BID African regional meeting and nodes training - 03 September - BID impact in the Region

day 1 - BID Impact in the region on four key areas:

- Data mobilization

- Data Use

- Capacity Enhancement

- Sustainability prospects


- Introduction to GBIF - Tim Hirsch - GBIF Secretariat

- Impact of the BID programme on Data mobilization, Data Use, Capacity enhancement and Sustainability prospects - Maheva Bagard Laursen - GBIF Secretariat


- Presentation: Initiating data mobilization efforts and overcoming challenges - Ms Balsama Rajemison - Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza - Madagascar


- Presention: Concrete use of biodiversity data to support research and decision-making - Ms Claudia Baider, Agricultural Services, Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security - The Mauritius Herbarium - Mauritius


- Presentation: Impact of BID in Cameroon - Mr. Rigobert Ntep, Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development - Cameroon


Photo by Mélianie Raymond - GBIF Secretariat

1 fave
Uploaded on September 6, 2019
Taken on September 3, 2019