Li Patron

Li Patron Pro

Favorite films

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  • La Ciénaga


  • Le Bonheur


  • Tampopo


  • The Man with 1000 Kids


Recent reviews

  • La Ciénaga

    La Ciénaga


    I would rather be icy and standoffish with my racist blood relations than have icky sexual tension with them any day.

  • Le Bonheur

    Le Bonheur


    My partner, being prophetic: “I knew I’d see at least one breast in this movie.”

    Also, so much for a twist ending … the synopsis on HBO Max is a single-sentence spoiler.

Popular reviews

  • Cats


    Transfixing, purgatorial, and uncomfortable! I agree with the reviewer who said it is 1 star and 5 stars at once.

    Thanks to the scrappy, low-budget, zero-percent-horny rendition of this my Catholic school staged on the altar of our church (!!!) when I was in third grade, I belted out all the songs. Luckily for everyone, unlike the stars of this film, no one directed us to appear perpetually in heat.

  • Babes



    Had its funny/real moments, but I felt pretty depressed throughout about adult friendships and how people (me included!) struggle to show up for each other and/or form found families. What an isolating world! Also, did Eden have a trust fund or what?