
Primary Prevention Initiatives

What are they?

Primary prevention initiatives are directed at the population at large with the goal of preventing the development of sexually abusive norms developing in our communities or trying to tackle those which might exist.

Example of a Primary Initiative

ATSA: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders
ATSA is an international, interdisciplinary, non-profit organization dedicated to making society safer by preventing sexual abuse. ATSA encourages sound research, effective practice, informed policy, and comprehensive prevention strategies, all designed to create safer communities.

• Represents more than 3,000 members from 20 countries.
• Sets practice standards and issues practice guidelines for individuals who treat adults and adolescents who have sexually offended or are at risk to offend.
• Produces the highly ranked peer-reviewed journal, Sexual Abuse.
• Contributes to the development of sound public policy and evidence-informed legislation.
• Provides continuing education classes taught by internationally known experts to help practitioners gain and maintain up-to-date training on evidence-based best practices.
• Hosts the world’s largest annual research and educational conference focused on issues related to the treatment and management of people who sexually offend.

On their website is a huge database of resources: infographics, handouts, and publications on a variety of topics relating to prevention. They also have a newsletter, research journal, and blog with the latest views and commentary on the field. Finally, they also have a number of effective practice guidelines based on their research.

Primary Prevention Initiatives

Photo by INHOPE

ATSA represents more than 3,000 members from 20 countries
