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Instagram and Twitter failing to crack down on paedophiles stealing photos of child influencers

Campaigners have accused big tech firms of 'absolutely failing children' by allowing users who appear to be interested in child exploitation to operate on their platforms

Social media giants are failing to crack down on paedophiles who steal photos of child influencers and use them on fake profiles to network with others who have a sexual interest in children.

An i investigation found dozens of accounts on Twitter and Instagram that displayed stolen images of children with sexualised comments beneath them, some typed out with emojis.

Public accounts on Instagram had thousands of followers containing photos and videos of pre-teen girls, some where they were modelling or dancing, that were typically stolen from the profiles of their parents or guardians.

Campaigners have said that child influencers who are aspiring models, dancers or gymnasts are particularly at risk of their photos being taken because their content is readily available on mainstream social media.

Fake accounts on Twitter, seen by i, had names such as “daddy bait”, “teenie dreamer” and “my cutie collection”, with thousands of followers. When i brought these accounts to the social media giant’s attention, some were removed but not all of them.

The social media accounts had sexual comments beneath them mentioning the children’s bodies or asking for their names and also included signposts to the dark web.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) told i that innocuous images of child influencers are increasingly being scraped from accounts run by their parents and compiled to create such fake profiles.

People with a sexual interest in children flock to these so-called “tribute sites”, using them as a place to network and exchange tactics before linking to other areas of the internet – or dark web – where illegal forms of child abuse and exploitation take place.

Campaigners have accused big tech companies of “absolutely failing children” by allowing users who appear to be interested in child exploitation to operate on their platforms.

They welcome the return of the Online Safety Bill to Parliament this month after it was delayed over the summer, with hopes that it will improve protection for children online.

A day after i contacted Meta about the Instagram accounts, the accounts were taken down. A spokesperson said the company has “no tolerance for child exploitation” and that it removes “content that explicitly sexualises children, as well as more subtle types of sexualisation, where accounts share images of children alongside inappropriate commentary about their appearance”.

Twitter permanently suspended most of the accounts flagged by i for violating the rules and policies. However, one account remained.

The platform claims it has zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation, that it fights online child sexual abuse and that teams work hard to protect young people from harm. Twitter said when content depicting child sexual exploitation is flagged, it is removed and reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

But research has revealed that interactions involving harmful content relating to child abuse increased to nearly 20 million in 2021, rising from around 5.5 million in 2020, according to an annual report co-authored by WeProtect Global Alliance and CRISP Consulting.

Social media companies including Meta, TikTok and Twitter are currently under no legal obligation to remove “harmful but legal” content, meaning images that are technically legal but which may be facilitating child exploitation can be allowed to go unchecked.

The Online Safety Bill – due to return to Parliament this month – is expected to hold social media companies financially accountable for tackling content that might appear innocent on the surface but provides a gateway to child exploitation.

i previously reported that Ms Donelan is seeking to balance the protection of children with freedom of speech concerns.

A former version of the Bill included rules governing all “legal but harmful” content, but the culture secretary is expected to bring back an amended version dictating that the new laws will only apply to material targeted at children.

However, campaigners have complained that removing elements of the “legal but harmful” rules will mean it does not go far enough to protect children from harmful content.

This comes after the father of 14-year-old Molly Russell – who took her own life after viewing images of self-harm and suicide on social media – has demanded that children must urgently be “better protected” online.

The Prince of Wales also called for improved online safety for children in the wake of the coroner’s ruling that the material the teenager viewed before her death “was not safe”.

He said in a statement that online safety for children and young people must be a “prerequisite, not an afterthought”.

How is this happening?

The NSPCC said offenders are increasingly using fake profiles containing pictures of children to form online networks and organise abuse elsewhere on the internet, adding that it can be “incredibly distressing for parents and children to see their images stolen and used as ‘digital breadcrumbs’ leading abusers to other abusers and illegal material”.

It is not just popular accounts at risk of being appropriated, with charities warning that any publicly available content can find its way into the wrong hands due to social media algorithms.

“The way that a lot of these platforms are created, the algorithms kick in to essentially show you things that you’d have an interest in already,” said Richard Collard, Policy and Regulatory Manager at the NSPCC. “It starts this wheel of motion where abusers are in a circle of people they may recognise or people you may want to add and become friends with.”

i‘s investigation uncovered evidence of networks forming, with comments from adults asking to “share links” and to “trade [pizza emoji] on Telegram”. The pizza emoji is used as part of a secret code for child abuse.

Child online safety charities have documented the use of these “digital breadcrumbs” that signal abuse for years on Instagram.

Hannah Ruschen, Senior Child Safety Online Policy Officer at the NSPCC, said the ongoing existence of “tribute sites” is “clear evidence of people with a sexual interest in children using Instagram to organise abuse in plain sight and then carry it out on Telegram under the cover of end-to-end encryption”.

“Pizza or cheese pizza – and variations and emoji representations of these – are used frequently by child predators and individuals trading in child exploitation material,” said Lyn Kennedy from Collective Shout – a charity fighting the objectification of women and girls.

‘I never post pictures of my children on Facebook’

Jessica Shaw, from North London, has never posted pictures of her 11-year-old daughter on social media, having come from a children’s charity background.

“People share really lovely pictures of their kids, for example, in the bath but the child protection training in me just thinks that’s a no-no,” said the 46-year-old who now runs events management firm PACT Creative Training.

She told i: “People have an idea of the internet as this friendly thing that they’re sharing with their friends. But actually, anyone with any keyboard now can see anything they want.”

Ms Shaw said she understands that parents have good intentions when posting pictures of their children online but feels that “it’s our duty to protect our kids until such a time that they can make informed decisions for themselves”.

“The internet is a bit like the universe: it’s enormous and there’s no way of controlling what happens on it,” she said.

Ms Shaw added that another reason she refrains from posting is so her daughter can make her own choices about her online privacy when she is old enough.

“I do think it’s about their rights and privacy as well,” she said. “But sometimes people put pictures of your kids up online without asking you.”

Jessica Shaw has never posted any photos of her daughter online (Photo: Supplied)

Ms Kennedy, from the charity Collective Shout which fights the objectification of women and girls, said parents are right to be cautious and refraining from posting on social media is not an overly extreme measure to take.

She said: “As a parent, you only get one chance at this and I promise you, the predators want the kids and the social media platforms make it so easy for them to get access to them.”

Ms Kennedy advised setting up family messaging groups to share photos and videos of children instead.

Charities have accused social media companies of failing to swiftly remove exploitative content, even when it is flagged to them.

Ms Kennedy said social media companies are “very, very, very slow and reluctant to act” when she reports exploitative content, either saying they did not have time to review it, or that AI or human moderators decided it did not go against community guidelines.

“Meta claims there’s ‘no place’ for child exploitation on its platforms. At the same time, it facilitates it. It is absolutely failing children,” she said. “These platforms cannot claim to care about children’s safety while they service networks of child predators and aid the growing, global trade in child exploitation material.”

She added: “Meta know they have a problem on their platforms but are failing to tackle accounts, posts and comments that are obviously facilitating child sexual abuse.”

Who is at risk?

Child safety organisations have said any publicly available content could find its way onto a fake profile to be viewed by people with a sexual interest in children and urged parents to be careful of who follows private accounts.

“Anytime a child’s content is publicly available – meaning they don’t have privacy settings set to the maximum levels and people can engage with their content without approval – you are essentially giving predators open access to a child’s content,” said Ms Kennedy, from Collective Shout.

The charity, based in Australia but monitoring global online abuse, published a report this month that documented large networks of men scraping content from girls’ Instagram and TikTok accounts before posting it onto Twitter, where it is used to generate sexual discussions and commentary.

While it is impossible to verify whether the victims were asked for their consent, the report states: “We suspect in most instances the content is taken and re-shared non-consensually.”

Ms Kennedy described the internet as “a bottomless pit of risk for little girls”, explaining that although young boys are exploited too, it is largely images of young girls that are stolen by predominantly older men.

Child influencers who are aspiring models, dancers or gymnasts are particularly at risk because their content is readily available on mainstream social media, said Ms Kennedy, who is calling for parent-run accounts to be banned.

‘Social media firms have not prioritised safeguarding’

Clare, 43, from Dorset, does not post any content about her young children on social media because she fears there is “no safeguarding in place”.

“Unfortunately, I just don’t think that there’s protection in place from the companies who created these apps in order to make sure that nothing untoward happens,” she told i.

Before setting up her organisation Not Only Pink and Blue which fights gender stereotypes, the mother-of-two worked in advertising, specifically looking at data ethics.

Clare, 43, does not believe social media sites were set up with safeguarding in mind (Photo: Supplied)

She said: “Social media companies are not cracking down on things how they should be, both in terms of content children shouldn’t be seeing but also in terms of the horrible things that can happen with images. 

“There’s no safeguarding,” she claimed. “The algorithms can pick these things up very quickly but even when they are reported, they’re not taken down very quickly.”

Clare said big technology firms should have thought about safeguarding when they set up platforms and created algorithms but suggested that they “didn’t have the all the right people in the room”.

Mr Collard from the NSPCC said: “Ultimately, a lot of these platforms have not been designed with the protection of children in mind, which has allowed abusers to really take advantage of the systems that exist to create ease of abuse and grooming.

“The Online Safety Bill is the vehicle for stopping this but companies can act on a voluntary basis to stop this as well. They’re just choosing not to.”

Meta, TikTok and Twitter all claim that they have a zero-tolerance policy towards child exploitation and that they take steps to prevent, detect and remove accounts which pose dangers.

Most social media platforms state their age rating as 13+ as US data laws dictate that children must have permission from a parent or guardian to sign up below this age.

However, parents can circumvent this rule by setting up accounts using their own birthday, meaning there are “countless accounts for people under the age of 13” who are at risk of exploitation, said Ms Kennedy.

TikTok said it has a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of child sexual exploitation and that any content violating this policy is removed.

The platform claims to be strictly for people over the age of 13, and accounts belonging to anyone suspected to be younger are removed. Accounts belonging to anyone under the age of 16 are set to private meaning content cannot be downloaded and users must be “friends” in order to engage with each other.

Online Safety Bill

Under current laws, the images posted on social networks may not breach any criminal laws. However, the Online Safety Bill would give big technology firms a financial incentive to crack down on behaviour that is not illegal in itself – but clearly facilitates child abuse.

The NSPCC successfully lobbied for an amendment to the bill which would prevent abusers from using online platforms to organise in plain sight, posting “digital breadcrumbs” that signpost to illegal content.

The charity said the Government amendment goes “a long way to tackling this problem” as it would force tech firms to disrupt this content which acts as “a front door” to darker areas of the internet were child abuse and grooming takes place.

The landmark bill was due to pass through the House of Commons over the summer but will now return to Parliament this month.

Ms Ruschen from the NSPCC has welcomed the return of the bill, but called for a further amendment so that bosses at social media companies are individually held to account over child safeguarding issues.

She said: “The Culture Secretary has said she will toughen child protection measures in the legislation. That means putting a clear duty on firms to address how abusers organise and target children across various platforms simultaneously and to cooperate with other companies to prevent it.

“The Bill must hold senior managers of social media sites personally liable for putting children at risk of grievous harm so they can no longer prioritise profit over children’s safety.

What can parents do?

There are a number of precautions parents and carers can take to protect their children online.

The Internet Watch Foundation has issued the following advice:

  • Talk to your child about sexual abuse online. Start the conversation and listen to their concerns 
  • Agree on ground rules about the way you use technology as a family 
  • Learn about the platforms and apps your child loves and take an interest in their online life 
  • Know how to use tools, apps and settings that can help to keep your child safe online 

The NSPCC has issued advice for parents when posting images:

  • Think first about what those images contain, and never post pictures which show body parts normally covered by underwear
  • Make sure that there is nothing in the photos or videos, like school logos, road signs or club names which could allow a child’s location or identity to be recognised
  • Check the child is happy for the image to be shared, and turn on your privacy settings to ensure only people you are friends with can view your profile and photo
  • It is helpful to turn off geo-location settings so followers cannot work out where they live
  • If you want to upload an image that shows someone else’s child, they should ensure they have permission from their parents and the child first.

Lyn Kennedy, from Collective Shout, urged parents not to use hashtags as predators follow specific tags such as “tween” and “nine years old”.

A Meta spokesperson said: “We have no tolerance for child exploitation on our platforms and have removed the accounts brought to our attention. We remove content that explicitly sexualises children, as well as more subtle types of sexualisation, where accounts share images of children alongside inappropriate commentary about their appearance.

“We know there may be those who try and get around our systems, which is why we’re always working to make sure we stay one step ahead.”

A spokesperson from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport said: “Protecting children from online sexual exploitation and abuse is our top priority.

“That’s why, through the groundbreaking Online Safety Bill, we will force big tech firms to take proactive measures to prevent vulnerable children from falling victim to abuse. Companies which fail face huge fines or having their sites blocked.”

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