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Sunday, Jul 21, 2024

Bihar govt’s information and public relations officers trained in ‘communication and media’ at MICA

In the past, MICA-CDMC has collaborated with several state governments across the country

MICAThe programme, in collaboration between the Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development (BIPARD) and MICA’s Centre for Development Management and Communication (CDMC), saw 27 newly inducted officials undergo on-campus training. Express photo

MICA Ahmedabad held a five-day training programme on ‘Effective Communication and Media Management’ for newly inducted officials of the Government of Bihar’s information and public relations department.

The programme, in collaboration between the Bihar Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development (BIPARD) and MICA’s Centre for Development Management and Communication (CDMC), saw 27 newly inducted officials undergo on-campus training.

Noopur Jha, who is assistant public relations director for the general administration department of the Bihar government, said, “Media is so dynamic that strategies need to evolve as we go. It is pertinent to know what is new, what is old, what is true and what is fake, what will get attention and what will create brand recall. The training allowed us a creative space to explore several nuances of new media, traditional media and communication.”


Another participant, Vineet Kumar Sinha, assistant director cum district public relations officer of the home department, said that in present times, “we cannot deny the significance of branding and new media.”

Professors Manisha Pathak Shelat and Ruchi Tewari, co-chairs of CDMC, said, “CDMC has collaborated with several state governments across the country, including Odisha, Kerala, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and our home state, Gujarat.”

First uploaded on: 08-07-2024 at 20:32 IST
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