Topic on Project:Support desk

How to install old backup?

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)

How to install old backup?

I'm not sure if this is a backup generated by MediaWiki, by an MW plugin, or by the webhost.

How to install on a new host?

The directory top level looks like this:

Volume in drive C has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 24DB-CF61

Directory of C:\Users\johna\OneDrive\Documents\Guns\New Install 1-30-2021\Unzip\mw19.421_78457.2021-02-06_04-22-32

02/04/2023  02:14 PM    <DIR>          .

01/26/2023  08:47 AM    <DIR>          ..

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          tests

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          skins

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          resources

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          cache

01/31/2021  03:44 PM    <DIR>          cgi-bin

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          mw-config

02/01/2021  12:58 AM    <DIR>          maintenance

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          languages

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          vendor

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          includes

02/03/2021  04:39 AM    <DIR>          images

02/01/2021  12:20 AM    <DIR>          docs

02/03/2021  01:26 PM    <DIR>          extensions

11/04/2019  11:39 PM                95 FAQ

12/18/2020  05:08 AM         1,151,718 HISTORY

02/04/2023  02:15 PM                 0 dir.txt

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             8,245 img_auth.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM            13,101 CREDITS

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             1,977 index.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             3,581 INSTALL

11/04/2019  11:39 PM            19,421 COPYING

11/04/2019  11:39 PM               102 composer.local.json-sample

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             1,951 load.php

02/05/2021  09:12 AM            13,780 LocalSettings.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             4,752 composer.json

12/18/2020  05:08 AM               168

02/06/2021  04:22 AM             2,249 mw19.421_78457.2021-02-06_04-22-32

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             4,610 opensearch_desc.php

03/20/2018  04:32 PM                22 phpinfo.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             1,525

12/18/2020  05:15 AM            90,300 RELEASE-NOTES-1.35

12/18/2020  05:08 AM           156,532 autoload.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM               998 rest.php

11/04/2019  11:39 PM               199 SECURITY

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             4,490 api.php

02/06/2021  04:23 AM         1,633,146 softperms.txt

02/06/2021  04:22 AM         2,666,914 softsql.sql

02/02/2021  06:03 PM               108 .htaccess

12/18/2020  05:08 AM            23,539 thumb.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             1,439 thumb_handler.php

12/18/2020  05:08 AM            12,142 UPGRADE

12/18/2020  05:08 AM             1,428 jsduck.json

              29 File(s)      5,818,532 bytes

              15 Dir(s)   9,859,399,680 bytes free

Bawolff (talkcontribs)
This post was hidden by Johnywhy (history)
Johnywhy (talkcontribs)

softsql.sql appears to be a full dump. Trying now.

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)


- Do i simply run the following in mysql admin?

mysql -u wikidb_user -p wikidb < dump_of_wikidb.sql

- Create an empty db first?

- Should i get old username/pw from backup? Where?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

You can check the sql file to see if it creates the database (see if it has a line like CREATE DATABASE, somewhere near the beginning after the SETs).

The username/password is for your db server. It might not be the same as the one for the old site. The old site db username/password would be in LocalSettings.php (look for $wgDBname, $wgDBpass )

Johnywhy (talkcontribs)

Thx! Here's the beginning of the sql file. As you can see, it's a Softaculous backup. That scares me. I'm worried something will fail. Is it a MediaWiki .sql file? Or a Softaculous .sql file? Same thing?

It appears there's no CREATE, so i believe i need to create a new db. To avoid any changes to the .sql file, i assume i should use the same db name for the new db. And ensure the username/pw match the values in LocalSettings.php

-- Softaculous SQL Dump



-- Host: localhost

-- Generation Time: February 6, 2021, 4:22 am

-- Server version: 10.3.27

-- PHP Version: 7.3.6


SET time_zone = "+00:00";




/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;


-- Database: `gunsywtx_retort`


-- --------------------------------------------------------


-- Table structure for table `account_credentials`


CREATE TABLE `account_credentials` (

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

So yes, it probably wants you to create the database first.

The format is a mysql dump file. This is a pretty standard way to backup a database.

the first table in what you posted is namdd account_credentials. That is not a table name mediawiki uses, but it could be a mediawiki extension, or possibly the db backup has both mediawiki and non mediawiki things.

Keep the file around. If something goes wrong you can always start over and try again.

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