LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey


The Statute PDF

Open Space Technology- Digest PDF

Job Description – ERA Executive Director PDF

Internal and External Communication PDF

ERA Fraud Corruption Whistleblower Policy PDF

ERA Workplace Rules of Procedures PDF

ERA Steering Board Working Procedures and Policies PDF

ERA Reimbursement of Travel Costs Policy and Procedures PDF

ERA Programme Overview on Economic Empowerment of LGBTI Persons PDF

ERA Principles on Inclusivity and Intersectionality PDF

ERA Policy on Mental Health and Wellbeing PDF

ERA Organogram PDF

ERA Complaint Mechanism Policy and Procedure PDF

ERA – Security Procedure PDF

ERA – Safety and Health Regulation PDF

COVID-19 protocol for ERA Regional Conference 14-15 December 2021 Tirana, Albania PDF

Code of Conduct PDF

Call for Proposals Time Is Now PDF