Crédit Agricole CIB

Credit Analysis (Corporate) Internship


RPC-SCS (Risk and Permanent Control – Secteurs Corporate et Structurés) is the department that manages the counterparty risk linked to banking activities/products and that works side-by-side to business lines and Front-Office in order to safeguard the bank’s risk positions.

As such, the team is in charge to review and assess the financial risk with reference to exposure with its clients (event-driven or on an annual basis).

The intern will support the team that conducts credit analyses for Corporate clients (mostly, but not limited to, Large-Caps) and will participate in drafting credit reviews both for prospect and existing clients to be presented either in local or Paris committees (or both).

Such an activity encompasses an in-depth quantitative and qualitative financial analysis (business model, sector analysis, historical and prospective financial analysis), which should result in making recommendations and gauging counterparty’s credit worthiness (i.e. rating calculation).

Learning objectives:

  • Developing an in-depth knowledge of financial statement analysis in order to assess counterparties’ financial stability;
  • understanding the underlying dynamics and trends of the industries where clients are active;
  • ability to effectively interact with Front-Office and Business Lines’ representatives;
  • understanding of Investment Banking’s business model and functioning.


  • Basic knowledge of financial statement analysis;
  • Proficiency in the use of the Office Package;
  • Commitment and ability to cope with tight deadlines;
  • Accuracy and problem-solving attitude;
  • Ability to perform complex analyses and synthesis;

Other information:

  • Availability from September 2024
  • Compensation: YES
  • Ticket lunch: YES
  • Livello di anzianità

  • Tipo di impiego

  • Funzione lavorativa

  • Settori

    Settore bancario, Servizi finanziari e Banche d'investimento

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