Skill Farm

Credit Analyst - Bari

Non accetta più candidature

Skill Farm Members are invited to apply for the following role:


analysis of the corporate structure and any business group, with identification of the economic entity of reference and beneficial owners;

reading, interpretation and analysis of historical and prospective financial statement data;

interpretation and re-elaboration of corporate business plans for the evaluation of the prospective sustainability of the debt;

discussion with the Manager for the evaluation of the positions under consideration, relations and discussions with customers and with colleagues from the Group Banks;

preparation of the documentation for the completion of contracts and related real, personal and state guarantees, in collaboration with the Loan Secretariat.

Skills & Qualifications:

excellent skills gained through previous experience in reading and interpreting historical and prospective financial statement data with particular attention to the ability to analyze economic/financial ratios and the cash flow statement;

knowledge of company evaluation methods and preparation of Business Plans;

attitude to customer relations and management;

autonomy accompanied by a good ability to work in a team;

degree in economics.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Esperienza minima
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Finanza e Vendite
  • Settori

    Banche d'investimento

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