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List of European folk music traditions

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Country Elements Dance Instrumentation Other topics

Albanian [1] kaba - Rapsodi Kreshnikë cifteli - clarinet - def - lahuta - llautë - sharki - violin - zumarë

Andalusian See Spanish - - -
Austrian [2] schrammelmusik - Wienalied accordion - alphorn - clarinet - grazer - guitar heurigan

Auvergnat See French - - -
Basque [3] bersolari - trikitrixa zortziko chirula - gaïta - pandereta - ttun-ttun kolaris - mascarada - Pastorale

Bavarian See German - - -
Bohemian See Czech - - -
Bosnian [4] gange - ilahije - izorna - novokomponovana narodna muzika - sevdalinka [5] accordion - clarinet - daire - guitar - sargija - saz - violin sijela

Breton [6] bagad - couples de sonneurs - gwerz - kan ha diskan an dros - dans plinn - fisel - gavotte - hanter dro - laride - rond binou - binou braz - bombarde - Breton harp - telenn festou noz - sonerion

Bulgarian [7] Koleduvane - Laduvane - Lazaruvane - na trapeza - wedding music eleno mome - horo - kopanitsa - paidushka - povarnato horo - pravo horo - racenica - sedenka clarinet - kaba gaida - kaval - gadulka - gaida - tambura - tapan Koprivshtitsa - nestinarstvo - sedyanki

Calabrian See Italian - - -
Castilian See Spanish - - -
Catalan [8] coble - habanera - ida y vuelta sardana gralla - tarota - tenora - tible

Channel Islands

Celtic Cornwall [9] Cornish carol troyll bagpipe - croder croghen - hand drum gorsedd

Corsican See French - - -
Croatian [10] klape - tamburica band kolo accordion - clarinet - curla - diple - fiddle - gange - licera - lirica - rozenica - samica - sopila - tamburica - violin - zither

Cypriot See Greek or Turkish - - -
Czech [11] gaidosska muzika - hudecka muzika - skripacka - staroprazske pisnieky - trampska hudba polka - sedlacka - tahla - verbunk accordion - bagpipe - cimbalom - clarinet - double bass - fiddle - viola - violin

Danish [12] fanik - firtur - hopsa - polka - pols - rheinlænder - schottische - sønderhoning - trekanter - tretur - vals accordion - fiddle - humle - nyckelharpa

Dutch [13] mâtelot - mazurka - polka - Seven Sault - waltz accordion - doedelzak - guitar - hurdy-gurdy - pijpzak - violin

Emilian See Italian - - -
English [14] broadside ballad - Child ballad - wassailing [15] clogging - horn dance - hornpipe - long sword - Maypole dance - morris dance - rapper dance accordion - concertina - fiddle - mouth organ - Northumbrian smallpipe ballad meter - obby oss

Estonian [16] runo-song - swing-song polka accordion - bagpipe - concertina - fiddle - hiiu-kannel - kannel - tallharpa - trumpet - whistle - zither Kalevipoeg

Faeroe Islander [17] kingosalmar - kvæði - skjaldur - tættir - visur circle dance - Faeroe two-step

Finnish [18] itku - rekilaulu - runolaulu humppa - jenkka - mazurka - minuet - pelimanni - polka - purpuri - schottische - waltz accordion - clarinet - fiddle - harmonium - horn - jouhikko - kantele - tallharpa - whistle Kalevala

Flemish [19]

Florentine See Italian - - -
Frisian [20] galop - polka - skoetsploech - skots - wals accordion - fiddle - melodeon - rommelpot

French [21] bal-musette - Corsican polyphonic song - paghjella - regret bourrée - branle - contredanse - farandole - quadrille - rigaudon aboè - accordion - bodega - boha - cabrette - chabrette - cornemuse - fifre - galoubet - graille - grand cornemuse - hurdy-gurdy - pifre - tambourin - violin

Galicia [22] coplas verdes jota - muiñeira gaita - pandereta

Gascon See French - - -
Genoese See Italian - - -
German[23] anacrusis - German ballad - volksmusik - yodeling bacchu-ber - perchtentanz - schuhplatteltanz - waltz alphorn - zupfgeige Kriegspiele - Stadtfeste

Gheg See Albanian - - -
Greek [24] amané - dhimotika tragoudhia - kalanda - kantadhes - kleftiko - Klephtic song - miroloyia - nisiotika - rebetiko - skaros - taxim - tis tavlas çifte telli - hasaposerviko - kalamatiano - karsilama - khasapiko - syrto - tsamiko - zebekiko askomandra - baglamas - bouzouki - daouli - defi - gaïdla - kavali - kithara - klarino - laouto - lautokithara - lyra - outi - santouri - toumberleki - tsambouna - violi - zournas demotiki - dromoi - manges - paniriyia - rebetes - tekes

Gypsy See Roma (Gypsy) - - -
Hungarian [25] hajnali - parlando-rubato - tempo-giusto - verbunkos csardas - legenyes - szolo - verbunkos bagpipe - cimbalom - cowbell - fiddle - gardon - hurdy-gurdy - violin - zither tanchaz

Icelandic [26] organum - rimur ballad dancing fidla - langspil saga

Irish [27] aisling - amhrain - ballad - bard - caoineadh - diddling - drinking song - Fonn Mall - harp music - keening (lament, caoning) - macaronic song - Ossian ballad (Fenian ballad) - rebel song - reverdie - sean nós carol - céilidh - clogging - highland - hornpipe - jig - polka - quadrille - reel - slide - slip jig - step dance - strathspey accordion - bodhrán - bouzouki - concertina - fiddle - flute - guitar - harp - uilleann pipe - whistle [28] American wake conyach - crack - feis - fleadh - session

Italian [29] baride - endecasillabo - gozo - maggio - Sardinian polyphony - trallalero - villanella ciociora - forlana - ruggera - saltarello - siciliana - su ballu - tarantella - trescona accordion - clapper - clarinet - flute - guitar - Jew's harp - launedda - lira - mandolin - melodeon - ocarina - panpipe - piffero - rattle - tamburello - tamura - violin - zampogna tarantolati

Karelian See Finnish - - -
Kosovar See Albanian - - -
Lab See Albanian - - -
Latvian [30] balss - daina - dziesma - ligotne - runo-song - sadzives - zinge citara - dulcimer - kokle

Lithuanian [31] daino - dvejines - keturines - sutartines - trejines polka - quadrille - rateliai - waltz accordion - balalaika - bandoneon - basetle - birbynes - clarinet - concertina - daudytes - fiddle - guitar - harmonica - kankle - lamzdeliai - mandolin - pusline - ragai - sekminiu ragelis - skuduciai - svilpas - tabala

Lombard See Italian - - -
Manx [32] Carvalyn Gailckagh - lament - Manx carol

Macedonian [33] calgia - narodni orkestri accordion - cemane - clarinet - def - dzumbus - gajda - kanun - kaval - supelka - tambura - tarabuka - tupan - ut - zurla narodna muzika - nove narodne pesme novokomponirana

Moldovan See Romanian - - -
Montenegrin [34] Montenegrin epic poetry gusle

Moravian See Czech - - -
Neapolitan See Italian - - -
Norwegian [35] bansuller - kveding - halling - laling - lokking - Norwegian ballad - slattar - stev - tralling brumarsj - bygdedan - gammeldans - gangnar - halling - pols - rull - springar - springleik bukkehorn - fiddle - Hardanger fiddle - harp - langeleik - lur - Meraker - seljefløyte - trekspel - tungehorn kappleikar

Occitan See French - - -
Piedmontese See Italian - - -
Polish [36] lidyzowanie chodzony - cimbaŀy - krakowiak - krzesany - mazurka - obertass - ozwodna - polka - polonaise - zboknicki cello - diable skryzypce - fiddle - gensle - kozio - maryna - mazanka - suka - violin dozynki

Portugal [37] castiço - fado - modinha - Romanceiro - tamborileiro - zés-pereiras dança dos homens - fofa - lundum adufe - bandolim - bexigoncelo - bombo - briquinho - caixa - cântaro com abanho - castanholas - cavaquinho - concertina - concha - ferrinhos - flauta pastoril - gaita-de-foles - genebres - guitarra - pandeireta - pandeiro - pifaro - reco-reco - sanfona - sarronça - tamboril - transcanholas - viola - zaclitracs fadista - ranchos folclóricos - saudade

Provenç See French - - -
Puglian See Italian - - -
Roma (Gypsy) [38] bulerías - calgia - cantes - cimbalom - fandango - fasil - flamenco - jaleo - koumpaneia - loki djili - oral-bassing - siguiriyas - soleares - taksim - tientos - tangos alegrias - belly dance - farruca - garrotin - marianas - moritas - khelimaske djili accordion - buzuq - cimbalom - clarinet - cümbüş - darbuka - davul - djumbus - dombak - kaman - kanun - ney - rebab - tabla - ud - violin - zurna juerga - Karagöz shadow theatre - taraf

Romanian [39] ballad - colinde - doina - lament - taraf - Transylvanian wedding music briu - fluier - geamparale - hora - sirba cetera - cimbalom - cobza - doba - double bass - fiddle - nai - taragot - viola - violin - zongora capra

Rousillon See Catalan - - -
Russian [40] byliny - chastushka - plachi - protiazhnaia pesnia - wedding music - zmires broyges tants - kaketke - kozatske - krakovyak - khorovodi - mitsve tants - sher - shrayer accordion - balalaika - domra - tsimbl badkhn - fakelore

Sami [41] joik - lavlu gievri - kobdas noaite

Sardinian See Italian - - -
Scottish [42] ballad - Border ballad - bothy ballad - brosnachadh - cauld wind pipe - ceol beg - ceol mor - flyting - lilt - muckle sang - pibroch - piobaireachd - psalm - puirt-a-beul (mouth music) - Scottish work song - Shetland fiddling - trowie - urlar - waulking song battement - Highland fling - hornpipe - jig - minuet - quickstep - reel - shean treuse - strathspey - sword dance accordion - Border pipe - clarsach - concertina - fiddle - flute - gue - harp - Highland pipes - Lowland pipe - pastoral pipe - pibroch - smallpipe - tin whistle Cape Breton fiddling - conyach - Feisean - mod - tryst

Serbian [43] izvorna - narodna muzika - novokomponovana narodna muzika - sevdalinka [44] kolo - sa-sa frula - gusle - sargija - violin

Sicilian See Italian - - -
Slovak [45] cardas cello - flute - fujara - gajdy - violin

Slovenian [46] velike goslarije - Slovenian harmony singing meh - panpipe - sopile - zither

Spanish [47] copla - jaleo - jota - Romanceiro aragonesas - bolero - cachuca - chaconne - fandango - gallega - gitana - jota - malagueñas - manchegas - mollaras - murciano - panaderos - quipuzcoanas - seguidilla - sevillana - soleares - vallenciana - zarabanda castanet - guitarra - mandolin - tambourine caf&eacute cantates - duende - juerga

Swedish [48] ballad - kulning - laling - lockrop - lokking cobbler's dance - daldans - kadriljs - polska - skralat - vafva vadna - vingakersdans ackordcittra - dragspel - fiddle - hackbräde - hummel - mungiga - nyckelharpa - säckpipa - sälgpipa - skalmeja - spelpipa - stråkharpa - vevlira spelmanslag - Zorn Badge

Tosk See Albanian - - -
Transylvanian See Hungarian and Romanian - - -
Turkish [49] türkü - uzun hava duduk - klemence - ney - saz - zurna Huseni

Ukrainian [50] dumy - troista muzyka kolomeyka bandura - fiddle - floyara - frilka - kobza - lira - sopilka - trembita - tsymbaly - tylynka kobzari - lirnyky - pryspiv - zaspiv

Valencian See Catalan - - -
Venetian See Italian - - -
Vlach [51] bagpipe - fiddle Pomana

Walloon [52] fiddle

Wales [53] pennillion - Welsh choral music clogging - hornpipe - twmpath crwth - harp - pibacwd - pibcorn - triple harp dategeiniad - eisteddfod - gwerin - gwyl werin

  1. ^ Burton, Kim, "The Eagle Has Landed", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 1 - 6
  2. ^ Bohlman, pg. 210; Wagner, Christoph, "Soul Music of Old Vienna", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 13 - 15
  3. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 109 - 112; Krümm, Philippe and Jean-Pierre Rasle, and Jan Fairley, "Music of the Regions" and "A Tale of Celts and Islanders" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 103 - 113 and pgs. 292 - 297
  4. ^ Burton, Kim, "Sad Songs of Sarajevo", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pg. 31 - 35; Slobin, Mark, "Europe/Peasant Music-Cultures of Eastern Europe" in Worlds of Music, pgs. 167 - 207
  5. ^ The novokomponovana narodna muzika style is clearly not folk music in a scholarly sense, but may be more loosely termed traditional
  6. ^ Ritchie, pgs. 49, 60, 79; Krümm, Philippe and Jean-Pierre Rasle, "Music of the Regions" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 103 - 113; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 14 - 15, 58, 133
  7. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 84; Burton, Kim, "The Mystery Voice", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 36 - 45; Slobin, Mark, "Europe/Peasant Music-Cultures of Eastern Europe" in Worlds of Music, pgs. 167 - 207
  8. ^ Krümm, Philippe and Jean-Pierre Rasle, and Jan Fairley, "Music of the Regions" and "A Tale of Celts and Islanders" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 103 - 113 and pgs. 292 - 297
  9. ^ Ritchie, pg. 48; ; Sawyer, pgs. 16 - 17
  10. ^ Burton, Kim, "Sad Songs of Sarajevo" and "Toe Tapping Tamburicas", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pg. 31 - 35 and pgs. 46 - 48
  11. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 91; Plocek, Jiri, "East Meets West", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 49 - 57
  12. ^ Cronshaw, Andrew, "A New Pulse for the Pols", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 58 - 63
  13. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Bloemendaal, Wim, "Tilting at Windmills" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 207 - 210; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163
  14. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Ritchie, pg. 73; Irwin, Colin, "England's Changing Roots", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 64 - 82; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 99 - 100
  15. ^ Nettl notes that broadside ballads were primarily a form of popular music, but that many such ballads entered the folk repertoire.
  16. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Cronshaw, "Singing Revolutions", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 16 - 24
  17. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Cronshaw, Andrew, "A New Pulse for the Pols", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 58 - 63
  18. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75, 87; Cronshaw, Andrew, "New Runes", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 91 - 102
  19. ^ Rans, Paul, "Flemish, Walloon and Global Fusion", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 25 - 30
  20. ^ Bloemendaal, Wim, "Tilting at Windmills" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 207 - 210
  21. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 102 - 106; Krümm, Philippe and Jean-Pierre Rasle, and Alessio Surian, "Music of the Regions" and "Tenores and Tarantellas" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 103 - 113 and pgs. 189 - 201; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163
  22. ^ Ritchie, pgs. 51, 76; Jan Fairley, "A Tale of Celts and Islanders" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 292 - 297; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 19
  23. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75, 80; Hunt, Ken, "Kraut Kaunterblast" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 114 - 125; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163
  24. ^ Manuel, Popular Musics, pgs. 127 - 132; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 92; Dubin, Marc and George Pissalidhes, "Songs of the Near East" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 126 - 142
  25. ^ Bohlman, pg. 199; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Broughton, Simon, "A Musical Mother Tongue" and "Taraf Traditions"in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 159 - 167 and pgs. 237 - 247; Slobin, Mark, "Europe/Peasant Music-Cultures of Eastern Europe" in Worlds of Music, pgs. 167 - 207; Kinney, pgs. 190 - 192
  26. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Cronshaw, Andrew, "Waiting for the Thaw" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 168 - 169
  27. ^ Includes both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland; Ritchie, pgs. 15 - 17, 32 - 33, 60, 67, 72, 74 - 75, 77, 80 - 81; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; O'Connor, Nuala, "Dancing at the Virtual Crossroads" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 170 - 188; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 7 - 10, 36 - 37, 55 - 56, 101 - 105, 111 - 112, 117 - 121, 172 - 176, 232 - 233
  28. ^ The bouzouki is a relatively recent import that is often considered to not be a traditional instrument. O'Connor, however, acknowledges that though "it might seem odd", the bouzouki has "taken firm root" in traditional music.
  29. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 106 - 109; Krümm, Philippe and Jean-Pierre Rasle, and Alessio Surian, "Music of the Regions" and "Tenores and Tarantellas" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 103 - 113 and pgs. 189 - 201; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163
  30. ^ Cronshaw, "Singing Revolutions", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 16 - 24
  31. ^ Cronshaw, "Singing Revolutions", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 16 - 24
  32. ^ Ritchie, pg. 43; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 17 - 18
  33. ^ Manuel, Popular Musics, pgs. 137 - 139; Burton, Kim, "Tricky Rhythms" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 202 - 206
  34. ^ Burton, Kim, "Balkan Beats" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 273 - 276
  35. ^ Bohlman, pg. 210; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Cronshaw, Andrew, "Fjords and Fiddles" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 211 - 218; Sawyers, pgs. 79 - 81
  36. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 91 - 92; Broughton, Simon, "Hanging on in the Highlands" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 219 - 224; Kinney, pgs. 190 - 191
  37. ^ Manuel, Popular Musics, pg. 115; Cronshaw, Andrew and Paul Vernon, "Traditional Riches, Fate and Revolution" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 225 - 236
  38. ^ Manuel, Popular Musics, pg. 121, 165; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 115 - 116; Plocek, Jiri, "East Meets West", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 49 - 57; Broughton, Simon, "Kings and Queens of the Road" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 146 - 158; Kinney, pgs. 121 - 155
  39. ^ Broughton, Simon, "Taraf Traditions" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 237 - 247; Slobin, Mark, "Europe/Peasant Music-Cultures of Eastern Europe" in Worlds of Music, pgs. 167 - 207
  40. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 87; Broughton, Simon and Tatiana Didenko, "Music of the People" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 248 - 254; Slobin, Mark, "Europe/Peasant Music-Cultures of Eastern Europe" in Worlds of Music, pgs. 167 - 207
  41. ^ Cronshaw, Andrew, "Joiks of the Tundra" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 255 - 260
  42. ^ Ritchie, pgs. 15 - 16, 18, 38 - 39, 40 - 41, 62, 66, 71 - 73, 80; Heywood, Pete and Colin Irwin, "From Strathspeys to Acid Croft" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 261 - 272; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 10 - 13, 36 - 37, 39, 80 - 82, 88 - 101, 113 - 116, 121 - 126, 131 - 133, 146, 162 - 164, 202
  43. ^ Burton, Kim, "Sad Songs of Sarajevo", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pg. 31 - 35; Burton, Kim, "Balkan Beats" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 273 - 276; Kinney, pgs. 189 - 190
  44. ^ narodna muzika and novokomponovana narodna muzika translate respectively as folk music and newly-composed folk music; Burton describes both terms as perhaps vague, referring sometimes to traditionally-styled music or outright modern, popular music, which would not qualify as true folk music under any common scholarly definition; Burton also notes that many novokomponovana narodna muzika songs reflect a more Bosnian character than Serbian or Montenegrin.
  45. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 91; Plocek, Jiri, "East Meets West", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 49 - 57
  46. ^ Burton, Kim, "The Sound of Austro-Slavs" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 277 - 278
  47. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 113 - 117; Cronshaw, Andrew and Paul Vernon, and Jan Fairley, "Traditional Riches, Fate and Revolution" and "A Tale of Celts and Islanders" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 225 - 236 and pgs. 292 - 297; Kinney, pgs. 121 - 155; McKinney and Anderson, pgs. 614 - 616
  48. ^ Bohlman, pg. 210; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Cronshaw, Andrew, "Fjords and Fiddles" and "A Devil of a Polska" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 211 - 218 and pgs. 298 - 307; Kinney, pgs. 156 - 163
  49. ^ Manuel, Popular Musics, pgs. 163 - 165
  50. ^ Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pg. 87; Kochan, Alexs and Julian Kytasty, "The Bandura Played On" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 308 - 312
  51. ^ Burton, Kim, "Balkan Beats" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 273 - 276
  52. ^ Rans, Paul, "Flemish, Walloon and Global Fusion", in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 25 - 30
  53. ^ Ritchie, pgs. 4, 44 - 46, 71; Nettl, Folk and Traditional Music, pgs. 53 - 75; Price, William, "Harps, Bards and the Gwerin" in the Rough Guide to World Music, pgs. 313 - 319; ; Sawyer, pgs. 5, 13 - 14, 38 - 39