blob: 4ff22c89a6aa7dbbcc91ccfff71fcaa11be411bd [file] [log] [blame]
This software is beta. There are bugs and missing features. But it is
basically usable, and you are encouraged to try it (with caution). Also, please
hack Liquid Threads and make it more awesome.
1. This extension depends on WikiEditor, make sure you have the dependency
already installed.
2. Rename this directory to extensions/LiquidThreads inside your
MediaWiki directory.
3. Add database tables from lqt.sql using the sql.php MediaWiki tool.
(On Unix, if the current directory is the MediaWiki root directory, you can
say "php maintenance/sql.php extensions/LiquidThreads/lqt.sql".)
If you haven't created the AdminSettings.php file, you will have to do that
first; see
Alternatively, you can run lqt.sql manually (you can use the command
"mysql -u $USER -p -e 'source lqt.sql'" on Unix), but you might have to
edit it first, and replace the /*$wgDBprefix*/ and /*$wgDBTableOptions*/
strings with the corresponding settings.
4. Add this line to the end of your LocalSettings.php:
require_once( "$IP/extensions/LiquidThreads/LiquidThreads.php" );
Liquid Threads uses namespace numbers 90, 91, 92, and 93. If you are using
another extension which uses any of these numbers, you should have Liquid
Threads use different numbers by adding something like the following to your
LocalSettings.php, *before* including LiquidThreads.php:
$egLqtNamespaceNumbers = array(
'Thread' => 100,
'Thread_talk' => 101,
'Summary' => 102,
'Summary_talk' => 103
* Andrew Garrett
* werdna in #mediawiki on
Originally written by David McCabe, sponsered by,, and the Google
Summer of Code, with lots of help from Erik Möller, Brion Vibber, and the kind
folks on #mediawiki.
Now maintained by Andrew Garrett from the Wikimedia Foundation