Jul 02, 2024

Avoid these foods to fully enjoy your tea's flavour and health benefits

Siddhartha Jana

Tea's flavour and aroma can be affected by certain foods, diminishing its enjoyment and health benefits.

Source: Canva

Citrus fruits can cause digestive issues when consumed with tea due to their high acidity and tea's tannins.

Source: Canva

Iron-rich foods like spinach and red meat should be eaten separately from tea to ensure proper iron absorption.

Source: Canva

Spicy foods combined with tea can increase stomach acidity, causing indigestion and heartburn.

Source: Canva

High-calcium foods can reduce the absorption of tea's catechins, lessening its health benefits.

Source: Canva

Processed and sugary foods can counteract tea's stabilizing effects on blood sugar.

Source: Canva

Consuming cold foods with hot tea can disrupt digestion and cause nausea; wait 30 minutes after tea before eating cold foods.

Source: Canva

Black tea pairs well with mildly flavoured foods and dairy products but should be avoided with iron-rich and highly acidic foods.

Source: Canva

Green tea pairs well with light, fresh foods like salads and fish but should be avoided with dairy to preserve its antioxidants.

Source: Canva

Herbal teas are flexible in food pairing but should be consumed without strong-flavoured foods to avoid overpowering their delicate taste.

Source: Canva

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