Community Support


the Community Support Program aims to educate, provide direct care, and build the capacity of critical workers such as the community responders/ carers/ frontliners who directly serve and support the local communities, especially the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities in times of disaster or other crisis situations.

CSP extends a helping hand to care for the mental and emotional well-being of these community responders and empower them through training that will enable them to serve and care for more community members.


Access to short-term, high quality advocacy counseling services (pro bono and/or subsidized)

Training & Workshops

Be empowered through community-based learning and skill-building trainings

Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions

Virtual Mental Wellness Check

A one-on-one virtual intervention that checks in on the client to ask how he/she is doing in order to assess the person’s overall mental health and well-being, and identify any emotional or psychological support that may be needed by the individual.

Critical Incident Response

Critical Incident Response or CIR is a group crisis intervention that aims to foster the resiliency of individuals impacted by a traumatic/crisis event. It aims to provide an immediate psychological ice bag treatment on the emotional swelling caused by the trauma and assess the need of the participants for additional psychological support.

Kumustahan - MHPSS

Kumustahan is a psychosocial support intervention that serves as a safe space for those experiencing a lingering adverse situation to have a breather and help foster their resilience as they continue with life’s daily challenges. It aims to provide a safe space for the participants to identify their struggles, draw out their own resilient attributes and learn practical self-care techniques.


Here’s what some of our customers have to say:



For any immediate or in-the-moment emotional support, call our 24/7 CRISIS LINE. Our professionally trained responders are on standby to assist you.