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#[[Bussy d'Ambois]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]
#[[Bussy d'Ambois]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]
#[[Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (prompt on "Martin Luther King]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]
#[[Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (prompt on "Martin Luther King]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]
#[[Mother Elizabeth]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]
#[[Mother Elizabeth]] [http://collegiate.quizbowlpackets.com/archive/acf_nats/2008/Dartmouth%20A%20and%20B.doc]

Revision as of 20:05, 12 March 2015


  1. Die Brücke or The Bridge --> Named for a passage in [Thus Spake Zarathustra]], this group's seminal works include Max Pechstein's The Harbor and Otto Mueller's Nudes on a Beach.
  2. Berlin Street Scene or Berliner Strassenszene --> In this 1913 painting a founding member of Die Brücke, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, depicts the claustrophobia of modern life and the movement of passers-by in the title city. [1]
  3. Emil Nolde --> Perhaps best known for his 1909 version of The Last Supper, this often solitary painter specialized in woodcuts and mystical depictions of the Seebull landscape. [2]
  4. Hosokawa Katsumoto --> He became kanrei in 1452, and soon found himself in opposition to a figure known as the "Red Monk", Yamana Mochitoyo. Name this man, who served as Prime Minister of Japan until 1464.
  5. the Onin War --> The antagonism between Hosokawa and Yamana led to this war, which broke out in 1467. Kyoto was more or less destroyed during the decade of fighting.
  6. Ashikaga --> Hosokawa served as a prime minister for Yoshimasa, a shogun from this family whose power ended with the overthrow of Yoshiaki in 1573. [3]
  7. partition function --> Denoted "z", this quantity counts states with a particular weight. In the canonical ensemble, that weight is e to the minus beta times the energy.
  8. Boltzmann factor --> The aforementioned canonical weight, e to the minus beta E, carries this name, associated with an Austrian physicist who with Maxwell lends his name to the statistics of distinguishable particles.
  9. Legendre transformation --> Thermodynamic variables often have mathematical relationships of this form, described by the equation f of x plus g of y equals x y. For instance, the Helmholtz free energy F is the total energy E minus temperature times entropy. [4]
  10. Bellona
  11. Enyo --> Bellona was the Roman equivalent of this Greek goddess, whose name means "horror" and who was honored with the epithet "Destroyer of Cities."
  12. the Graeae or Gray Ones --> Enyo was a member of this mythical group, whose other members included Pemphredo and Deino. Perseus stole an item which was very dear to them in order to obtain some information. [5]
  13. Poor White --> Hugh McVey becomes a station agent for a railroad after being taken in by Henry and Sarah Shepard. Name this 1920 novel about an inventor who marries Clara Butterworth.
  14. Sherwood Anderson --> This author of Many Marriages and Windy McPherson's Son wrote Poor White.
  15. Dark Laughter --> In this 1925 novel by Sherwood Anderson, Bruce Dudley has an affair with Aline Grey; the titular noise is evoked when they leave town together. [6]
  16. The Philadelphia Story --> it features the characters Liz Imbrie and Macauley Connor, who both work for "Spy" Magazine. Name this film, whose main character is preparing to marry George Kittredge.
  17. James "Jimmy" Stewart --> This actor won an Academy Award for his portrayal of Macauley Connor in The Philadelphia Story.
  18. High Society --> In 1956 The Philadelphia Story was remade as this musical, which featured Grace Kelly in the role played by Katharine Hepburn in the far superior original. [7]
  19. the Chinese Exclusion Act --> It was renewed ten years later by the Geary Act, which prohibited a certain group from getting bail through a habeas corpus proceeding. Name this act, which passed two years after an earlier treaty had been renegotiated by James Angell.
  20. the Burlingame Treaty --> The Chinese Exclusion Act reversed this treaty of 1868, which had actually encouraged Chinese immigration to the U.S.
  21. the Magnuson Act --> This 1943 act finally repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act, though it instituted a quota of 105 Chinese people allowed to enter the country. [8]
  22. The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes --> Thsi 1661 work by Robert Boyle is often regarded as inaugurating the modern chemical sciences, as it advocates abandoning the secrecy of alchemy, and argues that four elements are just not enough to explain everything. [9]
  23. The Chemical History of a Candle --> This series of lectures by Michael Faraday on the chemistry of combustion began the tradition of Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution. In 1861, they were collected and published as a book.
  24. The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals; An Introduction to Modern Structural Chemistry --> This book by Linus Pauling was based primarily on a 1931 paper of the same name. While much of the discussion of the title concept has been superseded by more modern theories, later editions remain popular as an introductory chemistry text. [10]
  25. Pillars of Heracles --> Either Monte Hacho or Jebel Musa comprises the southern half of what pair of promontories named for a Greek mythological hero?
  26. Ceuta --> Monte Hacho is located within what exclave of Spain?
  27. Cadiz --> Before becoming an autonomous city, Ceuta was administered as part of what southernmost province on the Iberian peninsula, namesake of a port city? [11]
  28. John Addington Symonds --> He defended homosexuality in A Problem in Greek Ethics,. which was written in 1871 but only published privately for obvious reasons. Name this British author, who wrote the poetry collection Animi Figura and the essay collection In the Key of Blue.
  29. the Renaissance (accept Renaissance in Italy) --> John Addington Symonds is best-known for a seven-volume work about this period, which includes such parts as The Age of the Despots and The Catholic Reaction. Walter Pater also wrote an important book about this era. [12]
  30. Michelangelo Buonarroti --> Symonds's 1878 translation of the sonnets of this Italian artist was the first English version of his poetry. This 16th-century painter and sculptor addressed numerous poems to Tommaso dei Cavalieri. [13]
  31. the Durham Report or the Report on the Affairs of British North America --> It was issued by John George Lambton, who had been sent to investigate the causes of some rebellions of the 1830s. Name this document, which proposed that two colonies be united and which recommended that certain liberties granted in 1763 and 1774 be withdrawn.
  32. Louis-Joseph Papineau --> The disparagement of French Canadian culture in the Durham Report enraged this leader of Lower Canada, who from his exile in France wrote a History of the Insurrection in Canada to dispute the Report's findings.
  33. the Russell Resolutions (named for Lord John Russell) --> The Lower Canada Rebellion took place after the British Parliament responded to Papineau's Ninety-Two Resolutions with this group of ten "Resolutions" of its own, rejecting everything the Legislative Assembly had asked for. [14]
  34. entelechy --> Introduced in Aristotle's Metaphysics, this word denotes the perfect state toward which each thing tends; it comes from a Greek word for "complete".
  35. hylomorphism --> Book Z of the Metaphysics presents this theory, which claims that every material thing is made up of two principles, form and matter. Part of this word comes from a Greek term for "wood."
  36. eudaimonia --> In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues that this is the goal of life per se. This Greek term is often translated as "happiness," though that fails to capture the notion of excellence which it implies. [15]
  37. The Soldier's Story or L'Histoire du Soldat --> Its opening scene is set in a wood, where the title character trades his violin to the Devil for a book. Name this ballet, which also includes scenes set in Joseph's village and at his office, where an old woman offers to sell him his old violin. [16]
  38. Petruschka --> This ballet opens at the Shrovetide Fair, and features a notable "Dance of the Ballerina" during its third part, which is set in a Moor's room.
  39. Igor Stravinsky --> This composer of The Soldier's Story also created the music for Petruschka. [17]
  40. Xavier Herbert --> His novels include the autobiographical Seven Emus, but he is better known for a book written with his wife Sadie Norton. Name this Australian author, who attacked the poor treatment of Aborigines in 1975's Poor Fellow My Country.
  41. Thomas Keneally --> Speaking of writers who were pissed off by the treatment of Aborigines, this author of Confederates wrote about an Aborigine who goes mad because of prejudice in his The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith.
  42. Patrick White --> Aborigines may or may not appear in this man's first novel, Happy Valley, and probably don't appear in his The Eye of the Storm or Voss. [18]
  43. Heap --> Priority queues are an abstract [[data structure used in many algorithms. This data structure is implemented as a binary tree encoded into an array, where the children of a node are either all less than or all greater than the parent.
  44. Bucket Queue --> This data structure approximates a priority queue, in that elements within a designated interval of priorities are considered to have the same priority. This approximation allows constant time enqueuing and dequeuing.
  45. Fibonacci Heap --> Fredman and Tarjan invented this type of heap with enqueue and dequeue operations that work in amortized constant time. [19]
  46. Cholula --> Toward the end of their empire, Aztec rulers would travel to this city to be anointed by its priests. Name this second-largest Aztec city, which was home to an enormous "Great Pyramid" and which was the site of an infamout 1519 massacre.
  47. Teotihuacan --> Cholula was second among Aztec cities to this metropolis, which was home to a Pyramid of the Sun and the scenic Avenue of the Dead.
  48. Cacaxtla --> Prior to the Aztecs, Cholula was inhabited by a culture which disappeared around 600 AD, at which point this city became the major power in the Puebla valley. It is home to a defensive structure known as the Gran Basamento and may have been the capital of an Olmeca-Xicalanca tribe. [20]
  49. Giovanni Papini --> This author of 1906's The Twilight of the Philosophers founded the Futurist magazine Lacerba before becoming a Catholic and writing books like Life of Christ.
  50. Ignazio Silone or Secondo Tranquilli --> Giovanni Papini wrote a book called Bread and Wine, as did this Communist author of The School for Dictators and A Handful of Blackberries. [21]
  51. Italo Svevo --> This author was killed by a 1928 car accident before he could write his own Bread and Wine, but he did manage to write Confessions of Zeno. [22]
  52. Le Cid (accept The Cid but not El Cid) [23]
  53. Columns (accept specific buzzes of "Corinthian Columns," etc) [24]
  54. Jesus or 'Isa [25]
  55. Assassins or Hashishuun or Hashishiin or al-Hashashuun [26]
  56. Uygur Autonomous Republic of Xinjiang [27]


  1. Hadley Cells [28]
  2. Brahms's Symphony No. 1 in C minor or Brahms's First Symphony; prompt on partial answer; "Brahms" not required after his name is mentioned]]] [29]
  3. Algeria --> Tamanrasset was an ostensible capital of the Tuareg peoples and is the largest city in the southern part of this nation. Other cities in this country of northern Africa include Constantine and Oran.
  4. Ahaggar Mountains or Jibal Ahaggar --> Tamanrasset is located in these mountains of southern Algeria, east and south of the Atlas Mountains, whose highest point is Mount Tahat. [30]
  5. spike protein or S protein --> This protein, consisting of two cysteine-rich subunits, complexes with the receptor ACE2 to attach to a cell membrane. It enables the coronavirus that causes SARS to inject its RNA into a host cell. [31]
  6. William James prompt on "James") --> John L. Austin compiled How to do Things With Words from a series of lectures he gave at Harvard named for this American author of The Will to Believe and Pragmatism. [32]
  7. A Dream Play or Ett dromspiel --> In this August Strindberg play, Indra's daughter descends to Earth as Agnes, only to feel the pain of being human. [33]
  8. Fingal's Cave (accept any reasonable equivalents that involve a hole in a rock wall and Fingal) --> One of the locales in A Dream Play is this geological formation popularized by Mendelssohn in his Hebrides Overture and named for the guy who caught the salmon of knowledge. [34]
  9. isotactic polymers or syndiotactic polymers --> Ziegler-Natta catalysts can prepare polymers which have all of their substituents on the same side of the extended carbon chain or polymers which regularly alternate their substituents on both sides of the chain. Give the adjective used to describe either of these types of polymers. [35]
  10. olefin metathesis or transalkylidenation --> The mechanism for this reaction is probably a 2+2-cycloaddition which forms an intermediate metalla-cyclobutane. Chauvin, Grubbs and Schrock shared the Nobel in 2005 for their work on this rather generically-named reaction, in which carbon-carbon double bonds are cut and rearranged. [36]
  11. The Place Without Limits or El Lugar Sin Limites --> The central events of this novel revolve around Pancho and Manuela, the cross-dressing brothel owner. The title refers to the bizarre sexual destination of most of the characters. [37]
  12. Waldensians or Vaudois or Valdesi --> The papal bull Ad Abolendam, issued in 1084 by Lucius III, exommunicated this group from Roman Catholicism. Name this group, founded by a namesake man named Peter and devoted to following the "poverty of Christ" of which a large community currently exists in Burke County, North Carolina. [38]
  13. Third Lateran Council (prompt on Lateran council) --> At this event convoked in 1179 by Pope Alexander III delegates studied the Peace of Venice, by which Frederick Barbarossa had removed his antipope, and Peter Waldo was present. [39]
  14. la glorieuse rentrée --> This 1689 migration of Waldensians from Switzerland to the Piedmont was led by Henri Arnaud under pressure from persecution by Victor Amadeus II. [40]
  15. calendar of Commodus (Lucius Aurelius Commodus Antoninus) --> It began with the months Amazonius, Invictus and Felix, and ended with the months Romanus and Exsuperatorius. Name this calendar, named after the Roman emperor who succeeded his father Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD. [41]
  16. The Invention of the Balloon --> Swarms of putti surround the fiery base, and along with Aeola and Famus, cling to the sphere at the top of this Clodion sculpture, which commemorates Jacques Charles' first ascent in the titular object. [42]
  17. Great Molasses Flood of Boston or Disaster or Tragedy (accept clear-knowledge equivalents) --> A plaque at Puopolo Park commemorates this event, which saw 21 people die and 150 casualties, as a result of an event at the Purity Distilling Company. Name this 1919 event, in which a 40-foot wave of a namesake substance rampaged through a Northeastern city at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. [43]
  18. Alexander Mitchell Palmer --> Carlo Voldinoci, an associate of Galleani, attempted to bomb this man's house, and died while he was putting the bomb under this man's porch. This former Pennsylvania representative was appointed by Woodrow Wilson to replace Thomas Gregory as his Attorney General. [44]
  19. RR Lyrae Variable Stars --> They are named for a member of the constellation whose alpha star is Vega. Identify this class of objects, which exhibit the Blazhko effect, and are characterized by a uniformly old age and relatively low luminosity. [45]
  20. W Virginis Variable Stars --> Often known as type II cepheids, these variables have a lower average luminosity, but more importantly a lower metallicity, and thus belong to Population II. The formula for making calculations involving them was developed due to Hubble's observations of Andromeda. [46]
  21. Quiet Revolution or Revolution tranquille --> It was sparked by the death of conservative politicians Paul Sauvé and Maurice Duplessis, the leader of the Union Nationale. [47]
  22. Threads --> In practical applications, these constructs are used to achieve parallelism. Many can exist within one process, and data races and deadlocks in them tend to lead to really frustrating bugs.
  23. Prefix-Sums Algorithm --> One of the main building blocks of parallel algorithms is this operation, usually denoted "star". Its applications include being able to do array compaction in Big O of n work and Big O of log n time, and it works by going up and down a tree in parallel doing the namesake operation.
  24. Tree --> Another technique that comes up all the time in parallel algorithms is list ranking, like when you want to root one of these graphs where there exists one and only one path between any two nodes in the graph.[48]
  25. The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard [49]
  26. Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard [50]
  27. The Wilde Swans at Coole [51]
  28. The New Science or Scienza nuova [52]
  29. Tractatus Theologico Politicus or A Theologico-Political Treatise [53]
  30. Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Model (also accept "Weinberg-Salam" before "three originators" or electroweak theory before it is mentioned)[54]


  1. Pseudolus (prompt on "the cheat" or "the deceitful slave") [55]
  2. Concordat of Worms (accept Pactum Calixtinum before mentioned) [56]
  3. The Gift or Essai sur le don [57]
  4. Gas chromatography (or "GC" or "Gas-Liquid Chromatography") [58]
  5. Fick's Law of Diffusion [59]
  6. Four Crowned Martyrs or Four Crowned Saints or Quattro Santi Coronati [60]
  7. the Golden Temple or Harmandir or Darbar Sahib or the Sacred Audience [61]
  8. Soviet-Afghan War or "Soviet Union/Russian invasion of Afghanistan," or anything which distinctly mentions those two countries) [62]
  9. Phenomenology of Perception or Phénoménologie de la perception --> It connects the mind-body distinction to the seperation of the self from the world, and borrows terminology from Heidegger in the final section about "being for itself and being in the world". Name this 1945 existentialist text, which was later repudiated in its author's The Visible and the Invisible, and argues that there is no passive sensation unconnected to active processes of the mind and body. [63]
  10. La Serva Padrona or The Servant Mistress or The Maid as Mistress (be reasonably flexible on English translations as long as "Maid/Servant" and "Mistress" are the only main words) --> Central to the "War of the Buffoons" was a performance of this opera buffa about Serpina's plot to trick her master, Uberto, into marrying her and elevating her status. It was composed by Giovanni Pergolesi. [64]
  11. Jewishness in Music --> Using the pseudonym "K. Friegedank", Richard Wagner took out his antagonism towards Giacomo Meyerbeer and Felix Mendelssohn in this Anti-Semitic pamphlet, originally published in 1850. [65]
  12. phylacteries or tefillin --> They are ordered by Deuteronomy 6:8 and contain four passages from that book and Exodus. Name these boxes worn on the left arm and forehead by some Jews during weekday prayers. [66]
  13. Lubavitchers or Chabad Lubavitch --> This Orthodox revival movement wanders around Israel and New York City trying to get Jews to wear phylacteries. Led by the Schneerson dynasty, many of them believe that their most recent leader was the Messiah. [67]
  14. a stone pillar or column, etc. --> In a test of strength between Hymir and Thor, Thor accidentally smashed this object by throwing a glass at it. [68]
  15. tRNA or transfer ribonucleic acid --> Amino acids are brought to the ribosome for attachment to the nascnet polypeptide by these molecules. [69]
  16. The Devil's Trill Sonata or Il Trillo del Diavolo --> A dream in which Giuseppe Tartini] saw the Devil playing the violin at the foot in the bed inspired Tartini's composition of this virtuoso violin sonata in G minor. [70]
  17. 18 or 18-electron rule --> The hapticity can be predicted by a common rule of thumb which says that, when a transition metal bonds to a ligand set, the molecular orbitals of its valence shells can hold this many electrons. When this number is achieved, the complex is called coordinatively saturated. [71]
  18. Battle of Lechfeld (also accept Battle of Augsburg) --> The winning army here included a Swabian legion under duke Burchard and a force under Conrad the Red of Franconia, and it was followed by a battle at Reknitz. Name this 955 AD battle which saw the defeat of the Magyars and the execution of their chieftans Bulscu, Lel and Sur. [72]
  19. Kozai Resonance --> Perturbations in highly inclined orbitals lead to this resonance between eccentricity and inclination due to the conservation of the normal component of the angular momentum. It causes precession of the argument of pericenter. [73]
  20. Semiramis or Sammu-ramat --> Historically, she was the mother of Adadnirari III, a king from the turn of the century BCE. Name this queen of Assyria who, in a legend recorded by Diodorus Siculus, ruled as regent for her late husband Ninus, expanded the borders of Babylon with her beauty and political skill, and planted the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. [74]
  21. Bao Dai or Nguyen Phuc Vinh Thuy --> This final emperor of the Nguyen dynasty went into exile in Hong Kong in 1946, but was brought back and installed as a puppet Head of State by the French in 1949. [75]
  22. The Sunken Bell or Die versunkene Glocke --> In it, Heinrich is given a rejuvenating drink by Wittikin Nmaas he tries to reach a flaming castle. Name this play, in which Heinrich falls in love while attempting to retrieve his titular creation after being injured by water spirits. [76]
  23. Rautendelein --> Heinrich leaves his wife Magda for this mountain sprite, who marries the Nickelmann but who returns to Heinrich as he is dying. [77]
  24. Inradius or radius of the inscribed circle --> The area of a triangle can be found as the product of its semi-perimeter and this other characteristic length. [78]
  25. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog --> "The Peaches", "A Visit to Grandpa's" and "One Warm Saturday" are among the stories in this collection by Dylan Thomas, the title of which is adapted from a James Joyce work. [79]
  26. Gelfond-Schneider theorem --> Numbers such as "e to the pi power" and "2 to the square root of 2 power" are known to be transcendental via this theorem which affirmatively answered Hilbert's seventh problem. [80]


  1. red blood cells or erthyrocytes [81]
  2. President of the Republic of Texas (accept equivalents that include "President" and "Texas") [82]
  3. the Stymphalian birds [83]
  4. The Analects or Lunyu [84]
  5. The Ballad of the Brown Girl [85]
  6. false messiahs (accept obvious equivalents) [86]
  7. Rembrandt's Self-Portraits (accept equivalents, i.e., depictions of himself, drawings of himself, etc.) prompt on portraits or pictures of Rembrandt) [87]
  8. Battle of San Juan Hill or Battle of San Juan Heights [88]
  9. Sani/Shani/Shanaiscarya/Shaneesvara --> According to some myths it was this god, the brother of Parvati, whose deadly gaze beheaded the young Ganesh. [89]
  10. Karttikeya/Skanda/Subramanya --> Ganesh defeated this brother of his in a race to earn the hands of Buddhi and Siddhi in marriage. [90]
  11. Barkhausen Avalanche or "...pulsation" or "...effect" --> This phenomenon arises due to the negative mass of the boundaries it affects, and is detected because of a response to an external field which generates and EMF. Name this series of microsecond-order rapid pulses in domain walls of a ferromagnetic alloy which gives rise to a namesake type of noise. [91]
  12. Bitter Patterns --> The outline produced by ferromagnetic domains in a colloidal suspension of iron particles is known as this type of pattern. They have provided occasional photographic evidence for the Barkhausen Effect. [92]
  13. Martian Manhunter --> J'onn J'onnz was one of the original members of the Justice League who came to earth from his titular planet. He is a great detective and has the ability to shift his shape at will. [93]
  14. Louis Mountbatten (Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas George Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma) --> "Vinegar Joe" later served as deputy Supreme Commander of the South East Asia Command under this man, the last Viceroy of India. [94]
  15. William Somerst Maugham --> Among the authors that V. S. Naipaul's narrator wants to emulate during his stay in Britain is this Englishman, whose plays include Rain, and who made his debut with the novel Liza of Lambeth. [95]
  16. Paris Commune or Commune of Paris --> La semaine sanglante, or The Bloody Week, was a vicious period in the repression of this revolution, which seized the Hotel de Ville against the provisional government of Adolphe Thiers in 1871[96]
  17. criminology (accept obvious equivalents) --> Heavily influenced by the French sensationalists, the Italian philosopher Cesare Beccaria wrote a founding work of this social science. [97]
  18. Serenade Espagnole or Spanish Serenade --> This 1888 work was inspired by Alexander Glazunov's visit to the titular country five years earlier. Its powerful central theme is accented by a series of arpeggios in the harp. [98]
  19. Field of Lies (also accept Lugenfeld) --> In 833 A.D., King Louis the Pious met with Lothar, Pippin and Louis the German as well as Pope Gregory IVat this site near Colmar in Alsace; all of Louis the Pious' supporters faithlessly deserted him here. [99]
  20. a'a lava flows --> This other Hawaiian word refers to a lava flow which, unlike pahoehoe flow, features a surface broken into rough, angular fragments. [100]
  21. May Man Prevail? --> Subtitled "An inquiry into the facts and fictions of foreign policy", this 1961 Erich Fromm work questions the wisdom of military buildup and contains such chapters as "Is World Domination the Aim of the Soviet Union?" and "Suggestions for Peace". [101]
  22. A Fool's Errand by One of the Fools --> Perhaps the best known work by Albion Tourgee, this work depicts the end of the war and the tragic consequences of Reconstruction through the eyes of the carpetbagger Comfort Servosse. [102]
  23. Mikhail Bakunin --> This Russian author of Statism and Anarchy broke away from Marx at the First International.
  24. George Sorel --> This author of Illusions of Progress and Reflections on Violence was a French leader of the syndicalist movement.
  25. Ravachol or François Claudius Koeningstein --> This man's one-man bombing campaign against lawyers and restaurants involved in the Clichy Affair got him guillotined in 1892, providing a byword for senseless violence in French. [103]


  1. Hugh Capet (prompt partial answer) [104]
  2. Alkyllithium compounds (Do NOT accept "Grignard reagents" at any point in the question) [105]
  3. sigma factor [106]
  4. Ishi, the last Yahi [107]
  5. MACHOs or Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects --> An early candidate for dark matter was this class of objects, thought to consist of brown dwarfs, small black holes or Jupiter-sized planets; they were ruled out by gravitational lensing surveys. [108]
  6. WIMPs or Weakly Interacting Massive Particles --> An aptly named successor to the MACHO theory is this general term for heavy non-baryonic matter. [109]
  7. William Lendrum Mitchell --> The twin-engine medium bombers used in the Doolittle Raid were named after this American aviation pioneer court-martialed for his criticism of military hierarchy who did not share his view of the importance of air power. [110]
  8. U.S.S. Hornet --> The raid was launched from this aircraft carrier which later played a crucial role in the victory at Midway and was sunk at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands. [111]
  9. Maysville Road Bill --> It was first written by Robert Letcher who advertised it as a trifling matter of no importance, but opposition arose quickly from representatives Thomas Foster and Charles Haynes. Name this bill which attempted to secure funding for a sixty-five mile dirt trail from the Ohio River country to Lexington, and was famously vetoed by Andrew Jackson. [112]
  10. (Andre) Leon Blum --> This three-time Prime Minister of France initially came to power after the large electoral victory of the Popular Front in 1936. He was the first Socialist and the first Jew to hold that position. [113]
  11. Tunnel Diode --> Combining p- and n-type materials with a narrow depletion region separating them yields this type of diode where the bottom of the n conductance band overlaps with the top of the valence p band. Electrons can therefore cross the forbidden band in both directions in this type of diode. [114]
  12. the Crommyonian Sow --> It was bred by Phaea, a female robber known for her bad manners and ill temperament. Name this beast, which was killed by Theseus at its namesake city on the isthmus of Corinth, and had two notable offspring, one of which was the Caledonian Boar. [115]
  13. the Erymanthian Boar --> This brother of the Caledonian boar lived on Mount Lampeia, where Heracles captured it, causing Eurystheus to hide in a bronze jug upon its presentation in Mycenae. [116]
  14. CAPM or Capital Asset Pricing Model --> This 1990 Nobel for Economics went to the developers of this theory, now widely used to determine the necessary rate of return for an individual security, given an inherent "riskiness" or volatility. [117]
  15. DCF or Discounted Cash Flow analysis --> Another important financial concept is this analysis which evaluates the riskiness of future revenues by accounting for the appropriate cost of capital. [118]
  16. The Creatures of Prometheus or Die Geschopfe des Prometheus --> According to Salvatore Vigano's synopsis of this ballet, it presents "two animated statues who are made susceptible to all the passions of human existence". Name this 1801 ballet in which the title character helps the statues learn music, drama and dance. [119]
  17. Eroica Symphony or Symphony No. 3 in E flat Major --> After composing The Creatures of Prometheus, Beethoven used one of its themes in the fourth movement of this symphony, whose second movement depicts a funeral march. [120]
  18. Dynamo (do not accept "The Virgin and the Dynamo") --> In it, Reuben argues with Ada over the nature of sex and love. Name this play about the Light and Fife families; the title of which comes from a portion of The Education of Henry Adams. [121]
  19. James Mill (prompt on "Mill") --> This early Scottish supporter of Jeremy Bentham helped found the influential Western Review, wrote the first major history of British India, and became the leading figure in Ricardian economics with the publication of Elements of Political Economy, though his son outshone his fame. [122]


  1. Bussy d'Ambois --> The unscrupulous title character of this George Chapman play gets in trouble for his dalliance with Tamyra and is eventually shot by duc d'Alencon and du Guise while propped up on his sword. [123]
  2. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (prompt on "Martin Luther King [124]
  3. Mother Elizabeth [125]
  4. Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna of Russia [126]
  5. [[Ninhursag [or Ki]] [127]
  6. The Blood Knot [128]
  7. [[playing poker [accept obvious equivalents]]] [129]
  8. Wen-di [130]
  9. Bo Staff (Accept either, accept reasonable equivalents like "stick [131]
  10. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST [132]
  11. Woman series [133]
  12. [[Eos [accept Aurora until "Aphrodite" is read and do not accept]] [134]
  13. prompt on it after] [135]
  14. [[Bogomils [or Bogomilism]] [136]
  15. other word forms] [137]
  16. L'elisir d'amore, opera [138]
  17. [[Gideon v. Wainwright [either answer, either order]]] [139]
  18. either order] [140]
  19. [[Betts v. Brady [accept either answer,]] [141]
  20. either order] [142]
  21. or either order] [143]
  22. Heawood Conjecture [144]
  23. Hadwiger-Nelson Problem [145]
  24. Arnath or Nahr al-Asi [146]
  25. Queen Christina (Maria Christina Alexandra, Countess Dolna [147]
  26. League of Heilbronn [148]
  27. Wolf-Rayet Stars [149]
  28. Bethe-Weizsacker Cycle [150]
  29. DNA/Gene chip [151]
  30. [[Serial Analysis of Gene Expression [SAGE]]] [152]
  31. [[Masinissa [Massinissa]]] [153]
  32. D-double-prime layer [154]
  33. secondary waves [155]
  34. [[Cao Dai [or Caodaism]] [156]


  1. Great Religion of the Third Period of Revelation and Salvation] [157]
  2. Mictlantecuhtil [158]
  3. [[Robert A. Taft [prompt on "Taft"]]] [159]
  4. Wendell Lewis Wilkie [160]
  5. Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose [161]
  6. Giovanni de Bologna [162]
  7. Rape/Abduction of the Sabine Women (Accept equivalents [163]
  8. Hercules and Nessus [164]
  9. Hercules and the Centaur (Accept equivalents [165]
  10. IG-88A [166]
  11. Chimmoku [167]
  12. Obi River [168]
  13. Ca2+ (prompt on "calcium [169]
  14. Dvargen [170]
  15. Abu Bakr as-Sadiq [171]
  16. Battle of Brooklyn or Brooklyn Heights [172]
  17. [[IPv6 [prompt on partial answer]]] [173]
  18. Mossbauer Spectroscopy on early buzz [174]
  19. Rumpers [175]
  20. Purged parliament [176]
  21. Zuqaq al Midaq [177]
  22. [[the Jade Emperor [accept Yu Huang, Yu Di,]] [178]
  23. Tien Kung] [179]
  24. Maguan before mentioned [180]
  25. Lennard-Jones potential (prompt on: "6-12 potential [181]
  26. 12-6 potential [182]
  27. Stockmayer fluid/model/equation [183]
  28. L'Apres-Midi d'un Faune (don't accept "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun [184]
  29. [[Dakota War of 1862 [accept Dakota Conflict/Uprising; accept Sioux Conflict/Uprising]]] [185]
  30. [[Second Battle of Bull Run [or Second Manassas]]] [186]
  31. [[Little Crow [accept His Red Nation]]] [187]
  32. [[Cybele [or Kubebe; orKubileya]]] [188]
  33. [[Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? [or D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous?]]] [189]
  34. Contes Barbares [190]
  35. Barbarian Tales [191]
  36. [[Medb [or Maeve]]] [192]
  37. [[Cuchulainn [accept Setanta]] [193]
  38. any variant pronunciations of "Cuchulainn"] [194]
  39. Smith-Purcell Effect [195]


  1. [[Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina [accept either]]] [196]
  2. Fra Cristoforo [197]
  3. Aurelian (Lucius Domitius Aurelianius [198]
  4. Battle of Catalaunian Fields or also accept Campus Mauriacus [199]
  5. [[Amitabha [or Amida]] [200]
  6. Omito] [201]
  7. [[the Pure Land [or the Pure Realm]] [202]
  8. [[G. Stanley Hall[10] Hall spent a lot of time studying at the Leipzig lab of this author of Principles of Physiological Psychology.ANSWER: Wilhelm Wundt[10] Among Hall's many students was this son of a Talmud scholar and author of The Psychology of Conviction, who may be best known for his popularizing of optical illusions, including the duck-rabbit.ANSWER: Joseph Jastrow]] [203]
  9. [[Wilhelm Wundt[10] Among Hall's many students was this son of a Talmud scholar and author of The Psychology of Conviction, who may be best known for his popularizing of optical illusions, including the duck-rabbit.ANSWER: Joseph Jastrow]] [204]
  10. [[Scruffy Scruffington[accept either]]] [205]
  11. Oh, marmalade [206]
  12. Akinwande Oluwole (Wole) Soyinka [207]
  13. The Man Died [208]
  14. some things about troubled times in 20th century Colombia, FTPE [209]
  15. War of the Thousand Days [210]
  16. The Violence [211]
  17. Tessie Hutchinson [212]
  18. comte de Cagny [213]
  19. Antoinette Cosway [214]
  20. Bertha Mason [215]
  21. [[the Madwoman in the Attic [prompt on Mason and Mr. Rochester's Wife]]] [216]
  22. [[Fuck Tha Police [accept self-censored equivalents; e.g., F the Police]]] [217]
  23. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams [218]
  24. [[Free French Forces [or Forces Françaises Libres; prompt on FFL]]] [219]
  25. Hui or huizu or "Chinese Muslims [220]
  26. any equivalent mentioning Chinese and Muslim [221]
  27. Diving into the Wreck [222]
  28. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America [223]
  29. Spanish Symphony [224]
  30. [[falcon [accept hawk]]] [225]
  31. [[invading Poland [or attacking Poland]]] [226]
  32. Lucy Ashton (also accept Lucia; prompt on "Ashton [227]
  33. Frauds Exposed! or, How The People Are Deceived and Robbed, And Youth Corrupted [228]
  34. [[Hina [or Taranga]]] [229]
  35. [[a songbird laughing [accept birdsong]] [230]
  36. a bird singing [231]
  37. equivalents to any answer] [232]
  38. [[Critique of Judgement [or Kritik der Urteilskraft]]] [233]


  1. d the title question of this 1784 work with "man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity [234]
  2. [[Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment? [or Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung]]] [235]
  3. [[ng the Question: What is Enlightenment? [or Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung]]] [236]
  4. [[Leo III [or Leo the Isaurian]] [237]
  5. even Konon] [238]
  6. masovni pokret" or MASPOK [239]
  7. Drejtoria e Sigurimit te Shtetit [240]
  8. Hammond-(Leffler) Postulate [241]
  9. [[Baybars [or al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari; prompt on Abu al-Fituh]]] [242]
  10. Tariqu al-Hakim bi Amir Allah [243]
  11. Muhammad Ali of Egypt (Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha [244]
  12. [[Noisy channel coding theorem [or Shannon's theorem]] [245]
  13. [[Montreal Expos [accept either city]] [246]
  14. team name] [247]
  15. Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria [248]
  16. [[the Black Stone of Mecca [or Al-Hajar al-Aswad]]] [249]
  17. Thousand Islands (grudgingly accept the singular form, Thousand Island [250]
  18. [[The Marquise of O [accept Die Marquise von O]] [251]
  19. The Countess of O] [252]
  20. atherosclerosis (prompt on "arteriosclerosis" before mentioned [253]
  21. Cassiopeiae (prompt on "The Seated Queen [254]
  22. [[The Sickness Unto Death: A Christian Psychological Exposition for Edification and Awakening, By Anti-Climacus [or Sygdommen til Døden: En christelig psychologisk Udvikling til Opbyggelse og Opvaekkelse, af Anti-Climacus]]] [255]
  23. [[Lake Baikal[10] This endorheic lake in southeastern Kazakhstan is freshwater in its western half and saltwater in its eastern half.The Ili River and Karatal River are the two main waterways that drain into it from its namesake inland basin]] [256]
  24. Balqash, Balkhash [257]


  1. Odesskie rasskazy [258]
  2. [[Corporal Trim[10] Uncle Toby and Corporal Trim appear in this Laurence Sterne novel about a young man who, among other things, is circumcised by an unbalanced window.ANSWER: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman[10] Corporal Trim reports that this lieutenant has fallen ill on his way back to his regiment in Flanders, causing Uncle Toby to ostentatiously vow that he shall not die.ANSWER: Le Fever]] [259]
  3. [[The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman[10] Corporal Trim reports that this lieutenant has fallen ill on his way back to his regiment in Flanders, causing Uncle Toby to ostentatiously vow that he shall not die.ANSWER: Le Fever]] [260]
  4. Le Fever [261]
  5. Vilsmeier-Haack reacton [262]
  6. Christopher Ifekandu Okigbo [263]
  7. Antonin Dvorak (dvor-jak [264]
  8. The Ink Truck [265]
  9. [[tonal language [10] This phenomenon occurs when both tone and intonation are at work in a tone language. The result is a lowering of the pitch that stays consistent in terms of relative pitch from one segment to the next]] [266]
  10. [[Pryderi [or Gwri Wallt Euryn]]] [267]
  11. Jerusalem, [268]
  12. on Religious Power and Judaism [269]
  13. On Evidence in Metaphysical Sciences [270]
  14. Saint Columba (Columba of Iona [271]
  15. Kepler's second law of planetary motion [272]
  16. John or Jean Bernoulli, prompt on Bernoulli [273]
  17. Nixon doctrine [274]
  18. Color Field painting (prompt on Washington Color School [275]
  19. Hodgkin-Huxley experiment [276]
  20. Katz-Miledi experiment [277]
  21. [[Book of Zephaniah [or Sophonias]]] [278]
  22. [[Book of Haggai [or Prophecy of Aggeus]]] [279]
  23. Le Christ Jaune [280]
  24. Java (prompt on Indonesia [281]
  25. [[brain in a vat [accept very similar answers, e.g. "brain in a jar," but not stuff that is further afield. "Ghost in the machine]] [282]
  26. HEY MAN THE MATRIX MAN" are not acceptable.] [283]
  27. , e.g. "brain in a jar," but not stuff that is further afield. "Ghost in the machine [284]
  28. HEY MAN THE MATRIX MAN" are not acceptable.] [285]
  29. Reissner-Nordström Solution [286]
  30. variations such as Metric, Equation, Theory, etc [287]
  31. House Tax Rebellion or Home Tax Rebellion before "windows [288]
  32. [[c-myc [mick]]] [289]
  33. [[the Tablets of Destiny [or Tablets of Destinies]] [290]
  34. Tuppi Shimati] [291]
  35. Die Jahreszeiten (don't accept [292]
  36. prompt on "The Four Seasons [293]
  37. accept glycol before mentioned [294]


  1. Tade kuu mushi\ [295]
  2. Bekaa Valley (Beqaa [296]
  3. Major Margaret Hot Lips Houlihan [297]
  4. Trapper" John Francis Xavier McIntyre [298]
  5. Henry Ryecroft [299]
  6. kugelrohr distillation [300]
  7. Fenske Equation [301]
  8. The Tribuna of the Uffizi [302]
  9. Poland Act of 1874 [303]
  10. Saha Equation (Saha-Langmuir ionization equation, [304]
  11. Saha-Boltzmann [305]
  12. Jacques/Jean Pierre Brissot de Warville [306]
  13. rotons [307]
  14. Pomeranchuk Cooling [308]
  15. Cuttlefish Bones [309]
  16. Ossi di seppia [310]
  17. the Maya (Mayans [311]
  18. [[red giants [accept Asymptotic Giant Branch stars until "hydrogen shell burning"]]] [312]
  19. The Two Fridas [313]
  20. Las Dos Fridas [314]
  21. [[rocks [or stones]] [315]
  22. boulders, etc] [316]
  23. [[bremsstrahlung [accept pair-production before mention in the question; accept free-free emission before "free-free" is read]]] [317]
  24. [[Memushiri kouchi) 17. The properties of these compounds that can exhibit anchimeric assistance have been extensively studied by George Olah. The production of alcohols after diazotization of the starting material in the Demyanov reaction proceeds through the creation of these compounds. They can undergo Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement to produce more stable ones. Examples include the Wheland intermediate, produced during electrophilic aromatic substitution by the addition of the electrophile. Their relative stabilities can be justified by invoking hyperconjugation to explain why tertiary ones are more stable than secondary and primary ones. FTP name these reactive intermediates generated in S-N-one mechanisms, compounds where a carbon atom possesses a positive charge]] [318]
  25. cannolo from the pedantic [319]
  26. [[Scottish Symphony [or Scotch Symphony]] [320]
  27. Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 3; "Mendelssohn" not required after he is named] [321]


  1. [[the Young Hegelians [or Left Hegelians]] [322]
  2. Junghegelianer [323]
  3. Linkshegelianer] [324]
  4. [[meristem [accept apical meristem before "intercalary"]]] [325]
  5. [[Dolce and Gabbana[10] The Olsen twins, Sharon Stone, and Teri Hatcher have all been spokeswomen for this brand, which was founded by two Parsons students in 1988. Known for their high-end bridal line, they recently began dressing the principal dancers of the Alvin Ailey company.ANSWER: Badgley Mischka[10] Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez gave this fashion line their mothers' maiden names. Their most recent exploits include creating a budget collection for Target's Go International line and designing the green dress that Amy Adams wore to the 2008 Academy Awards.ANSWER: Proenza Schouler]] [326]
  6. [[Badgley Mischka[10] Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez gave this fashion line their mothers' maiden names. Their most recent exploits include creating a budget collection for Target's Go International line and designing the green dress that Amy Adams wore to the 2008 Academy Awards.ANSWER: Proenza Schouler]] [327]
  7. [[Nuada [or Nuadu]] [328]
  8. Ludd Airgetlám/of the Silver Hand/of the Silver Arm] [329]
  9. [[Palamedes [or Palomides]] [330]
  10. any vowels with the right consonants] [331]
  11. Experience and Nature [332]
  12. [[Benjamin Britten[10] This composer first gained notoriety as a modernist for his jazz-influenced setting of Edith Sitwell's Facade poems. He also wrote the one-act opera The Bear and the ballets The Quest and The Wise Virgins.ANSWER: William Walton[10] This composer wrote large-scale choral works such as Hymnus Paradisi and Missa Sabrienensis, as well as hymns like "Like as the Hart".He also composed a setting of Walter de la Mare's King David.ANSWER: Herbert Howells]] [333]
  13. [[William Walton[10] This composer wrote large-scale choral works such as Hymnus Paradisi and Missa Sabrienensis, as well as hymns like "Like as the Hart".He also composed a setting of Walter de la Mare's King David.ANSWER: Herbert Howells]] [334]
  14. L.B. Sullivan [335]
  15. Near v. Minnesota, ex rel. Olson [336]
  16. Ashurbanipal (Assurbanipal [337]
  17. Sardanapal/Sardanapolous [338]
  18. stuff about Muckraking classics of the Progressive Era, FTPE [339]
  19. [[Time of Troubles[10] Tsar Feodor II, who, along with his mother was strangled at the behest of the first False Dmitri, was the son of this man.He preceded Feodor II as tsar, and was the brother-in-law and regent of Feodor I.ANSWER: Boris Gudonov]] [340]
  20. [[Godunov)[10] After the death of Feodor III, the Miloslavsky family incited this group of guardsmen to riot against the Naryshkins and other political leaders. One of their leaders was Ivan Khovansky.ANSWER: streltsy]] [341]
  21. [[Godunov)[10] After the death of Feodor III, the Miloslavsky family incited this group of guardsmen to riot against the Naryshkins and other political leaders. One of their leaders was Ivan Khovansky.ANSWER: streltsy]] [342]
  22. [[The Black Monk" [or Chernyi monakh]]] [343]
  23. [[The Lady With the Dog" [or Dama s Sobachkoy]] [344]
  24. The Lady With a Lapdog [345]
  25. similar variants] [346]
  26. [[tree[10] Invented by Rudolph Bayer, this type of tree is a balanced binary tree in which each node stores a color attribute.ANSWER: red-black tree[10] Like a red-black tree, this type of tree has restricted height, but instead of storing color information to ensure balance, this type of tree finds a non-weight-balanced node to re-balance. Unlike the similar AVL tree, it checks the balance value only as needed, not on each insertion]] [347]
  27. deletion.ANSWER: scapegoat tree [348]
  28. [[red-black tree[10] Like a red-black tree, this type of tree has restricted height, but instead of storing color information to ensure balance, this type of tree finds a non-weight-balanced node to re-balance. Unlike the similar AVL tree, it checks the balance value only as needed, not on each insertion]] [349]
  29. deletion.ANSWER: scapegoat tree [350]
  30. [[some things about the Seventh Crusade, FTPE.[10]The Seventh Crusade was led by this king of France, who was succeeded by his son, Philip the Bold, and whose life was chronicled by Joinville.ANSWER: King Louis IX of France]] [351]
  31. [[St. Louis[10]While Louis crusaded, this woman, his mother, acted as regent in France. She'd earlier been regent after the death of her husband Louis VIII.ANSWER: Blanche of Castile[10]St. Louis' first victory in Egypt was his capture of this port city on the Nile. Earlier, it had been besieged by Amalric with the help of Manuel Comnenus in 1169, but the siege was broken by Saladin.ANSWER: Damietta]] [352]
  32. King Louis IX of France [353]
  33. [[St. Louis[10]While Louis crusaded, this woman, his mother, acted as regent in France. She'd earlier been regent after the death of her husband Louis VIII.ANSWER: Blanche of Castile[10]St. Louis' first victory in Egypt was his capture of this port city on the Nile. Earlier, it had been besieged by Amalric with the help of Manuel Comnenus in 1169, but the siege was broken by Saladin.ANSWER: Damietta]] [354]
  34. [[Blanche of Castile[10]St. Louis' first victory in Egypt was his capture of this port city on the Nile. Earlier, it had been besieged by Amalric with the help of Manuel Comnenus in 1169, but the siege was broken by Saladin.ANSWER: Damietta]] [355]
  35. Mohr's circles [356]
  36. Seth Carlo Chandler, Jr [357]
  37. [[County Kerry[10]Along with Counties Clare, Cork, Limerick, Tipperary, and Waterford, County Kerry makes up this Irish province, which shares its name with a city in Alsace that produces a namesake variety of cheese.ANSWER: Munster]] [358]
  38. [[Pudd'n-Head Wilson[10] In this satirical novel by Evan Connell, the titular Kansas City housewife and her husband Walter often suffer through social engagements with the pompous Van Metres.ANSWER: Mrs. Bridge[10] Anthony Patch marries Missouri belle Gloria Gilbert in this Jazz Age novel. After Anthony hosts a drunken party at the grey house, he is disinherited by his grandfather and sinks into an alcoholic decline.ANSWER: The Beautiful and Damned23. This group's first president was Vilém Mathesius. For 10 points each:]] [359]
  39. [[Mrs. Bridge[10] Anthony Patch marries Missouri belle Gloria Gilbert in this Jazz Age novel. After Anthony hosts a drunken party at the grey house, he is disinherited by his grandfather and sinks into an alcoholic decline.ANSWER: The Beautiful and Damned23. This group's first president was Vilém Mathesius. For 10 points each:]] [360]
  40. The Beautiful and Damned23. This group's first president was Vilém Mathesius. For 10 points each: [361]


  1. Hatch Act(s [362]
  2. The Indian Burying Ground [363]
  3. Lines Occasioned by a Visit to an Old Indian Burying Ground [364]
  4. intercalating agents [365]
  5. intercalation agents or intercalators; accept other reasonable word forms [366]
  6. [[Peace [or Eirene]]] [367]
  7. Falange Espanola, or Phalange, or "Phalanx", also accept Kateeb Party of Lebanon until "blue shirt [368]
  8. Louis ‘David' Riel [369]
  9. anticlines (DO NOT ACCEPT "antiforms [370]
  10. [[Tisha B'Av [or Ninth of Av]]] [371]
  11. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews [372]
  12. Robert Andrews and his Wife [373]
  13. Der Tod und das Madchen [374]
  14. D810 [375]
  15. Accept Schubert's String Quartet No. 14 until "the fourteenth [376]
  16. Republic of) Angola [377]
  17. Anabasis Kyrou (prompt "The Persian Expedition [378]
  18. some equivalent [379]
  19. Lucas Test/reagent [380]
  20. Tollens Test/reagent [381]
  21. Benedict Test [382]
  22. a urinal [383]
  23. D. melanogaster or fruit fly [384]
  24. syncytial embryos; accept syncytiums [385]
  25. polytene chromosomes (prompt on "chromosomes [386]
  26. Katyn Wood/Forest Massacre [387]
  27. Forest Cantons (League of the Three Forest Cantons [388]
  28. the Euler totient function [389]
  29. the prime counting function (prompt on pi [390]
  30. the Möbius function [391]
  31. L'immoraliste [392]
  32. Menalque [393]
  33. Father Ambrosio (prompt on "The Monk [394]
  34. Agnes de Medina [395]
  35. Do Not Weep, Maiden, For War is Kind [396]
  36. D. melanogaster or fruit fly [397]
  37. syncytial embryos; accept syncytiums [398]
  38. polytene chromosomes (prompt on "chromosomes [399]
  39. Jusepe de Ribera or Josef de Ribera or Giuseppe de Ribera [400]
  40. [[The Provinicial Letters [or Les Provinciales]]] [401]


  1. Anahuac, or, Mexico and the Mexicans Ancient and Modern [402]
  2. Lydia Dominis [403]
  3. [[bees [or BEEEEEEEEEEEEES]]] [404]
  4. [[Chinese room argument [or Chinese box argument]]] [405]
  5. [[Cordoba [or Cordova]]] [406]
  6. Boo Diddlys [407]
  7. Soweto riots/uprising/rebellion/massacre/etc [408]
  8. [[Shmuel Yosef Agnon [or Shai Agnon]] [409]
  9. שמואל יוסף ×¢×'נון] [410]
  10. [[Epistles of Paul [accept letters of Paul]]] [411]
  11. [[Huygens' Principle [or Huygens-Fresnel Principle]]] [412]
  12. Pirogov Society [413]
  13. Mrs. Packletide's Tiger [414]
  14. protease resistant protein [415]
  15. Becket, Or, The Honor of God [416]
  16. Becket: Ou, L'Honneur de Dieu [417]
  17. Stanley Matthews (the Matthews resolution [418]
  18. Gramercy Five [419]
  19. Khadijah ul-Kubra [420]
  20. A Theory of Moral Sentiments [421]
  21. geomagnetic field reversals, [422]
  22. magnetic Reynolds number (DO NOT ACCEPT "Reynold's Number [423]
  23. Whoroscope [424]
  24. Rubião [425]
  25. [[Western Sahara [or Spanish Sahara]]] [426]
  26. Saguia el-Hamra (Saqiyat al-Hamra'a [427]
  27. [[Fimbulvetr [or Fimbulwinter]]] [428]
  28. the Völuspá [429]
  29. [[electron degeneracy pressure [or degenerate electron pressure]]] [430]


  1. Viennese Blood [431]
  2. Bakelite process [432]
  3. [[Human, All Too Human [or Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister]]] [433]
  4. [[the will to power [or der wille zur macht]]] [434]
  5. Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is [435]
  6. Gödel's second incompleteness theorem [436]
  7. thiols (also accept mercaptans before it's mentioned [437]
  8. Ehrenberg-Siday-Aharonov-Bohm effect (accept: Bohm-Aharonov effect [438]
  9. William III (in Holland and England, accept William II of Scotland [439]
  10. Benin before mentioned [440]
  11. meristem" before "initials," otherwise prompt [441]
  12. [[Donatism [or the Donatist Schism, etc]]] [442]
  13. [[Halford John Mackinder [10] Always showing up with a dirty cravat was this pacifist philosopher who wrote German Social Democracy, Why I am Not a Christian, and A History of Western Philosophy]] [443]
  14. accept detergents [444]
  15. Charge conjugation â€" Parity [445]
  16. atomic force microscope) accept scanning force microscope [446]
  17. SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device [447]
  18. d vegetable. FTPE: [448]
  19. Mongrel" Tariff of 1883 [449]
  20. Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion" (also accept Rum, Romanism, and Ruin [450]
  21. Sleepy Lagoon case [451]
  22. People v. Zammora [452]
  23. Jacopo Carucci [453]
  24. Vertumnus and Pomona [454]
  25. Within the Gates [455]
  26. Cristero war/rebellion [456]
  27. Soseki (Kinnosuke) Natsume [457]


  1. Czesław Miłosz [458]
  2. [[ramy al-jamarat [accept Stoning of the Devil]] [459]
  3. reasonable equivalents] [460]
  4. Atjeh or Achin or Acheh [461]
  5. Konungariket Sveriga [462]
  6. Antoine Roquentin [463]
  7. Treaty establishing the European Economic Community orTreaty establishing the European Community, but not after the mention of "European Economic Community [464]
  8. [[Krusty the Clown [or Herschel Krustofsky; prompt on Krustofsky]]] [465]
  9. [[Mark Twain [or Samuel Clemens]]] [466]
  10. Mehmed II or Muhammad II [467]
  11. Robert Lowell (prompt on Lowell [468]
  12. cold temperature fusion [469]
  13. minimization until "highest" or maximization until "lowest [470]
  14. [[the Bab [or Mirza Ali Mohammad of Shiraz]] [471]
  15. nuqtah [472]
  16. noqtey-e ula [473]
  17. hazrat-e a'la [474]
  18. jamal-e mobarak [475]
  19. haqq ta'ala] [476]
  20. just Gibbs after "phase rule [477]
  21. [[Mayans [or Quiche Mayans]]] [478]
  22. [[Vladimir Nabokov[10] Name the title of that final novel, which was begun under the title Dying is FunAnswer: The Original of Laura[10] The protagonist of The Original of Laura, Philip Wild, originally fell in love with this woman, who shares her name with this title figure of an Elizabeth Barret Browning work in which her cousin Romney is courted by Lady Waldemar but wishes to marry Marian Erle]] [479]
  23. [[The Original of Laura[10] The protagonist of The Original of Laura, Philip Wild, originally fell in love with this woman, who shares her name with this title figure of an Elizabeth Barret Browning work in which her cousin Romney is courted by Lady Waldemar but wishes to marry Marian Erle]] [480]
  24. [[North Dakota[10] This railroad magnate known as the "Empire Builder" is best remembered for founding the Great Northern Railway, a private transcontinental line running through North Dakota.Answer: James J(erome) Hill]] [481]
  25. James J(erome) Hill [482]
  26. [[some stuff about art and artists in fin-de-siècle Vienna for 10 points each.[10] In 1901, Gustav Klimt completed this painting, an art-nouveau version of the beheading of an Assyrian general also depicted by Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi.Answer: Judith With the Head of Holofernes[10] Several years later, this young Austrian expressionist and founder of the Neukunstgruppe sought out Klimt as an artistic mentor. He is best-known for his grotesque and erotic self-portraits, one of them being notably androgynous.Answer: Egon Schiele[10] While in Vienna, Klimt painted two art-nouveau portraits of this wife of a wealthy Jewish industrialist. The first notably sold for $135 million dollars in 2006]] [483]
  27. [[Judith With the Head of Holofernes[10] Several years later, this young Austrian expressionist and founder of the Neukunstgruppe sought out Klimt as an artistic mentor. He is best-known for his grotesque and erotic self-portraits, one of them being notably androgynous.Answer: Egon Schiele[10] While in Vienna, Klimt painted two art-nouveau portraits of this wife of a wealthy Jewish industrialist. The first notably sold for $135 million dollars in 2006]] [484]
  28. [[Egon Schiele[10] While in Vienna, Klimt painted two art-nouveau portraits of this wife of a wealthy Jewish industrialist. The first notably sold for $135 million dollars in 2006]] [485]
  29. Gaspard de Coligny (Marshal of Chatillon [486]
  30. [[oxiranes)[10] These compounds are similar to epoxides, except instead of oxygen they contain nitrogen as the non-carbon atom in the three-membered ring. A Wenker synthesis makes these from 1,2-amino alcohols.ANSWER: aziridines[10] When epoxides are created through the oxidation of an alkene with a peracid, the reaction proceeds according to this mechanism. It's so named because the transition state, in which oxygen is added and a proton is shifted, resembles a certain animal]] [487]
  31. [[aziridines[10] When epoxides are created through the oxidation of an alkene with a peracid, the reaction proceeds according to this mechanism. It's so named because the transition state, in which oxygen is added and a proton is shifted, resembles a certain animal]] [488]
  32. butterfly mechanism [489]
  33. platelet-derived growth factor or PDGF [490]


  1. [[Le Notti di Cabiria[10] This adaptation of an ancient novel follows Encolpio and Ascilto through a series of fragmentary adventures that culminate in the image of a ruined ancient roman villa]] [491]
  2. [[Fellini:Satirycon[10] Zampano's murder of the circus acrobat Il Matto causes Gelsomina to have an emotional breakdown in this fine Fellini film]] [492]
  3. [[Lake Pontchartrain[10] Finally opened in the 1890s, this canal cuts across its namesake isthmus to link the Saronic Gulf with its namesake gulf, which is spanned by the Rio-Antirio Bridge.Answer: Corinth Canal[10]This innovative balanced wheel structure, opened in 2002 in Scotland, is a rotating boat lift which moves vessels nearly 80 feet between the Union Canal and the Forth and Clyde Canal.Answer: Falkirk Wheel]] [493]
  4. [[Corinth Canal[10]This innovative balanced wheel structure, opened in 2002 in Scotland, is a rotating boat lift which moves vessels nearly 80 feet between the Union Canal and the Forth and Clyde Canal.Answer: Falkirk Wheel]] [494]
  5. Elizabeth Anescombe [495]
  6. Gogo no eiko [496]
  7. The Flowering Peach [497]
  8. [[p-norms[10] This inequality states that for two vectors x and y and constants a and b, if one over a plus one over b equals one, then the magnitude of x transpose times y is less than or equal to the p-norm of x with respect to a times the p-norm of y with respect to b.Answer: Holder inequality[10] This special case of the Holder inequality states that the magnitude of the inner product of two vectors x and y is less than or equal to the norm of x times the norm of y. On Euclidean spaces, it can be used to derive the triangle inequality.Answer: Cauchy-Buniakovsky-Schwarz inequality]] [498]
  9. either name, and it's entirely acceptable if someone pronounces it "Schwartz" since lots of stuff misspells Schwarz with a t [499]
  10. [[Holder inequality[10] This special case of the Holder inequality states that the magnitude of the inner product of two vectors x and y is less than or equal to the norm of x times the norm of y. On Euclidean spaces, it can be used to derive the triangle inequality.Answer: Cauchy-Buniakovsky-Schwarz inequality]] [500]
  11. either name, and it's entirely acceptable if someone pronounces it "Schwartz" since lots of stuff misspells Schwarz with a t [501]
  12. Cauchy-Buniakovsky-Schwarz inequality [502]
  13. either name, and it's entirely acceptable if someone pronounces it "Schwartz" since lots of stuff misspells Schwarz with a t [503]
  14. [[The Italian or The Confessional of the Black Penitents[10] Name the author of The Italian and other Gothic novels like The Romance of the Forest and The Mysteries of Udolpho.Answer: Ann (Ward) Radcliffe]] [504]
  15. [[either)[10] This monk, the mastermind behind the kidnapping and later murder plot, is revealed to be a fugitive in hiding after he murdered his brother, the Count di Bruno.Answer: Schedoni]] [505]
  16. [[either)[10] This monk, the mastermind behind the kidnapping and later murder plot, is revealed to be a fugitive in hiding after he murdered his brother, the Count di Bruno.Answer: Schedoni]] [506]
  17. Schedoni [507]
  18. Samarium-Neodymium dating, [508]
  19. Sm-147-Nd-143 dating [509]
  20. Vienna Standard Mid-Ocean Water [510]
  21. [[time [accept Technics and Time]]] [511]
  22. Seiwa Genji but don't accept or prompt on Kamakura [512]
  23. Corey (Robert Brainard Corey and Elias James Corey [513]
  24. The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense [514]
  25. equivalents including gay and lesbian [515]
  26. [[Harold [or Harald; accept Harald Gille, Harald the Bold, Harald Haardraade]] [516]
  27. Harald III, and Harold Godwinsson [517]
  28. Harold II, where appropriate] [518]
  29. [[Birkirkara [or B'kara]]] [519]
  30. scirocco â€" don't accept any other term for the wind, since it says Italian name [520]
  31. Virginius affair/incident [521]
  32. amaXhosa or isiXhosa [522]
  33. [[Matabele [or amaNdebele]] [523]


  1. shepherd moons [524]
  2. [[sigma algebra [Do not accept]] [525]
  3. prompt on algebra] [526]
  4. Zermelo's axiom of choice [527]
  5. [[The Abduction from the Seraglio [or Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail]]] [528]
  6. Blonde or Blondchen [529]
  7. anything in the vein of "Blonde Girl [530]
  8. [[Bhakti yoga [make sure not to read the "yoga" part, and just ignore it if a team gives it in their answer]]] [531]
  9. a certain slant of light [532]
  10. Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror [533]
  11. Rock ‘n' Roll [534]
  12. [[The Kreutzer Sonata [or Kreytserova sonata]]] [535]
  13. [[Leo Tolstoy [or Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy]]] [536]
  14. [[The Power of Darkness [or Vlast tmy]]] [537]
  15. writs of assistance (also accept "writs of aid [538]
  16. Charles Paxton [539]
  17. Alexander Dubček [540]
  18. Ota Ã…Â ik [541]
  19. Sebastián Francisco de Miranda y Rodríguez; prompt on "The Forerunner" or "El Precursor [542]
  20. elimination reactions [543]
  21. E2 or E1 until "two mechanisms [544]
  22. Na Drini cuprija [545]
  23. [[polarization [accept word forms]]] [546]
  24. Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber [547]
  25. equivalents with "Metamorphoses" or with different prepositions, e.g. "Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Weber [548]
  26. [[The Art of Painting [or The Allegory of Painting]] [549]
  27. The Allegory of the Art of Painting [550]
  28. Die Allegorie der Malerei] [551]
  29. [[apoptosis [prompt on "programmed cell death"]]] [552]
  30. [[Dionysus [accept Bacchus before "Zeus" is read and do not accept]] [553]
  31. prompt on it after] [554]
  32. [[The "Catalogue Aria" [or "Madamina, il catalogo è questo"]]] [555]
  33. Ormus Cama (prompt on "Cama;" also accept Ormus [556]
  34. Bose-Einstein condensates [557]


  1. Daiyon kampyoki [558]
  2. The Man Who Turned into a Stick [559]
  3. Bo ni natta otoko [560]
  4. The Wends [561]
  5. the Wendish Crusade or Wenden or Winden or Vendere or Vender [562]
  6. [[Paolo di Dono or Paolo degli Uccelli)[10] The Florentine government got Paolo Uccello to paint a picture of a statue of this English mercenary. The marble colored figure holds a red baton as his horse steps on a sarcophagus-like pedestal.ANSWER: Sir John Hawkwood]] [563]
  7. [[Giovanni Acuto or Haccoude)[10] Uccello is criticized for wasting his time on perspective rather than focusing on "people and animals" in this Italian artist's The Lives of the Artists biography]] [564]
  8. [[Giovanni Acuto or Haccoude)[10] Uccello is criticized for wasting his time on perspective rather than focusing on "people and animals" in this Italian artist's The Lives of the Artists biography]] [565]
  9. [[Abscisic Acid (or ABA or Dormin or Abscisin II)[10] A precursor to Abscisic Acid is this yellow xanthophyll which also serves to protect the eye from intense shades of blue light, which probably prevents macular degeneration.ANSWER: Zeaxanthin[10] Another function of Abscisic Acid is preventing the synthesis of this class of plant hormones, primarily synthesized in meristematic regions, responsible for cell division.ANSWER: Cytokinins]] [566]
  10. [[Zeaxanthin[10] Another function of Abscisic Acid is preventing the synthesis of this class of plant hormones, primarily synthesized in meristematic regions, responsible for cell division.ANSWER: Cytokinins]] [567]
  11. just noticable difference [568]
  12. White-Jacket or, The World in a Man-of-War [569]
  13. [[Eli Stone[10] This musician appears in many of Eli Stone's visions. His songs like "Older" and "Faith" get stuck in Eli's head, and Stone even represents him in one episode.ANSWER: George Michael]] [570]
  14. [[Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou)[10] This sassy black actress plays sassy secretary Patti on Eli Stone, but you may also remember her role as sassy teacher Marla Hendricks on Boston Public or as the sassy wife of Dr.Webber on Grey's Anatomy.ANSWER: Loretta Devine]] [571]
  15. [[Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou)[10] This sassy black actress plays sassy secretary Patti on Eli Stone, but you may also remember her role as sassy teacher Marla Hendricks on Boston Public or as the sassy wife of Dr.Webber on Grey's Anatomy.ANSWER: Loretta Devine]] [572]
  16. Second) Battle of Franklin [573]
  17. Shah Jahan (Shabuddin Mohammed Shah Jahan [574]
  18. Red Fort or Fortress [575]
  19. Lal Qila, Lal Qil'ah [576]
  20. Nadir Shah Afshar (Nader Shah [577]
  21. Faroe Islands (Faroes [578]
  22. Phuong [579]
  23. [[Cihuacoatl [or Chihucoatl]] [580]
  24. Quetzolcoatl [581]
  25. Bela Kohn [582]
  26. White Aster Revolution [583]
  27. color singlet [584]
  28. [[Opik-Oort Cloud[10] This proposed inner, dense region of the Oort Cloud, named for its American formulator, is thought to replenish the more easily disturbed outer layer of the Oort Cloud, solving the depletion problem.ANSWER: Hills Cloud[10] Objects outside of the solar system are sent towards the sun, and thus through the Oort cloud, due to these forces exerted by the gravitational field of the Milky Way.They can also form tails when galaxies collide.ANSWER: galactic tides]] [585]
  29. [[Hills Cloud[10] Objects outside of the solar system are sent towards the sun, and thus through the Oort cloud, due to these forces exerted by the gravitational field of the Milky Way.They can also form tails when galaxies collide.ANSWER: galactic tides]] [586]
  30. [[Moorish Science Temple of America [accept word forms]]] [587]
  31. [[Ahmadiyya [also accept Ahmadi]]] [588]
  32. [[The Chairs [or Les Chaises]]] [589]
  33. [[Eugene Ionesco [or Ionescu]]] [590]
  34. Jack, [591]
  35. [[the Submission [or Jacques ou la soumission]]] [592]
  36. USS Triton (SSN-586 [593]
  37. USS Archerfish (SS-311 [594]
  38. CSS) H.L. Hunley [595]
  39. [[Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno [accept Wiesengrund]]] [596]
  40. [[hit four home runs in one game [accept clear equivalents]]] [597]
  41. Jahn-Teller Effect/Distortion [598]
  42. Quintus) Fabius (Maximus [599]
  43. Convito in casa di Levi [600]
  44. La Cena in casa di Levi [601]
  45. Wigner Energy [602]
  46. opioids (grudingly accept narcotics [603]
  47. [[towers of silence [or dakhmas]]] [604]


  1. [[Jimmu Tenno [or Kamu Yamato Ihare Biko]]] [605]
  2. Sticky Fingers by The Rolling Stones [606]
  3. [[All Eyez On Me by Tupac Shakur [either]] [607]
  4. both names] [608]
  5. Dookie by Green Day [609]
  6. Michel Guillaume Jean de Crévecoeur [610]
  7. Louis-Joseph de Montcalm-Gozon, Marquis de Saint Veran [611]
  8. An-shih [612]
  9. [[Vivekananda [or Narendranath Datta]]] [613]
  10. gamma ray bursts (GRBs [614]
  11. synchrotron shock model (PROMPT on "shock model [615]
  12. band Model [616]
  13. breakdown voltage (PROMPT on "dielectric strength [617]
  14. Venice Preserved, Or, A Plot Discovered [618]
  15. John) Enoch Powell [619]
  16. Nappy Edges [620]
  17. Hector Neri Castaneda [621]
  18. von Willebrandt factor [622]
  19. vWF (last "t" is not required [623]
  20. activated Factor Iia [624]
  21. Captains of the Sand(s [625]
  22. [[Capitaes de Areia[10] This novel traces the life of Antonio Balduino, a former circus-boxer who joins the local workers in their struggle against oppression. It is named for the medicine man who inspired Antonio in his youth.ANSWER: Jubiaba [10] In this work, partially set at the Vesuvius Bar, a beautiful and talented cook is courted by Nacib Saad. Other portions of the novel focus on the Cacao trade and the fortunes of the Bastos familyANSWER: Gabriela, Clove, and Cinnamon]] [626]
  23. Gabriela, Cravo e Canela 19. Gustav Mahler adapted several poems from this collection, including "Urlicht," "St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes," and "Who Thought Up This Song?" FTPE: [627]
  24. [[Jubiaba [10] In this work, partially set at the Vesuvius Bar, a beautiful and talented cook is courted by Nacib Saad. Other portions of the novel focus on the Cacao trade and the fortunes of the Bastos familyANSWER: Gabriela, Clove, and Cinnamon]] [628]
  25. Gabriela, Cravo e Canela 19. Gustav Mahler adapted several poems from this collection, including "Urlicht," "St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes," and "Who Thought Up This Song?" FTPE: [629]
  26. Gabriela, Cravo e Canela 19. Gustav Mahler adapted several poems from this collection, including "Urlicht," "St. Anthony's Sermon to the Fishes," and "Who Thought Up This Song?" FTPE: [630]
  27. [[The Youth's Magic Horn [or Des Knaben Wunderhorn]]] [631]
  28. [[Resurrection Symphony [or Symphony No. 2 in C Minor]] [632]
  29. [[Songs of a Wayfarer [or Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen]]] [633]
  30. transform faulting [634]
  31. faults (PROMPT on "strike-slip" fault [635]
  32. aulacogens [636]
  33. Riemann tensor until "Weyl [637]
  34. Une Saison en enfer [638]
  35. equivalents, e.g. informatics [639]
  36. Royal Pavilion at Brighton [640]
  37. Force Bills [641]