
ian Patron

Favorite films

  • Phantom Thread
  • Petite Maman
  • A Tale of Winter
  • Bergman Island

Recent activity

  • Born Yesterday

  • Origin

  • Eileen

  • Point Break

Recent reviews

  • Born Yesterday

    Born Yesterday


  • Origin


    i don’t know what some people want. heavy handed? sure but why is subtly so god damn important? manipulative? yes but isn’t cinema by its very nature. this is a poetic work of art. as someone who was enormously impacted by caste: the origin of our discontents by Wilkerson, i was immensely floored by DuVernay’s vision. i don’t think its just the complex material that makes easy fodder for a tear jerking drama, i think this is a beautiful work…

Popular reviews

  • Actual People

    Actual People

    “This isn’t real life?”
    ”I hope not.” 

    Gal actually made a movie about what it’s like being a young person today. Shit got me. Shit got me good.

    As someone who dropped out of college just a year short of finishing and still struggles in a very real way with identity and purpose, this hit home on so many levels and was beyond charming! I love it!

  • Bernice Bobs Her Hair

    Bernice Bobs Her Hair

    there has never been anyone nor will there every be anyone like Shelley Duvall again. she had an energy all her own that no one could possibly touch and a presence that was both magically effervescent as well as sincere & grounded. she had a unique ability to tap into her innate eccentricities which never felt put upon. she never trained to be an actor but she didn’t need to. she just had IT. like no one had ever had IT…