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Images used in other wikipedias (from the respective wikipedias or from Wikimedia Commons)
Fototranzystor.jpg on commons.wikimedia; 2048×1536px, 215471 bytes
Used on ar, be, bg, ca, es, hu, it, kk, mk, pl, pt, ru, sh, sr, tg, uk.
IEEE 315-1975 (1993) 8.6.16.svg on commons.wikimedia; 100×100px, 23069 bytes
Used on ar.
[[File:IEEE 315-1975 (1993) 8.6.16.svg|thumb|200px|IEEE 315-1975 (1993) 8.6.16.]]
Phototransistor.symbol.npn.svg on commons.wikimedia; 125×125px, 5590 bytes
Used on ar, es, hu, mk, sh, sk, sr, tr.
Texas Instruments TIL903-1 infra-red LED.jpg on commons.wikimedia; 867×626px, 156674 bytes
Used on cs, nl.
[[File:Texas Instruments TIL903-1 infra-red LED.jpg|thumb|200px|Texas Instruments TIL903-1 infra-red LED.]]
ZnackaFototranzistoru1.svg on commons.wikimedia; 110×156px, 6638 bytes
Used on cs.

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