over a period averaging six years found that those who consumed one to three drinks per day had a significantly lower risk of dementia (including Alzheimer’s) than did non-drinkers. <ref> Ruitenberg, A., et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of demewntia: the Rotterdam Study. Lancet, 2002, 359(9303), 281-286. </ref> Over one thousand persons age 65 and older were studied over a period of seven years. Researchers found, that overall, light and moderate drinkers suffered less mental decline than did teetotalers. <ref> Ganguli, M., et al. Alcohol consumption and cognitive function in late life: A longitudinal community study. Neurology, 2005, 65, 1210-12-17. </ref> A study of 1,018 men and women age 65-79 whose mental health was monitored for an average of 23 years found that “drinking no alcohol, or too much, increases risk of cognitive impairment.” <ref> Antilla, Tiia, et al. Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age: a prospective population based study. British Medical Journal, 2004, 329, 538-539. </ref> In Italy researchers examined 15,807 people 65 years of age and older. Among the drinkers only 19% showed signs of mental impairment compared to 29% of the abstainers. <ref> Zuccala, G. , et al. Dose-related impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive function in advanced age: Results of a multicenter study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2001, 25, 1743-1748. </ref> In a study of 402 people at least 75 years of age who were followed almost six years found that light to moderate drinking was significantly associated with a decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease compared with non-drinkers. <ref> Huang W, Qiu C, Winblad B, Fratiglioni L. Alcohol consumption and incidence of dementia in a community sample aged 75 years and older. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2002, 55(10), 959-64. </ref> The results of a study of 12,480 women age 70-81 beginning in 1980 found that women who consumed alcohol moderately on a daily basis were about 20% less likely than non-drinkers to experience poor memory and decreased thinking abilities. <ref> Stampfer, M.J., et al. Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on cognitive function in women. New England Journal of Medicine, 2005, 352, 245-253. </ref> A study of 7,469 women age 65 and older found that those who consumed up to three drinks per day scored significantly better than non-drinkers on global cognitive function, including such things as concentration, memory, abstract reasoning, and language. <ref> Espeland, M., et al. Association between alcohol intake and domain-specific cognitive function in older women. Neuroepidemiology, 2006, 1(27), 1-12. </ref> A study of over 9,000 women age 70-79 over a four-year period. After adjusting for other factors that might effect mental function, the researchers found that the women who drank in moderation performed significantly on five of seven tests. They also performed significantly better on a global score that combined all seven tests <ref> Harrison, P.G. Moderate Drinking Helps Preserve Women's Brains. Reuters Health, June 15, 2001. See also Reuters, Associated Press, ABCNEWS, and HealthSCOUT of same date.</ref> A study of older women found that moderate drinkers (those who consumed up to two drinks per day) demonstrated better memory abilities than abstainers. The performance memory tests included such things as remembering a story, a route, hidden objects, future intentions and connecting random numbers and letters. In all cases, the group who drank scored better than those who did not drink. They also performed better on concentration, verbal-associative capacities and oral fluency. <ref> McDougall, Graham. Older Women’s Cognitive and Affective Response to Moderate Drinking. Paper presented at the meetings of the National Congress on the State of Science in Nursing Research. Washington, DC, October 7-8, 2004. </ref>

In people with mild cognitive impairment, consuming up to a drink of alcohol per day reduced the development of dementia by 85% compared to teetotalers. The Italian study participants, age 65 to 84, were studied over a period of three and one-half years. <ref> Solfrizzi, V. et al. Alcohol consumption, mild cognitive impairment, and progression to dementia. Neurology, 2007, 68(2) </ref>
In people with mild cognitive impairment, consuming up to a drink of alcohol per day reduced the development of dementia by 85% compared to teetotalers. The Italian study participants, age 65 to 84, were studied over a period of three and one-half years. <ref> Solfrizzi, V. et al. Alcohol consumption, mild cognitive impairment, and progression to dementia. Neurology, 2007, 68(2) </ref>
Line 171: Line 77:
A review of existing research to identify how dementia can be reduced found that that both abstaining from alcohol and abusing it are risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. <ref> Andel, R., Hughes, T.F., & Crowe, M.G. (2005). Strategies to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Aging Health, 1(1),107-116. </ref>
A review of existing research to identify how dementia can be reduced found that that both abstaining from alcohol and abusing it are risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. <ref> Andel, R., Hughes, T.F., & Crowe, M.G. (2005). Strategies to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Aging Health, 1(1),107-116. </ref>

====Essential tremor====
===Essential tremor===
[[Essential tremor]]s can be temporarily and dramatically relieved in up to two-thirds of patients by drinking small amounts of alcohol, thus avoiding the serious side effects of the most effective and expensive medications or the dangers of surgery. (Charles P. D., ''et al''. Classification of tremor and update on treatment. ''American Family Physician'', 1999, ''59(6)'', 565-72; Bain, P. G., ''et al''. A study of hereditary essential tremor. Brain, 1994, ''117 (Pt 4)'', 805-24 ; Lou, J.S., & Jankovic J. Essential tremor: clinical correlates in 350 patients. ''Neurology'', 1991, ''41 (2 Pt 1)'', 234-8; Singer C, ''et al''. Gait abnormality in essential tremor. ''Movement Disorders'', 1994, ''9(2)'', 193-6; Wasielewski PG, ''et al''. Pharmacologic treatment of tremor. ''Movement Disorders'', 1998, ''13 (Suppl 3)'', 90-100; Boecker, H., ''et al''. The effect of ethanol on alcoholic-responsive essential tremors: a positron emission tomography study. ''Annals of Neurology'', 1996, ''39'', 650-658, 1996; Setting a steady course for benign essential tremor. ''The Johns Hopkins Medical Letter'', 1999 (December), ''11(10)''.)
[[Essential tremor]]s can be temporarily and dramatically relieved in up to two-thirds of patients by drinking small amounts of alcohol, thus avoiding the serious side effects of the most effective and expensive medications or the dangers of surgery. Charles P. D., ''et al''. Classification of tremor and update on treatment. ''American Family Physician'', 1999, ''59(6)'', 565-72; Bain, P. G., ''et al''. A study of hereditary essential tremor. Brain, 1994, ''117 (Pt 4)'', 805-24 ; Lou, J.S., & Jankovic J. Essential tremor: clinical correlates in 350 patients. ''Neurology'', 1991, ''41 (2 Pt 1)'', 234-8; Singer C, ''et al''. Gait abnormality in essential tremor. ''Movement Disorders'', 1994, ''9(2)'', 193-6; Wasielewski PG, ''et al''. Pharmacologic treatment of tremor. ''Movement Disorders'', 1998, ''13 (Suppl 3)'', 90-100; Boecker, H., ''et al''. The effect of ethanol on alcoholic-responsive essential tremors: a positron emission tomography study. ''Annals of Neurology'', 1996, ''39'', 650-658, 1996; Setting a steady course for benign essential tremor. ''The Johns Hopkins Medical Letter'', 1999 (December), ''11(10)''.

==Digestive System and Weight Gain==
{{seealso|Alcohol and weight}}
Moderate drinkers may have a lower risk of [[diabetes]] than non-drinkers. "Alcohol intake increases insulin sensitivity and may partly explain both the J-shaped relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and the amount of alcohol consumption and the decreased mortality for myocardial infarction."<ref>Avogaro A, Watanabe RM, Dall'Arche A, De Kreutzenberg SV, Tiengo A, Pacini G. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15161790&dopt=Abstract Acute alcohol consumption improves insulin action without affecting insulin secretion in type 2 diabetic subjects] ''Diabetes Care'', 2004 (June 6), ''27(6)'', 1369-1374</ref> "Compared with abstainers men who drank 30.0-49.9 g of alcohol daily had a [[relative risk]] of diabetes of 0.61."<ref>Rimm EB, Chan J, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Willett WC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_uids=7888928 Prospective study of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and the risk of diabetes in men] ''British Medical Journal'' 1995 Mar 4;310(6979):555-9</ref> "Consumption of 30 g/d of alcohol (2 drinks per day) has beneficial effects on insulin and triglyceride concentrations and insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic postmenopausal women."<ref>Davies, Michael J; Baer, David J; Judd, Joseph T; Brown, Ellen D; Campbell, William S; Taylor, Philip R [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/287/19/2559 Effects of Moderate Alcohol Intake on Fasting Insulin and Glucose Concentrations and Insulin Sensitivity in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial] ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2002, ''287(19)'', 2559-2562.</ref> After adjustment for age, randomized treatment assignment, smoking, physical activity, and [[body mass index]], the relative risk estimates of diabetes for those reporting alcohol use of rarely/never were 1.00 (referent), 1 to 3 drinks per month 1.03, 1 drink per week 0.89, 2 to 4 drinks per week 0.74, 5 to 6 drinks per week 0.67, and 1 or more drinks per day 0.57.<ref>Ajani, Umed A; Hennekens, Charles H; Spelsberg, Angela; Manson, JoAnn E [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/160/7/1025 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among US Male Physicians] ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2000, ''160'', 1025-1050</ref> "The results of this study suggested that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, binge drinking and high alcohol consumption may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women."<ref>Sofia Carlsson, Niklas Hammar, Valdemar Grill, and Jaakko Kaprio [http://care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/full/26/10/2785 Alcohol consumption and the incidence of type 2 diabetes: a 20-year follow-up of the Finnish Twin Cohort Study] ''Diabetes Care'', 2003, ''26(10)'', 2785-2786.</ref>
{{seealso|Alcoholic liver disease}}
Except from pancreatitis and liver disease, there is uncertainty whether alcohol is devastating or beneficial on the gastrointestinal system. Its impact on weight-gain is contentious: some studies find no effect, <ref>Cordain, L;, Bryan, E D; Melby, C L; Smith, M J [http://intl.jacn.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/2/134 Influence of moderate daily wine consumption on body weight regulation and metabolism in healthy free-living males] ''Journal of the American College of Nutrition'' 1997, Vol 16, Issue 2 134-139.</ref> others find decreased<ref> (Arif, A. A. & Rohrer, J. E. [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/5/126 Patterns of Alcohol Drinking and its Association with Obesity: Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994] ''BMC Public Health'', 2005 [[5 December]]), ''(5)'', 126.)</ref> or increased effect on weight gain.

Alcohol use increases the risk of chronic [[gastritis]] (stomach inflammation);<ref>[[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) ''Alcohol Research & Health'' Vol. 24, No. 1, 2000 [http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh24-1/05-11.pdf Health Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption] (PDF)</ref><ref name=bode1>Bode, Christiane; Bode, J. Christiane [https://webapps.ou.edu/alcohol/docs/12EtohGastroinstestinalTractDisorders76.pdf Alcohol’s Role in Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders] ''Alcohol Health & Research World'' Vol. 21, No. 1, 1997</ref> it is one cause of [[cirrhosis]], [[hepatitis]], and [[pancreatitis]] in both its [[Chronic pancreatitis|chronic]] and [[Acute pancreatitis|acute]] forms.
===Kidney stones===
Research indicates that drinking alcohol is associated with a lower risk of developing [[kidney stones]]. One study concludes, "Beer consumption was inversely associated with risk of kidney stones; each bottle of beer consumed per day was estimated to reduce risk by 40% …. Since beer seemed to be protective against kidney stones, the physiologic effects of other substances besides ethanol, especially those of hops, should also be examined."<ref>Hirvonen, Tero; Pietinen, Pirjo; Virtanen, Mikko; Albanes, Demetrius; Virtamo, Jarmo [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/150/2/187 Nutrient Intake and Use of Beverages and the Risk of Kidney Stones among Male Smokers] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 150, No. 2: 187-194</ref> "…consumption of coffee, alcohol, and vitamin C supplements were negatively associated with stones."<ref>Soucie, J. Michael; Coates, Ralph J; McClellan, William; Austin, Harland; Michael Thun [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/143/5/487 Relation between Geographic Variability in Kidney Stones Prevalence and Risk Factors for Stones] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 143, No. 5: 487-495</ref> "After mutually adjusting for the intake of other beverages, the risk of stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-ml (8-oz) serving consumed daily: caffeinated coffee, 10%; decaffeinated coffee, 10%; tea, 14%; beer, 21%; and wine, 39%."<ref>Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rimm EB, Spiegelman D, Stampfer MJ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8561157&dopt=Abstract Prospective study of beverage use and the risk of kidney stones] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' 1996 Feb 1;143(3):240-7</ref> "…stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-mL (8-oz) serving consumed daily: 10% for caffeinated coffee, 9% for decaffeinated coffee, 8% for tea, and 59% for wine." ([[Confidence interval|CI]] data excised from last two quotes.).<ref>Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Stampfer MJ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9518397&dopt=Abstract Beverage use and risk for kidney stones in women] ''Annals of Internal Medicine'' 1998 Apr 1;128(7):534-40</ref>

Consumption of alcohol is unrelated to gallbladder disease.<ref>Sahi T, Paffenbarger RS Jr, Hsieh CC, Lee IM [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9554603&dopt=Abstract Body mass index, cigarette smoking, and other characteristics as predictors of self-reported, physician-diagnosed gallbladder disease in male college alumni] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' 1998 Apr 1;147(7):644-51</ref> However one study suggested that drinkers who take [[Vitamin C]] ([[ascorbic acid]]) might reduce their risk. "After adjustment for potential confounding variables, use of ascorbic acid supplements among drinkers was associated with a decreased prevalence of gallbladder disease … and cholecystectomy …. Use of ascorbic acid supplements among non-drinkers was not significantly associated with either prevalence of gallbladder disease or cholecystectomy. Further study is necessary to confirm our findings and, specifically, to examine the combined effects of ascorbic acid and alcohol on cholesterol metabolism."<ref>Simon JA, Grady D, Snabes MC, Fong J, Hunninghake DB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9495691&dopt=Abstract Ascorbic acid supplement use and the prevalence of gallbladder disease. Heart & Estrogen-Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) Research Group] ''Journal of Clinical Epidemiology'' 1998 Mar;51(3):257-65</ref>
Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with higher [[bone mineral density]] in postmenopausal women. "…alcohol consumption significantly decreased the likelihood [of [[osteoporosis]]]."<ref>Siris, Ethel S; Miller, Paul D; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth; Faulkner, Kenneth G; Wehren, Lois E; Abbott, Thomas A; Berger, Marc L; Santora, Arthur C; Sherwood, Louis M [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/286/22/2815 Identification and Fracture Outcomes of Undiagnosed Low Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women] ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2001;286:2815-2822</ref> "Moderate alcohol intake was associated with higher BMD [bone mineral density] in postmenopausal elderly women."<ref>Rapuri, Prema B; Gallagher, J Christopher; Balhorn, Kurt E; Ryschon, Kay L [http://intl.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/72/5/1206 Alcohol intake and bone metabolism in elderly women] ''American Journal of Clinical Nursing'' Vol. 72, No. 5, 1206-1213, November 2000</ref> "Social drinking is associated with higher bone mineral density in men and women [over 45]."<ref>Holbrook TL, Barrett-Connor E [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8518677&dopt=Abstract A prospective study of alcohol consumption and bone mineral density] ''British Medical Journal'' 1993 Jun 5;306(6891):1506-9</ref>

===Rheumatoid arthritis===
Research has found that drinking reduces the risk of developing [[gallstones]]. Compared with alcohol abstainers, the relative risk of gallstone disease, controlling for age, sex, education, smoking, and body mass index, is 0.83 for occasional and regular moderate drinkers (< 25 ml of ethanol per day), 0.67 … for intermediate drinkers (25-50 ml per day), and 0.58 … for heavy drinkers. This inverse association was consistent across strata of age, sex, and body mass index."<ref>La Vecchia C, Decarli A, Ferraroni M, Negri E [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7986868&dopt=Abstract Alcohol drinking and prevalence of self-reported gallstone disease in the 1983 Italian National Health Survey] ''Epidemiology'' 1994 Sep;5(5):533-6</ref> Frequency of drinking also appears to be a factor. "An increase in frequency of alcohol consumption also was related to decreased risk. Combining the reports of quantity and frequency of alcohol intake, a consumption pattern that reflected frequent intake (5-7 days/week) of any given amount of alcohol was associated with a decreased risk, as compared with nondrinkers. In contrast, infrequent alcohol intake (1-2 days/week) showed no significant association with risk.”<ref>Leitzmann MF, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Spiegelman D, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Rimm EB [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=10371403 Prospective study of alcohol consumption patterns in relation to symptomatic gallstone disease in men] ''Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research'' 1999 May;23(5):835-41</ref>
Light to moderate alcohol consumption appears to reduce the risk of developing [[rheumatoid arthritis]], according to research. <ref> Turesson, Carl. Increased Alcohol Intake Associated with Decreased Risk of Developing Rheumatoid Arthritis. (Abstract) Paper presented at the annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Barcelona, Spain. June 13-16, 2007. European League Against Rheumatism, June 15, 2007; Myllykangas-Lusojarvi, R., Aho, K., Kautiainen, H., and Hakala, M. Reduced incidence of alcohol related deaths in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis. ''Annals of Rheumatoid Diseases'', 2000, ''59'', 75-76; Voight, L., ''et al''. Smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. ''Epidemiology'', 1994, ''5'', 525-532.</ref>

==Other Systems==
==Neither beneficial nor negative/Uncertain==
===Urinary System: Kidney stones===
Research indicates that drinking alcohol is associated with a lower risk of developing [[kidney stones]]. One study concludes, "Beer consumption was inversely associated with risk of kidney stones; each bottle of beer consumed per day was estimated to reduce risk by 40% …. Since beer seemed to be protective against kidney stones, the physiologic effects of other substances besides ethanol, especially those of hops, should also be examined."<ref>Hirvonen, Tero; Pietinen, Pirjo; Virtanen, Mikko; Albanes, Demetrius; Virtamo, Jarmo [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/150/2/187 Nutrient Intake and Use of Beverages and the Risk of Kidney Stones among Male Smokers] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 150, No. 2: 187-194</ref> "…consumption of coffee, alcohol, and vitamin C supplements were negatively associated with stones."<ref>Soucie, J. Michael; Coates, Ralph J; McClellan, William; Austin, Harland; Michael Thun [http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/143/5/487 Relation between Geographic Variability in Kidney Stones Prevalence and Risk Factors for Stones] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' Vol. 143, No. 5: 487-495</ref> "After mutually adjusting for the intake of other beverages, the risk of stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-ml (8-oz) serving consumed daily: caffeinated coffee, 10%; decaffeinated coffee, 10%; tea, 14%; beer, 21%; and wine, 39%."<ref>Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rimm EB, Spiegelman D, Stampfer MJ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8561157&dopt=Abstract Prospective study of beverage use and the risk of kidney stones] ''American Journal of Epidemiology'' 1996 Feb 1;143(3):240-7</ref> "…stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-mL (8-oz) serving consumed daily: 10% for caffeinated coffee, 9% for decaffeinated coffee, 8% for tea, and 59% for wine." ([[Confidence interval|CI]] data excised from last two quotes.).<ref>Curhan GC, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Stampfer MJ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9518397&dopt=Abstract Beverage use and risk for kidney stones in women] ''Annals of Internal Medicine'' 1998 Apr 1;128(7):534-40</ref>
{{main|Alcohol and weight}}
Contrary to common belief, drinking alcohol does not necessarily lead to [[weight]] gain. Most research studies find no increase in body weight, some find an increase, and some find a small decrease among women who begin consuming alcohol (references for this statement are listed in [[Alcohol and weight]]). Some of these studies are very large; one involved nearly 80,000 and another included 140,000 subjects.

=== Endocrine System: Diabetes===
A study of 14 male subjects concluded that "In free-living subjects over a 6-week period, the addition of two glasses of red wine to the evening meal does not appear to influence any measured variable which may adversely affect body weight or promote the development of obesity during this time period."<ref>Cordain, L;, Bryan, E D; Melby, C L; Smith, M J [http://intl.jacn.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/2/134 Influence of moderate daily wine consumption on body weight regulation and metabolism in healthy free-living males] ''Journal of the American College of Nutrition'' 1997, Vol 16, Issue 2 134-139.</ref>
Moderate drinkers may have a lower risk of [[diabetes]] than non-drinkers. "Alcohol intake increases insulin sensitivity and may partly explain both the J-shaped relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and the amount of alcohol consumption and the decreased mortality for myocardial infarction."<ref>Avogaro A, Watanabe RM, Dall'Arche A, De Kreutzenberg SV, Tiengo A, Pacini G. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15161790&dopt=Abstract Acute alcohol consumption improves insulin action without affecting insulin secretion in type 2 diabetic subjects] ''Diabetes Care'', 2004 (June 6), ''27(6)'', 1369-1374</ref> "Compared with abstainers men who drank 30.0-49.9 g of alcohol daily had a [[relative risk]] of diabetes of 0.61."<ref>Rimm EB, Chan J, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Willett WC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Citation&list_uids=7888928 Prospective study of cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and the risk of diabetes in men] ''British Medical Journal'' 1995 Mar 4;310(6979):555-9</ref> "Consumption of 30 g/d of alcohol (2 drinks per day) has beneficial effects on insulin and triglyceride concentrations and insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic postmenopausal women."<ref>Davies, Michael J; Baer, David J; Judd, Joseph T; Brown, Ellen D; Campbell, William S; Taylor, Philip R [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/287/19/2559 Effects of Moderate Alcohol Intake on Fasting Insulin and Glucose Concentrations and Insulin Sensitivity in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial] ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2002, ''287(19)'', 2559-2562.</ref> After adjustment for age, randomized treatment assignment, smoking, physical activity, and [[body mass index]], the relative risk estimates of diabetes for those reporting alcohol use of rarely/never were 1.00 (referent), 1 to 3 drinks per month 1.03, 1 drink per week 0.89, 2 to 4 drinks per week 0.74, 5 to 6 drinks per week 0.67, and 1 or more drinks per day 0.57.<ref>Ajani, Umed A; Hennekens, Charles H; Spelsberg, Angela; Manson, JoAnn E [http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/160/7/1025 Alcohol Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among US Male Physicians] ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2000, ''160'', 1025-1050</ref> "The results of this study suggested that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, binge drinking and high alcohol consumption may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women."<ref>Sofia Carlsson, Niklas Hammar, Valdemar Grill, and Jaakko Kaprio [http://care.diabetesjournals.org/cgi/content/full/26/10/2785 Alcohol consumption and the incidence of type 2 diabetes: a 20-year follow-up of the Finnish Twin Cohort Study] ''Diabetes Care'', 2003, ''26(10)'', 2785-2786.</ref>

===Skeletal System===
A [[Mayo clinic]] study of 8,236 men and women found that people who had one or two alcoholic drinks a day were about half as likely to be obese than teetotalers.<ref> (Arif, A. A. & Rohrer, J. E. [http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/5/126 Patterns of Alcohol Drinking and its Association with Obesity: Data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994] ''BMC Public Health'', 2005 [[5 December]]), ''(5)'', 126.)</ref>
Light to moderate alcohol consumption appears to reduce the risk of developing [[rheumatoid arthritis]], according to research. <ref> Turesson, Carl. Increased Alcohol Intake Associated with Decreased Risk of Developing Rheumatoid Arthritis. (Abstract) Paper presented at the annual European Congress of Rheumatology. Barcelona, Spain. June 13-16, 2007. European League Against Rheumatism, June 15, 2007; Myllykangas-Lusojarvi, R., Aho, K., Kautiainen, H., and Hakala, M. Reduced incidence of alcohol related deaths in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis. ''Annals of Rheumatoid Diseases'', 2000, ''59'', 75-76; Voight, L., ''et al''. Smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. ''Epidemiology'', 1994, ''5'', 525-532.</ref>

Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with higher [[bone mineral density]] in postmenopausal women. "…alcohol consumption significantly decreased the likelihood [of [[osteoporosis]]]."<ref>Siris, Ethel S; Miller, Paul D; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth; Faulkner, Kenneth G; Wehren, Lois E; Abbott, Thomas A; Berger, Marc L; Santora, Arthur C; Sherwood, Louis M [http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/286/22/2815 Identification and Fracture Outcomes of Undiagnosed Low Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women] ''Journal of the American Medical Association'', 2001;286:2815-2822</ref> "Moderate alcohol intake was associated with higher BMD [bone mineral density] in postmenopausal elderly women."<ref>Rapuri, Prema B; Gallagher, J Christopher; Balhorn, Kurt E; Ryschon, Kay L [http://intl.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/72/5/1206 Alcohol intake and bone metabolism in elderly women] ''American Journal of Clinical Nursing'' Vol. 72, No. 5, 1206-1213, November 2000</ref> "Social drinking is associated with higher bone mineral density in men and women [over 45]."<ref>Holbrook TL, Barrett-Connor E [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8518677&dopt=Abstract A prospective study of alcohol consumption and bone mineral density] ''British Medical Journal'' 1993 Jun 5;306(6891):1506-9</ref>
===Gastrointestinal diseases===
Except from pancreatitis and liver disease, there is uncerteinty whether alcohol is devastating or beneficial on the gastrointestinal system;

====Devastating tendencies====
Alcohol use increases the risk of chronic [[gastritis]] (stomach inflammation)<ref>[[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) ''Alcohol Research & Health'' Vol. 24, No. 1, 2000 [http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh24-1/05-11.pdf Health Risks and Benefits of Alcohol Consumption] (PDF)</ref><ref name=bode1>Bode, Christiane; Bode, J. Christiane [https://webapps.ou.edu/alcohol/docs/12EtohGastroinstestinalTractDisorders76.pdf Alcohol’s Role in Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders] ''Alcohol Health & Research World'' Vol. 21, No. 1, 1997</ref>

==Immune System, Bacterial Contamination, and Cancer==
====Beneficial tendencies====
===Bacterial Infection===
Drinking strong alcoholic beverages with a meal may offer some protection against bacterial contamination. The antibacterial activity of red and white wine against enteropathogens, (e.g. [[Shigella]] or [[Salmonella]]<ref>Desenclos JA, Klontz KC, Wilder MH, Gunn RA [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1637901&dopt=Abstract The protective effect of alcohol on the occurrence of epidemic oyster-borne hepatitis A] ''Epidemiology'' 1992 Jul;3(4):371-4</ref>) may protect against bacterial diarrhoea in a similar way to bismuth salicylate.<ref>Weisse, Martin E; Eberly, Bardwell; Person, Donald A [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/311/7021/1657?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=Weisse&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT Wine as a digestive aid: comparative antimicrobial effects of bismuth salicylate and red and white wine] ''[[British Medical Journal]]'' 1995;311:1657-1660 (23 December)</ref>.
Drinking strong alcoholic beverages with a meal may offer some protection against bacterial contamination. The antibacterial activity of red and white wine against enteropathogens, (e.g. [[Shigella]] or [[Salmonella]]<ref>Desenclos JA, Klontz KC, Wilder MH, Gunn RA [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1637901&dopt=Abstract The protective effect of alcohol on the occurrence of epidemic oyster-borne hepatitis A] ''Epidemiology'' 1992 Jul;3(4):371-4</ref>) may protect against bacterial diarrhoea in a similar way to bismuth salicylate.<ref>Weisse, Martin E; Eberly, Bardwell; Person, Donald A [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/311/7021/1657?maxtoshow=&HITS=10&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&author1=Weisse&andorexactfulltext=and&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sortspec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT Wine as a digestive aid: comparative antimicrobial effects of bismuth salicylate and red and white wine] ''[[British Medical Journal]]'' 1995;311:1657-1660 (23 December)</ref>.

====Peptic ulcer disease====
There is a protective effect of alcohol consumption against active infection with ''H pylori''<ref>Brenner, Hermann; Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Bode, Günter; Adler, Guido [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/315/7121/1489 Relation of smoking and alcohol and coffee consumption to active ''Helicobacter pylori'' infection: cross sectional study] ''British Medical Journal'' 1997;315:1489-1492 (6 December)</ref> In contrast, alcohol intake (comparing those who drink > 30 gm of alcohol per day to nondrinkers) is not associated with higher risk of duodenal ulcer <ref>Aldoori WH, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Wing AL, Willett WC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9209857&dopt=Abstract A prospective study of alcohol, smoking, caffeine, and the risk of duodenal ulcer in men] ''Epidemiology'' 1997 Jul;8(4):420-4.</ref>
There is a protective effect of alcohol consumption against active infection with ''H pylori''<ref>Brenner, Hermann; Rothenbacher, Dietrich; Bode, Günter; Adler, Guido [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/315/7121/1489 Relation of smoking and alcohol and coffee consumption to active ''Helicobacter pylori'' infection: cross sectional study] ''British Medical Journal'' 1997;315:1489-1492 (6 December)</ref> In contrast, alcohol intake (comparing those who drink > 30 gm of alcohol per day to nondrinkers) is not associated with higher risk of duodenal ulcer <ref>Aldoori WH, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Rimm EB, Wing AL, Willett WC [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9209857&dopt=Abstract A prospective study of alcohol, smoking, caffeine, and the risk of duodenal ulcer in men] ''Epidemiology'' 1997 Jul;8(4):420-4.</ref>

{{Main|Alcohol and cancer}}
Research is lacking on the possible brain effects of light or moderate alcohol consumption among young humans.<ref> http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/HealthIssues/references/1127400726.html </ref>
The NIAAA states that "Although epidemiologic studies have found a clear association between alcohol consumption and development of certain types of cancer, study findings are often inconsistent and may vary by country and by type of cancer."<ref name=alert21/> The [[United States Department of Health and Human Services|U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’]] National [[Toxicology]] Program listed alcohol as a ''known [[carcinogen]]'' in 2000 .<ref>National Toxicology Program [http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/roc/eleventh/profiles/s007alco.pdf Alcoholic Beverage Consumption: Known to be a human carcinogen] First listed in the ''Ninth Report on Carcinogens'' (2000)(PDF)</ref>

Others are more cautious in their evaluation. The [[National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism]] (NIAAA) reports that "Although there is no evidence that alcohol itself is a carcinogen, alcohol may act as a cocarcinogen by enhancing the carcinogenic effects of other chemicals. For example, studies indicate that alcohol enhances tobacco's ability to stimulate tumor formation in rats (Garro & Lieber). In humans, the risk for mouth, tracheal, and esophageal cancer is 35 times greater for people who both smoke and drink than for people who neither smoke nor drink (Blot ''et al''.), implying a cocarcinogenic interaction between alcohol and tobacco-related carcinogens (Garro & Lieber)."<ref name=alert21>National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/aa21.htm Alcohol Alert No. 21 PH 345 July 1993]</ref> One study determined that "3.6% of all cancer cases worldwide are related to alcohol drinking, resulting in 3.5% of all cancer deaths."<ref>
[http://www.oncolink.com/resources/article.cfm?c=3&s=8&ss=23&id=13383&month=08&year=2006 Burden of alcohol-related cancer substantial]</ref> The NiAAA suggests that "considerable evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and increased risk for cancer, with an estimated 2 to 4 percent of all cancer cases thought to be caused either directly or indirectly by alcohol."<ref name=alert21/>
There are several variables that determine the actual effect on health by alcohol. It depends on how much alcohol is consumed, and on both genetics and lifestyle, e.g. to which extent one exercises. What type of alcohol one drinks may also play a role.

==Specific Demographics==
===Amount consumed===
Research is lacking on the possible brain effects of light or moderate alcohol consumption among young humans.<ref> http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/HealthIssues/references/1127400726.html </ref>
====Moderate consumption====
Moderate consumption of alcohol is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans as no more than two drinks for men and one drink for women per day. It is defined by the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) as four drinks per day, not to exceed 14 per week for a man and three per day, not to exceed 14 per week for a woman. The [[United Kingdom|UK]] equivalent is 3-4 units per day for men and 2-3 units for women. See the main article [[Recommended maximum intake of alcoholic beverages]] for a list of governments' guidances on alcohol intake which, for a man, range from 140 to 280g per week.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there is convincing evidence that "low to moderate alcohol intake" results in a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.<ref>http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/5_population_nutrient/en/index12.html</ref> However, the WHO cautions that "other cardiovascular and health risks associated with alcohol do not favour a general recommendation for its use."<ref>http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/5_population_nutrient/en/index13.html</ref>
Therefore, recommendation to an abstainer to become a moderate drinker is controversial because of the potential health hazards of alcohol abuse.<ref>BBC [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4491314.stm Alcohol's health benefits doubted]</ref>

An exhaustive review of all major heart disease studies has found that "moderate consumers (1 to 2 drinks/day) were at a lower risk of coronary heart disease than nonconsumers or heavy consumers. Evaluation of total mortality in relationship to alcohol consumption reveals that a similar U-shaped relationship to longevity exists."<ref name = LaPorte>LaPorte RE, Cauley JA, Kuller LH, Flegal K, Gavaler JS, Van Thiel D.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?CMD=Display&DB=pubmed Alcohol, coronary heart disease, and total mortality] ''Recent developments in Alcoholism'', 1985, ''3'', 157-163 </ref> "A substantial portion of the benefit is from alcohol rather than other components of each type of drink." <ref name = Rimm1996>Rimm, E. B., Klatsky, A., Grobbee, D., and Stampfer, M. J. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids=8605457&dopt=medline Review of moderate alcohol consumption and reduced risk of coronary heart disease: Is the effect due to beer, wine or spirits?] ''British Medical Journal'', 1996, ''312'', 731-736.</ref> However, studies have also shown that episodic heavy drinking increases the risk of major coronary events such as coronary heart disease and stroke, even in users whose overall volume of drinking was low.{{Fact|date=May 2007}}

Other possibilities are that moderate drinkers have more healthful lifestyles (making them healthier), higher economic status (giving them greater access to better foods or better healthcare), higher educational levels (causing them to be more aware of disease symptoms), etc. However, when these and other factors are considered, the conclusion again remains the same: moderate drinkers are less likely to suffer cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death in Europe and the Americas.<ref name = Pearson>Pearson, Thomas A. From the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association [http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/94/11/3023 Alcohol and heart disease] ''Circulation'' 1996;94:3023-3025</ref> In addition, research has demonstrated specific mechanisms whereby alcohol significantly reduces cardiovascular disease <ref name = Davidson>Davidson, D. M. [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1026830 Cardiovascular effects of alcohol] ''Western Journal of Medicine'', 1989, ''151(4)'', 430-439</ref> <ref name = Ely&Berne>Ely, S. J. and Berne, R. M. Protective effects of adenosine in myocardial ischemia. ''Circulation'', 1992, ''85(3)'', 893-900.</ref> <ref name = Facchini>Facchini, F, Chen, Y., and Reaven, G. Light-to-moderate alcohol intake is associated with enhanced insulin sensitivity. ''Diabetes Care'', 1994, ''17(2)'', 89-101.</ref> <ref name = Langer>Langer, R., Criqui, M., and Reed, D. Lipoprotein and blood pressure as biological pathways for effects of moderate alcohol consumption on coronary heart disease. ''Circulation'', 1992, ''85(3)'', 910-915.</ref> <ref name = Mennen>Mennen, L., ''et al''. Fibrinogen may explain in part the protective effect of moderate drinking on the risk of cardiovascular disease. ''Arteriosclerotic and Thrombodic Vascular Biology'', 1999, ''19'', 887-892.</ref> <ref name = Paassilta>Paassilta. M., et al. Social alcohol consumption and low Lp (a) lipoprotein concentrations in middle aged Finnish men: Population based study. ''British Medial Journal'', 1998, ''316'', 594-595.</ref> <ref name = Rimm>Rimm, E., ''et al''. Moderate alcohol intake and lower risk of coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of effects on lipids and hemostatic factors. ''British Medical Journal'', 1999, ''319'', 1523-1528.</ref> <ref name = Thun>Thun, L., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption in middle-aged and early U. S. adults. ''New England Journal of Medicine'', 1997, ''336'', 1705-1714.</ref> <ref name = WangBarker>Wang, Z., and Barker, T. Alcohol at moderate levels decreases fibrinogen expression ''in vivo'' and ''in vitro''. ''Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research'', 1999, ''23'', 1927-1932.</ref> <ref name = Zhang>Zhang, Q., ''et al''. Effects of acute, moderate alcohol consumption on human platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood. ''Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research'', 2000, ''24'', 528-534.</ref>, may reduce the risk of dementia, and even indirectly [[facilitate]] memory and learning.<ref name = BBCNews>BBC [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1780130.stm Alcohol 'could reduce dementia risk'] 25 January 2002</ref> However, a study published in the ''British Medical Journal'' found that, after adjusting for other potentially confounding factors, alcohol consumption had no noticeable effect on the risk of coronary heart disease.<ref name = HartRoom>Carole L Hart, George Davey Smith, David J Hole and Victor M Hawthorne [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=31100 Alcohol consumption and mortality from all causes, coronary heart disease, and stroke: results from a prospective cohort study of Scottish men with 21 years of follow up] ''British Medical Journal'', 1999, ''318'', 1725-1729.</ref> This was true for the full range of the test group, including both non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. The study's authors state that the difference may be explained by the exclusion of people who were of ill health who in other studies may have been included in the non-drinker category, as well as other variables, particularly socioeconomic background.

According to the ''New England Journal Of Medicine'', compared to abstainers, those who drink alcohol regularly have higher death rates from injuries, violence, suicide, poisoning, cirrhosis, certain cancers, and possibly hemorrhagic stroke.<ref name = Thun>Thun, L., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption in middle-aged and early U. S. adults. ''New England Journal of Medicine'', 1997, ''336'', 1705-1714.</ref><ref name = Saitz>Saitz, R. Unhealthy alcohol use. ''New England Journal of Medicine'', 2005, ''352'', 596-607.</ref> Also according to the NEJM, for men under the age of 34 and women under the age of 45, those reporting no alcohol intake have the lowest mortality rate.<ref name = Saitz>Saitz, R. Unhealthy alcohol use. ''New England Journal of Medicine'', 2005, ''352'', 596-607.</ref> The ''British Medical Journal'' found that the risks of several types of cancer increase for those who consume alcohol in comparison to lifelong abstainers.<ref name = Austoker>Austoker, J. Cancer Prevention in Primary Care: Reducing alcohol intake. ''British Medical Journal'', 1994, ''308'', 1549-1552.</ref> This was true even for moderate drinkers.

Alcohol consumption can cause a [[magnesium deficiency (medicine)|magnesium deficiency]] or reduce magnesium levels, as well as reduce levels of [[zinc]] and other minerals. These deficiencies may contribute to, or explain, many resulting diseases related to the overconsumption of alcohol. Moderate or heavy consumers of alcohol may want to ensure a [[healthy diet]] containing adequate [[magnesium]] and other minerals to help reduce the risk of diseases caused by alcohol consumption.

====Heavy consumption====
Heavy consumption is detrimental to the user's health. People under the influence of alcohol sometimes find themselves in dangerous or compromising situations where they would not be had they remained sober.

Some people are predisposed to developing a [[chemical dependency]] to alcohol, [[alcoholism]]. The results of alcoholism are considered a major health problem in many nations. The development of alcoholism does not take place in the absence of alcohol, but neither does the presence of alcohol cause it.

Children of alcoholic parents have 4 times more chance to becoming addicted themselves.

Alcohol is said to be a factor in about 50% of deaths in car accidents, 50% of homicides and 25% of suicides. [http://www.ufrrj.br/institutos/it/de/acidentes/etanol1.htm]

The neurological effects of alcohol use are often a factor in deadly motor vehicle accidents. Operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery under the influence of alcohol is a serious crime in almost all developed nations.

{| class="wikitable"
|+ RISK OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS{{Fact|date=May 2007}}
| 0.6 g/l || 1.5 times the risk
| 0.8 g/l || 4 times the risk
| 1.5 g/l || 25 times the risk

===Type of alcohol===
Results from observational studies, where alcohol consumption can be linked directly to an individual's risk of coronary heart disease, provide strong evidence that all alcoholic drinks are linked with lower risk. Thus, a substantial portion of the benefit is from alcohol itself rather than other components of each type of drink.<ref>Rimm, Eric B; Klatsky, Arthur; Grobbee, Diederick; Stampfer, Meir J [http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/312/7033/731?ijkey=c90dc8d3bbf9198b2fc1e2d1e3c171a4a4c19a08&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha Review of moderate alcohol consumption and reduced risk of coronary heart disease: is the effect due to beer, wine, or spirits?] ''BMJ'' 1996;312:731-736 (23 March)</ref><ref> Mulkamal, K.J., ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in men with healthy lifestyles. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2006 (October), ''166(19)'', 2145-2150 </ref>

However, there might be other beneficial components as well. <ref>Edell, Dean and Schrieberg, David ''Eat, Drink and be Merry: America's Doctor Tells You Why the Health Experts Are Wrong''. NY: HarperCollins, 1999, ISBN 0-06-109697-0 pp. 191-192.</ref> For instance, red wine, particularly from areas of cold climate, seems to offer increased cardio-vascular protection, and the effect might result from [[polyphenols]], chemical components contained in grape skin<ref>Cordova AC, Jackson LS, Berke-Schlessel DW, Sumpio BE [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15737855&dopt=Abstract The cardiovascular protective effect of red wine] ''J Am Coll Surg'' 2005 Mar;200(3):428-39 (no abstract)</ref> Furthermore, alcohol-free red wine has the same health benefits as alcoholic wine; the alcohol may actually shorten the benefits.<ref name="alcoholfree">{{cite news|title=Alcohol-free wine 'just as healthy'|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/584070.stm|publisher=BBC News|date=[[1999-12-30]]|accessdate=2007-07-16}}</ref> [[Flavonoids]] believed to be protective against coronary heart disease and some types of cancer, are present in wine due to its fermentation from grapes. These left the blood more quickly when alcohol was consumed.<ref name="alcoholfree" />

=== Exercise and diet ===
Some of the benefits of moderate drinking can be obtained from having a low-fat diet, exercising regularly (for heart health), and eliminating excess salt from the diet. On the other hand, Dr. Eric Rimm of Harvard reports that people have increases of 10 to 30 percent in HDL in a week from drinking alcohol. He says that “nothing else in the diet can have such a dramatic impact on HDL in such a short time”.<ref>Underwood, Anne. [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9466934/site/newsweek/ A Healthy Toast: It's not just wine that protects the heart. All alcohol has cardiac benefits — in moderation] ''Newsweek'', October 3, 2005, 70. Dr. Rimm interviewed and quoted.</ref>

Drinking alcohol in moderation can have a greater impact on reducing heart disease than any factor other than the cessation of smoking. And both drinking in moderation and not smoking contribute to the effectiveness of other lifestyle improvements.<ref>Ellison, R. Curtis Here's to your health. ''Wine Spectator'', October 31, 1998, 34-46.</ref>

Moreover, a prospective study concluded in 2007 comparing the effects of moderate alcohol consumption in otherwise similar cohorts of men who were in the lowest-risk categories in a variety of health indicators, such as weight, dietary habits, exercise habits, blood pressure, and cholesterol, became the first study to show that even for such men in optimum health, those who consumed moderate doses of alcohol received significant health benefits over those who abstained from alcohol, suggesting that moderate consumption of alcohol has independent health benefits that do not substitute for and cannot be substituted by other positive lifestyle interventions. {{Fact|date=September 2007}}

== Mortality ==
* [[United Kingdom]]: "In 2004 there were 8,221 alcohol-related deaths in the UK, almost double the total of 4,144 in 1991."<ref>[http://www.statistics.gov.uk/pdfdir/alrate0207.pdf Alcohol-related death rate highest in Scotland]</ref>
Light and moderate drinking saves more lives in England and Wales than are lost through the abuse of alcohol according to scientists at the University of London. The researchers determined that if everyone abstained from alcohol, death rates would be significantly higher. In the words of the lead author, "alcohol saves more lives than it costs." <ref> Britton, A., and McPherson, K. Mortality in England and Wales attributable to current alcohol consumption. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2001, 55(6), 383-388 </ref>

Other researchers, led by Dr. Ian White, found that, in the United Kingdom, 15,080 deaths were prevented through the use of alcohol, while 13,216 were caused by its abuse. Thus, the use of alcohol led to a net gain of 1,864 lives. <ref> Dodson, Roger. Alcohol prevents more deaths than it causes. Independent News (UK) May23, 2004 </ref>

* [[United States]]: A 2001 report estimates that medium and high consumption of alcohol led to 75,754 deaths in the USA. Low consumption has some beneficial effects so a net 59,180 deaths were attributed to alcohol.<ref>
[http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ardi/Report.aspx?T=AAM&P=9d3057a6-5cda-416d-ba10-41e7b8ebd521&R=c22869f8-a1d3-48a8-8095-9142c6de5baf&M=1d04dc84-f775-4032-9ab3-75bc10221b2b&L=&F=AAMCauseGenderNew&D=A Alcohol-Attributable Deaths Report, United States 2001]</ref>
Research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reveals that the benefits of moderate drinking outweigh the harms from abusive drinking.
The NIAAA calculates that if all drinkers in the U.S. became abstainers, there would be an additional 80,000 deaths per year. Abstaining dramatically increases the risks of heart attack, ichemic stroke, and many other diseases and life-threatening conditions.
The CDC calculates that abusive drinking lead to about 75,766 deaths from all causes in 2001, a number that continues to decline. Therefore, these analyses indicate that moderate alcohol consumption saves more lives than are lost as a result of alcohol abuse.
<ref> Gunzerath, Lorraine, et al. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Report on Moderate Drinking, Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, 2004, 28(6), 829-84; Midanik, L.T., et al. alcohol-attributable deaths and years of potential life lost --- United States, 200. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 2004 (September 24), 53(37) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)</ref>

* [[Australia]]:The Cancer Council of New South Wales concludes that “If the net effect of total alcohol consumption on Australian society is considered, there is a net saving of lives due to the protective effect of low levels of consumption on cardiovascular disease.” <ref> Cancer Council of New South Wales web site </ref>

== Alcohol compared to other drugs ==
A 2007 paper in ''[[The Lancet]]'' attempted to classify drugs by the harm they do; it puts alcohol in fifth place behind [[heroin]], [[cocaine]], [[barbiturate]]s, and street [[methadone]].<ref>David Nutt, Leslie A King, William Saulsbury, Colin Blakemore [http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140673607604644/fulltext Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse] ''The Lancet'' 2007; 369:1047-1053 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60464-4 (requires free registration)</ref><ref>BBC [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6474053.stm Scientists want new drug rankings] 23 March 2007</ref>

The relationship between '''[[alcohol]] [[alcohol consumption|consumption]] and [[health]]''' has been the subject of formal [[scientific research]] since at least [[1926]], when Dr. [[Raymond Pearl]] published his book, ''Alcohol and Longevity'', in which he reported his finding that drinking alcohol in moderation was associated with greater longevity than either abstaining or drinking heavily.<ref>[[Raymond Pearl|Pearl, Raymond]]. Alcohol and Longevity. NY: Knopf, 1926.</ref> Since that time data have come in from all over the world. Studies have focused on both men and women, various age groups, and people of many ethnic groups. Published papers now total in the many hundreds. Much evidence is not simply correlational or time sequence in nature. Some of the many specific ways by which alcohol leads to improved cardiovascular health are now understood, often in great detail. <ref> Vliegenthart, R. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and coronary classification in a general population. ''Archives of Internal Medicine'', 2004 (November), ''164'', 2355-2360; Koppes, L. ''et al''. Blood cholesterol levels of 32-year-old consumers better than that of nonconsumers. ''Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior'', 2000, ''66(1)'', 163-167; Albert, M.A. ''et al''. Alcohol consumption and plasma concentrations iof C-reactive protien. ''Circulation'', 2003, ''107'', 433-447; Baer, D.J. ''et al''. Moderate alcohol consumption lowers rik factors for cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women fed a controlled diet. ''American Journal of Clinical Nursing'', 2002, ''75'', 593-599; Catena, C. ''et al''. Serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations and alcohol consumption in hypertension. ''Journal of Hypertension'', 2003, ''21(2), 281-288 </ref>

[[Fetal alcohol syndrome]] or FAS is a disorder of permanent [[birth defect]]s that occurs in the offspring of women who drink [[alcohol]] during pregnancy. Drinking heavily or during the early stages of prenatal development has been conclusively linked to FAS; the impact of light or moderate consumption is not yet fully understood.

==See also==
===See also===
* [[Alcohol and cancer]]
* [[Alcohol and cancer]]
* [[Alcohol and cardiovascular disease]]
* [[Alcohol and cardiovascular disease]]
Line 296: Line 133:
* [[French paradox]]
* [[French paradox]]

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<!-- not actually referenced *Walsh, C. R., et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of congestive heart failure in the Framingham Heart Study. ''Annals of Internal Medicine'', 2002, ''136(3)'', 181-191. -->
<!-- not actually referenced *Walsh, C. R., et al. Alcohol consumption and risk of congestive heart failure in the Framingham Heart Study. ''Annals of Internal Medicine'', 2002, ''136(3)'', 181-191. -->

'''Not found online yet'''
*Trevisan, M., et al. Drinking pattern and mortality: a longitudinal study; Gaziano, J. M., et al. A prospective cohort study of moderate alcohol consumption and sudden death in the Physicians' Health Study. Abstract . ''The Canadian Journal of Cardiology'', June, 1997, volume 13, Supplement B.
*Trevisan, M., et al. Drinking pattern and mortality: a longitudinal study; Gaziano, J. M., et al. A prospective cohort study of moderate alcohol consumption and sudden death in the Physicians' Health Study. Abstract . ''The Canadian Journal of Cardiology'', June, 1997, volume 13, Supplement B.

==External links==
==External links==
*[http://www.bu.edu/act/alcoholandhealth/index.html Alcohol and Health: Current Evidence. Boston University/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Journal]
*[http://www.bu.edu/act/alcoholandhealth/index.html Alcohol and Health: Current Evidence. Boston University/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Journal]
*[http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ardi/Report.aspx?T=AAM&P=9d3057a6-5cda-416d-ba10-41e7b8ebd521&R=c22869f8-a1d3-48a8-8095-9142c6de5baf&M=1d04dc84-f775-4032-9ab3-75bc10221b2b&L=&F=AAMCauseGenderNew&D=A Alcohol-Attributable Deaths Report, United States 2001]
*[http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/ardi/Report.aspx?T=AAM&P=9d3057a6-5cda-416d-ba10-41e7b8ebd521&R=c22869f8-a1d3-48a8-8095-9142c6de5baf&M=1d04dc84-f775-4032-9ab3-75bc10221b2b&L=&F=AAMCauseGenderNew&D=A Alcohol-Attributable Deaths Report, United States 2001]

Revision as of 09:26, 9 December 2007

The relationship between alcohol consumption and health is somewhat ambiguous. Regular light-to-moderate alcohol intake has been shown to have positive effects on health,[1] chiefly because of its cardiovascular effects.[2][3][4][5] Conversely, frequent heavy drinking can increase the risk of developing alcoholism, alcoholic liver disease, and cancer. A single episode of "binge drinking" can have immediate negative consequences, including death.

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy, especially drinking heavily or during early stages of prenatal development, has been shown to cause fetal alcohol syndrome. For a small subset of the population genetically sensitive to its effects, even light consumption &ndash for some, as little as a single drink &ndash causes severe headache or nausea.

Scientific Study


The relationship between alcohol consumption and health has been the subject of formal scientific research since at least 1926, when Dr. Raymond Pearl published his book, Alcohol and Longevity, in which he reported his finding that drinking alcohol in moderation was associated with greater longevity than either abstaining or drinking heavily.[6] Since that time data have come in from all over the world. Studies have focused on both men and women, various age groups, and people of many ethnic groups. Published papers now total in the many hundreds. Much evidence is not simply correlational or time sequence in nature. Some of the many specific ways by which alcohol leads to improved cardiovascular health are now understood, often in great detail. [7]

Modern Understanding

Research in various countries has found the all-cause mortality rates range from 16 to 28% lower among moderate drinkers than among abstainers[8][9][10][11] (Yuan).

The medical studies establishing this relationship are large (some include over 200,000 people), cross-cultural (have been conducted in countries around the world), and are sometimes long-term (the longest beginning in 1948 and continuing to this day).[12]

Quantity Recommended

The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has completed an extensive review of current scientific knowledge about the health effects of moderate alcohol consumption. It found that the lowest death rate from all causes occurs at the level of one to two drinks per day. That is, moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity.[13][14]

A 23-year prospective study of 12,000 male British physicians aged 48–78, found that overall mortality was significantly lower in the group consuming an average of 2–3 "units" (British unit = 8g) per day than in the non-alcohol-drinking group (relative risk 0.81, confidence interval 0.76-0.87, P = 0.001).[15] The authors noted that the causes of death that are already known to be augmentable by alcohol accounted for only 5% of the deaths (1% liver disease, 2% cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, or oesophagus, and 2% external causes of death) and were significantly elevated only among men consuming >2 units/day.

In a 1996 American Heart Association scientific statement, Thomas A. Pearson, MD, Ph. D noted, "A large number of observational studies have consistently demonstrated a U-shaped relation between alcohol consumption and total mortality. This relation appears to hold in men and women who are middle aged or older. The lowest mortality occurs in those who consume one or two drinks per day. In teetotalers or occasional drinkers, the rates are higher than in those consuming one or two drinks per day. In persons who consume three or more drinks per day, total mortality climbs rapidly with increasing numbers of drinks per day."

Cardiovascular System

The cardiovascular effects of consistent, moderate alcohol intake are perhaps the most studied and the most widely-accepted. The World Health Organization Technical Committee on Cardiovascular Disease asserted that the relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and reduced death from heart disease could no longer be doubted.[16] Consumption of red wine may be particularly favourable, since red wines contain certain polyphenol antioxidants associated with cardiovascular health. One study determined that the potential long-term benefits of moderate alcohol consumption on cardiovascular health surpassed all other factors except the cessation of smoking.[17]

Alcohol appears to be hormetic.[18] Medical research demonstrates that, consumed in moderation, alcohol increases HDL (“good cholesterol”), decreases thrombosis (blood clotting), reduces fibrinogen (a blood clotter), increases fibrinolysis (clot dissolving), reduces artery spasm from stress, increases coronary blood flow and increases insulin sensitivity -- all good for heart health[19][20] (Rimm; Zhang). Additionally, Thrombosis is lower among moderate drinkers than teetotalers. [21]

Cardiovascular Disease

Coronary Heart Disease

Pearson reviewed the evidence supporting the effect of alcohol consumption on coronary heart disease (CHD): "More than a dozen prospective studies have demonstrated a consistent, strong, dose-response relation between increasing alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence of CHD. The data are similar in men and women in a number of different geographic and ethnic groups. Consumption of one or two drinks per day is associated with a reduction in risk of approximately 30% to 50%. Studies of coronary narrowings defined by cardiac catheterization or autopsy show a reduction in atherosclerosis in persons who consume moderate amounts of alcohol. In general, the inverse association is independent of potential confounders, such as diet and cigarette smoking. Concerns that the association could be an artifact due to cessation of alcohol consumption in persons who already have CHD have largely been disproved."[22]

Another study found that when men increased their alcohol intake from very low to moderate, they significantly reduced their risk of coronary heart disease. The study monitored the health of 18,455 males for a period of seven years. [23]

Coronary Vascular Disease

Moderate drinking has been found to reduce the risk of angina pectoris.[24] In heart attack patients who are treated with alcohol, the tissues affected by low blood flow are healthier and stronger than those who receive no alcohol because of alcohol's positive effects on artery walls.[25] Similarly, drinking alcoholic beverages in moderation may help patients recover from coronary stenting. Healing appears to be promoted by the inflammation inhibiting effects of alcohol. [26]

Peripheral Vascular Disease

"Moderate alcohol consumption appears to decrease the risk of PAD in apparently healthy men.".[27] "In this large population-based study, moderate alcohol consumption was inversely associated with peripheral arterial disease in women but not in men. Residual confounding by smoking may have influenced the results. Among nonsmokers an inverse association was found between alcohol consumption and peripheral arterial disease in both men and women."[28][29]

Heart Attack and Stroke

Drinking in moderation has been found to help those who have suffered a heart attack survive it. [30][31] To determine if moderate drinkers have fewer heart attacks because they might lead more healthful lifestyles than do abstainers or heavy drinkers, Harvard scientists recently reported their study of only healthy men who led healthful lifestyles. For up to 16 years the doctors monitored the health of 8,867 men who didn't smoke, were of normal weight, exercised at least 30-60 minutes per day, and ate a balanced healthful diet. Among these healthy men with healthy lifestyles, those who consumed anywhere from 1/2 to two alcoholic drinks of beer, wine or liquor per day had significantly decreased risk of heart attacks. Those who averaged slightly more (one to two drinks per day) had the lowest risk.[32] Other research also addresses this question.

Compared to abstaining, drinking in moderation is associated with a reduced risk of stroke, whereas abusing alcohol is associated with an increased risk of stroke.[33] A study of over 22,000 male physicians aged 40-84 years old over an average of 12 years, concluded, "Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduces the overall risk of stroke and the risk of ischemic stroke in men. The benefit is apparent with as little as one drink per week. Greater consumption, up to one drink per day, does not increase the observed benefit."[34]


The cardiovascular effects of alcohol are not all beneficial, however; studies show that large-quantity consumption of alcohol can lead to alcoholic cardiomyopathy, commonly known as "holiday heart syndrome." Alcoholic cardiomyopathy presents in a manner clinically identical to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, involving hypertrophy of the musculature of the heart that can lead to a form of cardiac arrythmia. These electrical anomales, represented on an EKG, often vary in nature, but range from nominal changes of the PR, QRS, or QT intervals to paroxsysmal episodes of ventricular tachycardia. The pathophysiology of "holiday heart syndrome" has not been firmly identified, but certain hypotheses cite an increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, increased sympathetic output, or a rise in the level of plasma free fatty acids as possible mechanisms.[35]

Hematologic diseases

Alcoholics may have anemia from several causes;[36] they may also develop thrombocytopenia from direct toxic effect on megakaryocytes, or from hypersplenism.

Nervous System

A meta-analysis of 35 previous studies of the effect of alcohol consumption on stroke risk found that "compared with abstainers, consumption of more than 60 g of alcohol per day (i.e., over four standard drinks -- heavy drinking) was associated with an increased relative risk of total stroke, 1.64 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-1.93); ischemic stroke, 1.69 (95% CI, 1.34-2.15); and hemorrhagic stroke, 2.18 (95% CI, 1.48-3.20), while consumption of less than 12 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of total stroke, 0.83 (95%, CI, 0.75-0.91) and ischemic stroke, 0.80 (95% CI, 0.67-0.96), and consumption of 12 to 24 g/d was associated with a reduced relative risk of ischemic stroke, 0.72 (95%, CI, 0.57-0.91). The meta-regression analysis revealed a significant nonlinear relationship between alcohol consumption and total and ischemic stroke and a linear relationship between alcohol consumption and hemorrhagic stroke."[37]

These findings have been disputed; A 2003 John Hopkins study has linked moderate alcohol use to brain shrinkage and did not find any reduced risk of stroke among moderate drinkers.[38]

Brain development

Consuming large amounts of alcohol over a period of time can impair normal brain development in humans.[39][40] Deficits in retrieval of verbal and nonverbal information and in visuospatial functioning were evident in youths with histories of heavy drinking during early and middle adolescence.[41]

The other way around, abstinence from chronic heavy alcohol consumption encourages new brain cell development.[42]

Nearly half of chronic alcoholics may have myopathy.[43] Proximal muscle groups are especially affected. Twenty-five percent of alcoholics may have peripheral neuropathy, including autonomic.[44]


Research has demonstrated a positive association between moderate drinking and cognition or thinking ability. A study of 6,033 British civil servants who were followed an average of 11 years found that those who consumed at least one drink in the previous week, compared with those who did not, were significantly less likely to have poor cognitive function. The beneficial effect extended to those drinking more than 240 g per week (approximately 30 drinks). Higher levels of consumption were not investigated. [45] A three-year longitudinal study of several hundred men in the Netherlands found that low-to-moderate alcohol drinking was associated with a significantly lower risk for poor cognitive function than abstaining. [46] A large prospective study that examined the effects of alcohol consumption on men 18 years later found that non-drinkers and heavy drinkers had the poorest cognitive ability. Moderate alcohol consumption was associated with the highest cognitive performance later in life.(82) [47] A longitudinal study in France found that, among the women studied, moderate alcohol consumption was associated with higher cognitive function. Moderate drinkers were 2.5 times more likely to receive the highest cognitive ability scores than were abstainers. [48]

Two recent studies have added to the evidence that drinking in moderation is associated with better cognitive ability. Researchers in Australia studied 7,485 people age 20 to 64. They found that moderate drinkers performed better than abstainers on all, measures of cognitive ability. [49]

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Research has found moderate drinking to be associated with lower risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. A study of about 6,000 people age 65 and older found that moderate drinkers had a 54% lower chance of developing dementia than did abstainers. [50] A study in the Netherlands of 7,983 people age 55 or older over a period averaging six years found that those who consumed one to three drinks per day had a significantly lower risk of dementia (including Alzheimer’s) than did non-drinkers. [51] Over one thousand persons age 65 and older were studied over a period of seven years. Researchers found, that overall, light and moderate drinkers suffered less mental decline than did teetotalers. [52] A study of 1,018 men and women age 65-79 whose mental health was monitored for an average of 23 years found that “drinking no alcohol, or too much, increases risk of cognitive impairment.” [53] In Italy researchers examined 15,807 people 65 years of age and older. Among the drinkers only 19% showed signs of mental impairment compared to 29% of the abstainers. [54] In a study of 402 people at least 75 years of age who were followed almost six years found that light to moderate drinking was significantly associated with a decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease compared with non-drinkers. [55] The results of a study of 12,480 women age 70-81 beginning in 1980 found that women who consumed alcohol moderately on a daily basis were about 20% less likely than non-drinkers to experience poor memory and decreased thinking abilities. [56] A study of 7,469 women age 65 and older found that those who consumed up to three drinks per day scored significantly better than non-drinkers on global cognitive function, including such things as concentration, memory, abstract reasoning, and language. [57] A study of over 9,000 women age 70-79 over a four-year period. After adjusting for other factors that might effect mental function, the researchers found that the women who drank in moderation performed significantly on five of seven tests. They also performed significantly better on a global score that combined all seven tests [58] A study of older women found that moderate drinkers (those who consumed up to two drinks per day) demonstrated better memory abilities than abstainers. The performance memory tests included such things as remembering a story, a route, hidden objects, future intentions and connecting random numbers and letters. In all cases, the group who drank scored better than those who did not drink. They also performed better on concentration, verbal-associative capacities and oral fluency. [59]

In people with mild cognitive impairment, consuming up to a drink of alcohol per day reduced the development of dementia by 85% compared to teetotalers. The Italian study participants, age 65 to 84, were studied over a period of three and one-half years. [60]

Studies have found the risks of Alzheimer's disease to be as much as 75% lower among drinkers than among teetotalers. A study of found that those who drank regularly, including those who consumed in excess of U.S. recommend levels (one drink per day for women and two for men) had a significantly lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease than did non-drinkers. [61] A French study of 2,273 subjects over a period of three years found that moderate drinkers were significantly less likely than non-drinkers to develop either dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. [62]

A review of existing research to identify how dementia can be reduced found that that both abstaining from alcohol and abusing it are risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia. [63]

Essential tremor

Essential tremors can be temporarily and dramatically relieved in up to two-thirds of patients by drinking small amounts of alcohol, thus avoiding the serious side effects of the most effective and expensive medications or the dangers of surgery. [64]

Digestive System and Weight Gain

Except from pancreatitis and liver disease, there is uncertainty whether alcohol is devastating or beneficial on the gastrointestinal system. Its impact on weight-gain is contentious: some studies find no effect, [65] others find decreased[66] or increased effect on weight gain.

Alcohol use increases the risk of chronic gastritis (stomach inflammation);[67][68] it is one cause of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and pancreatitis in both its chronic and acute forms.

Gallbladder disease

Consumption of alcohol is unrelated to gallbladder disease.[69] However one study suggested that drinkers who take Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) might reduce their risk. "After adjustment for potential confounding variables, use of ascorbic acid supplements among drinkers was associated with a decreased prevalence of gallbladder disease … and cholecystectomy …. Use of ascorbic acid supplements among non-drinkers was not significantly associated with either prevalence of gallbladder disease or cholecystectomy. Further study is necessary to confirm our findings and, specifically, to examine the combined effects of ascorbic acid and alcohol on cholesterol metabolism."[70]


Research has found that drinking reduces the risk of developing gallstones. Compared with alcohol abstainers, the relative risk of gallstone disease, controlling for age, sex, education, smoking, and body mass index, is 0.83 for occasional and regular moderate drinkers (< 25 ml of ethanol per day), 0.67 … for intermediate drinkers (25-50 ml per day), and 0.58 … for heavy drinkers. This inverse association was consistent across strata of age, sex, and body mass index."[71] Frequency of drinking also appears to be a factor. "An increase in frequency of alcohol consumption also was related to decreased risk. Combining the reports of quantity and frequency of alcohol intake, a consumption pattern that reflected frequent intake (5-7 days/week) of any given amount of alcohol was associated with a decreased risk, as compared with nondrinkers. In contrast, infrequent alcohol intake (1-2 days/week) showed no significant association with risk.”[72]

Other Systems

Urinary System: Kidney stones

Research indicates that drinking alcohol is associated with a lower risk of developing kidney stones. One study concludes, "Beer consumption was inversely associated with risk of kidney stones; each bottle of beer consumed per day was estimated to reduce risk by 40% …. Since beer seemed to be protective against kidney stones, the physiologic effects of other substances besides ethanol, especially those of hops, should also be examined."[73] "…consumption of coffee, alcohol, and vitamin C supplements were negatively associated with stones."[74] "After mutually adjusting for the intake of other beverages, the risk of stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-ml (8-oz) serving consumed daily: caffeinated coffee, 10%; decaffeinated coffee, 10%; tea, 14%; beer, 21%; and wine, 39%."[75] "…stone formation decreased by the following amount for each 240-mL (8-oz) serving consumed daily: 10% for caffeinated coffee, 9% for decaffeinated coffee, 8% for tea, and 59% for wine." (CI data excised from last two quotes.).[76]

Endocrine System: Diabetes

Moderate drinkers may have a lower risk of diabetes than non-drinkers. "Alcohol intake increases insulin sensitivity and may partly explain both the J-shaped relationship between the prevalence of diabetes and the amount of alcohol consumption and the decreased mortality for myocardial infarction."[77] "Compared with abstainers men who drank 30.0-49.9 g of alcohol daily had a relative risk of diabetes of 0.61."[78] "Consumption of 30 g/d of alcohol (2 drinks per day) has beneficial effects on insulin and triglyceride concentrations and insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic postmenopausal women."[79] After adjustment for age, randomized treatment assignment, smoking, physical activity, and body mass index, the relative risk estimates of diabetes for those reporting alcohol use of rarely/never were 1.00 (referent), 1 to 3 drinks per month 1.03, 1 drink per week 0.89, 2 to 4 drinks per week 0.74, 5 to 6 drinks per week 0.67, and 1 or more drinks per day 0.57.[80] "The results of this study suggested that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, binge drinking and high alcohol consumption may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in women."[81]

Skeletal System

Light to moderate alcohol consumption appears to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to research. [82]

Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with higher bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. "…alcohol consumption significantly decreased the likelihood [of osteoporosis]."[83] "Moderate alcohol intake was associated with higher BMD [bone mineral density] in postmenopausal elderly women."[84] "Social drinking is associated with higher bone mineral density in men and women [over 45]."[85]

Immune System, Bacterial Contamination, and Cancer

Bacterial Infection

Drinking strong alcoholic beverages with a meal may offer some protection against bacterial contamination. The antibacterial activity of red and white wine against enteropathogens, (e.g. Shigella or Salmonella[86]) may protect against bacterial diarrhoea in a similar way to bismuth salicylate.[87].

There is a protective effect of alcohol consumption against active infection with H pylori[88] In contrast, alcohol intake (comparing those who drink > 30 gm of alcohol per day to nondrinkers) is not associated with higher risk of duodenal ulcer [89]


The NIAAA states that "Although epidemiologic studies have found a clear association between alcohol consumption and development of certain types of cancer, study findings are often inconsistent and may vary by country and by type of cancer."[90] The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ National Toxicology Program listed alcohol as a known carcinogen in 2000 .[91]

Others are more cautious in their evaluation. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that "Although there is no evidence that alcohol itself is a carcinogen, alcohol may act as a cocarcinogen by enhancing the carcinogenic effects of other chemicals. For example, studies indicate that alcohol enhances tobacco's ability to stimulate tumor formation in rats (Garro & Lieber). In humans, the risk for mouth, tracheal, and esophageal cancer is 35 times greater for people who both smoke and drink than for people who neither smoke nor drink (Blot et al.), implying a cocarcinogenic interaction between alcohol and tobacco-related carcinogens (Garro & Lieber)."[90] One study determined that "3.6% of all cancer cases worldwide are related to alcohol drinking, resulting in 3.5% of all cancer deaths."[92] The NiAAA suggests that "considerable evidence suggests a connection between heavy alcohol consumption and increased risk for cancer, with an estimated 2 to 4 percent of all cancer cases thought to be caused either directly or indirectly by alcohol."[90]

Specific Demographics

Research is lacking on the possible brain effects of light or moderate alcohol consumption among young humans.[93]

Fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS is a disorder of permanent birth defects that occurs in the offspring of women who drink alcohol during pregnancy. Drinking heavily or during the early stages of prenatal development has been conclusively linked to FAS; the impact of light or moderate consumption is not yet fully understood.


See also


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  90. ^ a b c National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Alcohol Alert No. 21 PH 345 July 1993
  91. ^ National Toxicology Program Alcoholic Beverage Consumption: Known to be a human carcinogen First listed in the Ninth Report on Carcinogens (2000)(PDF)
  92. ^ Burden of alcohol-related cancer substantial
  93. ^ http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/HealthIssues/references/1127400726.html
  • Trevisan, M., et al. Drinking pattern and mortality: a longitudinal study; Gaziano, J. M., et al. A prospective cohort study of moderate alcohol consumption and sudden death in the Physicians' Health Study. Abstract . The Canadian Journal of Cardiology, June, 1997, volume 13, Supplement B.

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