India Games Market Reports Series

Niko’s 2024 India Games Market Reports are presented in an all-new way. We now offer one Market Model report (May), one Gamer Behavior & Market Insights Report (July-September), and one Market Model Update Report (November). Each report includes sections on PC, mobile and console segments.

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Key takeaways from the India Market Model Report

  • The India video games market generated revenue of $830 million in 2023, up 15.9% YoY, a slight decline from the 19% growth in 2022.
  • 3% of gamers spend money on video games, with monthly ARRPU standing at $0.29.
  • The India video games market is set to grow 13.6% in 2024, with revenue of $943 million, surpassing $1 billion in 2025, and is forecasted to reach $1.4 billion in 2028, growing at a 5-year CAGR of 11.1%.
  • India is the fastest growing market tracked by Niko Partners and is a market that games companies need to pay attention to now.
  • Mobile will continue to be a disproportionate part of India’s gaming pie by spending, accounting for 77.9% of total revenue, followed by PC (14.5%) and console (7.7%).
  • About the Report
  • Executive Summary
  • Market Model Infographic
  • 2024 Market Model
    • Market Model – All Platforms
    • Market Model – Mobile
    • Market Model – PC
    • Market Model – Console
    • Market Model – Export
  • Analysis & Demographics
  • Forward Looking Analysis
  • Gamer Demographics
  • Appendix
  • Methodology
  • About Niko
    • Domestic Video Games Market – Mobile, PC, Console
    • Gamer Demographics – Gender, Age & Devices
    • Gamer Demographics – Employment Status and Income

    Set of 3 reports

    MAY 2024

    Market Model Report

    PC, mobile, console, survey demographics, model assumptions, macroeconomic data, tables, exhibits & qualitative analysis

    JUNE 2024

    Gamer Behavior & Market Insights Reports

    Gamer survey results, trends analysis, M&A, Internet cafes, regulations, esports & more

    NOVEMBER 2024

    Market Model Update Report

    Six-month update to the Market Model Report

    See Niko’s other Games Market Report Series

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