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Discussioni utente:Krenair

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Ultimo commento: 9 anni fa, lasciato da Andyrom75 in merito all'argomento Downloaded information doubts


Ciao Krenair!

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--Andyrom bot (discussioni) 22:28, 28 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi

Downloaded information doubts[modifica]

As anticipated on IRC I would have a clarification on the fact that in* I can find reference to the following gadget that I haven't ticked on my preferences:

  • ext.gadget.QuickEdit
  • ext.gadget.EsconoDaQui
  • ext.gadget.HotCatMulti
  • ext.gadget.UMTR
  • ext.gadget.Twinkle ("mediawiki.util","jquery.ui.dialog","jquery.tipsy")
  • ext.gadget.UTCLiveClock
  • ext.gadget.popups
  • ext.gadget.Tourguidati

However no is downloaded

On the other hand I've thicked ImageMap but it's NOT present on* althoug I receive

Is all this normal?

Even if it's normal, sometimes load.php takes very long time to be loaded with a consequent overall delay on loading the whole page. Could you verify if there's anything that can be done?

Last thing. Can wikilove extension be settled as a gadget? I mean, is it possible to disable it by default an be loaded only by whom is interested on it?

Thanks, --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 00:13, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi

The startup module appears to register some modules that the client might not even load. ImageMap's file is loaded because a <script> tag is added to the page's source for it.
WikiLove is not a gadget. It could potentially be made off-by-default, but you should talk to the rest of the itwikivoyage community about that. --Krenair (discussioni) 01:05, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi
As far as you know:
  1. is it possible to receive a "clean" startup module?
  2. regading wikilove, if off-by-default, it would be possible to not receive its information when no activated? Currently, the startup module, includes also the information about it even if when it has been disabled by the preferences.
Finally, what about the delay on load.php loading? --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 08:49, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi
A clean startup module? What's unclean about the current one?
I don't think so. As a user you should just ignore the contents of the site's javascript.
I have no idea. --Krenair (discussioni) 21:19, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi
1) Is unclean the fact that I receive the information above described and that shouldn't be included in that file.
2&3) Ok to ignore it as a functionality, but the problem is that load.php takes too long to be loaded and this causes an overall delay on the whole site, so I'm trying to understand with you what is possible to do to improve performance. Any personal suggestion or people that you can involve in this discussion? --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 22:58, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi
Hmm. I think at this point it may be best to talk to someone like Krinkle rather than me. Sorry. --Krenair (discussioni) 23:05, 24 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi
No problem. I've just left him a note. Thanks. --Andyrom75 (discussioni) 05:28, 25 nov 2014 (CET)Rispondi