Nearfield Instruments

Nearfield Instruments


Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 6.063 volgers

Revolutionary high throughput scanning probe microscopy systems for Semiconductor metrology

Over ons

Nearfield Instruments brings together the most creative minds in science and technology to develop, produce and market revolutionary high throughput scanning probe microscopy systems, enabling atom-scale resolution 3D metrology at industry-level throughput. We design, develop, integrate, market and service these advanced metrology machines, which enable our customers – the world’s leading chipmakers – to increase the production yields, and thus, functionality of their microchips. In this way NFI contributes to the development of smaller, more powerful consumer electronics.

51 - 200 medewerkers
Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland
Particuliere onderneming


Medewerkers van Nearfield Instruments


  • Nearfield Instruments heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Hamed Sadeghian, afbeelding

    CEO at Nearfield Instruments | Fellow of Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE)

    We're thrilled to introduce Lightning Mode™ for our QUADRA® in-line #semiconductor metrology system! This groundbreaking feature boosts image acquisition speed by over 160 times of current state-of-the-art, establishing a new industry benchmark. With its #angstrom precision, non-destructive nature, and exceptional throughput, QUADRA is pivotal in accelerating yield optimization in #memory, #HBM and #logic processes. It also addresses the growing demands in #AI chip systems and hybrid bonding applications. (

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    Today at Semicon West, Nearfield Instruments launched Lightning Mode™, a new feature for QUADRA®, the semiconductor industry’s highest-throughput, in-line atomic force microscopy (AFM) metrology system for advanced semiconductor devices. QUADRA, combined with the new Lightning Mode, boosts productivity with a more than 160-fold increase in image acquisition speed when benchmarked against existing state-of-the-art automated AFM systems. Read all about here:

    Nearfield Instruments’ QUADRA® In-Line Semiconductor Metrology System Features New ‘Lightning Mode™’

    Nearfield Instruments’ QUADRA® In-Line Semiconductor Metrology System Features New ‘Lightning Mode™’

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    A great overview article in Het Financieele Dagblad today about the exciting, fast-growing journey of Nearfield Instruments , with all its challenges and opportunities. We keep pushing to serve our customers making the manufacturing processes leaner and the fabs greener! Read the Het Financieele Dagblad article here: #semiconductor #equipment #metrology #inspection #solutions #makingfabsgreener

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    Also this year Nearfield Instruments will be present at Semicon West in San Francisco (July 9-11, 2024) to engage with our worldwide customers and partners and to further strengthen our cooperations within the semiconductor manufacturing ecosystem. Ahead of the show co-founder and CEO Hamed Sadeghian was interviewed by Phil Alsop, Editor of Silicon Semiconductor, to discus the ways in which Nearfield Instruments is helping the semiconductor manufacturs to address the challenges and opportunities of the semiconductor industry and to share his expectations ahead of the SEMICON West event, and also hints at what technology innovation we will see in the second half of the year. See: Nearfield Instruments is looking forward to meet with you at Semicon West.



  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    Deeptech scale-up CEOs unite in call to action Ten CEOs of Dutch scale-ups are calling on the Dutch government to pay more attention to the innovation climate in the Netherlands. According to them, the Netherlands lacks the innovation and business climate necessary to maintain current prosperity and therefore have drawn up ten points for improvement. Amongst these ten tech champions is Hamed Sadeghian, co-founder and CEO of Nearfield Instruments . As he puts it: "Deeptech companies drive the technological innovations that enable a prosperous and greener future for The Netherlands and the world. But that requires consistent policy, risk appetite and speed. The government, banks, investors and companies all have a role to play to make this future happen." Read all about the Tech Champions here at and a news article from the Financial Dagblad (in Dutch)

    Bedrijven van de toekomst vragen om meer steun van Den Haag 

    Bedrijven van de toekomst vragen om meer steun van Den Haag

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    We at Nearfield Instruments are thrilled to be featured in the Top 250 2024 by Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship! 🎉 The Top 250 report highlights the 250 most innovative and fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands, giving insights into the current state of the Dutch economy. Congrats to the other featured companies and a big thank you to Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship through the support of nlgroeit, Municipality of Rotterdam, HelloPrint, and Dealroom in creating this year’s special Top 250 insights. 🚀 Read the full report here: #top2502024 #Entrepreneurship #ECE #Innovation #GrowthMindset #Leadership #IndustryLeaders #semiconductor #metrology #MakingFabsGreener

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    Our CEO Hamed Sadeghian joins the International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics as invited speaker. Today at 4.00 pm PST, in the Advanced Manufacturing Metrology session, he will present the latest advances in metrology solutions realized by Nearfield Instruments, with a lecture titled "Nondestructive, high throughput metrology for sub 3 nm node".

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Nearfield Instruments , afbeelding

    6.063 volgers

    Mark Lamers has been appointed as new CFO of Nearfield Instruments, effective as per 1 April 2024. Prior to joining, Mark was CFO at BUX. Before that, he held several positions at ABN AMRO where he worked for 14 years as investment banker in the areas of Mergers & Acquisitions and Equity Capital Markets, in which he was involved in many equity capital market transactions including IPOs, share issues and buybacks (including ASML). ‘I am thrilled to be entering the dynamic semiconductor sector, as part of this fantastic company. I very much look forward to contributing to help grow Nearfield Instruments to becoming the global leader in Metrology & Inspection (‘M&I’) equipment. I do believe that the semiconductor industry may be the sector that has the biggest impact on people’s life, not only technically but also from a geopolitical perspective. In an industry that is facing its physical boundaries, conventional M&I equipment no longer suffices. I am convinced that Nearfield Instruments' high-end systems provide the solution for this new era in which advanced lithography will become the standard.’ Hamed Sadegian (CEO): ‘We are pleased to have Mark onboard, as he brings significant experience from both a Corporate as well as a scale-up perspective. He has a broad background in economics and banking that will help us grow and professionalise the Company building on the strong foundation of what we started in 2016.’ = Mark Lamers is benoemd tot nieuwe CFO van Nearfield Instruments, met ingang van 1 april 2024. Voor zijn indienstreding was Mark CFO bij BUX. Daarvoor bekleedde hij verschillende functies bij ABN AMRO, waar hij 14 jaar werkte als investment banker op het gebied van Fusies & Overnames en Equity Capital Markets, waar hij betrokken was bij vele kapitaalmarkttransacties, waaronder beursgangen, aandelenemissies en aandeleninkoop programma’s (onder andere voor ASML). “Ik vind het geweldig om de dynamische halfgeleidersector te betreden als onderdeel van dit fantastische bedrijf. Ik kijk er erg naar uit bij te dragen aan de groei van Nearfield Instruments tot wereldwijd marktleider in Metrologie & Inspectieapparatuur ('M&I'). Ik geloof dat de halfgeleiderindustrie misschien wel de sector is die de grootste impact heeft op het leven van mensen, niet alleen technisch maar ook vanuit geopolitiek perspectief. In een industrie die geconfronteerd wordt met haar fysieke grenzen, voldoet conventionele M&I apparatuur niet langer. Ik ben er van overtuigd dat de high-end systemen van Nearfield Instruments de oplossing bieden voor dit nieuwe tijdperk waarin geavanceerde lithografie de standaard zal worden.' Hamed Sadegian (CEO): 'We zijn blij om Mark aan boord te hebben, omdat hij ruime ervaring meebrengt vanuit zowel een Corporate als een Scale-up perspectief. Hij heeft een brede achtergrond in Finance en Banking die ons zal helpen bij de groei en professionalisering van het bedrijf, voortbouwend op het sterke fundament van wat we in 2016 zijn begonnen.'

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US$ 11.000.000,00

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