Wikimediauk-l May 2015
  • 29 participants
  • 24 discussions
News about the wikis for children
by Mathias Damour 29 Oct '15

29 Oct '15
4 4
Wikimeet survey
by Michael Peel 05 Oct '15

05 Oct '15
8 14
Forthcoming editathons
by Andy Mabbett 22 Jul '15

22 Jul '15
2 3
Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Wikimeet survey
by Gordon Joly 01 Jul '15

01 Jul '15
10 14
Why I love Wikisource
by Martin Poulter 02 Jun '15

02 Jun '15
6 7
Moderation of Fae
by Fæ 02 Jun '15

02 Jun '15
1 1
Gender gap on Women's Hour
by Charles Matthews 01 Jun '15

01 Jun '15
2 1
Wikipedia on Woman's Hour
by Andy Mabbett 28 May '15

28 May '15
1 0
3D Files
by Edward Saperia 26 May '15

26 May '15
3 2
Moderation of Fae
by Michael Peel 25 May '15

25 May '15
3 3