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The Leisure Portal

Leisure is one's discretionary time spent in non-compulsory activities, time spent away from cares and toils. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities such as employment, running a business, household chores, education and other such day-to-day stresses, not including eating, and sleeping, it is often referred to as "free time." This category is for leisure activities such as those which one voluntarily spends away from such stresses, so called 'down time activities'. The distinction between leisure and compulsory activities is not strict, as compulsory activities (yardwork and gardening, for example โ€” which circumstantially might on another day be a stressful demanding need.) may be done for pleasure as well as for long-term utility.

Different kinds of recreation
  • Tourism,
  • Sports,
  • Recreation,
  • Eating,
  • Hobbies,
  • Shopping,
  • Games,
  • Dance,
  • Gardening,
  • Angling,
  • Collecting,
  • Handicrafts,
  • Kites.

Wikimedia links

Leisure on Wikipedia

Books by subject on Wikibooks
(Humanities ยท Social sciences)

leisure on Wiktionary

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