Welcome to the International Cartographic Association
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic AssociationGet to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027
Welcome to the website of the International Cartographic Association
Get to know the new ICA Executive Committee for the term 2023-2027
Get to know the ICA Commissions for the term 2023-2027

Announcement of the Pre-ICC Workshop Cartography for Specific Users

The Commissions on Cartography and Children, Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People and Planetary Cartography have the pleasure to invite all interested colleagues to participate in our Joint ICA Workshop on Cartography for Specific Users, to be held in Tokyo, Japan on July 15, 2019.

General Information

The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) is the venue of the Joint ICA Worshop on Cartography for specific users.

Participation in the event is free, but registration is needed. The registration can be made on the event website.


  • Deadline for the submission of papers and abstracts with registration form: April 22, 2019
  • Notification of the authors: May 6, 2019
  • Deadline for the submission of the registration form (without full paper, only participant): June 10, 2019

Organizing Committee

  • Carla Cristina R. G. de Sena, Chair, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children (Brazil)
  • José Jesús Reyes Nunez, Vice-Chair, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children (Hungary)
  • Alejandra Coll Escanilla, Chair, ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (Chile)
  • Waldirene Ribeiro, Vice-Chair, ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People (Brazil)
  • Henrik Hargitai, Chair, ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography (Hungary)
  • Irina Petrovna Karachevtseva, Vice-Chair, ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography (Russia)


Please find more information on the workshop website: icaworkshop2019.elte.hu. Do not hesitate to contact the organizers if you have any question or need more information.

An overview over the ICC2017 Pre-Conference Workshops


Many ICA commissions use the days before the ICC conference for dedicated workshops on their fields of research. This year, the following workshops will take place:

Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases

Meeting on Maps & the Internet, Ubiquitous Mapping and Education & Training

Mapping Tools for Non-Mapping Experts: Incorporating Geospatial Visualization Tools in Libraries

Different Fields – One Cartography

Supporting sustainable development with geoinformation management and modern maps: things you hardly consider

Workshop on Maps & Emotions

Workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructures, Standards, Open Source and Open Data for Geospatial (SDI-Open 2017)

Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation

Symposium on Location-Based Social Media and Tracking Data

Critical Review on Using Developable Surfaces in Map Projections Theory & Standardization in Map Projections

  • Date: July 2
  • Location: Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC
  • Involved commission: Map Projections

Disaster Management, Big Data, Services and Cartographic Representation

Preserving Map Production Methodology Information

Invitation to the Joint ICC Pre-Conference Workshop Different Fields – One Cartography

The ICA Commissions on Cartography and Children, Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People and Planetary Cartography have the pleasure to invite you to a one-day workshop on July 1, prior to the 28th International Cartographic Conference.

Key dates

  • 30 March 21 April: Deadline for the submission of full papers with registration form
  • 17 April: Notification of the authors
  • 6 June: Deadline for the submission of the registration form (without full paper, only participant)
  • 1 July: Workshop at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel

Local Organizer: David Alvarez, JMT Technology Group (USA)

For more information, please visit the conference website: lazarus.elte.hu/~jesus/jointworkshop2017

Pluto and Charon mapped – for children

Pluto and Charon Map

The new map showing the New Horizons encounter hemispheres of Pluto and Charon is the result of a cooperation between the worlds of planetary science, cartography and arts.

It is the 7th map in the series of multilingual maps of planets and moons designed for children.

The map shows the geology of the surface together with characters taken from the informal nomenclature.

The map of the double planet, the larger named after Pluto, the god of the underworld; and the smaller after Charon, the ferryman between the worlds of the living and the dead, has the theme of the Halloween.

A specialty of this map compared to other, “scientific” maps is that while keeping cartographic accuracy, it links arts and science, and visualizes features in a way that is easier to interpret for the non-scientists.

The map premiered at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco last week.

The map is joint effort of graphic artist Adrienn Gyöngyösi and scientists working at NASA and SETI Institute (Henrik Hargitai, editor; and Ross Beyer who contributed with the text describing Pluto).

This nonprofit project is supported by the International Cartographic Association.

The map is free to download at childrensmaps.wordpress.com

Contact: henrik.i.hargitai//at//nasa.gov [ Press release ]

President’s Blog: A map perspective on the sustainable development goals

The Sustainable Development Goals, officially known as Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are a UN Initiative. Official website: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org

In the light of the International Map Year (IMY), the ICA and its commissions are highlighting the value of cartography by “mapping” the UN sustainable development goals.

In the past months, a set of posters has been created, one for each sustainable development goal. They do not map the goals and their target based on indicators as such. The poster series tells the story of cartographic diversity, of mapping options, and of multiple map perspectives. Each of the goals has been mapped from a particular perspective by different ICA Commissions. All posters have a short take-home-message that should make one aware of particular strengths of the map.

The posters as well as the catalog for the poster exhibition can be found on icaci.org/maps-and-sustainable-development-goals

A huge thank you to all commissions involved and to Wim Feringa from ITC for the poster design and production. Let’s make the world a better place with maps!

Menno-Jan Kraak
– President of the International Cartographic Association

What kind of map is needed to best aid human explorers of Mars? A Call for Maps by the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography

2035 marks the target date for the first human landing on Mars as planned by NASA. In 2015, 47 landing sites or Exploration Zones (EZ) have been proposed by the planetary science community. These should be mapped in high detail in the forthcoming years to enable proper comparison of the 47 sites and the selection of the one finalist. For this task, the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography opened a Call for Maps.


The project is to select one candidate landing site and design an actual map that you envision will be useful in surface operations. We ask that you do not create simply a geologic map, but rather a product that can be used by the astronauts during their approximately one-year long mission within the Exploration Zone. This requires creativity, and it is also useful to have a good knowledge of surface features, surface hazards, science goals and the use of the proper cartographic tools.

The contest is open to students, young professional cartographers, and graphic artists in any country of the world.

The display and format of the maps entirely up to the participants. All submitted maps must be accompanied by a short paper (in the English language). Deadline for the submission of maps and papers is September 1, 2016.

Please find all details about the competition on the following website:

The contest is part of the International Map Year activities.

Joint ICA meeting in Vienna, November 8–9


All chairs and vice-chairs of the ICA commissions and working groups were invited to join an ICA meeting in Vienna on 8–9 November 2015 to plan and discuss their activities for the term 2015–2019. 46 chairs, vice-chairs and members of the executive committee followed the invitation and spent two intensive workshop days at Technische Universität Wien.

Meeting participants

Commission chairs and vice-chairs

Working Group International Map Year

Executive Committee


More photos of the workshop can be found on the ICA Facebook page.

Get to know the new ICA commissions for the term 2015–2019

27 commissions and 3 working groups were elected for the term 2015–2019 by the ICA General Assembly 2015. We are currently in the process of updating the website to reflect these changes. Also some of the commissions are still preparing or updating their websites. In the meantime, we invite you to have a look at the short “Commissions at a glance” presentations, which the new commissions chairs gave during ICC 2015:


Updates on the Joint ICA Symposium on Cartography Beyond the Ordinary World

The organizers of the Joint ICA Symposium on Cartography Beyond the Ordinary World decided to extend the deadlines as follows:

  • Submission of abstracts: 10 April 2015
  • Notification of authors about acceptance: 23 April 2015
  • Submission of full papers and abstracts for posters together with the registration form: 26 May 2015
  • Arrival of registration form (for participants only) and payment: 10 June 2015

The ICA Commissions on Cartography and Children, Maps for Blind and Visually Impaired People, Planetary Cartography and Cartography for Early Warning and Crisis Management invite all of you to participate in this event. More detailed information can be found on the symposium website: niteroi2015.elte.hu

The event will be held in the Institute of Geosciences of the Fluminense Federal University in Niteroi (Brazil) during the 21st and 22nd of August, 2015 and it is organized within the International Map Year as well as the activities previous to ICC 2015 in Rio de Janeiro.

Looking forward to meeting you in Niteroi next August!

On behalf of the four participating commissions and local organizers,
Jesus Reyes
