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John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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Tags : sunset sky clouds reflections smoke nostalgia goinghome sunrays treeline birdinflight markknopfler sunsetcolors headingsouth calmwaters peacefulview birdgoinghome almostgonesun localherotheme
John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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Tags : ireland dublin june 1932 thirties 1930s bishops texaco crowds romancatholic closingceremony cardinals riverliffey oconnellstreet clergy benediction oconnellbridge oconnellmonument archbishops nationallibraryofireland eucharisticcongress johnhcox religiousfervour papallegate kapppetersonltd independentnewspaperscollection cardinalorenzolauri patrickhkeogh johnbeggscotchwhisky johnwallissonsltd readtheuniverse bluebandmargarine premiertailors
John Cox (efeitos visuais)
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Tags : torontofc soundersfc eastsidemassive cheekyboychapter
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