Jul 04, 2024

Health risks of consuming sprouted potatoes

Siddhartha Jana

Potatoes are celebrated for their versatility and are staples in diverse cuisines, featuring in dishes like hash browns, biryanis, french fries, and samosas.

Source: Canva

When potatoes sprout, they develop harmful components such as glycoalkaloids and solanine, which can be toxic if consumed in large amounts.

Source: Canva

Consuming these harmful components can lead to stomach upset, heart and nervous system issues, and, in severe cases, can be fatal.

Source: Canva

It is important to remove sprouts and soft spots from potatoes at the early stages of sprouting to minimize health risks.

Source: Canva

Potatoes that have been sprouting for an extended period should be discarded to avoid the increased concentration of harmful substances.

Source: Canva

Increased levels of glycoalkaloids in sprouted potatoes can give them a bitter taste, making them unpleasant and potentially unsafe to eat.

Source: Canva

Sprouts can be effectively removed by using hands or a sharp vegetable peeler, followed by washing the potato to remove any dirt and remaining residues.

Source: Canva

To slow down the sprouting process, store potatoes in cool, dark, and dry places, and keep them away from fruits like apples and oranges that release ethylene gas, which accelerates sprouting.

Source: Canva

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