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2001 anthrax attacks

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2001 anthrax attacks
A letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle containing anthrax powder killed two postal workers
LocationNew York City, New York, Boca Raton, Florida and Washington, D.C.
Dateletters postmarked September 18, 2001 and October 9, 2001; some were opened at a later date
TargetABC News, CBS News, NBC News, New York Post, National Enquirer, Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy
Attack type
Injured17 infected

The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as "Amerithrax" from its FBI codename, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on September 18, 2001 (a week after the September 11, 2001 attacks). Letters containing anthrax bacteria were mailed to several news media offices and two U.S. Senators, killing five people and sickening seventeen others. The crime remains unsolved.


Seven letters are believed to have been mailed, resulting in twenty-two infections; five people died.

The anthrax attacks came in two waves. The first set of anthrax letters had a Trenton, New Jersey postmark dated September 18, 2001, exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Five letters are believed to have been mailed at this time, to ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and the New York Post, all in New York City; and the National Enquirer at American Media, Inc. (AMI) in Boca Raton, Florida.[1] Robert Stevens, the first person who died from the mailings, worked at a tabloid called Sun, also published by AMI. Only the New York Post and NBC News[44] letters were actually found; the existence of the other three letters is inferred from the pattern of infection. (Some unconventional theories of the case do not posit five letters[2]). The anthrax found in the New York Post letter is reported to have become damp before being discovered.[3] Scientists examining the anthrax from the New York Post letter said it appeared as a coarse brown granular material looking like Purina Dog Chow.

Two additional anthrax letters, bearing the same Trenton postmark, were dated October 9, three weeks after the first mailing. The letters were addressed to two Democratic Senators, Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Patrick Leahy of Vermont. More potent than the first anthrax letters, the material in the Senate letters was a highly refined dry powder consisting of approximately one gram of nearly pure spores.

Earlier reports described the material in the Senate letters as "weaponized" or "weapons grade" anthrax. However, in September 2006, the Washington Post reported that the FBI no longer believes the anthrax was weaponized. The Daschle letter was opened by an aide on October 15, and the government mail service was shut down. The unopened Leahy letter was discovered in an impounded mail bag on November 16. The Leahy letter had been misdirected to the State Department mail annex in Sterling, Virginia, due to a misread Zip code; a postal worker there, David Hose, contracted inhalation anthrax.

Twenty-two people developed anthrax infections, eleven of the life-threatening inhalation variety. Five died of inhalation anthrax. In addition to the death of Robert Stevens in Florida, two died from unknown sources, possibly cross-contamination of mail: Kathy Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant, a resident of the borough of the Bronx who worked in New York City; and Ottilie Lundgren, a 94-year old widow of a prominent judge from Oxford, Connecticut, who was the last known victim. The two other deaths were employees of the Brentwood mail facility in Washington, D.C., Thomas Morris Jr. and Joseph Curseen.

Thousands of people took a two-month course of the antibiotic Cipro in an effort to preempt anthrax infections. The Associated Press reported that members of Vice President Dick Cheney's staff took Cipro on the night of the September 11 attacks as a precaution, a week before the first anthrax attack.[4]


Across the street from Princeton University, anthrax was found in the center mailbox.
A reward for information totalling US$2.5 million is being offered by the FBI, U.S. Postal Service and ADVO, Inc.

As of 2006, the anthrax investigation seems to have gone cold.[5][6] Authorities have traveled to six different continents, interviewed more than 9,100 individuals, conducted 67 searches and have issued over 6,000 subpoenas. The number of FBI agents assigned to the case is 17. The number of postal inspectors investigating the case is ten.[7]

The FBI and postal inspectors are in the process of preparing an internal report reviewing the history of the investigation. The report will include a list of "persons of interest" and the latest on the scientific tests used on the anthrax material. Investigators still have not determined the lab used to make the anthrax.

A "person of interest"

The Justice Department has named no suspects in the anthrax case. Although Attorney General John Ashcroft labeled Dr. Steven Hatfill a "person of interest" in a press conference, no charges have been brought against him. Hatfill, a virologist, has vehemently denied he had anything to do with the anthrax mailings and has sued the FBI, the Justice Department, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, and others for violating his constitutional rights and for violating the Privacy Act. He has also sued The New York Times and its columnist Nicholas D. Kristof and, separately, Donald Foster, Vanity Fair, Reader's Digest, and Vassar College, for defamation. (The case against The New York Times was initially dismissed, but was reinstated on appeal. Nicholas Kristof has been dropped from the suit.[8][9]) Hatfill's lawyers believe the Privacy Act was violated and continue to question journalists who have reported on their client.[10]

The anthrax

The letters contained at least two grades of anthrax material; the coarse brown material sent in the media letters and the fine powder sent to the two Senators. In addition, it has been suggested the anthrax material sent to the National Enquirer and then forwarded to AMI may have been an intermediate grade similar to the anthrax sent to the Senate.[11] The brown granular anthrax sent to media outlets in New York City caused only skin infections, cutaneous anthrax. The anthrax sent to the Senators caused the more dangerous form of infection known as inhalation anthrax, as did the anthrax sent to AMI in Florida. Although the anthrax preparations were of different grades, all of the material derived from the same bacterial strain. Known as the Ames strain, it was first researched at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Ames strain was then distributed to at least fifteen bio-research labs within the U.S. and six overseas.

DNA sequencing of the anthrax taken from Robert Stevens (the first victim) was conducted at The Institute for Genomic Research beginning in December 2001. Sequencing was finished within a month and the analysis was published in the journal Science in early 2002 see abstract here. The analysis revealed a number of differences that ruled out laboratories in England, and subsequent testing showed the anthrax to be identical to the original Ames strain from Fort Detrick.

Radiocarbon dating conducted by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in June 2002 established that the anthrax was cultured no more than two years before the mailings.

In September 2003, the FBI disclosed that experiments aimed at reverse engineering the process used to produce the anthrax weapon had failed.[12][13]

Controversy over coatings and additives

Early reports suggested the anthrax sent to the Senate had been "weaponized." On October 29, 2001, Major General John Parker at a White House briefing said that silica had been found in the Daschle anthrax sample. Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge in a White House press conference on November 7, 2001, told reporters that tests indicated a binding agent had been used in making the anthrax.[14] Later, the FBI claimed a "lone individual" could have weaponized anthrax spores for as little as $2,500, using a makeshift basement laboratory.[15]

A number of press reports appeared suggesting the Senate anthrax had coatings and additives.[16][17][18] Newsweek reported the anthrax sent to Senator Leahy had been coated with a chemical compound previously unknown to bioweapons experts.[19]

Two experts on the Soviet anthrax program, Kenneth Alibek and Matthew Meselson, were consultants with the Justice Department and were shown electron micrographs of the anthrax from the Daschle letter. They replied to the Washington Post article "FBI's Theory on Anthrax Is Doubted" (October 28, 2002), reporting that they saw no evidence the anthrax spores had been coated.[20]

In or around November, 2002 (see posteriori confirmation later in this section) Senators Daschle and Leahy called in the FBI to explain the Washington Post story "FBI's Theory On Anthrax Is Doubted", Washington Post, October 28, 2002. This was later on reported in "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?"[21] . The latter article described how Dwight Adams, chief FBI scientist, told Senators Daschle and Leahy that there were no special additives in the senate anthrax and that the silica was "naturally occurring".

One week after Meselson and Alibek had their letter published in the Washington Post suggesting there were no silica coatings in the Senate anthrax the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), one of the military labs that analyzed the Daschle anthrax, published an official newsletter stating that silica was a key aerosol enabling component of the Daschle anthrax.[22] The AFIP lab deputy director, Florabel Mullick, said "This [silica] was a key component. Silica prevents the anthrax from aggregating, making it easier to aerosolize. Significantly, we noted the absence of aluminum with the silica. This combination had previously been found in anthrax produced by Iraq."

In February 2005, Stephan P. Velsko of Lawrence Livermore National Labs published a paper titled "Physical and Chemical Analytical Analysis: A key component of Bioforensics".[23] In this paper, Velsko illustrated that different silica coating processes gave rise to weaponized anthrax simulants that look completely different from one another. He suggested that the difference in the look of products could provide evidence of what method the lab that manufactured the 2001 anthrax used, and thus provide clues to the ultimate origin of the material.

In May 2005, Academic Press published the volume "Microbial Forensics" edited by Roger Breeze, Bruce Budowle and Steven Schutzer.[24] Bruce Budowle is with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Forensic Science Laboratory. Although the volume does not directly discuss the silica coatings found in the senate anthrax of 2001, the contributors to the chapters discuss in detail the forensics of silica coated weaponized bacterial spores. Pictures are shown of silica weaponized bacillus spores that are both mixed with silica and fully coated with silica. Pictures of weaponized Clostridium spores coated with colloidal (spherical) silica are also shown. Again, the aim of these studies is to define the forensic fingerprints of silica weaponization processes.

In July 2005, Dr Michael V Callahan (who is presently with DOD's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)) gave a briefing before the Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack.[25] Dr Callahan stated "First, the attack illustrated that advanced expertise had readily been exploited by a bioterrorist; the preparation in the Daschle letter contained extraordinarily high concentrations of purified endospores. Second, the spore preparation was coated with an excipient which helped retard electrostatic attraction, thus increasing aerosolization of the agent."

In June/July 2006 a number of senior FBI officials were deposed in the Hatfill versus Ashcroft & FBI lawsuit. These depositions confirmed a number of previously reported stories surrounding the controversy over coatings and additves. Firstly Richard Lambert, head of the Amerithrax investigation, admitted under oath that information had been leaked from the Daschle/Leahy - Muelller/Lambert/Adams meeting reported in "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?"[26].

Furthermore, chief FBI scientist Dwight Adams admitted that there was scientific information concerning the nature of the anthrax organism that was deemed by his superiors too sensitive to share with senators Daschle and Leahy:

Connolly: Earlier you testified that regarding the scientific aspect of the investigation there was information that was simply in your view too sensitive to share to the public about the particular characteristics of the organism sent in the mail. Is that correct?

Adams: In so many words, yes, sir.

Connolly: I don't want to mischaracterize it. If you think I've mischaracterized it in any way then, please, put your own words on it.

Adams: No, that's fine.

Connolly: Did you feel like you had the same restrictions in informing the senate, congress, or their staff in terms of what it is you would reveal to them about the particular characteristics of the organism that was sent?

Adams: As I've already stated there was specific information that I did not feel appropriate to share with either the media or to the Hill because it was too sensitive of the information to do so.[27]

The Princeton mailbox

In August 2002, investigators found anthrax in a Princeton, New Jersey city street mailbox, which may have been used to mail one or more of the letters. About 600 mailboxes that could have been used to mail the letters were tested for anthrax, with only one positive result. The mailbox was located at 10 Nassau Street, which adjoins the Princeton University campus.

The return address

The letters addressed to Senators Daschle and Leahy have the return address:

4th Grade
Greendale School
Franklin Park NJ 08852

The address is fictitious. Franklin Park, New Jersey exists, but the Zip code 08852 is for nearby Monmouth Junction, New Jersey. There is no Greendale School in New Jersey, though there is a Greenbrook Elementary School in adjacent South Brunswick Township, New Jersey, of which Monmouth Junction is a part.

The notes

The first anthrax note

The New York Post and NBC News letters contained the following note:

The second anthrax note

The second note that was addressed to Senators Daschle and Leahy read:


The notes were apparently photocopied and then trimmed.[28]


Several noted journalists have published major articles which have contributed to the public's understanding of the anthrax case.

Dave Altimari and Jack Dolan

A number of articles on the anthrax case have appeared in The Hartford Courant, many written by Dave Altimari and Jack Dolan. In their reporting they found incidents of mismanagement, racism, and missing pathogens at the Army's biodefense lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland.[29]

William J. Broad writes for the New York Times.[30]

Gary Matsumoto is a television producer for Bloomberg News, and an investigative journalist who specializes in science and military affairs, who wrote, "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?"[31] He also co-wrote, "FBI's Theory On Anthrax Is Doubted"[32] with Washington Post science writer, Guy Gugliotta. Matsumoto discusses the advanced properties of the anthrax found in the Senate letters. In his Science article, Matsumoto reports that the powder in the Senate letters most closely resembled the advanced aerosols now being made in U.S. biodefense labs.

Scott Shane writing for the Baltimore Sun and New York Times has written several articles on the anthrax case.[33][34][35]

Nicholas Stix wrote a series of articles on the anthrax case for Insight on the News,[36] Middle American News,[37] and Toogood Reports. Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

Amateur investigators

A number of people outside government have taken an interest in the anthrax case, analyzing clues and developing theories.[38]

Kenneth J. Dillon

Kenneth J. Dillon is the author of the article "Was Abderraouf Jdey the Anthrax Mailer?"[39] He is a former U.S. Department of State intelligence analyst who now works as a medical device entrepreneur. In November, 2006 Kenneth Dillon had a letter printed in the Los Angeles Times suggesting the FBI knows al Qaeda operative Abderraouf Jdey was responsible for the anthrax attacks. [45]

Don Foster

Donald Foster is the author of the article, "The Message in the Anthrax".[40] Unlike other amateur investigators, Foster was an insider in the case and has helped the FBI in the past as a forensic linguistic analyst. Foster believes a series of bioterrorist hoaxes trails his prime suspect, Dr. Steven Hatfill.

According to Hatfill's defamation lawsuit against Foster, Foster had previously argued based on the writing and language of the letters that the perpetrator could be a foreigner who spoke Arabic or Urdu. The lawsuit cited an October 23, 2001 appearance by Foster on ABC’s Good Morning America; an article that quoted him in the November 5, 2001 issue of TIME; and a December 26, 2001 The Times article that quoted him.

Foster has been accused of exaggerating his own importance and providing misleading testimony in other high profile crime cases.[41][42]

Ross E. Getman

Ross E. Getman, a New York and District of Columbia attorney, has a web site Al Qaeda, Anthrax and Ayman Zawahiri. Getman believes the anthrax attack was exactly what the notes in the letters suggest, namely a follow-up to the September 11, 2001 attacks by individuals connected to Al Qaeda. Getman requested information on Al Qaeda's alleged anthrax program from the Defense Intelligence Agency ("DIA") pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA").[43] It is unclear if the information on his web site came from the DIA or another intelligence agency. Getman was making his claim of Al Qaeda involvement in the anthrax attacks before his April 2005 FOIA request.

Ed Lake

Ed Lake[44] operates the web site http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com, which contains most if not all of the published information relating to the case. Lake maintains Dr. Steven Hatfill is innocent. Lake believes a scientist who lives near Trenton, New Jersey, mailed the anthrax letters. Lake also believes the anthrax mailer obtained the anthrax from another scientist who stole the bacteria from a laboratory as much as 2 to 3 years before the attacks. Lake has self-published a book, Analyzing The Anthrax Attacks,[45] detailing his findings in the anthrax case. Chapter 15 of his book is titled "To Err Is Human" [46] and explains in detail how all the incorrect information about coatings and additives in the attack anthrax got started.

Robert Pate

Robert Pate is the author of the article, The Anthrax Mystery: Solved Pate believes Israel's intelligence service was responsible for the anthrax attack and set-up Dr. Hatfill with a series of anthrax hoaxes that occurred, starting in 1997. Pate suggests Israel's motive in the anthrax attack was to get the United States to invade Iraq.

Barbara Hatch Rosenberg

Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg has been a major figure outside the official investigation. A few months after the anthrax attack, Rosenberg started a campaign to get the FBI to investigate Dr. Steven Hatfill. She gave talks and interviews suggesting the government knew who was responsible for the anthrax attacks, but did not want to charge the individual with the crime. She believed the person responsible was a contractor for the CIA and an expert in bio-warfare. She created a profile of the anthrax attacker that fit Dr. Hatfill. Rosenberg spoke before a committee of Senate staffers suggesting Hatfill was responsible, but did not explicitly provide his name. The highly publicized FBI scrutiny of Dr. Hatfill began shortly thereafter.

Richard M. Smith

Richard M. Smith is a computer expert who publishes on his web site, http://www.computerbytesman.com, which includes a number of articles about the anthrax case. Smith suggested that if the perpetrator looked up information such as addresses on the Internet, web server logs may contain valuable evidence.

Comments from bio-weapons experts

Kenneth Alibek

"I would say preliminarily that they [anthrax terrorists] are not very highly trained professionals." "It could be homegrown or foreign. I cannot answer this question."

"It was a primitive process, but it was a workable process."[46]

William C. Patrick III

"It’s high-grade."

"It’s free flowing. It’s electrostatic free. And it’s in high concentration.

"It appears to have an additive that keeps the spores from clumping."

"The only difference between this and weapons grades is the size of the production. You can produce a very good grade of anthrax in the lab. The issue is whether those efforts can be expanded in scale, so you can make large quantities."[47]

"The fact that they have selected the Ames strain, a hot strain of anthrax, indicates to me that they know what the hell they are doing."

"Sometimes, I feel that a disgruntled professor who didn't get tenure is working at night in his little laboratory and producing this crud." "But I can't discount the possibility that it could be coming in by diplomatic pouch from a large supply. I can't answer it. I can't make up my mind. I really don't know."[48]

Richard O. Spertzel

"In my opinion, there are maybe four or five people in the whole country who might be able to make this stuff, and I'm one of them." "And even with a good lab and staff to help run it, it might take me a year to come up with a product as good."[49]

"I do not believe science will identify the laboratory or country from which the present anthrax spores are derived. The quality of the product contained in the letter to Senator Daschle was better than that found in the Soviet, U.S. or Iraqi program, certainly in terms of the purity and concentration of spore particles."

"I have maintained from the first descriptions of the material contained in the Daschle letter that the quality appeared to be such that it could be produced only by some group that was involved with a current or former state program in recent years. The level of knowledge, expertise, and experience required and the types of special equipment required to make such quality product takes time and experimentation to develop. Further, the nature of the finished dried product is such that safety equipment and facilities must be used to protect the individuals involved and to shield their clandestine activity from discovery."[50]

Comments from government officials

Tom Carey

Tom Carey was inspector in charge of the FBI Amerithrax investigation from October 2001 to April 2002.

On the mailings of the letters,

"What we do have and what we do know is that the anthrax was mailed here in the United States; we know it was mailed from 10 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, from a mailbox. We know the flow of the mail flow, we know the dates that the letters were sent, and it would appear to many of us that have worked this investigation, that it’s much more consistent with someone being an American-born, and having some level of familiarity with the Princeton-Clinton New Jersey area versus a foreign operative coming into the U.S. and being able to successfully conduct such an attack."

On an Iraqi connection,

"What I would say is the information that came out there that led weapons inspectors and others to suspect the Iraq connection was wrong information. Now it doesn’t say we still wouldn’t look for any potential connection to Iraq, or rather any other States sponsored terrorist, but what they specifically referred to didn’t exist, and it was misinformation."[51]

James Fitzgerald

FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit

"We don't have any evidence at this point linking this to any more than one person." "We're not ruling anything out." "But we're looking in the direction of that being domestic." "He is an opportunist and took advantage of this as a veil of secrecy."[52]

Ari Fleischer

White House Press Secretary

"The quality anthrax sent to Senator Daschle's office could be produced by a Ph.D. microbiologist and a sophisticated laboratory."[53]

Van A. Harp

Van A. Harp was Assistant Director in charge of the Washington Field Office of the FBI.

"The person knew what they were doing. Contrary to what was initially out there at the beginning of the investigation, this anthrax, we do not believe, was made up in a garage or a bathtub. There are only so many people, so many places that this can be done."[54]

"Regarding the hijacker who some believe may have had anthrax, exhaustive testing did not support that anthrax was present anywhere the hijackers had been."[55]


Contaminated mail flow

Contamination and cleanup

Dozens of buildings were contaminated with anthrax as a result of the mailings. American Media, Inc. moved to a different building. The decontamination of the Brentwood postal facility took 26 months and cost US$130 million. The Hamilton, NJ postal facility remained closed until March 2005; its cleanup cost US$65 million. The Environmental Protection Agency spent US$41.7 million to clean up government buildings in Washington, D.C. One FBI document said the total damage exceeded US$1 billion.[56]

The principal means of decontamination is fumigation with chlorine dioxide gas.

Political effects

The anthrax attacks, as well as the September 11, 2001 attacks, have spurred significant increases in U.S. government funding for biological warfare research and preparedness. For example, biowarfare-related funding at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) increased by US$1.5 billion in 2003. In 2004, Congress passed the Project Bioshield Act, which provides US$5.6 billion over ten years for the purchase of new vaccines and drugs.[57]

Some claim the hysteria and fear caused by the anthrax attacks was a key factor in the passage of the now controversial USA PATRIOT Act and the United States Senate authorizing President Bush to go to war against Iraq.[58]

Many states across the U.S. passed laws making hoaxes more serious crimes than they were previous to the attacks.


Years after the attack, several anthrax victims reported lingering health problems including fatigue, shortness of breath and memory loss. The cause of the reported symptoms is unknown.[59]

A postal inspector, William Paliscak, became severely ill and disabled after removing an anthrax-contaminated air filter from the Brentwood mail facility on October 19, 2001. Although his doctors, Tyler Cymet and Gary Kerkvliet, believe that the illness was caused by anthrax exposure, blood tests did not find anthrax bacteria or antibodies, and therefore the CDC does not recognize it as a case of inhalation anthrax.[60]


NBC's Tom Brokaw was one of the targets in the first mailing.

The attacks

  • October 12: The (already opened) anthrax letter to NBC News is found and turned over to the FBI. Only a trace amount of anthrax remains in the letter.
  • October 15: The letter to Senator Daschle is opened. The anthrax in the letter was described as a "fine, light tan powder" which easily flew into the air.
  • October 17: 31 Capitol workers (five Capitol police officers, three Russ Feingold staffers, 23 Tom Daschle staffers), test positive for the presence of anthrax (presumably via nasal swabs, etc.). Feingold's office is behind Daschle's in the Hart Senate Building. Anthrax spores are found in a Senate mailroom located in an office building near the Capitol. There are rumors that anthrax was found in the ventilation system of the Capitol building itself. The House of Representatives announces it will adjourn in response to the threat.
  • October 19: Governor Thomas Ridge, Director of Homeland Security, briefs the media on "potential anthrax threats." Ridge reports the tests conducted on the anthrax found as spores at the AMI building in Florida, the material from the NBC News letter and the anthrax from the Daschle letter are all "indistinguishable," meaning they are from the same strain. Also Governor Ridge reveals the FBI has found the site (mailbox) where the letters were first placed. (This initial report may have been in error.)[61]
  • October 22: Governor Ridge reports at a White House press conference on the two new deaths of postal workers possibly from anthrax exposure.[62]
  • October 23: It is confirmed that the two postal handlers died of inhalation anthrax.
  • October 25: David Hose, who works at the State Department mail annex in Sterling, Virginia, is hospitalized with inhalation anthrax. The source is the Leahy anthrax letter (yet undiscovered), which was routed to the State Department mail facility in error.
  • October 25: Governor Ridge gives an update on the scientific analysis of the anthrax samples. The anthrax from the Daschle letter is described as "highly concentrated" and "pure." The material is also a "very, very fine powder" similar to talcum powder. The spore clusters are smaller when compared to the anthrax found in the New York Post sample. The opinion is the anthrax from the Daschle sample is deadlier. The New York Post sample is coarser and less concentrated than the Daschle anthrax. It is described as "clumpy and rugged" while the Daschle anthrax is "fine and floaty." Although they differ radically, Ridge emphasizes both anthrax samples are from the same Ames strain.[63]
  • October 29: Kathy Nguyen, a New York City hospital worker, is hospitalized with inhalation anthrax. The source of the anthrax is unknown.
  • October 29: Major General John Parker at a White House briefing says silica was found in the Daschle anthrax sample. Also General Parker emphases the anthrax spore concentration in the Daschle letter was 10 times that of the New York Post letter.[64]
  • October 31: Major General John S. Parker testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Service concerning the anthrax found in the Daschle letter.[65]
  • November 7: Governor Ridge in a press briefing dismisses bentonite as a binding agent for the anthrax in the Daschle letter. He says the ingredent is silicon.[66]
  • November 16: The Leahy anthrax letter is found in the impounded mail at the State Department mail facility in Sterling, Virginia.
  • November 20: Ottilie Lundgren, of Connecticut, is diagnosed with inhalation anthrax. The source was most likely contaminated mail, although no anthrax was detected in her home.
  • November 21: Ottilie Lundgren, 94, dies, the fifth and final person to die as a result of the mailings. This sparked major fear in the small affluent community of Oxford, Connecticut.


  • July 2, 2002: New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof writes "Anthrax? The F.B.I. Yawns." Kristof talks about a "Mr. Z" (later identified as Steven Hatfill) in his column as being someone who the FBI has interviewed and who members of the biodefense community suggest may have been involved in the attacks.[70]
  • July 12, 2002: Columnist Nicholas Kristof writes "The Anthrax Files" suggesting his "Mr. Z" may have been part of several anthrax hoaxes in the past.[71]
  • December 14, 2002: The U.S. Postal Service begins to decontaminate the Brentwood mail facility 14 months after it was closed.
  • May 11, 2003: Ponds on the north side of Catoctin Mountain, near Gambrill Park Road and Tower Road in Frederick, Maryland, are under investigation by the FBI, in connection with the 2001 anthrax attacks. Divers reportedly retrieved a "clear box" with holes that could accommodate protective biological safety gloves, as well as vials wrapped in plastic from a pond in the Frederick Municipal Forest. A new theory has been developed suggesting how a criminal could have packed anthrax spores into envelopes without harming himself.
  • June 28, 2003: The FBI finishes its investigation of the pond in Frederick, Maryland. Evidence found in the pond includes a bicycle, some logs, a street sign, coins, fishing lures and a handgun. The FBI takes soil samples from the bottom of the pond for testing. No anthrax is found.
  • September 25, 2006: Five years after the attacks unnamed officials and unnamed experts speaking to the BBC claimed that the anthrax was not 'military grade'. There was no specific mention or particular denial of the use of the Ames strain. [47]

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ "Anthrax Pervades Florida Site, and Experts See Likeness to That Sent to Senators", New York Times, December 5, 2001 [1]
  2. ^ http://www.edwardjayepstein.com/shadow7.htm
  3. ^ "A Terrorist's Fragile Footprint", Washington Post, November 29, 2001 [2]
  4. ^ "White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax", Associated Press, Oct. 23, 2001; 8:11 p.m. EDT [3]
  5. ^ "Little Progress In FBI Probe of Anthrax Attacks", The Washington Post, September 16, 2005 [4]
  6. ^ "In 4-Year Anthrax Hunt, F.B.I. Finds Itself Stymied and Sued", The New York Times, September 17, 2005 [5]
  7. ^ "Questions on anthrax swirl anew for the FBI", The Star-Ledger, October 9, 2006[6]
  8. ^ "Judge Dismisses Hatfill Suit Against N.Y. Times", Washington Post, November 30, 2004 [7]
  9. ^ "Appeals court reinstates anthrax libel lawsuit", Reuters, Jul 28, 2005 6:22 PM ET [8]
  10. ^ "Sources Sought in Hatfill Anthrax Lawsuit", Associated Press, Apr 11th - 9:09pm [9]
  11. ^ "The Anthrax Letters", Albion Monitor, August 16, 2002 [10]
  12. ^ "FBI fails to re-create anthrax production", USA Today, 9/29/2003 [11]
  13. ^ "FBI science experiment could help anthrax investigation", The Nuclear Threat Initiative Global Security Newswire, November 11, 2002 [12]
  14. ^ Press Briefing by Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, November 7, 2001 [13]
  15. ^ "Loner Likely Sent Anthrax, FBI Says", Los Angeles Times, November 10, 2001 [14]
  16. ^ "Official: Unusual coating in anthrax mailings", CNN [15]
  17. ^ "Anthrax Sent Through Mail Gained Potency by the Letter", New York Times, May 7, 2002 [16]
  18. ^ "FBI's Theory On Anthrax Is Doubted", Washington Post, October 28, 2002 [17]
  19. ^ "A Sophisticated Strain of Anthrax", Newsweek, April 8, 2002 [18]
  20. ^ "Anthrax Under The Microscope", letter published in Washington Post, November 5, 2002 [19]
  21. ^ Matsumoto, Gary (2003). "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?". Science. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  22. ^ "Detecting Environmental Terrorism", the AFIP Letter, Vol. 160, No. 4, August/October 2002 [20]
  23. ^ "Physical and Chemical Analytical Analysis: A key component of Bioforensics", February 15, 2005 [21]
  24. ^ Microbial Forensics ISBN 0-12-088483-6
  25. ^ "ENGINEERING BIO-TERROR AGENTS: LESSONS FROM THE OFFENSIVE U.S. AND RUSSIAN BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS PROGRAMS", hearing before the Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack, July 13, 2005 [22]
  26. ^ Matsumoto, Gary (2003). "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?". Science. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  27. ^ http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com/Update-History2006.html#060716
  28. ^ http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com/index.html#letters
  29. ^ Anthrax articles from The Hartford Courant
  30. ^ "Contradicting Some U.S. Officials, 3 Scientists Call Anthrax Powder High-Grade", New York Times, October 25, 2001 [23]
  31. ^ Matsumoto, Gary (2003). "Anthrax Powder - State of the Art?". Science. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  32. ^ Matsumoto, Gary (October 28, 2002). "FBI's Theory On Anthrax Is Doubted". The Washington Post. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  33. ^ Anthrax matches Army spores, Baltimore Sun, December 12, 2001.
  34. ^ A Year Later, Clues on Anthrax Still Few, Baltimore Sun, October 9, 2002.
  35. ^ Closing of lab marks renewed intensity in anthrax probe, Baltimore Sun, July 21, 2004.
  36. ^ “Media manufacture cloud of suspicion over Hatfill,” Insight on the News, August 12, 2002. [24] "Scientist with Rhodesian past still center of media crosshairs," Insight on the News, September 30, 2002. [25] “No Progress in Battle on Bioterror – Why?,” Insight on the News, October 29, 2002. [26]
  37. ^ “Dr. Strangelove Disarms America?,” Middle American News August 2002. [27]
  38. ^ "Armchair Sleuths Track Anthrax Without a Badge", The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2002 [28]
  39. ^ http://www.scientiapress.com/findings/mailer.htm
  40. ^ The Message in the Anthrax Vanity Fair, October 2003
  41. ^ http://www.colemanhoax.com/foster_subpage.htm
  42. ^ http://liarunlimited.com/page2.html
  43. ^ http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze43v8m/foiarequest.html
  44. ^ "Sleuth Without a Badge", TIME, October 28, 2002 [29]
  45. ^ Analyzing The Anthrax Attacks ISBN 0-9766163-0-0 [30]
  46. ^ "Experts disagree over anthrax attacks' origin", Associated Press, 12/05/2001 [31]
  47. ^ "Contradicting Some U.S. Officials, 3 Scientists Call Anthrax Powder High-Grade", New York Times, October 25, 2001 [32]
  48. ^ "The Ames Strain", The New Yorker, Nov. 12, 2001 [33]
  49. ^ "FBI's Theory On Anthrax Is Doubted", Washington Post, October 28, 2002 [34]
  50. ^ "Russia, Iraq, and Other Potential Sources of Anthrax, Smallpox, and Other Bioterrorist Weapons", House Committee on International Relations, December 5, 2001 [35]
  51. ^ "Anthrax: a Political Whodunit", ABC Radio National, November 17, 2002.
  52. ^ "FBI: Anthrax mailer more 'Unabomber' than Bin Laden", Agence France-Presse, Nov. 11, 2001 [36]
  53. ^ "FBI and CIA Suspect Domestic Extremists", Washington Post, October 27, 2001 [37]
  54. ^ "The Anthrax Mystery", CNN, aired March 26, 2002 [38]
  55. ^ "Ask the FBI: The anthrax investigation", USA Today, 01/21/2005 [39]
  56. ^ "Little Progress In FBI Probe of Anthrax Attacks", The Washington Post, September 16, 2005 [40]
  57. ^ "Taking biodefense too far", Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November/December 2004
  58. ^ "Building the case against Iraq", The Daily Telegraph, 10/26/2001 [41]
  59. ^ "Anthrax survivors find life a struggle", The Baltimore Sun, September 18, 2003
  60. ^ "After a Shower of Anthrax, an Illness and a Mystery", The New York Times, June 7, 2005
  61. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011019-7.html
  62. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011023-1.html
  63. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011025-4.html
  64. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/10/20011029-4.html
  65. ^ http://www.senate.gov/~gov_affairs/103101parker.htm
  66. ^ http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/11/20011107-1.html
  67. ^ http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa76481.000/hfa76481_0.HTM
  68. ^ http://www.fas.org/bwc/news/anthraxreport.htm
  69. ^ http://www.anthraxinvestigation.com/Hatfill74-S.pdf
  70. ^ "Anthrax? The F.B.I. Yawns", New York Times, July 2, 2002 [42]
  71. ^ "The Anthrax Files", New York Times, July 12, 2002 [43]

Further reading


  • Leonard A. Cole, The Anthrax Letters, A Medical Detective Story (Joseph Henry Press, 2003) ISBN 0-309-08881-X [48]
  • Robert Graysmith, AMERITHRAX: The Hunt for the Anthrax Killer (Berkley Books,2003) ISBN 0-425-19190-7
  • Philipp Sarasin, Anthrax: Bioterror as Fact and Fantasy (Harvard University Press 2006) ISBN 0-674-02346-8 [49]
  • Marilyn W. Thompson, The Killer Strain, Anthrax and a Government Exposed (HarperCollins,2003) ISBN 0-06-052278-X

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