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Comparison of social networking software

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Social networking software provides the technological basis for community driven content sharing and social networking.

Social networking software comparison

Category pH7CMS Boonex Dolphin Pro SocialEngine IsVipi OSSN Dolphin Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware BuddyPress Elgg eXo Platform Jamroom Drupal Telligent Community ImpressCMS Joomla! Oxwall Open Source Social Network XOOPS Kune Category
Last Access 2016-10-25 2016-07-12 2016-01-12 2016-1-8 2015-06-08 2015-01-06 2016-05-24 2014-01-01 2014-01-25 2013-11-07 2008-11-02 2009-06-23 2012-04-22 2007-03-05 2016-07-26 2016-03-31 2010-06-06 2012-04-22 Last Access
License GPL 3.0 CC-BY Custom GPL 3.0 CPAL 1.0 LGPL 2.1[1] GPL 2.0 Open source under the GPL 2.0[2] [6] LGPL MPL GPL 2.0[3] [7] Custom GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0 CPAL 1.0 GPL 2.0 GPL 2.0 AGPLv3 License
Cost Free, $279 one-time, $19/mo for commercial sites/apps, premium features, update/upgrade and technical support $599


Starter $299

Professional $449

Advanced $699

Free $299, $599 Free Free Free Free Free Free Per License Free Free Free Free Free Free Cost
Source code Source code is available on Github and SourceForge Yes Yes Yes Open Source Yes Yes Yes Freely available via stable releases and development SVN Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Source code
Version 3.1.0 7.3.1 4.8.9 2.0 13.1, 12.3 LTS, 9.9 LTS 1.6.4 2.5.3 4.0.4 5.2.35 5.12, 6.16 5.0 1.3.2 1.5.20 1.8.0 1.8.4 2.4.4 0.2.0 (beta/production) 9.7.2 Version
Installation Out of the box Hosted

On-premises SaaS

Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box/hosted Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box Out of the box (deb package) Installation
Codebase PHP 5.5+, JS, MySQL, MariaDB PHP, MySQL, JS PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL/PostgreSQL Java, MySQL / PostgreSQL / Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server Java, JCR, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, PDO PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL PHP, MySQL Java-based GWT, auto-generated AJAX Codebase
SSO support Facebook Connect, Twitter, Google Account, Microsoft Account oAuth 2.0, Google Account, Facebook Connect, Custom Facebook Connect, Twitter, Google Account, Yahoo! ID, LinkedIn, AOL Facebook Connect + Twitter + Google Account + Yahoo! ID + LinkedIn LDAP built in, OpenID by plugin OpenID + LDAP + Active Directory built in OpenID + OAuth + Facebook + Twitter built in Module[4] OpenID LDAP Active Directory Facebook Cookie Forms OpenID + LDAP + Yubikey + Active Directory built in OpenID, module Facebook Connect Facebook Connect LDAP + Active Directory built in Facebook Connect, module Facebook Connect + Gmail Connect Facebook Connect SSO support
RSS Yes Yes Plugin Members Yes Yes Yes Blog, Files, Groups, Users, Tags Yes Module[4] Yes Yes Yes Yes Plugin ? Yes ? RSS
RSS Reader/Aggregator Yes Yes Plugin No No Yes No Yes Yes Module[4] Module Yes Yes ? Yes ? Yes ? RSS Reader/Aggregator
Access control Group Levels, Memberships, Access Control, Privacy, Permissions Access Control Levels, User levels, Actions, Memberships, Privacy, Permissions, Groups, Pages User levels, Actions, Membership, Privacy, Groups, Pages User levels, Actions, Membership, Privacy, Groups User levels, Actions, Privacy, Groups Yes User levels, Groups Users, groups (extensible via plugins) Users levels, Groups, Pages Yes Yes Yes Users, Groups Yes Users roles Users, Groups Users, Groups Users (with roles), Groups Access control
Wiki Plugin Yes Yes No No Yes Plugin Plugin Yes No Module Yes Module No No No Module Yes Wiki
Forum Yes Yes Module Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plugin Yes Module[4] Yes Yes Module Component Yes Yes Plugin, $40 Forum
Blog Yes Module Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Module Yes Plugin Yes Component Yes Yes Yes Blog
Media sharing Images/Photos, Videos, Maps, etc. Images, Video, Docs, Music, Extensions via Modules : Photo, Music, Video Images/Photos, Video,Docs photos, video, audio, docs File Galleries (Image, Video, Audio) and Kaltura integration[5] via choice of plugins Image, video, audio, documents, any filetype, automatic podcast support (Kaltura Elgg Plugin)[6] Yes Yes Module (Kaltura All-in-One Video Module)[7] Yes Yes ? via plugins Images/Photos, Videos, Maps, etc. Yes Image, Video, Audio, Maps, etc Media sharing
Messaging Yes Messenger, WebRTC Chat, Mailbox, iOS and Android Chats, MAC and WIN Chat Apps Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Module[4] Module Yes Yes Yes Plugin Yes Yes Yes XMPP compliant & chat-rooms Messaging
Event Calendar No Yes Module No Yes Yes Plugin Plugin Yes Module[4] Module Module Module Plugin Plugin Module Module Yes Event Calendar
Social Grouping ? Groups, Events, Webinars Module Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Module Yes Module Plugin Plugin Yes Module Yes Social Grouping
Tagging Hashtags on all modules Categories, Tags, Inline Hashtags Yes Yes Yes Yes Forum tagging and Group tagging via plugin Yes Yes Module[4] Module Yes Module ? Yes ? Module Under development Tagging
Connectivity Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Yes Yes No Yes Webservices Plugin (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube) Plugin (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, VEOH) Webservices Module[4] via third party integration like Octazen scripts Facebook, Google, Content Mirroring, RSS importer, External Widgets @all by Module ? ? Module Depends Connectivity
Bookmark Sharing / Management Yes URL Parser, Timline Sharing, Snippets Yes Yes Yes Yes ? via plugin No Module[4] ? Module @all by Module ? Plugin Yes No Facebook, Twitter Bookmark Sharing / Management
Poll Generation/Tally No Interactive Polls, Visual Graphs Module No Yes Yes ? Plugin Yes Module[8] Yes ? Yes Yes ? No Module Yes Poll Generation/Tally
Contact Management Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes No ? Module[4] Yes Module ? Yes Yes Module ? Yes ? Contact Management
Supports the Semantic Web Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? Under development Supports the Semantic Web
Supports DataPortability Yes Full data ownership, export tools, migration. Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? ? ? Supports DataPortability
Customizable Yes Open-source, Page Builders, Navigation Builders, Fields Builder, ACL, Templates, Languages, Extensions Yes, Extensible via Plugins Widgets, Themes and Language Packs Yes Yes Yes Yes, based on WordPress theme and plugin architecture Extensible via plugins with a flexible API; skinnable; available in many languages Extensible via plugins with a flexible API; skinnable; available in many languages Extensible via modules; skinnable; multi-lingual capable Module Extensible via plugins, widgets, tasks, events, REST; skinnable; available in many languages Module, Plugins, ImpressCMS Persitable Framework (IPF) ? Open source, Plugins, Themes, Events, Widgets Yes Module Open source; extensible via gadgets (wave extensions) & via modules; skinnable; available in many languages Customizable
Comment Responsive design,Highly secure, 98% OOP code, MVC pattern, Module & Template Based Approach, Highly SEO Optimised, Mobile-Friendly Large extensions market, scalable, 300,000 deployments, native apps, responsive UI, SEO-friendly. Active community with hundreds of plugins and themes Responsive, SEO optimized, lightweight, Modern Approach Open source, fully customisable, long development history Based on WordPress. Small Core, almost everything is a module. Profile centric, content is primarily on the users profile. Community and collaboration platform with many integrated core applications Content management Customizable Facebook-style newsfeed Responsive backend, frontend similar to Facebook Modular approach.[9] Federated, focused on real-time group collaboration and social networking, Apache Wave-based Comment
Category pH7CMS Boonex Dolphin Pro SocialEngine IsVipi OSSN Dolphin Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware BuddyPress ELGG eXo Platform Jamroom Drupal Telligent Community ImpressCMS Joomla! Oxwall Open Source Social Network (software) Ossn XOOPS Kune Category


Platform Categories
Boonex Dolphin Pro 22
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 20
pH7CMS 17
eXo Platform 14
Kune 14
SocialEngine 13
IsVipi OSSN 13
Telligent Community 13
ImpressCMS 13
BuddyPress 12
Elgg 12
Open Source Social Network 12
Jamroom 11
Joomla! 10
Oxwall 10
Drupal 9


  1. ^ "Tiki Wiki License (GNU Lesser General Public License v. 2.1)". Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  2. ^ "Elgg License". Elgg Open Source Social Networking Engine. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  3. ^ "About Drupal". Drupal Open Source CMS. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Jamroom Marketplace System". youtube. 3 October 2013. Retrieved 7 November 2013.
  5. ^ "Kaltura". Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  6. ^ "Kaltura Collaborative Video Plugin". The Elgg Community. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  7. ^ "Kaltura's Open Source All-in-One Video Module for Drupal". Drupal Open Source CMS. Retrieved 30 October 2011.
  8. ^ "jrPoll". jamroom. 27 August 2014. Retrieved 27 August 2014.
  9. ^ "Why XOOPS?". XOOPS Web Application System. Retrieved 30 October 2011.