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Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic AssociationGet to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

President’s Blog: A map perspective on the sustainable development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals, officially known as Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are a UN Initiative. Official website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org

In the light of the International Map Year (IMY), the ICA and its commissions are highlighting the value of cartography by “mapping” the UN sustainable development goals.

In the past months, a set of posters has been created, one for each sustainable development goal. They do not map the goals and their target based on indicators as such. The poster series tells the story of cartographic diversity, of mapping options, and of multiple map perspectives. Each of the goals has been mapped from a particular perspective by different ICA Commissions. All posters have a short take-home-message that should make one aware of particular strengths of the map.

The posters as well as the catalog for the poster exhibition can be found on icaci.org/maps-and-sustainable-development-goals

A huge thank you to all commissions involved and to Wim Feringa from ITC for the poster design and production. Let’s make the world a better place with maps!

Menno-Jan Kraak
– President of the International Cartographic Association

Joint ICA meeting in Vienna, November 8–9


All chairs and vice-chairs of the ICA commissions and working groups were invited to join an ICA meeting in Vienna on 8–9 November 2015 to plan and discuss their activities for the term 2015–2019. 46 chairs, vice-chairs and members of the executive committee followed the invitation and spent two intensive workshop days at Technische Universität Wien.

Meeting participants

Commission chairs and vice-chairs

Working Group International Map Year

Executive Committee


More photos of the workshop can be found on the ICA Facebook page.

Get to know the new ICA commissions for the term 2015–2019

27 commissions and 3 working groups were elected for the term 2015–2019 by the ICA General Assembly 2015. We are currently in the process of updating the website to reflect these changes. Also some of the commissions are still preparing or updating their websites. In the meantime, we invite you to have a look at the short “Commissions at a glance” presentations, which the new commissions chairs gave during ICC 2015:


ICA Awards Ceremony #icc2015rio

In the ICA Awards Ceremony this morning at ICC2015, the following six awards were presented in recognition of contributions to the ICA. Congratulations to all awardees!

Recipients of ICA Awards at ICC2015

From left to right: Trisha Moriarty as representative of David Fraser, José Jesús Reyes Nuñez, Elri Liebenberg, David Fairbairn, Vladimir Tikunov, Corné van Elzakker

ICA Honorary Fellowship

The ICA Honorary Fellowship is for cartographers of international reputation who have made special contribution to the ICA. It includes a bronze medal.

  • David Fairbairn, United Kingdom
    • Vice-President (2003–2007)
    • Secretary-General (2007–2011)
    • Chairman of the Commission on Education and Training (2012–)
    • Editor of the ICA GIM column

Diplomas for outstanding services to ICA

The Diplomas for outstanding services to ICA are for colleagues who have made special contribution to the ICA as commission officers or conference organizers.

  • Vladimir Tikunov, Russia
    • Chairman of the Commission on Education and Training (1999–2003)
    • Vice-President (2003–2007)
    • Chairman of the Working Group on GI for Sustainability (2007–2011)
    • Chairman of the Commission on GI for Sustainability (2011–2015)
  • Elri Liebenberg, South Africa
    • Vice-President (1999–2003)
    • Chair of the Working Group on the History of Colonial Cartography in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries (2003–2007)
    • Chair of the Commission on the History of Cartography (2007–2015)
  • José Jesús Reyes Nuñez, Hungary
    • Chairman of the Commission on Cartography and Children (2007–2015)
    • Key organizer of the Barbara Petchenik Children’s World Map Drawing Competition from 2007
    • Chairman of the International Jury (2005, 2007)
    • Co-editor of three of the four books showing selections of map drawings made by children for the Barbara Petchenik Competitions from 2007
  • David Fraser, Australia (not present)
    • Chairman of the Commission on Education and Training (2007–2012)
    • Editor of the eCARTO News (2012–present)
  • Corné van Elzakker, The Netherlands
    • Chairman of the Commission on Use and User Issues (2007–2015)
    • Chairman of the Jury: ICA International Cartographic Exhibition (2007–2013)

Overview of ICA Awards presented at ICC2015

More pictures of the award ceremony and the 2nd day of ICC2015 can be found on the ICA Facebook page.

Commissions at a glance

During ICC 2013 all commission chairs presented their commissions in a speed presentation. You can check out the presentation slides below (or via our ICC 2013 sub-page).
