Pengtai eCommerce SEA

Pengtai eCommerce SEA

Teknologi, Maklumat dan Internet

We Create Connected Experiences That Matter

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Cheil Greater China (hereinafter referred to as CGC), composed of the companies including Cheil China, PengTai Interactive Advertising co.,ltd (CPTi), PengTai China co.,ltd (CPTc), PengTai E-Commerce co.,ltd (CPTe), ColourData, etc., has about 1400 employees in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Taipei and Seoul. CGC proposes a concept called eFDM (end to end Fully Digitalized Marketing), from the marketing end to the sales end of business chain, which means a multi-functional platform including consumer analysis, brand strategy, advertising creativity, e-commerce operation and offline activities is built on the basis of data technology to provide clients with the services in the field of integrated marketing. We link brands with right consumers and creates the experience of multiply interaction. Cheil global network is distributed in 45 countries around the world, composed of Cheil Worldwide, Barbarian, BMB, Cheil Centrade, Cheil PengTai, ColourData, Experience Commerce, Iris, McKinney and One RX.

Teknologi, Maklumat dan Internet
Saiz syarikat
1,001 - 5,000 pekerja
Ibu pejabat
Kuala Lumpur
Syarikat Awam
ecommerce, livecommerce, platform enabler


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    Thrilled to have had the opportunity to visit our HQ CheilPengtai in Beijing,China. It was inspiring to witness the innovative spirit and dedication of the team in action. The vibrant atmosphere at CheilPengtai was palpable as everyone worked together towards a common goal. The team's relentless pursuit of excellence and their ability to think outside the box truly left a lasting impression on South East Asia Team. We left Beijing feeling motivated and eager to implement the same level of passion and creativity in our work. The CheilPengtai team's commitment to pushing boundaries was evident in the groundbreaking campaigns they had executed. Their ability to seamlessly blend digital advertising strategies was truly impressive. As we returned to Malaysia, we were determined to foster a similar culture of innovation and teamwork within our own teams. We were excited to share our experiences with our colleagues and begin implementing new ideas that would drive our own groundbreaking live commerce campaigns in South East Asia. Live commerce is taking on Southeast Asia. #livecommerce #LivecommerceSEA

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  • Lihat laman organisasi Pengtai eCommerce SEA, grafik

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    Embrace the era of Live Commerce! 🎥✨ Imagine combining the thrill of live entertainment with the convenience of online shopping. That's the heart of Live Commerce—the revolutionary way consumers engage with your brand in real-time! Long gone are the days of passive browsing; welcome interactive sessions that captivate and convert. This isn't just shopping; it's an event, a show where every view is a potential purchase, and every click is a standing ovation. With Live Commerce, we bring the buzz of a bustling market straight to the screens, turning viewers into an eager audience waiting for that 'add to cart' encore. Are you ready to deliver an immersive shopping spectacle? To transform your customers into an excited community, discussing, sharing, and shopping - all in one stream? 👉 Tap 'Like', drop a comment to join the conversation, or slide into our DMs to explore how our Live Commerce services can skyrocket your brand above the rest! #LiveCommerce #ShoppingRevolution #EntertainmentMeetsECommerce #BrandExperience

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  • 📲💬 From Clicks to Conversations: Transforming E-Commerce with Live Streaming 🛍️🌟 The e-commerce landscape is evolving from a series of clicks to a flow of conversations. Live streaming is the powerful force behind this transformative shift. How is streaming turning shopping carts into interactive experiences? Let’s dive in. Engagement Beyond the Screen Live streaming isn’t just about watching; it's about engaging. It transforms passive viewers into active participants, creating a two-way dialogue that’s rich and personable. Instant Gratification With the ability to see products in action and purchase them instantly, live streaming caters to the modern consumer’s desire for immediacy. Enhanced Transparency Live interactions allow brands to demonstrate product uses and answer questions in real-time, building trust and transparency that text and images alone cannot achieve. Community Building These platforms allow brands to cultivate a community, turning each live session into a gathering of like-minded individuals who share interests and make connections. Real-Time Data Live streaming offers instant feedback and data on viewer preferences and behaviors, enabling brands to adapt and tailor their offerings quickly. This shift marks a new era in e-commerce, one that focuses on humanizing digital interactions and creating memorable shopping experiences that resonate on a personal level. 🔍 Interested in transforming your e-commerce strategy with live streaming? Explore how live streaming can not only increase your sales but also build a loyal community around your brand. 💬 What are your thoughts on live streaming in e-commerce? Have you experienced a live shopping event that caught your attention? Share your views in the comments and like this post if you find live streaming a fascinating e-commerce trend! For more insights and guidance on integrating live streaming into your strategy, message us directly. #LiveStreamingEcommerce #DigitalTransformation #EcommerceTrends #OnlineShoppingExperience #InteractiveEcommerce

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  • 🌟🎥 The Role of Influencers in Shaping Live Commerce Strategies 💬✨ In the bustling realm of e-commerce, influencers are the newfound pillars shaping the trajectory of Live Commerce strategies. Their impact? It's immense and multidimensional. Here’s why: Authentic Engagement Influencers are adept at creating organic connections. Their authentic interactions are now pivotal, converting viewers into buyers with trust as the currency. Targeted Outreach Their profound understanding of audiences enables pinpoint precision in target marketing. This is not just outreach; it's about reaching the heart of the consumer narrative. Creative Showmanship Live commerce thrives on entertainment. Influencers bring this in spades, turning each live event into a must-see spectacle. Trust Transference When a trusted influencer showcases a product, their credibility transfers to the brand. This trust transference is the cornerstone of influencer impact. Content Diversity They expand Live Commerce beyond sales, introducing a mix of tutorials, storytelling, and lifestyle content that entices and retains a diverse audience. Immediate Feedback Loop Real-time interactions mean immediate feedback. Influencers help brands gauge reactions and adjust strategies on the fly. It’s agile marketing at its best. In the age of digital influence, influencers are no longer just faces. They are strategic partners, key to unlocking the potential of Live Commerce. Their involvement elevates brand narratives, turning live sessions into community experiences loaded with value and excitement. 📈 Ready to harness the power of influencers in your Live Commerce strategy? Discover how influencer collaborations can transform your brand's live shopping events into a powerhouse of engagement and sales. 💬 Have you seen influencers shape shopping experiences? Share your stories, ideas, or questions below! If you think it's time to revitalize your strategy with influencer magic, like this post and message us for more insights. #InfluencersInEcommerce #LiveCommerceStrategies #DigitalMarketing #BrandInfluence #EngagingEcommerce

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  • Lihat laman organisasi Pengtai eCommerce SEA, grafik

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    🚀🌟 Emerging Trends in Live Commerce: What to Watch in 2023 📱💫 As we propel further into the digital age, Live Commerce stands at the forefront of transforming online shopping into an interactive, engaging, and personal journey. Here’s a glance at the innovative trends shaping Live Commerce in 2023: 1. Augmented Reality Integrations Imagine trying on glasses, makeup, or clothes through your screen. Augmented Reality (AR) is making this possible, offering a 'try before you buy' experience, all from the comfort of your home. 2. Influencer Collaborations Influencers are becoming key players in Live Commerce, leveraging their vast followings to bring authenticity and trust to brands. Their involvement is set to deepen, with more curated live events and partnerships. 3. AI-Driven Personalization AI is enhancing the live shopping experience, providing viewers with personalized product recommendations based on their viewing history and preferences, mimicking an in-store assistant's advice. 4. Interactive and Shoppable Videos Videos that allow viewers to click and shop items directly from the content will become more sophisticated, blending entertainment with instant shopping gratification. 5. Sustainability and Transparency Focus Consumers increasingly favor brands that demonstrate sustainability and transparency. Live Commerce sessions dedicated to showcasing a brand’s eco-friendly efforts and ethical practices are expected to rise, building a loyal and conscious customer base. As Live Commerce evolves, these trends signify just the beginning of how technology and consumer behavior will shape the future of online shopping. This blend of innovation, interactivity, and personalization will define the new norm in e-commerce, offering unprecedented opportunities for brands and consumers alike. 🌐 Eager to stay ahead in the Live Commerce curve? Explore how these emerging trends can revolutionize your brand strategy and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. 💬 What trends are you most excited about? Any predictions for Live Commerce in 2023? Share your thoughts below! Like if you’re ready to embrace the future of shopping, and message us for more insights into leveraging Live Commerce for your brand. #LiveCommerce #EcommerceTrends2023 #DigitalInnovation #OnlineShoppingEvolution #FutureOfRetail

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    🌐🛍️ Why Live Commerce is a Game-Changer for E-Commerce Brands 🚀💡 In a digital marketplace brimming with competition, standing out can be a challenge. Enter Live Commerce, a dynamic fusion of live streaming and e-commerce that is redefining the playbook for brands online. Here’s why this innovative model is a game-changer: Real-Time Connection Live commerce breaks down the virtual barrier, allowing brands to connect with their audience in real-time. This immediate interaction fosters a sense of community and engagement unmatched by traditional online shopping. Enhanced Trust Seeing is believing. Live demonstrations and Q&As during streams instill confidence in shoppers, significantly influencing purchasing decisions. Personalized Experience Live commerce provides a platform for personalized shout-outs and recommendations, making each session a tailor-made shopping experience. Increased Conversion Rates The power of live engagement translates to higher conversion rates. The immediacy of the purchase option during a live event capitalizes on customer impulse, boosting sales significantly. Content Versatility Beyond just a sales pitch, live streams can offer tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, and influencer collaborations, providing content that is both valuable and entertaining. Live Commerce represents a significant leap forward, transforming passive online shopping into an interactive and immersive digital experience. It's not just about selling; it's about engaging, entertaining, and connecting in real-time. 🔥 Ready to elevate your brand with Live Commerce? Dive deeper into how Live Commerce can revolutionize your brand's online presence. Let's explore the strategies that will set you apart in the digital sphere. 💬 Curious about implementing Live Commerce? Have insights to share on its impact? Comment below! Like this post and message us for a deep dive into turning live commerce into a powerhouse for your e-commerce strategy. #LiveCommerce #EcommerceEvolution #DigitalMarketing #OnlineShopping #BrandEngagement

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    🎥✨ 5 Ways Live Commerce Is Revolutionizing Online Shopping 🛍️💡 The digital universe is constantly expanding, and at the heart of its latest leap is Live Commerce, the innovative blend of live streaming and e-commerce. Here's a snapshot of the five transformative impacts of live commerce on the online shopping world: 1. Interactive Purchasing Experiences Imagine having the ability to interact with sellers, ask questions, and get live demos before clicking 'buy.' It's shopping made conversational and engaging! 2. Personalized Recommendations Live hosts can now respond to your preferences on-the-spot. This tailored shopping experience feels like you have a personal shopper, directly through your screen. 3. Enhanced Trust See products in action and hear testimonials in real time. There’s nothing quite like the peace of mind when you witness the value of a product live. 4. The Entertainment Factor Shopping meets entertainment. Live commerce sessions are often packed with fun – they're events you don't want to miss! 5. Real-time Exclusivity Flash sales, live discounts, and exclusive offers. Being part of the live audience can mean snagging a deal that's here now and gone in minutes. In essence, Live Commerce isn't just changing how we shop; it's offering an entirely new shopping venue, one that’s personal, interactive, and immediate. 🌟 Interested in integrating Live Commerce into your online strategy? Discover how live commerce can redefine your customer's shopping journey and set your brand apart. 💬 Have you participated in live commerce? Share your experiences below! If you're intrigued by the integration of live streaming in online shopping, hit like and message us for more revolutionary insights. #LiveCommerce #OnlineShoppingRevolution #DigitalRetail #EcommerceInnovation #EngagingShopping

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    🛍️ The Evolution of Shopping: From E-Commerce to Live Commerce 📲🎥 The digital era has ushered in a shopping revolution. Gone are the days when e-commerce was a novel concept—today, we're witnessing the dawn of a new era: live commerce. This fusion of livestreaming and shopping is redefining consumer experiences, blending instant gratification with interactive elements. From Clicks to Live Interactions E-Commerce: It began with the convenience of shopping from anywhere, transforming the retail landscape. Mobile Shopping: As smartphones became ubiquitous, shopping evolved to be more accessible, making every moment a potential shopping opportunity. Social Shopping: The rise of social media platforms integrated shopping features, making it a social experience. Live Commerce: Today, live commerce combines the immediacy of live video with the ability to purchase in real-time, offering an interactive, engaging experience unlike any before. Why Live Commerce is a Game-Changer Real-Time Engagement: Shoppers can ask questions and get instant responses, making the shopping experience interactive and personalized. Enhanced Trust: Seeing products in use and being able to query about them in real time builds confidence in purchasing decisions. Entertainment Value: Live commerce is not just about shopping; it's an entertaining experience that keeps viewers hooked. The leap from e-commerce to live commerce marks a pivotal shift in consumer behavior. It emphasizes the need for brands to adapt, engage, and entertain in real-time. 🚀 Keen to explore the potential of live commerce for your brand? Dive into the future of shopping with us. Discover how live commerce can elevate your customer experience and drive sales. 💬 Have insights or thoughts about the transition from e-commerce to live commerce? Share them in the comments! Like if you're excited about the future of shopping, and message us for more insights and strategies. #LiveCommerce #EcommerceEvolution #DigitalShopping #InnovationInRetail #FutureOfShopping

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    🚀 Adapting to Change: Navigating Ecommerce Trends in 2024 🌐⏩ As we propel into 2024, the eCommerce landscape continues its rapid evolution, driven by shifting consumer behaviors, emerging technologies, and transformative market dynamics. Staying ahead requires agility, foresight, and a readiness to embrace change. Why Adaptability Matters in Ecommerce Consumer Expectations are Evolving: Today's online shoppers expect more – from personalized experiences to lightning-fast delivery services. Technology is Accelerating: Innovations such as AI, augmented reality, and advanced data analytics are reshaping how we engage with our customers. Competition is Intensifying: As more businesses pivot online, standing out in a crowded marketplace is more challenging and more crucial than ever. Strategies to Stay Ahead Stay Informed: Keep abreast of emerging trends and technologies that could impact your business. Invest in Tech: Leverage new technologies to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations. Flexibility is Key: Develop a flexible business model that can quickly adapt to market changes and consumer needs. we understand that the current meta of many of our social media platforms is changing. The journey through 2024 and beyond promises to be exhilarating, with ample opportunities for those prepared to adapt and innovate. 📈 Ready to harness the trends shaping eCommerce in 2024? Let’s discuss strategies that can keep your business ahead of the curve. Innovation isn’t just about adopting new technologies, it's about transforming them into business opportunities. 💬 Got insights or questions about adapting to eCommerce changes? Share them in the comments! Like if you're excited about the future of eCommerce, and message us for more information on staying ahead in 2024. #EcommerceTrends #BusinessAdaptability #FutureOfEcommerce #Innovation #MarketTrends2024

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