The PI (Planetary Intelligence)

The PI (Planetary Intelligence)

Services de conseil en environnement

Geomatching best practices in climate solutions with the help of minds, machines and nature's intelligence

À propos

Planetary Intelligence - PI - is an open data platform using Decision Intelligence (DI, an AI methodology) to match and recommend climate and sustainability solutions for business and local government. With a catalogue of over 20,000 solutions PI designs Action-to-Outcomes blueprints connecting interdependencies and causal links with machine learning and our unique foundational climate intelligence (Limited) language model. Climate solutions are everywhere. The challenge is understanding which is the best-fit suite available to you to achieve your sustainability objectives. Our mission is to democratise access to climate intelligence and sustainability strategies that respect revenues, restore nature, foster resilience and preserve relationships.

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Services de conseil en environnement
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Non lucratif
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Employés chez The PI (Planetary Intelligence)


  • Voir le profil de Leanne Hickman, visuel

    Sustainability Practitioner | ESG Advisor | Consultative Selling B2B Business Dev.| Partnership Builder | Stewardship/Risk Mitigation | I help cities/corps. find solutions to drive on-the-ground sustainability actions.

    Pepsico's commitment to sustainability and supporting farmers is truly commendable. They are actively working towards a more sustainable future by providing farmers with tools and low-carbon fertilizers to decarbonize food production. Check out the details here:

    PepsiCo, Yara to Provide Farmers with Low-Carbon Fertilizers, Tools to Decarbonize Food Production - ESG Today

    PepsiCo, Yara to Provide Farmers with Low-Carbon Fertilizers, Tools to Decarbonize Food Production - ESG Today

  • Join us in supporting the #europeangreendeal !! Sign here to stand with Green growth and economic development

    Voir la page d’organisation pour The Club of Rome, visuel

    32 420  abonnés

    A DEAL IS A DEAL | Over 250 policymakers, researchers, business and NGO leaders have signed a call to action for all parties of the newly elected European Parliament to prioritise implementation of the #EuropeanGreenDeal. The Club of Rome has coordinated a call to action with two of the Systems Transformation Hub partners –Climate-KIC and Metabolic –as a reminder that the European Green Deal is Europe's North Star for an ambitious and equitable transition pathway - even more relevant today than at its time of adoption. Read more: The Systems Transformation Hub is a pioneering venture designed to drive systemic solutions for Europe. It aims to provide strategic and systematic guidance, supporting the European institutions and Member States in policy analysis, development, policy learning and agile decision making support.

    A deal is a deal: EU parties must stand by the European Green Deal - Club of Rome

    A deal is a deal: EU parties must stand by the European Green Deal - Club of Rome

  • Voir le profil de Vojtech Vosecky, visuel
    Vojtech Vosecky Vojtech Vosecky est un Influencer

    LinkedIn Top Green Voice | The Circular Economist | Helping Companies Make Less 🗑️ More 💵 | Keynote speaker

    Circularity in 2015: recycling Circularity in 2024? 1. 9Rs 2. Design 3. Longer life 4. Procurement 5. Consuming less 6. Waste prevention 7. Usership > ownership 9. Circular business models 10. Closed-loop supply chains 11. Reverse logistics & takebacks And so much more. So next time you hear: "Naah, circularity is dead, doesn't work. Let's move on." Show them this chart. Going circular is an opportunity of our lifetimes. Wanna jump on board? Join 2500+ change makers getting actionable tips in my free weekly newsletter at Next edition is coming out tmrw at 9 am CEST. PS: Thanks Anna from the design Studio Berget for another cool collab! PPS: Would you add something to the chart?

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  • This is absolutely the least productive way for chargemakers to feel- “I have no space to think and innovate, all I do is report “. It’s a diagnostic of the disease, not a statement of your choice of cure. Let’s make the last #ESGreporting milestone #scope4 very simple- forget reporting on the NOW #businessasusual . Let’s declare it a clear statement of how your business will be a part of the #sustainablefuture . What is the significant shift you will make to no longer pollute, extract, waste in the historic manner of your industry. How will you be #naturepositive #peoplepositive aligned with #planetaryboundaries #donuteconomy #earth4all #wedonthavetime Ingmar Rentzhog Per Espen Stoknes

    Voir la page d’organisation pour International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), visuel

    123 717  abonnés

    The IFRS Foundation and EFRAG have published guidance material to illustrate the high level of alignment achieved between #ISSB Standards and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards #ESRS and how a company can apply both sets of standards, including detailed analysis of the alignment in climate-related disclosures. For companies applying both the ISSB Standards and ESRS the document has been designed to reduce: 📝 complexity; 📝 fragmentation; and 📝 duplication. Meaning companies utilising this guidance will be better able to collect, govern and control decision-useful data once. The guidance describes the alignment of general requirements including on key concepts such as: 📊 Materiality; 📊 Presentation; and 📊 Disclosures for sustainability topics other than climate. The guidance provides information about the alignment of climate disclosures and what a company starting with either set of standards needs to know to enable compliance with both sets of standards. Find out more: #IFRSSustainability #EFRAG #Interoperability #SustainabilityReporting Emmanuel Faber Sue Lloyd Mairead McGuinness Patrick de Cambourg Chiara Del Prete

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  • Recommending the “green to grey “ ratio be included as a metric to encourage more trees, more tiny forests, more greenery generally to reduce the impacts of heat in cities.

    Voir le profil de Maya Colombani, visuel

    Chief Sustainability & Human Rights Officer L’ORÉAL | Executive committee | CLEAN 50 – Top leader 2024 | Value chain transformation | Climate | ESG | Social Protagonism | RSE | Living wage | Culture change | Speaker

    I love tree, we need trees 🌳 I believe in the #wisdom of #nature & #forest 🌱💪🏼🌎With Tree Canada / Arbres Canada, our L'Oréal reforestation partner, we had an inspiring days where rain didn't dampen our spirits as we planted #trees and learned more about two important greening projects in the National Capital Region. 🌳Today is International day for #Biodiversity 🌱💪🏼🌎 💡 Did you know Trees reduce the effects of #climate change, naturally cooling cities? Yes 💡 Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), removing and storing the carbon while releasing clean #oxygen back into the air? Yes 💡 It takes about 25 trees to absorb the carbon dioxide produced by a typical car driven 20,000 km/year 💡 Shade from trees can help us feel up to 15°C cooler on hot summer days and reduce air conditioning costs by 20% to 30% Indeed, trees help us live longer, healthier lives 🙏 Research shows that walking through a forest for just 15 minutes can lower symptoms of anxiety and depression and boost positive moods 🙏 🫶🏻 Very grateful for learning so much about trees and how to plant them : thank you to the strong and generous leader Nicole Hurtubise and all the amazing team to teach me the power of nature. 🌳First stop: an urban park in Gatineau, where we #planted silver maple and cottonwood trees to provide a buffer along the Ottawa River and help convert the site from grass to wildlands. 🌳Second stop: a beautiful National Greening Program site in La Pêche, QC, to celebrate the fourth anniversary of #planting 20,000 trees at Eco Echo - an outdoor learning and research facility working to address environmental challenges facing rural communities. 👏 Thank you to all the partners for hosting us and coordinating these inspiring activities: Forêt Capitale Forest, the National Capital Commission - Commission de la capitale nationale, and the Outaouais Environmental Campus / EcoEcho. #lorealforthefuture #planttree #treecanada #BiodiversityDay

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  • Voir le profil de Antonio Vizcaya Abdo, visuel
    Antonio Vizcaya Abdo Antonio Vizcaya Abdo est un Influencer

    LinkedIn Top Voice | Sustainability Advocate

    Low-Carbon Economy 🌍 Transitioning to a low-carbon economy requires a holistic approach that integrates various systems and sectors. The foundational components are essential for achieving sustainability goals. The low-carbon energy system is the backbone of the transition, providing clean and renewable energy to all sectors. This system is crucial for reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing overall carbon emissions. A low-carbon mobility system focuses on reducing emissions through sustainable transportation options. Innovations in electric vehicles, public transit, and alternative fuels play a significant role in this transformation. The regenerative food and land use system promotes sustainable agricultural practices that restore ecosystems. By prioritizing soil health and biodiversity, this system aims to produce food while sequestering carbon. A low-carbon industrial and manufacturing system involves innovating industrial processes to minimize carbon footprints. This includes adopting energy-efficient technologies and circular economy principles to reduce waste. Negative emissions systems utilize both natural and technological solutions to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. These systems are critical for offsetting emissions that cannot be eliminated, ensuring a net-zero carbon future. Enabling accelerators such as financial services, government policy, and technology are vital. Financial markets and green finance provide funding, while government regulations support and enforce low-carbon initiatives. Digital enablement drives innovation and efficiency across all sectors, creating a synergistic pathway towards a sustainable future. Source: Deloitte #sustainability #eonomy #climateaction #energy #sustainable #esg #climatechange #carbon

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  • The PI (Planetary Intelligence) a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Solar Impulse Foundation, visuel

    33 705  abonnés

    T̶H̶E̶ E̶C̶O̶L̶O̶G̶I̶C̶A̶L̶ T̶R̶A̶N̶S̶I̶T̶I̶O̶N̶ W̶I̶L̶L̶ H̶A̶R̶M̶ T̶H̶E̶ E̶C̶O̶N̶O̶M̶Y̶ It's not actually true, but some people want you to think it is 🤷♂️ To help discern the truth from the fake-news, we've created a platform for EU voters to learn more about the opportunities afforded by climate action. Five myths about the ecological transition, debunked with facts and figures. JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN, SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE! From June 6th to June 9th, #ChooseWiselyEU 🇪🇺 ⤵

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour Solar Impulse Foundation, visuel

    33 705  abonnés

    T̶H̶E̶ E̶C̶O̶L̶O̶G̶I̶C̶A̶L̶ T̶R̶A̶N̶S̶I̶T̶I̶O̶N̶ W̶I̶L̶L̶ H̶A̶R̶M̶ T̶H̶E̶ E̶C̶O̶N̶O̶M̶Y̶ It's not actually true, but some people want you to think it is 🤷♂️ To help discern the truth from the fake-news, we've created a platform for EU voters to learn more about the opportunities afforded by climate action. Five myths about the ecological transition, debunked with facts and figures. JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN, SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE! From June 6th to June 9th, #ChooseWiselyEU 🇪🇺 ⤵

  • Voir le profil de Kaya Axelsson, visuel

    Head of Policy and Partnerships; Research Fellow

    Tonight I appeared as a technical expert in a BBC ONE Documentary called “Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered” which tells a story about some of the challenges and opportunities in today’s carbon market. I agreed to take part in this film to try to facilitate a constructive dialogue about recent carbon market debates. I’ll post a longer reflection tomorrow but a few segments below: ⚖ I thought it was important to make a distinction that credits don’t have to be used as offsets... "What we are doing with credits is we're saying I want to help someone in another part of the world reduce or remove carbon. In principle, that's a very good thing. But if you're using that credit generated to offset your own emissions, to say, I'm going to pay someone else to remove or reduce, [while I continue emitting], then that's a very different thing." 🌲 That we need to protect nature to meet net zero... “Rainforests today are like the lungs of the earth. They are our life support in this climate crisis. It's critically important that we keep existing rich ecosystems like rainforests intact, because they store far more carbon than we ever could if we just started planting trees everywhere.” ❌ And I said I wouldn’t do the film if I couldn't make a point about how critical it is we avoid cynicism and hold firm to climate targets, even as hard, and scary as all this is: "One of my biggest fears in this discussion about the problems in the carbon market is that people will just get cynical and turn away and stop trying to make and meet net zero targets. It is critical that we actually do that work." In many ways this was a difficult film to participate in and watch, with so many layers of nuance. I am grateful to the curious crew that asked me hundreds of questions in the making, and I hope that, even as it reveals controversy, it also inspires new thinking on ways to improve governance of net zero claims and carbon markets. My key take aways: We can’t sacrifice on any of the triple bottom line to: 1. Empower and listen to local communities 2. Preserve nature & 3. Reduce our own emissions

  • PI is on a dedicated research mission to gather data and insights to inform the critical intersections of human wellness, climate, sustainability, ESG, biodiversity, socio-economics, geopolitics and technology. Planetary Intelligence needs, by default, to be a responsible, open and curated knowledge base. We are committed to transparent training data - we know exactly what we are teaching the machine. We don't have a waste, people, climate and sustainability problem - we have a systems design problem. Understanding how and where to apply all of the solutions and intelligence we have to create a circular and regenerative system is the mission. Decision Intelligence (DI), generative AI, human and planetary intelligence in data are the tools we use to power the climate risk predictor and solutions recommender that is The PI. Many of the solutions to solve climate and create our sustainable future already exist. What we're missing is a roadmap to deploy & scale them. The Foundation for Planetary Intelligence is building an AI powered solution recommender to help us understand which solutions need to go where, in which combination - with impact projection. Our mission is to use decision intelligence to recommend best-fit solutions by context (business or government) to democratise access to Planetary Intelligence. 🌳 Lisa Rabone - Sustainability Needs Data Mange KumarasamySylvie Guillon Dr Anino Emuwa Piers Cumberlege Paul Ellis Paul Quaiser #decisionintelligence #earth4all #planetaryboundaries #donuteconomy Our vision:

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