6 resistance band workouts for muscle bulk up

Resistance bands offer a convenient and safe way to strengthen muscles and tone the body. With varying tension levels and versatile exercises, they provide a portable and effective workout solution. Incorporate resistance band workouts into your routine to improve muscle mass and overall fitness.
6 resistance band workouts for muscle bulk up
Having a busy schedule and not having enough time to exercise are two of the challenges of living in a technologically driven world. Thus, it is important to incorporate exercises that strengthen the muscles and tone the body into your schedule.
Therefore, it is important to create a schedule and incorporate exercises that strengthen muscles and tone up the body.
Resistance bands fulfil this requirement as it helps in gaining strength and facilitate weight loss.
Typically, resistance bands are highly elastic and have differing tension levels for different sets of exercises. They are also useful for rehabilitation and strength training. The resistance applied during band stretching engages muscles akin to traditional weightlifting methods, such as free weights or weightlifting machines.
According to a study by Harvard Health Publishing, an average human loses three to five percent of his muscle mass by the age of 30 years. This loss can be delayed or even reversed with resistance bands.
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Let’s list down some of the benefits of resistance band exercises:
Portable: Unlike other exercising tools, resistance bands are portable, lightweight and can be fitted anywhere.
Safe: As compared to a weight or a dumbbell which can accidently slip from the hands and fall on the feet causing injury, there’s no such risk with resistance bands.
Diverse: Resistance bands can be used for any unlimited movement of every muscle group.

Can be modified: Adjusting resistance levels with resistance bands is a hassle-free process compared to traditional free weights, where obtaining additional equipment is often necessary. If you require more or less resistance during your workout, simple adjustments can be made without the need for extra gear. To increase tension, move your hands closer to the centre of the band or double it up for added challenge. Conversely, if you find the resistance too intense, sliding your hands towards the ends of the band reduces tension effectively.

Here are some resistance band workouts

Squat with overhead press: Besides improving the mobility of the ankle, hips and shoulders, resistance band workouts lead to the strengthening of lower and upper bodies. It also improves cardiovascular health.
Assisted band pulls: This exercise is done by looping the resistance band around a pull up bar. Thereafter, the knee or foot is inserted in the hanging loop. It’s fantastic exercise for the upper body.
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Banded Bicep Curls: Bended bicep curls contribute to the overall development of arms and help in shedding off any extra flab by isolating and strengthening the biceps. During this exercise, you hold the handles or ends of the resistance band at your sides while holding the handles or ends with your palms facing forward. Keep your elbows close to your body and curl the bands upward towards your shoulders, contracting your biceps at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the bands back to the starting position, controlling the resistance.
Banded Rows: These are meant to strengthen the lower back muscles and help in overall muscle growth besides strengthening the body. Place the resistance band to a stable surface at waist height and hold the bads from both ends.
Thereafter, take a few paces back to create band tension. Take a staggered stance, with one foot in front of the other. Pull the band towards your torso, keeping your elbows close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. Then slowly release and return to the starting position, resisting the pull of the band.
Chest Press: This exercise strengthens multiple muscle groups, including the biceps, triceps deltoids, serratus pectorals and anterior. Perform a chest press by positioning the resistance band behind your back, gripping both ends in your hands. Begin with your arms at your sides and elbows bent. Extend your arms forward, straightening your elbows, and hold the position for one second.
Clamshells: Besides strengthening the glute and back muscles, you can engage in clamshells by lying on your side with one leg on top of the other, knees slightly bent. Loop the resistance band around both thighs. Keep your feet together and lift your top knee, resembling the motion of a clamshell opening. Alternate sides after each set.

How to choose the best bands?

Choose a set of bands with varying resistances, or tension levels. Bands often are colour-coded, with greater tension offered as the band colours get darker. It’s important to ensure you adhere to safety and take proper precautions to avoid any injury. Before you begin your exercise, tug the band firmly when attaching it to ensure that it’s fastened safely. It’s a good idea to wear appropriate footwear and prevent slipping while exercising. A regular inspection of bands to detect any signs of wear and tear is critical as ignoring this can lead to a hazardous situation.
Bands of varying resistance or tension can be selected. Safety should be adhered to and precautions should be taken to prevent injury. To ensure that the band is securely fastened, tug it firmly when you attach it before you begin exercising. When exercising, it's a good idea to wear appropriate footwear and avoid slipping. Wear and tear can lead to hazardous situations if bands are not checked regularly to detect signs of the same.

No Gym Needed: Try This Effective Home Workout To Get Fit Quickly

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