Jul 03, 2024

The hidden dangers of potato skin, tomato seeds and pepper pith

Siddhartha Jana

Ayurvedic practitioner Dr. Varalakshmi Yanamandra recommends avoiding nightshade vegetables like potato skin, tomato seeds, and pepper pith for those with cystic acne, autoimmune disorders, or joint pains due to their inflammatory alkaloids.

Source: Canva

Nightshades contain alkaloids, which are potent medicinal compounds and toxins that can trigger joint inflammation and irritate the digestive system.

Source: Canva

To reduce inflammation, it's important to discard the skin of potatoes, seeds of tomatoes, and the white pith of peppers during cooking.

Source: Canva

Potato skin is rich in dietary fibre, vitamins (C and B), and minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium), aiding digestion, immune health, and heart function.

Source: Canva

Potato skin may contain pesticide residues and natural toxins like glycoalkaloids, especially in green or sprouted potatoes, which should be avoided.

Source: Canva

Tomato seeds are rich in fibre, antioxidants like lycopene, and essential fatty acids, which support heart health and reduce cancer risk.

Source: Canva

Tomato seeds can be hard to digest for some individuals and may cause discomfort or exacerbate gastrointestinal conditions.

Source: Canva

The white pith of peppers provides additional fibre, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids, enhancing vitamin C absorption and offering anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Source: Canva

Proper washing and preparation of these vegetable parts can mitigate potential downsides, such as pesticide residue or bitter taste, while maximizing their nutritional benefits.

Source: Canva

Individuals with health issues should consult a doctor or dietitian for personalized dietary advice.

Source: Canva

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