Ramsey Campbell

scrittore britannico

John Ramsey Campbell (Liverpool, 4 gennaio 1946) è uno scrittore britannico noto per le sue storie dell'orrore.

John Ramsey Campbell
  • 1976 - La bambola che divorò sua madre (The Doll Who Ate His Mother), Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
  • 1977 - The Bride of Frankenstein
  • 1977 - Dracula's Daughter
  • 1977 - The Wolfman
  • 1979 - La faccia che deve morire (The Face That Must Die), Urania Horror, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
  • 1980 - The Parasite o To Wake the Dead
  • 1981 - La setta (The Nameless)
  • 1983 - Artigli nella notte (The Claw o Night of the Claw o Claw), Fanucci
  • 1983 - Sogni neri (Incarnate), Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
  • 1985 - Obsession
  • 1986 - Luna affamata (The Hungry Moon)
  • 1988 - Influssi maligni (The Influence), Sperling Paperback
  • 1989 - Antiche immagini (Ancient Images), Sperling Paperback
  • 1990 - Midnight Sun
  • 1990 - Needing Ghosts
  • 1991 - The Count of Eleven
  • 1993 - The Long Lost
  • 1995 - The One Safe Place
  • 1996 - La casa a Nazareth Hill (The House on Nazareth Hill o Nazareth Hill), Independent Legions Publishing
  • 1998 - The Last Voice They Hear
  • 2000 - Silent Children
  • 2001 - Pact of the Fathers
  • 2003 - The Darkest Part of the Woods
  • 2004 - The Overnight
  • 2006 - Secret Story
  • 2007 - The Grin Of The Dark
  • 2008 - Thieving Fear
  • 2009 - Creatures Of The Pool
  • 2010 - The Seven Days of Cain
  • 2010 - Solomon Kane
  • 2011 - Ghosts Know
  • 2012 - The Kind Folk
  • 2014 - Think Yourself Lucky
  • 2018 - Thirteen Days By Sunset Beach



Solo titoli usciti in Italia:




  • Horror Writers Association Life Achievement 1998
  • World Horror Grandmaster 1999
  • IHG Living Legend 2007

Altri progetti


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