Jewish Agency for Israel

The Jewish Agency for Israel[a] er verdens største ideelle jødiske organisasjon. Bevegelsen ble tidligere kalt «The Palestine Zionist Executive», men ble utpekt i 1929 som «Jewish agency» i Folkeforbundet sitt Palestina-mandat.[1]

Hovedkvarteret til Jewish Agency, Jerusalem.


Type nummerering
  1. ^ hebraisk: הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל, HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el


  1. ^ League of Nations, Mandate for Palestine and Memorandum by the British Government Relating to Its Application to Transjordan, Approved by the Council of the League of Nations on September 16th, 1922. Published in Geneva, Switzerland on September 2, 1926. Document # C.P.M 466 [C.529.M.314.1922.VI] [C.667.M.396.1922.VI]. Page 2, Article 4. Copy available upon request from the League of Nations Archives in Geneva.

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