Welcome to the International Cartographic Association
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic AssociationGet to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

Invitation to Pre-ICC2023 Workshop on Cartographic and Geospatial Information Education: Transformation in the Era of AI

You are warmly invited to participate in and contribute your research, experiences and insights to the International Workshop on Cartographic and Geospatial Information Education: Transformation in the Era of AI, jointly organized by the Commission on Education and Training, the Working Group on the Cartographic Body of Knowledge and the Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies in partnership with the Stellenbosch University, South Africa.

The workshop will take place at the campus of the Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa, on August 12, 2023. It is scheduled for attendees to conveniently continue their journey to the 31st International Cartographic Conference in the same city between August 13-18, 2023.


Education is recovering to a better normal after the pandemic, while facing an ever evolving digital revolution. Powerful digital technologies and tools ensure quality and sustainable education for all. Among these, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the contents and pedagogies of cartographic and geospatial information education. Debates about roles of generative AI tools in education are being heated in various fields. What will the role of AI be in cartography and GIS education, research and practice? It is exciting to explore how educators and learners can better tap such tools for the transformation of Cartographic and Geospatial Information Education in the era of AI.

Call for participation

This workshop will bring together educators and experts to share the latest work, best practices and developments on related themes. Suggested topics of interest can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Developing the Body of Knowledge for cartography
  • AI-powered teaching and learning in cartography and GIS
  • Integrating AI into cartographic and geospatial information education
  • Curriculum design for cartographic and geospatial information education
  • Developing on-line educational resources for cartography and GIS teaching
  • Best practices in teaching and learning in cartography and geospatial information
  • Open source software and datasets in cartographic and geospatial information education
  • Integrating cartography into education of geomatics, geography and other disciplines
  • Partnerships and collaborations between universities and industry in GIS
  • Experiences in teaching cartography and GIS in general education
  • Cartographic and geospatial information education in Africa

The workshop is designed to be hybrid depending on local conditions and open to all interested researchers in cartographic and geospatial information education. We cordially invite you to join forum to exchange thoughts on the Education Transformation in the Era of AI.

Submission Details

You are mostly welcome to present your work in this workshop by submitting abstracts to the organizers, using the ICA abstract template.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is June 06, 2023. Acceptance notification will be sent out before June 30, 2023. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present their works in the workshop. Selected papers will be invited for a further review for an edited volume planned next year.

Please find more information on the workshop website.

Organizing Committee

  • Silvana Camboim, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
  • Terje Midtbø, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Zahn Münch, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Stefan Peters, University of South Australia, Australia
  • Tao Wang, Capital Normal University, China

New venue for Pre-ICC workshop SDI-Open 2019

The ICA Commission on SDI and Standards is very glad that the SDI-Open 2019 pre-conference workshop (Monday, 15th July 2019) is now easily to reach from the ICC conference.

The new location is Room Mars, Miraikan – National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. More details can be found here and on OpenStreetMap.

Registration is still possible here.

The updated and extended programme is ready for download.

Invitation to Pre-ICC Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructures, Standards, Open Source and Open Data for Geospatial (SDI-Open 2019)

SDI-Open 2019, the pre-conference workshop on spatial data infrastructures, standards, open source and open data for geospatial will be held on 15 July 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, immediately before the 29th International Cartographic Conference. The workshop is jointly organized by the Commission on SDI and Standards, the Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies and the Commission on Map Production & Geoinformation Management.

Mr Reese Plews from Japan, who chairs the ISO/TC 211 Terminology Maintenance Group, will make a special contribution with a presentation about the standardization and harmonization of geospatial information terminology in ISO standards, including the maintenance of a multi-lingual register of terms.

Other presentations on the program cover topics, such as international geospatial information standards and interoperability, UN-GGIM Europe and GeoSTAT requirements for spatial data integration, academic SDIs and open science, open source components for service-oriented mapping, and supply chains.

The day is concluded with an interactive and collaborative mapping session in OpenStreetMap. Delegates should bring their own laptops! Details, including a link for registration, are available on the website of the Commission on SDI & Standards at http://sdistandards.icaci.org/

The detailed program can be found on https://sdistandards.icaci.org/program-sdi-open-2019/.

An overview over the ICC2017 Pre-Conference Workshops


Many ICA commissions use the days before the ICC conference for dedicated workshops on their fields of research. This year, the following workshops will take place:

Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases

Meeting on Maps & the Internet, Ubiquitous Mapping and Education & Training

Mapping Tools for Non-Mapping Experts: Incorporating Geospatial Visualization Tools in Libraries

Different Fields – One Cartography

Supporting sustainable development with geoinformation management and modern maps: things you hardly consider

Workshop on Maps & Emotions

Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructures, Standards, Open Source and Open Data for Geospatial (SDI-Open 2017)

Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation

Symposium on Location-Based Social Media and Tracking Data

Critical Review on Using Developable Surfaces in Map Projections Theory & Standardization in Map Projections

  • Date: July 2
  • Location: Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC
  • Involved commission: Map Projections

Disaster Management, Big Data, Services and Cartographic Representation

Preserving Map Production Methodology Information

Summary of the workshop on Advancing GIScience with Open Source Technologies

One-day workshop on Advancing GIScience with Open Source Technologies

AutoCarto is a Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) research symposium held every two years. CaGIS is the US adhering body to the ICA. AutoCarto 2016 was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 14 – 16 September 2016.

The ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies held a very well-attended, successful one-day workshop on Advancing GIScience with Open Source Technologies the day before the start of Auto Carto. The agenda (details below) consisted of seven invited speakers and an open discussion session. The Chair of the commission, Silvana Camboim, opened the presentations and led the discussion. The Vice-Chair, Michael P. Finn, organized the workshop and served as the moderator.

All the presentations are available on GitHub at this URL: https://github.com/mfinnCEGIS/workshopAdvancingGIScienceOST/, which includes the original agenda announcing the workshop and a subdirectory of photographs.

There were 22 attendees from six nations, including the President of ICA, Menno-Jan Kraak, who sat in during the afternoon and contributed to the lively open discussion. In addition, at the start of the discussion session, Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA, did a short, overview presentation of “Geo forAll.”


Invited Speakers (30 minutes each for presentation and questions)

  1. Experiences on How Openness Can Help to Reduce Inequality – Silvana Camboim, Federal University of Paraná – UFPR, BRAZIL, Commission Chair
  2. GRASS GIS as open source innovation platform: from dynamic visualizations to collaborative tangible modeling – Helena Mitasova, North Carolina State University, USA, co-authors: Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, and Brendan Harmon
  3. Open-Source Software in the Cutting Edge Geocomputaion Research at ORNL – Alex Sorokine, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA
  4. Keeping Map Data Current Through the Use of Volunteered Geographic Information – James McAndrew, Colorado State University, contractor to the US National Park Service, USA
  5. Teaching Open Source Web Mapping – Carl Sack, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA, co-author: Robert Roth
  6. Doing Datacubes in Open-Source: the rasdaman Scalable Array Engine – Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen, GERMANY
  7. Development of an Open Source 3D Browser to Visualize Modeling Results – Syed Monjur Murshed, European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), GERMANY, co-authors: Jochen Wendel, Akila Sriramulu, and Alexandru Nichersu

Open Discussion: Future Directions: Thinking About the Road Ahead – chaired by Silvana Camboim

– Michael P. Finn
Vice-Chair, ICA Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies

ICA Commission Meetings and Workshops at AutoCarto 2016


AutoCarto is a Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) research symposium held every two years. CaGIS is the US adhering body to the ICA. This year AutoCarto 2016 will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 14-16 September 2016.

The following ICA Commission Meetings and Workshops will take place:

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Georg Gartner is GeoAmbassador of the Month

Screen-Shot-2016-07-02-at-07.32.30“Geo for All” is an initiative of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) with the mission for making geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all. It has developed out of the Memorandum of Understanding Activities between ICA and OSGeo.

Everyone who is interested in enabling geospatial education opportunities to all is considered a GeoAmbassador. It is not just the thousands of OSGeo members but also thousands of colleagues in ICA, ISPRS, UCGIS, AGILE, GSDI or AGS, who work for geoeducation opportunities. To further highlight their work, OSGeo now introduces GeoAmbassadors of the Month. ICA past-president Georg Gartner was appointed the first GeoAmbassador of the Month.

The laudatio by Suchith Anand can be found on opensourcegeospatial.icaci.org.

President’s Blog: A map perspective on the sustainable development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals, officially known as Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are a UN Initiative. Official website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org

In the light of the International Map Year (IMY), the ICA and its commissions are highlighting the value of cartography by “mapping” the UN sustainable development goals.

In the past months, a set of posters has been created, one for each sustainable development goal. They do not map the goals and their target based on indicators as such. The poster series tells the story of cartographic diversity, of mapping options, and of multiple map perspectives. Each of the goals has been mapped from a particular perspective by different ICA Commissions. All posters have a short take-home-message that should make one aware of particular strengths of the map.

The posters as well as the catalog for the poster exhibition can be found on icaci.org/maps-and-sustainable-development-goals

A huge thank you to all commissions involved and to Wim Feringa from ITC for the poster design and production. Let’s make the world a better place with maps!

Menno-Jan Kraak
– President of the International Cartographic Association

Joint ICA meeting in Vienna, November 8–9


All chairs and vice-chairs of the ICA commissions and working groups were invited to join an ICA meeting in Vienna on 8–9 November 2015 to plan and discuss their activities for the term 2015–2019. 46 chairs, vice-chairs and members of the executive committee followed the invitation and spent two intensive workshop days at Technische Universität Wien.

Meeting participants

Commission chairs and vice-chairs

Working Group International Map Year

Executive Committee


More photos of the workshop can be found on the ICA Facebook page.

Get to know the new ICA commissions for the term 2015–2019

27 commissions and 3 working groups were elected for the term 2015–2019 by the ICA General Assembly 2015. We are currently in the process of updating the website to reflect these changes. Also some of the commissions are still preparing or updating their websites. In the meantime, we invite you to have a look at the short “Commissions at a glance” presentations, which the new commissions chairs gave during ICC 2015:
