Jun 28, 2024

Can soups replace a complete meal this monsoon?

Angshuman Maity

According to Lovneet Batra, an award winning nutritionist, "In monsoon it's advisable to avoid salad and uncooked veggies. A soup is great way to start your meal that packs fibre and reduces glucose spikes."

Source: Canva

Soups are a great way to stay hydrated as people don't feel the need to keep hydrating, but they are still sweating the same. A soup will help balance that.

Source: Canva

If prepared in the right way with vegetables and enough protein and some carbs, soups can be a truly healthy dish and be considererd as a complete meal.

Source: Canva

According to Lovneet Batra, "Monsoon brings a host of infections and soups are a great antidote for tims when you are sick. Freshly prepared vegetable soups wuth seasonings like ginger and black pepper stop certain white blood cells - neytrophils from congregating and causing inflammation which in turn triggers the body to produce mucus."

Source: Canva

Soup may reduce hunger and increase fullness. This may be due to the fibre present through vegetables and beans.

Source: Canva

Fiber is known to increase feeling if fullness by delaying gastric emptying and increasing stomach leads to your stomach being fuller for longer, which translates to reduced hunger. It also increases insulin sensitivity.

Source: Canva

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