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Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika
Rèvisi per 1 Junè 2023 11.19 bi' Veracious (kanḍhâ | dhurrun) (←Membuat halaman berisi '-- This module holds configuration data for Module:Shortcut. return { -- The heading at the top of the shortcut box. It accepts the following parameter: -- $1 - the total number of shortcuts. (required) ['shortcut-heading'] = 'Pintasan:', -- The error message to display when a shortcut is invalid (is not a string, or -- is the blank string). It accepts the following parameter: -- $1 - the number of the shortcut in the argument li...')
(bhidhâ) Rèvisi sabelluna | Rèvisi jângkènè (bhidhâ) | Rèvisi lebbi anyar → (bhidhâ)

Dokumentasi untuk modul ini dapat dibuat di Modul:Shortcut/config/doc

-- This module holds configuration data for [[Module:Shortcut]].

return {

-- The heading at the top of the shortcut box. It accepts the following parameter:
-- $1 - the total number of shortcuts. (required)
['shortcut-heading'] = '[[Wikipedia:Jalan pintas|Pintasan]]:',

-- The error message to display when a shortcut is invalid (is not a string, or
-- is the blank string). It accepts the following parameter:
-- $1 - the number of the shortcut in the argument list. (required)
['invalid-shortcut-error'] = 'pintasan #$1 tidak sah (pintasan harus ' ..
	'mempunyai setidaknya satu karakter)',

-- The error message to display when no shortcuts or other displayable content
-- were specified. (required)
['no-content-error'] = 'Galat: tidak ada pintasan yang ditentukan ' ..
	mw.text.nowiki('|msg=') ..
	' parameter tidak ditentukan.',

-- A category to add when the no-content-error message is displayed. (optional)
['no-content-error-category'] = 'Templat pintasan tanpa parameter',