Bonnie Morgan

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Bonnie Patricia Morgan is a female contortionist and actress.


  • Most contortionists are very serious. I was a clown first. I was born a ridiculous human being, and then I get to do this for a living. I love my job, and aside from contortion, I have all-around circus skills.
  • I don’t think there is a trick I couldn’t do no matter how much I try. There are girls who can sit on their heads, but they can’t dislocate their elbows or smash their hips. Nor can they act. Anybody can read the words, but can everybody make them come alive?
  • I have played many characters, both in and out of makeup, but I was always one of those kids who rooted for the monster! Seriously, who is having the most fun in the horror movies? The screaming pretty girl or the monster chasing her through the fog? I get to have such a blast being the scariest thing in the room! Playing all strange manner of monsters and creatures chasing, slithering, and at times, flying through crazy adventures chasing some new damsel in distress, often to her doom! What can I say, some girls dream of being princesses in castles, I dreamed of being the dragon on the tower or the monster under the bed…and sometimes even a pixie in Neverland. Playing them is not easy work – the hours are long, it’s physically and mentally demanding, you can’t be claustrophobic in any way, and I’ve been buried alive and almost drowned more times than I’d like to admit, but it is a most wonderful, creative, challenging, exciting occupation and I really love what I do and what I create.
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