SFI Centre for Industrial Biotechnologys innlegg

NORCE deltok i rundebordsdiskusjon rundt hvordan bioteknologi i EU tilrettelegger for konkurransekraft og innovasjon, men fodrer at investeringer må øke, og markedsmekanismer og reguleringer må justeres for å ta ut potensialet

Vis profilen til Gro Bjerga, grafisk

Research director - Research Professor in Marine biotechnology NORCE | Ass. Prof. II UIB

«Green innovation is one area where the smaller European partners can have an outsized impact» 📅 In a closed-door roundtable discussion jointly hosted by EuropaBio - the European Association for Bioindustries and Science|Business experts emphasized the critical role of industrial biotechnology in ensuring Europe’s competitiveness and innovation. 🌍NORCE advocates for increased support for research dedicated to developing greener technologies and more sustainable consumer products. 👩🔬NORCE, as a research institute at the forefront of enabling green industrial biotechnology and coordinator of the key EU projects such as OXIPRO.EU and INNOAQUA Project and partner in PyroCO2, BlueRemediomics and others was invited as one of the participants. 📰 Read more about it in the link Keith McCall || Anne Ingeborg Myhr || Hans Kleivdal || Trond Dokken || Lola Rodríguez Coronil || Dorinde M.M. Kleinegris

NORCE Joins EuropaBio and Science|Business in a Call for Accelerated Support of Industrial Biotechnology  - Oxipro

NORCE Joins EuropaBio and Science|Business in a Call for Accelerated Support of Industrial Biotechnology  - Oxipro


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