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Licensing update/Options and suffrage: Difference between revisions

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* 投票资格
* 投票资格
** 在2009年3月15日之前必须至少有25次编辑
** 在2009年3月15日之前必须至少有25次编辑
** 不允许[[bot]]
** 不[[bot]]
** 不允许是被封禁的用户
** 不是被封禁的用户

* 投票选项
* 投票选项

Revision as of 09:15, 31 March 2009

These will be the available options given for the Licensing update vote. We need your help to have it provided in an as many languages as possible. Please translate the following text into your own language(s) and post it in a section below.

{{cn translation status|qqq|ready}}
* Eligibility
** Must have made 25 edits prior to March 15, 2009
** Must not be a [[bot]]
** Must not be a blocked user

* Voting options
** Yes, I am in favor of this change
** No, I am opposed to this change
** I do not have an opinion on this change

The statuses for {{cn translation status}} are:

  •  progress  — Use this when the translation is in progress and not finished
  •  needs updating  — Use this when the translation needs to be updated
  •  proofreading  — Use this when the translation is complete but you want it to be reviewed by others
  •  ready  — Use this when the translation is complete and you want it to be posted
  •  published This is only for Meta-Wiki administrators. Use this once the translation has been posted to CentralNotice.
  • In all cases, if you update or fix the translation, always change the status to  ready  or  done  again.

If you do not update the status, your update may not be done and your work will go to waste!


  • en/English (published)
  • Eligibility
    • Must have made 25 edits prior to March 15, 2009
    • Must not be a bot
    • Must not be a blocked user
  • Voting options
    • Yes, I am in favor of this change
    • No, I am opposed to this change
    • I do not have an opinion on this change


  • es/español (ready)
  • Elegibilidad
    • Debe haber realizado 25 ediciones previas al 15 de marzo de 2009
    • No debe ser un bot
    • No debe ser un usuario bloqueado
  • Opciones de votación
    • Sí, estoy a favor de este cambio
    • No, estoy en contra de este cambio
    • No tengo una opinión de este cambio


  • id/Bahasa Indonesia (ready)
  • Harus memenuhi syarat
    • Telah membuat 25 suntingan sebelum 15 Maret 2009
    • Bukan sebuah bot
    • Bukan seorang pengguna yang diblokir
  • Pilihan pemungutan suara
    • Ya, Saya setuju dengan perubahan ini
    • Tidak, Saya menentang perubahan ini
    • Saya tidak punya pendapat berkenan perubahan ini


  • ms/Bahasa Melayu (ready)
  • Kelayakan
    • Telah melakukan 25 suntingan sebelum 15 Mac 2009
    • Bukan merupakan bot
    • Bukan seorang pengguna yang disekat
  • Pilihan undi
    • Ya, saya menyokong perubahan ini
    • Tidak, saya menentang perubahan ini
    • Saya tidak mempunyai pendapat mengenai perubahan ini


  • pl/polski (ready)
  • Uprawnieni do głosowania:
    • Użytkownicy, którzy przed 15 marca 2009 wykonali przynajmniej 25 edycji
    • Użytkownik taki nie może być botem
    • Użytkownik taki nie może być zablokowany
  • Opcje głosowania
    • Tak, jestem za tą zmianą
    • Nie, jestem przeciw zmianom
    • Nie mam opinii, wstrzymuję się


  • ko/한국어 (ready)
  • 투표자격
    • 2009년 3월 15일 까지 25회 이상의 편집기여가 있어야 합니다.
    • 봇 사용자는 참여할 수 없습니다.
    • 차단당한 사용자는 참여할 수 없습니다.
  • 투표
    • 예, 나는 라이센스 변환에 찬성합니다.
    • 아니오, 나는 라이센스 변환에 반대합니다.
    • 나는 라이센스 변환에 대하여 찬반의견을 표시하지 않겠습니다.


  • vi/Tiếng Việt (ready)
  • Điều kiện bỏ phiếu
    • Đã thực hiện ít nhất 25 sửa đổi trước ngày 15 tháng 3 năm 2009
    • Không phải bot
    • Đang không bị cấm
  • Các tùy chọn bỏ phiếu
    • Vâng, tôi đồng ý với thay đổi này
    • Không, tôi phản đối thay đổi này
    • Tôi không có ý kiến gì về thay đổi này


  • yue/粵語 (needs proofreading)
  • 資格
    • 響2009年3月15號一定要有25次編輯
    • 一定唔可以係機械人
    • 一定唔可以係被封鎖嘅用戶
  • 投票選項
    • 係,我贊成呢次嘅修改
    • 唔係,我反對呢次嘅修改
    • 我對呢次嘅修改冇意見


  • 投票选项
    • 是的,我赞成这次修改
    • 不,我反对这次修改
    • 我对这次修改没有意��