Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Mall:SS Lazio trupp (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 5
Luis Alberto Romero (edit)
Felipe Anderson (edit)
Luka Romero (edit)
Toma Bašić (edit)
Fisayo Dele-Bashiru (edit)

Total: 17
Adam Marušić (create)
André Anderson (create)
Christos Mandas (create)
Danilo Cataldi (create)
Diego González (create)
Gustav Isaksen (create)
Ivan Provedel (create)
Lagkapten (edit)
Marco Baroni (create)
Mario Gila (create)
Nicolò Casale (create)
Nicolò Rovella (create)
Patric (fotbollsspelare) (create)
SS Lazio (edit)
Saná Fernandes (create)
Serie A 2024/2025 (create)
Taty Castellanos (create)


Complete report...

Generated: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 19:21:23 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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